
Cabinet Resolution of The Executive Regulation of Federal Decree by Law Concerning Human Resources in Federal Government

The last update on this law was listed on 05 May 2023

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Issued Date

05 May 2023

Effective Date

01 Jun 2023

Official Gazette Date

15 May 2023

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail



Article (1) Definitions

The same definitions contained in Federal Decree-Law No. (49) of 2022 Concerning Human Resources in the Federal Government shall apply to this Resolution, and otherwise, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context otherwise requires:
Human Resources Law/ Law: Federal Decree-Law No. (49) of 2022 Concerning Human Resources in the Federal Government.
FAHR Chairman: Chairman of the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources.
Employment Offer: Initial approval of the appointment by the Employer.
Grade and Salary Scale: The approved scales of grades and salaries for Federal Government employees.
Probationary Period: The period stipulated in the Law, which enables the Entity to evaluate the Employee's performance, and enables the Employee to familiarise himself with his job duties and access to the work environment, based on which, the Employment Contract is continued or terminated in accordance with the provisions of the Human Resources Law and this Resolution.
Organisational Unit: The administrative unit stated in the organisational structure of the Federal Entity
Table of Powers and Liabilities: A document issued by the Chairman of the Federal Entity specifying the employees entrusted with the implementation of the powers that may be delegated in accordance with the provisions of the Human Resources Law, its Executive Regulation and the resolutions issued in implementation thereof.
Outsourcing: The implementation of part of the tasks and operations entrusted to Federal Entities through companies to which some government services are outsourced, and which are contracted in accordance with the procedures prescribed in this regard.
Persons with Disabilities: Every person suffering from a temporary/ permanent, full/ partial deficiency or infirmity in his physical, sensational, mental, communicational, educational or psychological abilities to an extent decreasing the possibility of satisfying his ordinary requirements in the conditions of people without disabilities.
Grievance Committee: The committee formed in each federal entity to consider the grievances of employees against the sanctions imposed on them by the employer or any other procedures or decisions taken against employees.
Committee for Considering Objections: The committee formed at the level of the Federal Government to consider the objections of employees of federal entities to the resolutions or procedures issued against them.

Article (2) Scope of Application

1. The provisions of this Resolution shall apply to civil servants in federal entities, including entities whose establishment legislation stipulates the existence of independent human resources regulations.
2. Federal entities and their employees that are excluded by a Cabinet Resolution shall be excluded from the application of the provisions of this Resolution, provided that the exception decision shall specify the provisions and obligations of those entities, and said entities shall provide real-time data for human resources working for them, including wages and salaries and all procedures related to their human resources by linking with the systems approved by the FAHR.
3. The Cabinet resolutions issued prior to the issuance of Federal Decree-Law No. (49) of 2022 Concerning Human Resources in the Federal Government and this Resolution, concerning the exclusion of certain federal entities from the application of the Human Resources Law in the Federal Government or some of its provisions, shall be considered in force unless the Cabinet otherwise decides.

Article (3) Human Resources Department Tasks

1. The Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity shall implement and apply the provisions stipulated in this Resolution and any resolutions or systems issued in implementation thereof.
2. The concerned organisational units of each federal entity shall refer to that department in all technical matters related to human resources.
3. The Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity shall refer to FAHR in the matters it encounters when implementing the provisions of the human resources legislation adopted in the Federal Government.
4. The concerned organisational units of the Federal Entity shall abide by the principles and policies stipulated in this Resolution and any resolutions or systems issued in implementation thereof, and ensure that they are applied to employees fairly and equally with the aim of creating a work environment that stimulates performance.

Article (4) Table of Powers and Liabilities

The Chairman of the Federal Entity shall issue a Table of Powers and Liabilities related to this Resolution in accordance with the Powers Guidelines issued by FAHR in this regard.

Human Resource Planning: Article (5) Organisational Structure

1. Federal entities shall have their own organisational structures that are commensurate with their competences and needs, and shall be approved by the Cabinet.
2. When preparing and updating organisational structures, federal entities shall abide by the mechanisms stipulated in the Organisational Structures Preparation Guide approved by the Cabinet.
3. Any update to the organisational structure from the level of departments and above shall be approved by the Cabinet, and what is less than that shall be approved by the Chairman of the Federal Entity in accordance with the Organisational Structures Preparation Guide or mechanisms approved by the Cabinet in this regard.

Article (6) Job Budgeting

The Federal entity shall plan the jobs of the organisational units listed in the organisational structure in an effective manner and in a manner that ensures focus on the main objectives and processes of its work, in order to ensure that these jobs cover all the tasks entrusted to the Federal Entity and without overlap or conflict between those jobs, in light of the provisions contained in the job evaluation and description system approved by the Federal Government, the approved human resources systems and manuals, and the workforce planning system.

Article (7) Human Resources Budget

Within its general budget, each federal entity shall have an annual human resources budget that is commensurate with its approved organisational structure, in accordance with the manpower planning system and the relevant human and financial resources systems and manuals.

Article (8) Amendment of Financial Allocations

The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may amend the financial allocations for the vacant jobs included in the approved human resources budget within the limits of the budget allocated for those jobs, and in accordance with the financial rules in force in the Government, provided that such amendment does not entail any additional financial burdens on the approved Federal Entity's budget or on the approved human resources appropriations in accordance with the approved financial systems in this regard.

Article (9) Employment Patterns and Types of Work

1. Recruitment in federal entities shall be made according to one of the following employment patterns:
    a. Full-time: Working for one federal entity for the full daily working hours throughout official working days.
    b. Part-time: Working for a federal entity for a specific number of working hours or days scheduled for work.
    c. Temporary work: Work for full daily working hours daily throughout working days, but within a temporary contract period, in order to carry out work of which nature requires a specific period or focuses on a specific work and ends upon its completion, provided that its duration is less than one year.
    d. Flexible work: Working for a federal entity with the possibility of changing the hours or working days according to the volume of work and the economic and operational variables of the Employer.
2. The types of work approved in federal entities shall be as follows:
    a. In-house work: Work performed by the employee as determined by the Entity, either at its headquarters or at the headquarters of any of its branches, throughout the official working days and hours.
    b. Remote work from within the State: It is when the employee works or carries out job tasks from outside the workplace but from within the State, in accordance with the provisions of the Remote Work System issued by the Cabinet upon the proposal of FAHR, provided that the employee receives the financial allocations determined by the same system.
    c. Remote work from outside the State: It is when the employee works or carries out job tasks from outside the State, in accordance with the provisions of the Remote Work System from outside the State issued by the Cabinet upon the proposal of FAHR, provided that the employee receives the financial allocations determined by the same system.
    d. Intensive working hours (compressed work week): It is the work under which the employee covers the entire official weekly working hours in fewer working days per week, up to a maximum of ten (10) hours per day and four (4) working days per week.
    e. Hybrid work: A work system based on mixing in-house work with remote work, where it is agreed and contracted with the employee to perform part of the tasks of the job or work required of him from the headquarters of the Entity and the other part through remote work, with the permissibility of mixing more than one pattern of other work patterns.
3. The benefits and wages of the employee shall vary according to the employment pattern, the type of work contracted with the employee, and the mechanisms and benefits of contracting.
In all cases, the Employer may contract with the employee to carry out the tasks required of him from the Entity's headquarters or from outside it, or within a work pattern that is a hybrid of the above patterns as required by its work interest, and the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may change the type of work of the employee during the valid period of the contract or at the end of its term based on the works' interest and requirements and in accordance with the conditions and controls contained in this Resolution and the systems issued by the Cabinet in this regard.

Article (10) General Controls for Contracting

1. The term of the contract according to any pattern of employment shall not exceed three (3) years, renewable based on the employee's job performance, except the temporary contract, which shall be less than one year, as determined by the Employer.
2. The job shall be occupied or the tasks agreed upon in the federal entities shall be carried out in accordance with one of the employment patterns and types of work stipulated in Article (9) of this Resolution, and in accordance with the human resources procedures and systems adopted in the Federal Government, including obtaining the necessary approvals from the competent authorities.

Article (11) Mechanism of Transforming Employment Pattern or Type of Work

1. The Employer may, based on what is required by its work interest and in accordance with the approved human resources procedures, change the pattern of employment, type of work or contracting mechanism during the validity period of the contract or upon its expiry, in accordance with the controls contained in this Resolution, and within the financial allocations approved in the Entity's budget.
2. The Employer may, at the request of the employee, change the pattern of employment or the type of work with him, provided that the request is commensurate with the work interest of the Federal Entity, up to a maximum of two times during the period of his service in the Federal Government.
3. In the event that the pattern of employment is changed from one pattern to another, the mechanism for calculating leaves, promotions, bonuses and end-of-service gratuity shall be modified so that they are calculated as pro rata of the hours or days of work for which the employee is contracted compared to the full-time pattern.
In all cases, the employee's employment pattern or type of work must not be changed before staying in the previous pattern for one year.

Article (12) Financial Allocations

The salary prescribed for the job and the associated benefits, allowances or wages for carrying out the agreed tasks shall vary according to the pattern of employment and the type of work with the employee, as follows:
1. Subject to the pattern of employment and type of work, the employee shall be entitled to the salary of the grade in which he is appointed in accordance with the Grade and Salary Scale approved by the Federal Entity or according to the special benefits or the benefits of the experts and consultants attached to this Resolution or the wage for performing the services and tasks agreed upon under the contract concluded with the employee in the event of full official working hours.
2. The salary or wage stated in Clause (1) above for the employee in the event of part-time shall be calculated as pro rata with the working hours or days.
3. The employee who works in a temporary work pattern shall receive the salary of the grade on which he is appointed in accordance with the Grade and Salary Scale approved by the Federal Entity, or according to the special benefits, or the benefits of the experts and consultants attached to this Resolution, or the wage for performing the services and tasks agreed upon under the contract concluded with the employee, provided that the pattern of employment, type of work and the time frame of the contract for less than one year are taken into account.
4. The employee who works remotely shall receive the financial allocations determined by the remote work system issued by the Cabinet upon FAHR's proposal.

Provisions on Employment Patterns in the Federal Government: Article (13) Full-Time Pattern

1. Appointment shall be made on a full-time basis in accordance with the following provisions:
    a. The existence of the financial allocation for appointment in the approved budget of the Employer.
    b. The candidate for appointment must have one of the qualifications, expertise or skills in the field of work of the job in which he is appointed in accordance with the job evaluation and description system.
    c. The employment contract shall be concluded in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution.
2. The employee of this pattern shall receive the salary prescribed for the grade he occupies and the benefits prescribed therefor in accordance with the Grade and Salary Scale approved by the Federal Entity, or according to the special benefits, or the benefits of the experts and consultants attached to this Resolution, or the wage for performing the services and tasks agreed upon under the contract concluded with the employee, and according to the nature and type of job and within the limits of the financial allocations approved in the Entity's budget.
3. The types of work applicable to full-time employees shall be as follows:
    a. Full-time in-house or remote work from within the State, or a hybrid work pattern.
    b. Remote work from outside the State in accordance with the Law issued in this regard.
    c. Intensive working hours not exceeding ten (10) hours per day and four (4) working days per week.
    d. Hybrid working pattern that combines the above patterns.

Article (14) Part-Time Pattern

1. Appointment in the part-time pattern shall be made in accordance with the following provisions:
    a. The existence of the financial allocation for appointment in the approved budget of the Employer.
    b. The candidate for appointment must have one of the qualifications, expertise or skills in the field of work of the job in which he is appointed in accordance with the job evaluation and description system.
    c. The employment contract shall be concluded in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution.
    d. Working hours shall not be less than (8) hours and not more than (32) hours per week, and working days shall be not less than one working day and not more than (4) four days per week.
    e. Part-time working hours shall be either in-house, remote, or both, or as agreed upon and in a manner that does not conflict with the interest of work.
2. Appointment shall be made according to a monthly gross salary, determined according to the grade of the vacant job on the basis of the employee's gross salary, or according to special benefits, or the benefits of experts and consultants attached to this Resolution, or the wage of services based on the nature and type of the job assuming that he works full-time in the job for which he is appointed at the beginning of the appointment divided by the number of monthly official working hours multiplied by the actual working hours that the employee works during the month.
3. The employee's employment pattern may be changed from a part-time pattern to a full-time pattern and vice versa at the employee's request and as determined by the Employer if the interest of the work so requires, provided that the change is on the same job and the same grade, and that the financial allocation for the grade is available, and in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution.
4. Subject to Clause (2) of this Article, a part-time employee may be promoted or transferred in accordance with the provisions of the Human Resources Law, this Resolution and the Performance Management System.
5. The FAHR shall issue a guideline to regulate the procedures and mechanisms for calculating wages, leaves and promotions for part-time employees in a manner that does not conflict with the provisions of the Human Resources Law and this Resolution.
6. In matters not covered by a special provision in this Article, the part-time employee shall be subject to the other provisions and rules contained in this Resolution.
7. The types of work applicable to the part-time employee shall be as follows:
    a. Part-time in-house or remote work from within the State, or a hybrid work pattern.
    b. Part-time remote work from outside the State.
    c. Hybrid work that combines the above patterns.
8. The part-time employee may work in more than one federal entity or work in a federal and local or private sector entity.

Article (15) Temporary Work Pattern

1. Appointment based on a temporary work pattern shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
    a. The existence of the financial allocation for appointment in the approved budget of the Government Entity.
    b. The candidate for appointment must have one of the qualifications, expertise or skills in the field of work of the job in which he is appointed in accordance with the job evaluation and description system.
    c. The employment contract shall be concluded in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution.
    d. The existence of a work of which nature of implementation requires a specific period or focuses on a specific work and ends upon its completion.
    e. The employee appointed in the temporary employment pattern shall be entitled to the salary of the grade in which he is appointed in accordance with the Grade and Salary Scale approved by the Federal Entity or according to the special benefits or the benefits of the experts and consultants attached to this Resolution for performing the services and tasks agreed upon under the contract concluded with the employee and according to the nature and type of the job.
    f. The appointment shall be for a period less than one year, and the Federal Authority may conclude a new contract with the employee if the interest of the work so requires.
2. The employee appointed by the temporary employment pattern shall be entitled to the following leaves:
    a. Mourning leave with pay in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution.
    b. Sick leave with pay by virtue a medical report approved by a medical authority for a period not exceeding five (5) consecutive or intermittent working days, and what exceeds that shall be without pay.
    c. Leave without pay for a period of five (5) consecutive or intermittent working days.
3. The mourning leave and sick leave stated in this Article shall be payable during the single contractual period.
4. The Employer may terminate the contract of an employee appointed under this Article at any time during the contract period, provided that he is notified one month before the date determined for termination of his service.
5. The non-national employee must have a valid residence permit in a manner that does not conflict with the legislation in force in the State in this regard.
6. The employee appointed in the temporary employment pattern shall not be entitled to an end-of-service gratuity for the period of his service.
7. Based on what is required by the interest of work during or at the end of the temporary contract period, an employee appointed in a temporary work pattern may be appointed in a permanent position commensurate with his qualifications, expertise and abilities, provided that his contract shall be amended and that his service period in the Federal Authority begins as of the date of his appointment to a permanent job.
8. The types of work applicable to employees appointed in the temporary employment pattern shall be as follows:
    a. Temporary work in-house or remotely from within the State or in a hybrid work pattern.
    b. Temporary remote work from outside the State.
    c. Temporary work with intensive working hours.
    d. Hybrid work that combines the above patterns.

Article (16) Flexible Working Pattern

1. Appointment in a flexible work pattern shall be made with variable times according to the conditions and requirements of work and according to what is agreed upon between the employee and the Employer, in accordance with the following provisions: 
    a. The existence of the financial allocation for appointment in the approved budget of the Employer.
    b. The candidate for appointment must have one of the qualifications, expertise or skills in the field of work of the job in which he is appointed in accordance with the job evaluation and description system.
    c. The employment contract shall be concluded in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution.
    d. According to this pattern, the employee shall receive the salary prescribed for the job grade he occupies and the benefits prescribed for it in accordance with the Grade and Salary Scale approved by the Federal Entity or according to the special benefits or the benefits of the experts and consultants attached to this Resolution, the wage for performing the services and tasks agreed upon under the contract concluded with the employee and in accordance with the nature and type of the job and within the limits of the financial allocations approved in the Entity's budget.
2. The types of work applicable to the employee appointed in the flexible working pattern shall be as follows:
    a. Full-time in-house or remote work from within the State, or a hybrid work pattern.
    b. Remote work from outside the State in accordance with the system issued in this regard.
    c. Intensive working hours.
    d. Hybrid work that combines the above patterns.

Article (17) Appointment According to the Benefits of Experts and Consultants

The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may, in accordance with the matrix of powers and liabilities approved by the Federal Entity, appoint experts and consultants with the expertise and competence needed by the Federal Entity on a full-time, part-time or temporary basis, in accordance with the human resources procedures and systems adopted in the Federal Government and the following provisions:
1. The contracted person must have academic qualifications, specialised certificates and practical experience in the same field of the job which he is required to occupy and accomplish its tasks.
2. The existence of the financial allocation within the approved budget of the Employer.
3. It is not permissible to appoint employees according to the benefits of experts and consultants to perform administrative or executive functions.
4. The appointment shall be on the benefits of experts and advisors only for the incumbents of the positions (consultant/ expert) or (assistant consultant/ assistant expert).
5. The contracted person shall receive a monthly amount, including allowances, bonuses and benefits that are agreed upon, including end-of-service gratuity, within the limits of the financial allocations approved in the budget, not exceeding the financial ceiling stipulated in Annex No. (5) attached to this Resolution, taking into account granting the employee a salary of pro rata if the pattern of employment is in part-time, to be disbursed from the approved financial item in the budget of the Federal Entity, while abiding by the financial procedures manual approved by the Federal Government.
6. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article, the Chairman of the Federal Entity may, as an exception whenever the work interest so requires, and with the approval of the Cabinet, allow the appointment of experts and consultants without fulfilling the condition of the minimum period of experience of ten (10) years, or that the financial ceiling is exceeded for them, provided that the value of the required increase is available within the budget of the Federal Entity.
7. Experts and consultants shall be subject to the provisions of the leaves stipulated in this Resolution.
8. The disbursement of the benefits of experts and consultants shall be suspended in the event that the employee takes any leave for a period exceeding three (3) months, for the duration of the leave, provided that it is disbursed after the end of the leave.
9. The contract of the employee on the job may not be amended to add the benefits of experts and consultants until the lapse of twelve (12) months as of the last promotion granted to the employee.
10. The financial benefits of the employee appointed according to the benefits of experts and consultants may not be increased and his category may not be changed to a higher category unless after at least three (3) years as of the previous amendment.
11. The benefits of experts and consultants may not be increased for the employee except within a maximum of (25) of the previous gross salary, whether when renewing or amending any of the terms of the contract.
12. The employee appointed according to the benefits of experts and consultants shall not be entitled to a periodic bonus or any other bonus, tuition fee allowance, travel ticket allowance or in-kind housing.
13. (National) experts and consultants shall be subject to the provisions of pensions and social security adopted by the Federal Government.
14. The non-national employee appointed according to the benefits of experts and consultants shall not be entitled to an end-of-service gratuity for his service years with the Federal Entity.

Article (18) Appointment According to Special Benefits

The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may, in accordance with the matrix of powers and responsibilities adopted in the Federal Entity, appoint anyone with the expertise and competence needed by the Federal Entity, in accordance with the special benefits specified in Annex No. (6) attached to this Resolution, in any of the vacant senior positions (from the second grade to the special grade (A) or its equivalent), whether full-time, part-time, or temporary, in-house or remotely, in accordance with the following provisions:
1. The existence of the approved and prescribed financial allocations for the vacant position in accordance with the special benefits attached to this Resolution.
2. The candidate for appointment must have academic qualifications and practical expertise in accordance with the job evaluation and description system.
3. The qualification, expertise or skill must be in the same field of work as the job in which he is appointed.
4. It is not permissible to appoint employees according to special benefits allocations to perform administrative or executive job duties.
5. It is not permissible to combine any type of promotion with the increase of special benefits before twelve (12) months have elapsed after either of them.
6. The contract of an employee on the job may not be amended by adding special benefits until after twelve (12) months as of the last promotion received by the employee.
7. The employee's special benefits may only be increased within a maximum of (25%) of the previous gross salary, whether when renewing or amending any of the terms of the contract.
8. The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may, in accordance with the matrix of powers and responsibilities adopted in the Federal Entity may approve all functional and financial privileges granted in accordance with the ceiling of special benefits attached to this Resolution, in line with the special needs of his entity and within the limits of the appropriations included in the budget, and not exceeding the ceiling of special benefits attached to this Resolution, taking into account granting the employee a salary on a pro rata basis if he works in a part-time employment pattern.

Article (19) Student Employment and Training Manual

The FAHR shall issue a manual that includes the terms, controls and conditions for the employment and training of students in Federal Entities.

Article (20) Priority in Appointment

1. The State's nationals shall have priority in appointment to any of the vacant jobs in Federal Entities, and non-nationals may be appointed in the absence of nationals who meet the conditions and requirements of the vacant job.
2. Discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex, religion, national origin, social origin, or disability, that would impair equal opportunities or prejudice equality in obtaining or retaining a job and enjoying its rights, is prohibited, as well as discrimination in jobs with the same job tasks. The measures taken by the Federal Government to benefit from the capabilities of Emirati cadres and enhance their competitiveness in Federal Entities shall not be considered as discrimination.
3. The basic criterion for priority when recruiting in Federal Entities is based on the skill set possessed by the employee and on the results of the evaluation and tests that the employee undergoes by the Employer.
4. Qualified disabled nationals shall be assigned tasks that suit their health status, provided that they are provided with all the means appropriate to perform their job duties and their workplaces are equipped with the means and requirements that suit the nature of their special needs.
5. The FAHR shall, in coordination with the concerned authorities, determine the nature of the arrangements needed by people with disabilities in the work environment to ensure the safe conduct of their work.

Article (21) General Provisions on Employment

Subject to Article (10) of this Resolution, the employment contract shall be signed after the issuance of the appointment decision by the Competent Authority in accordance with the human resources procedures and systems adopted in the Federal Government and the fulfilment of the following:
1. The candidate must successfully pass all medical tests and examinations, and any other procedures decided by the Entity.
2. Submitting electronic copies of scientific certificates approved, certified and equated by the Competent Authority in the State and in accordance with the mechanisms approved by the Federal Government, along with electronic copies of practical experience certificates certified in accordance with the legislation in force.
3. Work shall commence within a period of months (2) as of the date of signing the job offer or as of the date specified by the Federal Entity, and the period may be extended for a similar period.
4. The employment contract shall be subject to the provisions contained in the Human Resources Law, this Resolution, the Performance Management System and other related systems and the provisions contained in the contract form attached to this Resolution.
5. The signing of the contract shall be in accordance with the mechanisms determined by the FAHR.
6. A contract is considered to be the document adopted over any previous agreement with the employee.
7. The employee may be appointed in any type of contract or work patterns stated in this Resolution.

Article (22) Search and Selection

1. Each federal entity shall seek to select and appoint the most qualified individuals to fill its vacant jobs, while abiding by the standards of excellence, efficiency, justice and objectivity during all stages of research and selection.
2. The Human Resources Department in the Federal Region shall search for the best suitable candidates for its vacant jobs, giving priority to filling vacant jobs for candidates from within the Federal Entity.

Article (23) Personal Interview

1. No appointment shall be made without an interview with the candidate for the job by the concerned department, and the candidate for the job from outside the State shall not be called for an interview, except after conducting a telephone or video interview with him.
2. The Federal Entity may conduct any tests or carry out any procedures to evaluate the candidate for the job in accordance with the systems and guidelines issued by the FAHR.
3. The most competent candidates for the job shall be selected in terms of fulfilling the requirements for the job, skills, behavioural qualities, competence and professionalism, according to the job evaluation and description system.
4.    During the final interview, the Human Resources Department shall provide the selected candidate with general information about the Federal Entity in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the Guideline of the Induction Program for New Employees in the Federal Government and related guidelines.
5. The Federal Entity may provide a travel ticket for the candidate in the event that he is recruited from outside the State in addition to the accommodation costs as deemed by the FAHR not exceeding three (3) days.

Article (24) Attraction, Recruitment, and Employment Process

The Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity is responsible for managing and coordinating the employment process to fill vacant jobs and providing technical help, advice and assistance to the requesting departments and sections with the aim of securing their needs of suitable candidates in accordance with the Human Resources Policies and Procedures Guideline and the systems adopted in the Federal Government.

Article (25) General Conditions for Appointment

Without prejudice to any special conditions and requirements for occupying the job, and with the need for the candidate to submit supporting and evidentiary documents, the candidate for appointment in one of the public service jobs shall meet the following conditions:
1. He shall be of good conduct and behaviour.
2. His age shall not be less than the legal age approved for working in the State.
3. He must have scientific and practical qualifications, or the skills necessary to occupy the job.
4. He shall successfully pass all job-related tests and interviews.
5. He shall be medically fit.
6. He shall not have been dismissed from previous service due to financial or behavioural (ethical) violations. 
7. The applicant must have proof of his national and reserve service status if he is one of the categories subject to the scope of application of the provisions of the Federal Law for National and Reserve Service in the State.
8. Any other conditions determined by the Federal Entity.

Article (26) Appointing Authority

1. Appointment in vacant jobs in Federal Entities shall be as follows:
a. By a federal decree based on the approval of the Cabinet, for jobs at the rank of undersecretary, director general or the like.
b. By a Cabinet resolution, for jobs at the rank of assistant undersecretary or executive director or the like.
c. For the other jobs, the powers of appointment shall be in accordance with the Table of Powers and Liabilities approved by the Chairman of the Federal Entity.
2. The employment contracts for the job of undersecretary or director general and the job of assistant undersecretary or executive director or the like shall be approved by the Chairman of the Federal Entity after the issuance of the decision of the Competent Authority approving the appointment, and the contracts for the other jobs shall be approved in accordance with the Table of Powers and Liabilities approved by the Chairman of the Federal Entity.

Article (27) Appointment of Retired Military and Civilian Nationals in the Federal Government

1. A military or civilian retiree may be appointed to fill vacant jobs or carry out tasks in any of the Federal Entities in accordance with the legislation adopted in the State, based on any of the patterns of employment or types of work in the Government Entity, provided that the candidate for appointment is not a military and civilian retiree whose services were terminated in their previous employer by firing, dismissal or referral to retirement by a disciplinary decision or a final court judgment.
2. The retired military person who is appointed in the Federal Government shall be granted a lump sum on the basis of the starting salary determined for the rank in which he is appointed plus (50%) of the prescribed housing allowance, and shall not be entitled to an end-of-service gratuity upon the termination of his service.
3. The retired civilian who is appointed in accordance with the provisions of   Article shall be entitled to financial allocations in accordance with the Pensions and Social Security Law.
4. The retired military or civilian person shall not be entitled to end-of-service gratuity except within the limits of the Pensions and Social Security Law and the legislation adopted in this regard.

Article (28) Outsourcing

The Federal entity may outsource some job tasks to outsourcing service providers in accordance with the controls contained in the Outsourcing Manual approved by the Cabinet.

Article (29) Probationary Period

1. The first-time employee shall be subject to a probationary period of (6) six months, which may be extended for a similar period if the employee's performance is low, and the Cabinet may exempt or reduce that period for those appointed in the rank of undersecretary, director general or the like in Federal Entities.
2. It is permissible, by a decision issued by the competent appointing authority, to subject the employee transferred from an external entity (federal, local, semi-governmental or private sector) to the probationary period referred to in Clause (1) of this Article.
3. The employee's direct superior shall carry out a close follow-up to evaluate the performance and behaviour of the employee according to clear principles during the probationary period, in accordance with the human resources procedures and systems adopted in the Federal Government, and provide all help, assistance and guidance to improve his job performance and behaviour before the end of the probationary period, and in light of the evaluation result, he shall recommend either to fix him in the job, extend the probationary period in accordance with this Resolution, or terminate his services if it is proven that he is unfit for the job.
4. The probationary period of the employee shall be extended to the same period as any leave granted thereto during the probationary period. 
5. During the probationary period, the service of the employee may be terminated if it is proved that he is incompetent or unfit to perform his job duties or due to his unsatisfactory performance by a decision of the competent appointing authority, in accordance with the approved mechanisms, provided that he is granted a notice period of not less than five (5) working days.
6. The employee may resign from his job during the probationary period, provided that his employer is notified by his direct superior within a period of not less than five (5) working days.
7. The entitlements of the employee whose services are terminated for job incompetence during the probationary period shall be calculated according to the following:
    a. Gross salary due until the end of his last working day.
    b. Travel ticket allowance for him and his eligible family members in the event of leaving the State if stipulated in the employment contract.

Article (30) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Document of the Public Service

Before commencing his duties, the employee shall review the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Document of the Public Service for Federal Government Employees, the Information Security System, the Regulation Organising the Use of Social Media, and any manuals, regulations or systems subsequently issued in this regard, and he shall sign a statement indicating that he has reviewed their content in accordance with the mechanisms determined by the Entity.

Bonuses and Allowances: Article (31) Grade and Salary Scales

1. All grades and salaries of federal entities shall be approved by the Cabinet as follows:
    a. As for the scales of grades and salaries of federal entities that apply the general cadre scale, they shall be proposed by the FAHR in coordination with the Ministry of Finance and submitted to the Cabinet for approval.
    b. As for the scales of federal entities that have their own grade and salary scale, the concerned authority shall propose them and submit them to the Cabinet for approval, after reviewing them and obtaining the views of the FAHR and the Ministry of Finance on them.
2. The basis for adoption and review of all grade and salary scales shall be as follows:
    a. The grade for the job in the Federal Government shall be determined in accordance with the mechanism determined by the job evaluation and description system issued by a decision of the Cabinet upon a proposal from the FAHR.
    b. Equal pay for males and females.
    c. The gross salary shall be approved within the Grade and Salary Scale.
3. Federal entities shall abide by the Grade and Salary Scale adopted therein in accordance with the provisions of the Human Resources Law, and no exceptions or amendments may be made thereto, and no new bonuses, allowances, bonuses, annual financial grants or other amendments may be approved, except after the approval of the Cabinet.
4. The scales of grades, salaries and allowances adopted in Federal Entities shall continue to be in force before the provisions of Federal Decree-Law No. (49) of 2022 Concerning Human Resources in the Federal Government and this Resolution enter into force, and no amendment may be made to them except by a resolution issued by the Cabinet.
5. Federal entities that have their own salary scales previously approved by the boards of directors shall submit such scales to the Cabinet for approval, within six (6) months as of the date of issuance of this Resolution.

Article (32) Effect of Appointment

1. The job shall be determined for the employee upon appointment on the basis of the employee's set of skills and competences based on the results of the evaluation and tests conducted by the employer of the employee.
2. Upon his appointment, the employee shall be granted a starting salary linked to the job grade in which he is appointed, in accordance with the approved grade and salary scales, and the employee shall be entitled to his salary as of the date of his actual commencement of the job.
3. The competent appointing authority may grant the employee whose period of experience exceeds the period required to occupy the job (5%) of the basic salary of the job grade in which he is appointed for each year of experience, to be added to the beginning of the linked salary, provided that it does not exceed (50%) of the value of the basic salary or the starting salary of the next grade, whichever is less, provided that the experience is in the same field of the job, and the availability of the financial allocation, and in accordance with the controls and mechanisms determined by the job evaluation and description system.
4. The employee's work pattern and the type of contract must be taken into account when determining the salary of the appointed employee, as stated in this Resolution.

Article (33) Minimum Salary for National Employees

The Cabinet may issue a resolution specifying the minimum gross salary for national employees, which shall be reviewed whenever necessary.

Article (34) Updating Grade and Salary Scales

A resolution shall be issued by the Cabinet to update the grade and salary scales as follows:
1. Based on a proposal from the FAHR in coordination with the Ministry of Finance regarding the general cadre scales.
2. Based on a proposal from the Federal Entity after the review of the FAHR and the Ministry of Finance regarding the entities that have their own grade and salary scales.

Article (35) Academic Qualification Bonus

1. A national employee shall be entitled to a monthly bonus for a master's degree or a doctoral degree and their equivalent according to the following:
    a. One thousand (1000) AED for master's degree.
    b. Two thousand (2000) AED for doctoral degree.
2. To be entitled to this bonus, the academic degree must correspond to the nature of the employee's work, without prejudice to the rights acquired prior to the entry into force of this Resolution.
3. Said allowance shall be granted to all those entitled thereto, even if the condition for occupying the job requires obtaining these qualifications, provided that such degrees are certified and equated by the competent authorities in the State in accordance with the legislation in force.

Article (36) Technical Bonus

1. National employees who occupy technical, specialised or vocational positions or who have distinguished technical skills shall be granted a technical bonus at the rates determined in the table stated in Annex (4) attached to this Resolution.
2. To grant this bonus, the following conditions must be met:
    a. The employee must have a university degree or its equivalent, a post-secondary diploma or its equivalent in the field of specialisation, or have a distinguished technical skill that qualifies him to occupy technical, specialised or vocational jobs.
    b. The employee must be practising a specialised, technical or vocational work in the entity in which he works, and said bonus shall continue to be paid in the event that he assumes a supervisory position related to such technical work.
3. The technical bonus shall continue to be paid to nationals and non-nationals to whom the bonus has already been paid in accordance with the rules governing the same in this Resolution.
4. The payment of this bonus shall be suspended in the event of the absence of any of the conditions for obtaining it, as well as in the event of the employee's transfer, secondment or delegation on a full-time basis to a job whose occupant is not entitled to such bonus, or if he takes any paid leave for a period exceeding three (3) months.

Article (37) Categories Subject to Technical and Academic Qualification Bonus

The academic qualification bonus and the technical bonus prescribed under Articles (35) and (36) of this Resolution shall be granted to national employees subject to the grade and salary scales approved by Cabinet Resolution No. (23) of 2012, and any subsequent amendments thereto.

Article (38) Mechanism for Adding New Jobs to Qualify for Technical Bonus

1. The FAHR's Federal Committee for the Evaluation and Description of Jobs shall be responsible for classifying and determining the jobs for which the technical bonus is paid in coordination with the Federal Entities.
2. The Federal Entity that deems it necessary to add new jobs to the ones that are entitled to a technical or vocational bonus shall submit a case study to the FAHR on the jobs proposed to be added to the jobs eligible for this bonus, including the following:
    a. A statement of the job description for each proposed job.
    b. Indicate the importance of the job compared to similar jobs and at the same level in other organisational units.
    c. Making a comparison of salaries and wages in the labour market for jobs to be classified as technical/ specialised/ vocational.
    d. Providing a vision of the expected cost stating the estimated numbers of employees occupying those jobs in the concerned entity.
    e. Providing a statement of the competitors that recruit persons with competences who work in the same jobs for which a technical, specialised or vocational bonus is required, supported by statistics.
    f. Job turnover and the time required to recruit the incumbents of the jobs targeted for the bonus, supported by statistics.
3. The Federal Entity shall submit to the FAHR and the Ministry of Finance a vision for the jobs eligible for this bonus, including numbers and cost, for approval before submitting it to the Cabinet for approval.
In all cases, the disbursement of this bonus shall be suspended when any of the conditions for granting it stipulated in this Resolution is not met.

Article (39) Retirement of Nationals

1. The National employee shall be registered in the retirement programs in force with the General Pension and Social Security Authority (GPSSA).
2. The monthly contributions of the insured employees shall be deducted by the employer for the purposes of transferring them to the GPSSA in accordance with the legislation in force in this regard.

Article (40) Periodic Bonus

1. The employee shall be granted a periodic bonus as a lump sum to be determined in the Grade and Salary Scales not exceeding (1,000) AED per month, to be added to his basic salary at the beginning of January of each year, based on the level of his annual performance evaluation in accordance with the Performance Management System, and according to the Federal Government's decision whether to grant it or not during the annual cycle.
2. Subject to the provisions of Clause (1) above, the periodic bonus shall be disbursed to the new employee on the first of January following the expiry of at least one year as of the date of his appointment.

Transfer, Secondment, Loan, and Borrowing: Article (41) Transfer

The employee may be transferred from one federal entity to another federal entity or to a local entity without prejudice to his financial dues, unless he refuses to do so, or upon his request. He may also be transferred to the private sector upon his request, in accordance with the human resources procedures approved by the Federal Government, and in accordance with the following controls and provisions:
1. The transferred employee must meet the conditions for occupying the job to which he is transferred.
2. His service shall be deemed to be continuous subject to any effects thereof in accordance with the provisions of the Pensions and Social Security Law.
3. The transferred employee shall retain his entitlements and the annual leave balances due thereto from the employer from which he is transferred, if the transfer is within the Federal Government.
4. The entity to which the employee is transferred shall bear all costs and fees that may result from the transfer, including any differences in contribution premiums in accordance with the provisions of the Pensions and Social Security Law.
5. The transfer of the n employee outside the Federal Entity shall be with the consent of the entity from which he is transferred and the entity to which he is transferred.
6. The employee may be transferred to a job commensurate with his medical condition based on the report of the Medical Committee and in accordance with the transfer rules stipulated in this Resolution.
7. The employee may be transferred to a higher vacant job in the entity to which he is transferred, provided that he meets the conditions necessary to occupy it in accordance with the provisions of the Human Resources Law, this Resolution and the Job Evaluation and Description System, and in accordance with the provisions of promotion.
8. The employee may be transferred to any other federal entity with the same job grade and financial allocations, and in the event of the transfer of the employee during the fiscal year, his salaries and financial allocations shall continue to be disbursed from the entity from which he is transferred until the end of the fiscal year, provided that the budget procedures are followed in this regard.
9. Any of the employees may be transferred within the Federal Entity based on the requirements of the work interest.

Article (42) Power of Transfer

The powers of transfer shall be as follows:
1. The position of undersecretary, director general or the like, by a decision issued by the Chairman of the Federal Entity based on the approval of the Cabinet in the event of transfer within the Federal Entity and by a federal decree in the event of transfer outside the Federal Entity.
2. The position of assistant undersecretary or executive director or the like, by a decision issued by the Chairman of the Federal Entity based on the approval of the Cabinet in the event of transfer within the Federal Entity, and a Cabinet resolution in the event of transfer outside the Federal Entity
3. Other jobs, by a decision issued by the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative in the event of transfer within the Federal Entity and with the approval of chairman of the entity from which it is transferred and the chairman of the entity from which it is transferred in the event of transfer outside the Federal Entity to any other entity, in accordance with the human resources procedures and systems approved by the Federal Government.
4. As an exception to the provisions of the above Clauses, any employee may be transferred from his employer to any other federal entity with or without his grade and financial allocations, by a Cabinet resolution, based on the requirements of the public interest.

Article (43) Secondment

By virtue of a decision issued by the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative, the employee may be seconded within the Federal Entity or to another federal entity in accordance with the human resources procedures and approved approvals to carry out the duties of a vacant job or replace its absent incumbent in accordance with the following conditions:
1. The employee may not be seconded to more than one job in addition to his original job.
2. The secondment shall be in addition to or without his original duties.
3. It is not permissible to second to a job of a grade that is three grades higher than the current grade of the employee.
4. The secondment decision shall determine the duration of secondment and may be extended for similar periods by a decision issued by the same authority competent with secondment.
5. The seconded employee shall be subject to all the provisions in force in the entity to which he is seconded, save the periodic bonus, promotion and termination of service, which are subject to the provisions in force at his original employer.
6. The employee's secondment may be terminated at any time before the expiry of its duration.
7. The imposition of sanctions for violations committed by the employee seconded outside the Federal Entity shall be within the competence of the entity to which he is seconded, if the secondment is on a full-time basis and in accordance with the administrative procedures and sanctions in force therein.
In all cases, the approval of the Cabinet shall be required to second the occupants of the positions of undersecretary, director general, assistant undersecretary, executive director, or the like, to any other entity.

Article (44) Secondment Allowance

The employee shall be granted a secondment allowance from the entity to which he is seconded as of the date of assuming the duties of secondment at the rate of (25%) of the starting basic salary of the grade to which he is seconded, provided that:
1. The secondment must be in addition to his original job duties.
2. The period of secondment shall exceed (2) months.

Article (45) End of Secondment

Upon the expiry of the secondment period, the employee may be transferred or promoted to the job to which he has been seconded, in accordance with the provisions of the transfer and the provisions of promotion stipulated in this Resolution.

Article (46) Loan

1. By virtue of a decision issued by the Chairman of the Entity or his authorised representative, the employee may be loaned to any federal or local entity, to companies owned by the Federal Government or to the private sector for a period not exceeding one year, after which the employee shall be returned to his employer or transferred to the borrowing entity.
2. By virtue of a Cabinet resolution, the employee may be loaned to any of the Arab, foreign or regional entities and organisations for a period not exceeding one year, which may be extended to similar periods by a Cabinet resolution, in accordance with the following provisions and controls:
    a. Approval of the competent authorities at the lending entity and the borrowing entity.
    b. Coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
3. The loaned employee shall receive his gross salary, leaves and other entitlements from the borrowing entity to which he is delegated as of the date of commencement of the loan until the date of its expiry, provided that this is agreed upon before commencing the loan.
4. If the loan is to regional or international entities based outside or inside the State, the employee shall be entitled to his gross salary from his original employer in addition to any amounts, benefits or allocations received from the borrowing entity, and the Cabinet may grant the employee additional benefits if circumstances so require.
5. The loaned employee shall be entitled to his leaves from the borrowing entity.
6. The Federal Entity shall have the right to fill the job that becomes vacant due to the loan inside or outside the State; and upon the employee's return from the loan, it must return him to a job determined by the original employer without prejudice to his job grade and financial entitlements.
7. The duration of loan shall be included when calculating the pension or retirement gratuity.
8. During the period of loan, the loaned employee shall be subject to the policies and procedures applicable to the borrowing entity, save termination of service which falls under the authority of his original employer.
9. The imposition of sanctions for violations committed by the loaned employee shall be within the jurisdiction of the borrowing entity in accordance with the administrative procedures in force therein, provided that the lending entity shall be notified of the violation committed by him and the administrative sanctions imposed thereon.
10. The performance of the loaned employee is evaluated in coordination with the borrowing entity in accordance with the Federal Government Employees Performance Management System.
11. The loaned employee may be promoted at his original employer during the loan period in accordance with the procedures in force at the lending entity. In all cases, the loaned employee shall not be entitled to any leaves from the lending entity.
In all cases, the approval of the Cabinet is required for the loan of the positions of undersecretary, director general, assistant undersecretary, executive director or the like, to any other entity.

Article (47) Borrowing

By virtue of a decision of the chairman of the entity or his authorised representative, any of the employees of federal entities, local, Arab or foreign governments, Arab, foreign or regional entities and organisations, or the private sector may be borrowed to work for them in accordance with the periods specified in the borrowing decision, and they may be extended for similar periods. In all cases, the following conditions are required:
1. Approval of the lending and borrowing entities.
2. The borrowing decision shall specify the entity that incurs the salaries and entitlements of the borrowed employee, including any differences in the contribution premiums to the retirement program that applies to the loaned employee.
3. The borrowing federal entity must obtain the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation if it desires to borrow from entities outside the State, or from Arab, foreign or regional entities and organisations.
4. The borrowing federal entity must obtain the approval of the Ministry of Finance to borrow the employee in the event that the value of the financial allocations for the loaned employee exceeds the value of the financial allocations specified for the job grade that he will occupy during the borrowing period in the federal entity's budget.
In all cases, the approval of the Cabinet is required to borrow the incumbents of the positions of undersecretary, director general, assistant undersecretary, executive director or the like, to any other entity.

Article (48) Extension of Loan and Borrowing

Notwithstanding the provisions of Article (46) and Article (47) of this Resolution, the period of loan and borrowing between federal entities and any other entity shall not exceed one year, after which the employee shall either be returned to a currency entity or transferred to the entity to which he is loaned, and the period shall not be extended except after obtaining the approval of the Cabinet.

Article (49) End of Loan and Borrowing

1. The loan or borrowing shall end in the following cases:
    a. The expiry of the loan or borrowing period or the expiry of the extension period.
    b. Upon a written request from the loaned or borrowed employee, and the approval of the lending and borrowing entities.
    c. Upon the request of the lending entity or the borrowing entity.
2. The loaned employee must return to the lending entity within (5) five working days as of the date of expiry of the loan if it is inside the State, and within one month if the loan is outside the State, unless otherwise agreed upon between him and his original employer.
3. The party wishing to terminate the loan or borrowing must give the other party at least one month's written notice before the end date of the loan or borrowing.

Performance and Reward: Article (50) Performance Management System

The employee's performance shall be evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the Performance Management System issued by the Cabinet upon the FAHR's proposal.

Article (51) Measuring Productivity

The FAHR shall issue a guideline to measure the productivity and efficiency of federal government employees to support entities in promoting and achieving their goals, in accordance with standards, mechanisms and digital solutions that support productivity measurement.

Article (52) Rewards and Incentives

Rewards and incentives shall be granted to the employee in accordance with the provisions of the Rewards and Incentives System issued by the Cabinet upon the proposal of the FAHR and in coordination with the Ministry of Finance.

Promotions: Article (53) Types of Promotions

Employees may be promoted according to the following types of promotions:
1. Functional promotion.
2. Financial promotion.
3. Exceptional (functional or financial) promotion.
4. Fast track for promising government talents.

Article (54) Functional Promotions

The functional promotion shall be carried out in accordance with the human resources procedures and digital approvals approved by the Federal Government, and according to the following:
1. Promotion to a vacant position according to the following conditions:
    a. The promotion must be for the next direct grade.
    b. Achieving the performance levels required for promotion according to the Performance Management System.
2. Promotion to a vacant new position due to restructuring or to redistributing of duties and liabilities, with a maximum of two grades from the current grade of the employee to be promoted, provided that the required level of performance is achieved.
3. The promotion of the employee shall be made by granting him the starting salary of the grade to which he is promoted or by granting him a financial increase of (10%) of the basic salary of the grade to which he is promoted, whichever is higher.
4. The employee may not be functionally promoted unless after the lapse of three (3) years as of the previous exceptional functional promotion.

Article (55) Financial Promotions

Upon the approval of the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative, the employee may be granted a financial promotion at his current job grade, at a maximum rate not exceeding (10%) of the basic salary. The employee may be promoted at lower rates, provided that the employee achieves the performance levels required for promotion in accordance with the Performance Management System.

Article (56) Exceptional Promotions

Upon the approval of the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative, the employee may be promoted as an exception, in accordance with the Performance Management System and as follows:
1. Exceptional functional promotion: A distinguished employee may receive an exceptional functional promotion by no more than two grades to a vacant position, provided that the employee is granted the starting salary of the grade to which he is promoted, or a financial increase of (20%) of his current basic salary, whichever is higher, provided that the employee has the skills and abilities that suit the requirements of the new job.
2. Exceptional financial promotion: A distinguished employee may receive an exceptional financial promotion not exceeding (20%) of his basic salary on his current job grade.
3. The employee may not be exceptionally promoted unless after at least three (3) years as of the previous exceptional promotion.

Article (57) Fast Track for Promising Government Talents

1. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Resolution, it is permissible, by virtue of a decision issued by the Chairman of the Federal Entity, if the interest of work so requires, to promote the talented employee with high efficiency and outstanding achievement, who is considered one of the most promising leaders or competencies in the government, according to the Fast Track for Government Talents, to three job grades, provided fulfilling that the following:
    a. Achieving a performance level for the last two years at level (5) or its equivalent, according to the approved Performance System.
    b. The talents, efficiencies and skills enjoyed by the employee shall be reflected in increasing the quality and productivity of the employer according to performance indicators, to be measured and documented as well as the results of evaluating the employee's abilities.
c. The percentage of employees classified within the category of promising government talents annually, according to the Fast Track, shall not exceed (5%) of the total employees working in the Federal Entity.
    d. The financial allocations for promotion shall be available in the approved budget of the Entity.
    e. The employee may not be promoted according to this Track except once throughout the period of his service in the Federal Government.
    f. The employee's promotion according to this Track shall not prevent him from obtaining any other promotion after a period of twelve (12) months.
2. If the promotion of the employee in accordance with this Track reaches the grade of assistant undersecretary or executive director or the like, a resolution shall be issued by the Cabinet to its effect, and if it reaches the grade of undersecretary or director general or the like, a federal decree shall be issued to its effect.

Article (58) General Provisions on Promotions

Promotion controls shall be as follows:
1. The existence of the financial allocation for any type of promotion.
2. The existence of a vacant job for functional promotion, exceptional promotion, or the Fast Track for Promising Government Talents.
3. The issuance of the promotion decision by the competent appointing authority, except for the financial or exceptional financial promotion of the undersecretary, the director general, the assistant undersecretary, the executive director or the like in the Federal Entity, which shall be by virtue of a decision to be issued by the Chairman of the Federal Entity after coordination with the concerned authorities in accordance with the procedures approved by the Federal Government.
4. The promotion shall be effective as of the date of issuance of the decision regarding it, and no promotion may be granted retroactively.
5. The order of seniority of the appointment shall not be taken into account when considering promotion, unless the performance evaluation is equal.
6. The employee may not receive any type of promotion until after twelve (12) months as of the date of the last promotion.
7. The employee may not be promoted during a study leave, except for doctors or any other category determined by the Cabinet.
8. All types of promotions shall follow the controls and procedures of human resources and digital approvals adopted in the Federal Government before the issuance of the promotion decision.
9. No administrative sanction shall have been imposed on the employee during the evaluation year unless the legal effect thereof is erased.
10. The employee must achieve the required level of performance in accordance with the approved Performance Management System.
11. The Federal Entity may not reappoint any person in a grade higher than the grade he has occupied within one year as of the date of termination of his service, with the intention of violating the promotion controls stipulated in this Resolution.
12. Priority for promotion shall be given to employees with specialised or vocational certificates who have future skills based on the results of the ability evaluation.
13. The employee from the supervisory category must pass the ability evaluation for personnel and resources management in accordance with the manual issued by the Cabinet upon the FAHR's proposal.

Article (59) Adjustment of Employees' Statuses

The statuses of employees holding university qualifications or vocational or specialised certificates in the Federal Government shall be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Cabinet resolution to be issued in this regard upon the proposal of the FAHR.

Training & Development: Article (60) General Policy

1. Federal entities are committed to maintaining trained and qualified human resources, as well as training their employees and developing their functional knowledge, skills and capabilities in accordance with the Training and Development System issued by the Cabinet upon the FAHR's proposal.
2. When developing a training plan, the priority shall be given to employees of Federal Entities for digital and self-learning and development programs in order to enhance their skills through e-learning platforms adopted in the Federal Government in accordance with the mechanisms, controls and procedures adopted in this regard.
3. The aim of training and development shall be to obtain vocational or specialised certificates in order to support the efficiencies, capabilities and skills of Federal Government employees to enhance government work and in accordance with future trends.
4. The Federal Entity shall motivate its employees to obtain self-learning and continuing education to develop their skills and abilities.

Article (61) Training Plans

Federal entities shall develop and implement annual plans for the training and qualification of employees at all levels of employment in light of the results of performance evaluation, and whenever the need arises.

Article (62) Scholarships

1. Federal Entities may provide scholarships to the following categories:
    a. Graduates of high school nationals to study professional or technical specialties.
    b. Some of its national employees to complete their undergraduate or postgraduate studies or to obtain accredited vocational certificates according to their functional and professional needs.
2. The Cabinet shall, upon the FAHR's proposal, issue a system of scholarships for employees and attracting students to complete their studies to obtain university or vocational certificates.

Article (63) Training Needs and Mechanisms of Registration for Training

Subject to the provisions of Article (61) of this Resolution, the Federal Entity shall determine the annual training needs of its employees, in light of the strategic objectives and policies adopted therein, and analyse the training and development needs through multiple sources, such as annual performance evaluations of employees and their managers, and in accordance with the mechanisms of the approved training and development system.

Article (64) Authority Competent with Issuing the Decision to Delegate to Training Courses and Programs

1. Employees are authorised to enrol in training courses and programs with financial impact by virtue of a decision issued in accordance with the Table of Powers and Liabilities approved by the Entity, whether the training is in person or electronically; and this includes all types of training, including obtaining vocational or specialised certificates or to enhance skills in line with the requirements of government work.
2. In the absence of a financial impact, employees shall be authorised to enrol in training courses and programs of any kind by the organisational unit concerned with training in the federal entity in coordination with the organisational unit to which the employee belongs.

Article (65) Nomination to Attend Training Courses and Programs

1. Employees may be delegated to training courses and programs outside or inside the State within the limits of the financial allocations approved for them.
2. When nominating some of their employees to attend training courses and programs, Federal Entities shall abide by the following:
    a. Commitment to the dates set for training courses and programs that are accurately determined by the training bodies abroad.
    b. Ensuring the existence of financial allocations in the budget of the Federal Entity to calculate the expenses resulting from the delegation.
3. The training course or program shall have a direct connection to the work carried out by the delegate or who will join him in accordance with his career and the individual development plan determined by the Performance Management System and the Federal Government Employees Training and Development System issued by the Cabinet upon the proposal of the FAHR and in accordance with the human resources procedures and systems adopted in the Federal Government.

Article (66) Fees for Digital Courses and Training Programs

In the event of approving that the employee is enrolled in a digital training program, the Federal Entity shall incur the fees for the course /the digital training program, and the fees for obtaining vocational and specialised certificates only, and in which case, the employee shall not be entitled to any allowances or other expenses granted to the employee who is personally delegated inside or outside the State to attend training programs and courses.

Article (67) Duties of the Trainee in Training Courses and Programs

The delegate or participant in the training course or program shall comply with the following:
1. Attending the course or training program on a regular basis according to the approved schedules.
2. Preserving the reputation of the State.
3. The trainee shall achieve the results set by the employer to measure the impact of the training.
4. Abiding by the approved training and development system.

Article (68) Termination of Employee Participation in Training Course

1. In accordance with the Table of Powers and Liabilities, the participation of the delegated employee in the training course or training program may be terminated if his circumstances, work need or public interest so require.
2. In the event that the delegate violates the obligations stipulated in this Resolution, the course shall be terminated and the delegate shall be obligated to refund all the financial allocations disbursed thereto and he shall be subjected to appropriate disciplinary sanctions.

Official and Training Missions: Article (69) Authority Competent With Delegation to Official Missions

1. Delegation to official mission inside or outside the Sate shall be by virtue of a decision issued by the authority determined by the Table of Powers and Liabilities. The Chairman of the Federal Entity may also delegate non-government employees who are related to or competent with the objectives of the mission to official missions outside the State or include them in official delegations. The delegate shall be treated according to the category determined by the delegation decision, provided that the decision specifies the entity incurring the costs.
2. The delegation decision shall include a statement of the nature and objectives of the mission, the employee assigned to perform it, the entity to which he is delegated, and the duration of the delegation.

Article (70) Duration of Delegation to Official Missions

1. The duration of the “outside the State” delegation shall be determined by the duration and nature of the official mission in addition to the period of round-trip travel, provided that the period does not exceed one day before or after the mission if the duration of the delegation trip exceeds (10) hours.
2. The duration of the “inside the State” delegation shall be determined by the actual days of the official mission.

Article (71) Duties of the Delegate in Official Mission

The delegate shall:
1. Observe ethical conduct standards in all his acts, in a manner that reflects the civilised image of the State.
2. Dedicate his time to the purpose for which he is delegated, and must be of a good conduct maintaining the reputation of the State and respecting the traditions of the country to which he is delegated.
3. Notify his employer of any obstacles that he may encounter during the period of delegation through official channels.
4. Submit, upon his return, a detailed report on the results of the official mission to which he has been delegated.

Article (72) Allocations for Delegation to Training Programs and Official Missions

1. In addition to his gross monthly salary, the employee delegated to an official mission, training course or program to obtain vocational or specialised certificates “outside the State” shall be granted a delegation allowance for each day spent on the mission or course/ program, and said allowance shall include accommodation, food, petty cash and transportation expenses, as shown in Table (A) contained in Annex No. (2) attached to this Resolution.
2. The employee delegated to an official or training mission “outside the State” shall be regarded as fully entertained if the entity to which he is delegated provides accommodation, food and transport allowance or expenses.
3. If the entity to which the employee is delegated does not provide, during the official mission or training course, the expenses of accommodation, the employee shall be regarded as partially entertained and shall be entitled to the allowance stated in the Table referred to above.
4. The Federal Entity shall incur the accommodation and living expenses of the delegate on an official mission, course or training program within the State in addition to his gross monthly salary, provided that the distance from the workplace exceeds one hundred (100) kilometres, and that the duration of the mission or course exceeds one day.

Article (73) Travel Tickets for Training Programs or Official Missions

1. The travel class for the employee delegated to an official or training mission outside the State shall be as shown in Table (B) contained in Annex No. (2) attached to this Resolution.
2. The employee shall be entitled to a ticket from the workplace in the State to the country to which he is delegated and vice versa.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Resolution, the travel class for the employee entitled to an economy class shall be amended to business class for official missions in which the travel period exceeds ten (10) hours.

Article (74) Medical Treatment of a Delegate to Official or Training Mission

The employee delegated to an official mission, course or training program outside the State is entitled to the expenses of medical treatment during the delegation period, to be paid by virtue of receipts certified by the State's Embassy, one of its competent offices, or the responsible health authorities in the country of delegation, as the case may be, provided that these expenses are paid from the approved budget of the Federal Entity.

Article (75) Other Expenses

1. The Government shall incur the expenses of transporting governmental baggage and official papers required for the official mission.
2. The employer of the employee delegated to an official or training mission shall be responsible for obtaining the required visas and the fees for their issuance from the concerned authorities, while the employee shall be responsible for ensuring that his passport and all other official documents are in good order and valid.

Leaves and Types Thereof: Article (76) Leaves

1. Vacations shall be classified as follows:
    a. Annual leave.
    b. Maternity leave.
    c. Parental leave.
    d. Sick leave.
    e. Mourning leave.
    f. Study leave.
    g. National and reserve service leave.
    h. Leave without pay.
    i. Iddah leave.
    j. Hajj leave.
    k. Patient accompanying leave outside the country.
    l. Patient accompanying leave within the country.
    m. Sabbatical leave to represent the State.
    n. Sabbatical leave for self-employment.
2. An employee may not be absent from his work, except within the limits of his approved leave periods, or with an acceptable excuse accepted by the Entity in accordance with the provisions of the Human Resources Law or this Resolution, and the regulatory decisions implementing them; otherwise, the absence from work shall be considered an absence without an acceptable excuse and one of the reasons for termination of service stated in the Decree-Law.

Article (77) Annual Leaves

1. The full-time employee shall be entitled to annual leave with full pay as follows:
    a. Thirty (30) working days for incumbents of jobs in the special grade (B) and above, and the like.
    b. Twenty-two (22) working days for other jobs.
2. The Chairman of the Federal Entity may recall the employee from his authorised annual leave to return to work before the expiry of its duration, if the interest of work so requires, provided that the remaining days of leave are rolled over for him in accordance with the approved procedures, or he is allowed to exhaust them before the end of the year.
3. The employee may take the annual leave consecutively or divided into different periods after obtaining the approval of his direct superior, and he may also combine the annual leave with any other leave to which he is entitled in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Decree-Law.
4. If the period to which the employee is entitled from the annual leave differs due to his promotion or modification of his grade, his annual entitlement shall be adjusted accordingly as of the date of issuance of the promotion decision or modification of the grade.
5. The employee may not claim a sick leave if it occurs during his annual leave.
6. In the event that the sick leave taken by the employee during his annual leave extends beyond the end of the annual leave, then the remainder of the sick leave shall be calculated as of the day on which the employee is scheduled to return to work after the end of the annual leave, in accordance with the rules determined for calculating the sick leave and stipulated in this Resolution.

Article (78) Provisions of Annual Leave

1. The employee shall exhaust his annual leave during the year for which he is entitled thereto, and if he is unable to take the full balance due for that year due to the urgent requirements and conditions of work, he must then exhaust a period not less than half of the period of annual leave he is entitled to.
2. The employee may carry forward half of the unexhausted balance of the annual leave entitled to his job grade to the following year, and in which case he shall not benefit from the additional days thereof.
3. As an exception from the provisions of Clause (2) of this Article, the employee who joins the national and reserve service may exhaust the balances of his annual leaves to which he is entitled for the period of his national service within a period not exceeding 31 December of the year following the year in which his period of national service ends, or he may be granted a cash allowance for such leaves if the employer deems it appropriate, and the cash allowance shall be paid in accordance with the basic salary.
4. Subject to the provisions of this Article, the employee shall not be entitled during his service to a cash allowance for the remaining and unexhausted balance of his annual leave.
5. In the event of expiry of the employee's service, he shall be paid a cash allowance for the balance of his annual leaves legally due in accordance with the basic salary.
6. If the employee's service ends before the completion of the year for which the annual leave is due, the number of exhausted leave days plus whatsoever entitled thereto after the service expiry date shall be deducted.

Article (79) Annual Leave for Educational Cadres

The dates of annual leaves for workers in public schools and centres for the disabled persons shall be determined in accordance with what is set by the Ministry of Education, the Emirates Schools Establishment, the Ministry of Community Development, universities and higher education institutions, each within the limits of its competence; and other sectors may be added in accordance with this Article, by virtue of a Cabinet resolution.

Article (80) Reasons for Not Being Entitled to Annual Leave

The employee shall not be entitled to annual leave for the following periods:
1. The duration of a study or scholarship leave.
2. The duration of the employee's absence from work (without pay).
3. The period of imprisonment of the employee in execution of a court judgment issued against him, in cases where the termination of service is not legally determined.
4. The employee's service period during the probationary period if his service ends during this period for any reason.

Article (81) Maternity Leave

1. A full-time female employee shall be entitled to maternity leave with a gross salary of ninety (90) days.
2. The female employee shall be entitled to the maternity leave stated in Clause (1) of this Article, if the delivery takes place after six (6) months or more of pregnancy, whether the foetus is stillborn or born alive and then dies.
3. The female employee's obtaining maternity leave or absence referred to in this Article shall not prejudice her entitlement to other leaves.
4. The service of the female employee may not be terminated and she may not be warned of the same due to pregnancy, maternity leave, or absence from work in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
5. Upon her return from maternity leave, and for a period not exceeding six (6) months as of the date of delivery, the female employee shall be entitled to one or two periods of rest per day to breastfeed her child, provided that the two periods combined do not exceed two hours.
6. Weekly and official holidays occurring within the maternity leave period shall be counted as part of the duration of the leave, as well as weekends and official holidays that coincide with the beginning or end of the leave.
7. Accrual of the entitlements of the end-of-service gratuity, pension contributions and annual leave shall continue as usual during the approved maternity leave.
8. If the female employee is granted a sick leave during the maternity leave, the maternity leave shall not be extended to cover the period of such leave.
9. The female employee shall be granted maternity leave during the probationary period, provided that the probationary period shall be extended to cover the period of such leave.

Article (82) Parental Leave

The employee shall be entitled to parental leave with a gross salary of five (5) working days for the employee (father or mother) for whom has a child is born, to be taken consecutively or intermittently within a period of six (6) months as of the date of the child's birth.

Article (83) Sick Leave

1. The employee shall be granted a sick leave if his health condition prevents him from carrying out his work or to ward off any health risks for himself and others based on a medical report from an accredited medical authority.
2. The employee must inform his direct superior in accordance with the human resources procedures approved in the Federal Government about the leave sick immediately after being granted the leave, unless there is an excuse that prevents him from doing so.
3. The maximum sick leave shall be calculated in one incident or during the year according to the working days.
4. Weekends, official holidays or any other holidays shall be counted within the sick leave if they coincide with it.
5. The employee shall be authorised to take a sick leave by virtue of a medical report approved by an official medical authority for a period not exceeding five (5) consecutive working days at a time and not exceeding fifteen (15) working days per year. If the sick period exceeds (5) five consecutive working days or exceeds the maximum limit of (15) intermittent working days, the authorisation for such leave shall be according to a medical report approved by the Medical Committee.
6. The first fifteen (15) working days shall be with a full pay, and any period exceeding that shall be deducted from the employee's annual leave balance if he has a balance, and if not, it shall be considered without pay.
7. If the employee exceeds fifteen (15) working days per year, the Federal Entity shall refer the employee to the Medical Committee to decide what it deems appropriate regarding his health condition.
8. The employee's medical condition shall be reviewed if it continues for a period exceeding six (6) months, and in this case, the Medical Committee shall decide to extend this leave for a period not exceeding (6) additional six months or recommend the termination of his services due to health unfitness.
9. The following shall be excluded from the application of the provisions of Clause (6) of this Article:
    a. Illness because of to the job (work injury).
    b. Sick leaves granted according to medical reports approved by the Medical Committee.
    c. Medical conditions according to which the Medical Committee decides to prevent the employee from carrying out the duties of his job for the period determined by the Committee.
In the above cases, the employee shall be paid his full salary for the duration of sick leave.
10. The employee shall be authorised to take a sick leave for a period not exceeding one year with a full pay if the illness is the result of a work injury, and if his illness continues longer than that, he shall be referred to the Medical Committee to review his medical condition, which may extend this leave for a period not exceeding (6) additional months, or recommend the termination of his services for health unfitness, in accordance with the provisions of the Pensions and Social Security Law.
11. In the application of the provisions of the Human Resources Law and this Resolution, work injury means any injury that occurs as a result of an accident that occurs during or because of the performance of work, or developing an occupational disease determined by the competent medical committee and in accordance with the legislation in force in this regard. The accident that occurs while the employee is going to or returning from work shall be considered a work injury, taking into account occupational health and safety procedures.
12. The Federal Entity may extend the probationary period to cover the period of the approved sick leave taken by the employee.

Article (84) Mourning Leave

1. The employee shall be granted mourning leave with full pay as follows:
    a. For a period of five (5) days in the event of the death of any of his first-degree relatives (father, mother, son, daughter, wife).
    b. For a period of three (3) days in the event of the death of any of his second-degree relatives (grandparent, brothers, sisters, grandchildren).
2. The mourning leave shall start as of the date of death.
3. The mourning leave may be combined with annual leave and leave without pay.
4. One of the spouses' relatives is considered to be the same degree of kinship for the other spouse.
5. If the death happens to occur during the weekends, public holidays or during the employee's authorised days off, he shall not be compensated for the number of days of mourning leave.
6. The employee shall report the death of one of his relatives providing acceptable proof after returning from the leave, in accordance with the legislation in force.

Article (85) Study Leave and Examination Leave

1. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article (62) of this Resolution, the Federal Entity may, upon the approval of its Chairman or his authorised representative, sponsor some of its national employees by granting them a paid study leave on a full-time or part-time basis, including costs, tuition fees or only the salary, for the purpose of obtaining a qualification higher than a high school certificate from educational institutions approved by the Ministry of Education, provided that the qualification is in line with the needs of the Federal Entity.
2. The academic qualification or vocational or specialised certificates must be in line with the current and future needs of the Federal Entity.

Article (86) Provisions and Controls for Granting Study Leave

Provisions and Controls for Granting Study Leave
A national employee may be granted a study leave in accordance with the following provisions and controls:
1. He must have academic acceptance from one of the institutes or colleges recognised by the Ministry of Education, indicating the type of study, specialisation and duration of study.
2. The employee's service period in the Federal Entity shall not be less than one year, with the exception of medical staff.
3. The employee must have a performance evaluation at level (3) and above or its equivalent.
4. The academic qualification or professional certificate required to be obtained must be consistent with his career path and commensurate with the nature of the Federal Entity's work and needs.
5. The employee may not combine more than one scholarship.
6. He must have not been previously dismissed from an academic authority for disciplinary reasons or due to poor educational achievement.
7. Study leave abroad may not be authorised if the study is available within the State, except for reasons estimated by the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative.
8. By virtue of a decision issued by the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative, the delegate may be granted six (6) months to study a foreign language inside or outside the State, and it may be extended for a maximum of six (6) more months, based on reports received from the State's embassy, cultural attachés, diplomatic missions abroad or from the educational institute inside the State; and said period shall be deemed as study leave.
9. The Federal Entity shall coordinate with the institute or university in which the employee studies for the purposes of providing it with reports on the progress of the study.
10. The employee who is on a full-time study leave shall not be entitled to annual leave during the period of study, and he shall be subject to the systems and procedures in force with regard to annual and other leaves in institutes and colleges throughout the duration of the study leave.
11. The study leave is considered an actual period of service for the employee, and shall be included in the entitlement to the periodic bonus in accordance with the rules of the Performance Management System; and end-of-service gratuity or payment of pension contributions.
12. The performance of the employee on full-time study leave shall be evaluated in light of the results of academic achievement and based on the reports received by the employer.

Article (87) Extension of Study Leave

Subject to Clause (1/E) of Article (89) of this Resolution:
1. The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may extend the employee's study leave if there are urgent circumstances entailing the same, provided that the extension request is based on academic justifications or requirements related to the academic authority.
2. The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may grant an employee who is still on study leave to obtain an academic qualification another study leave if he obtains an academic acceptance to study for a qualification higher than the previous one.

Article (88) Obligations of the Delegate on Study Leave

The employee delegated on a study leave inside or outside the State shall abide by the following:
1. Attending the study regularly according to the approved schedules.
2. Completion of the study within the prescribed and authorised period.
3. Obtaining the academic qualification for which he is delegated.
4. Not to change the specialisation for which he is delegated, or to transfer his study to another country, university, college or institute without the prior approval of the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative.
5. He shall serve the entity that delegated him for a period equal to the duration of the study leave; however, said period may be spent in another federal or local government entity upon the approval of the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative, and in the event of breaching this obligation, the delegate shall be obligated to refund all expenses and financial allocations disbursed thereto during the study leave in accordance with the legislation in force in this regard, including the salaries he received from the entity for which he works, unless he is fully or partially completely exempted.
6. He must commence his work within fifteen (15) days, if the study leave is inside the State, and within a period not exceeding one month if it is outside the State, as of the date of obtaining the academic qualification or as of the date of the end of the study leave period, whichever is earlier; otherwise, he shall be deemed as absent from work, and the provisions prescribed in this regard shall apply to him, unless otherwise is agreed upon between the Entity and the delegate.

Article (89) Termination of Study Leave

1. The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may terminate the employee's study leave in any of the following cases:
    a. Discontinuing the study without an acceptable excuse based on the study reports received on the delegate from the State's embassy, cultural attachés or diplomatic missions.
    b. Changing the scientific specialisation for which he is delegated, the academic entity he is enrolled in, or the approved country of study without obtaining the prior approval of the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative.
    c. Committing any disgraceful act or behaviour or engaging in any act that may harm the interests or reputation of the State or practising any activity that constitutes a violation of the legislation in force in the country of study.
    d. Failure to join the study for justifications that are not accepted by the Chairman of the Federal Entity, in which case, the period of absence shall be deducted from the balance of his annual leaves and what exceeds it shall be counted as absence from work without pay.
    e. Failure to pass the tests prescribed for his transition to the next stage of study more than once during the period of study, and the Chairman of the Federal Entity may, where necessary, waive this case for one additional time.
2. The Chairman of the Federal Entity may terminate the study leave due to the need and conditions of work or public interest, in which case, the employee shall be exempted from refunding all fees, expenses, financial allocations and salaries disbursed thereto throughout the period elapsed from the leave.
3. The study leave may be suspended at the request of the employee due to circumstances estimated by the Chairman of the Federal Entity, in which case, the study leave shall be extended for a period equal to the period of suspension.
4. In all cases, this shall not prejudice disciplinary accountability when necessary.

Article (90) Refund of Tuition Fees and Expenses

Except for what is stated in Clauses (2 and 3) of Article (89) of this Resolution, the employee shall refund all fees, expenses, financial allocations and salaries disbursed thereto throughout the period of his study in the event of termination of the study leave, unless he is fully or partially exempted in accordance with the legislation in force in this regard.

Article (91) Undergoing Semester and Annual Examinations

1. The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may grant the national employee registered in any of the self-learning or continuous distance learning programs (inside or outside the State), the national employee who joins regular evening study inside the State in one of the recognised colleges, institutes or schools, or the employee enrolled in a program to obtain vocational or specialised certificates and develop skills, a leave with full pay to undergo the semester and annual examinations for those academic programs and discuss postgraduate theses, provided that the duration of such leave is determined based on the actual days of examination. The foregoing shall not apply to monthly examinations or to any admission or registration examinations or the discussion of study projects during the semester.
2. The national employee may be granted an additional leave not exceeding three (3) days prior to the start of the examinations referred to in Clause (1) of this Article if the examinations are performed outside the State, provided that the total leaves do not exceed ten (10) days per year without including the actual days of the examination.
3. The national employee may be granted a short study permit for two hours per day to attend classes in any approved study program until the end of that program, and said permit shall not be granted if the official working hours do not conflict with the dates of the classes.

Article (92) National and Reserve Service Leave

The national employee shall be entitled to paid leave to perform national and reserve service in accordance with the legislation in force in the State.

Article (93) Leave Without Pay

1. The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may grant the employee a leave without pay for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days per year, provided that the employee has serious reasons that require granting him such leave.
2. To grant a leave without pay, the following conditions must be met:
    a. The employee shall not have a balance of annual leave.
    b. The granting of the leave shall not affect the progress and regularity of work in light of the requirements and interest of work.
    c. Any other conditions determined by the Federal Entity.
3. Weekends and public holidays coinciding with unpaid leave shall be considered as part of it.
4. In exceptional emergency circumstances determined by the Cabinet, the employer may grant the employee a leave without pay during such circumstances as required by its work interest.

Other Leaves: Article (94) Iddah Leave

1. A Muslim female employee whose husband dies shall be granted an Iddah leave with full pay for a period of four (4) months and ten (10) days as of the date of death.
2. The female employee shall inform her direct superior of the death of her husband in accordance with the human resources procedures approved by the Federal Government, and attach the death certificate duly approved and authenticated by the official authorities, whether inside or outside the State, according to the place of death.
3. Accrual of entitlements such as end-of-service gratuity, pension contributions and annual leave shall continue as usual during the approved Iddah leave.

Article (95) Hajj Leave

1. The Muslim employee shall be granted a leave for a period of fifteen (15) days with full pay to perform Hajj only once during the period of his service.
2. The employee may combine the Hajj leave with the annual leave.
3. The Hajj leave may not be granted until after successfully completing the probationary period, and the employee shall, upon his return, provide the necessary proof to perform Hajj.
4. The Hajj leave not obtained by the employee is not considered an acquired right for him, and therefore is not included in the calculation of the annual leave balance upon the employee's end of service.

Article (96) Patient Accompanying Leave Outside the State

1. The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may grant the national employee an exceptional leave for a period of one month with full pay in order to accompany a patient relative (spouse, parent, son, daughter, sibling) for treatment outside the State based on a recommendation from an official medical authority in the State.
2. The Chairman of the Federal Entity may, upon a recommendation from the State's embassy in the country of treatment or the medical committee formed at the Ministry of Health and Prevention, extend said leave for a maximum of two (2) months with full pay.
3. Any extension of such leave exceeding what is mentioned in Clauses (1) and (2) above for any reason shall be deemed to be leave without pay.
4. Any approval subsequent to granting the same employee during the year a patient accompanying leave outside the State for the same or any other case shall be considered leave without pay.
5. The patient accompanying leave outside the State shall not be granted in the following cases:
    a. If the employee works on a temporary contract, part-time contract, or works remotely.
    b. For the employee who is still on probationary period.
    c. For the employee who is undergoing an underperformance handling program.
6. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article, the Chairman of the Federal Entity may, for humanitarian cases at his discretion, grant or extend this leave to the employee, provided that there is a recommendation from the Medical Committee or the State's embassy in the country of treatment, supporting the decision to grant or extend such cases.

Article (97) Patient Accompanying Leave Inside the State

1. The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may grant the national employee an exceptional leave for a period of one month based on the recommendation of a medical authority, in order to accompany his other spouse or any of his children or one of his parents in the event of receiving treatment inside the State and if the patient's condition requires his stay in the hospital, provided that it is calculated according to the following:
    a. First fifteen (15) days, with full pay.
    b. The following fifteen (15) days shall be deducted from the balance of the employee's annual leave if he has a balance, and if he does not have a balance, it shall be considered unpaid.
This leave may not be extended for another period.
2. Upon the employee's return, he must submit to his employer a report issued by the medical entity in which the patient receives treatment, including the patient's name, the date of admission to the hospital, who was accompanying him, the date of discharge if he has completed the treatment, and any data requested by the employee's employer. If the employee does not submit this report, the direct superior shall recommend to the Human Resources Department taking the necessary action against the employee.
3. The patient accompanying leave inside the State shall not be granted in the following cases:
    a. If the employee works on a temporary contract, a part-time contract, or works remotely.
    b. For the employee who is still within the selection period.
    c. For the employee who is undergoing an underperformance handling program.
4. The Chairman of the Federal Entity may, for humanitarian cases, grant such leave to the employee as an exception to what is stated in Clause (3) of this Article.

Article (98) General Provisions on Leaves

1. Leaves due to the employee shall be granted within the limits of the periods authorised by the Competent Authority.
2. The employee's service period shall be considered continuous while he enjoys any of the prescribed and authorised leaves.
3. The employee shall commence his work on time after the end of the authorised leave, otherwise he shall be deemed to be absent from work.
4. The employee shall not be entitled to any of the prescribed leaves for the periods of his unauthorised absence from work.
5. The Competent Authority may allow an employee to take more than one type of leaves consecutively in accordance with the provisions of the Human Resources Law and this Resolution.
6. During the period of transfer, secondment and loan of the employee to another entity, his leaves shall be calculated and his entitlements to each type of leave shall be determined until the end of the day preceding the effective date of the transfer, secondment or loan, where the employee shall be authorised to take his leaves from the entity to which he is transferred, seconded or loaned in accordance with the rules applicable therein.
7. An employee may not be absent for work except within the limits of the leaves granted to him, and in the event that the employee is absent from work or does not return after the end of the leave granted thereto, the following actions shall be taken against him:
    a. In the event that the Competent Authority accepts the excuse of the employee who has been absent from work, the period of absence shall be deducted from the balance of his annual leaves if he has a balance; and if it is not enough, the excess period shall be considered as absence from work without pay and the period that was calculated as absence from work shall not be counted as part of the employee's period of service.
    b. In the event that the Competent Authority does not accept the employee's excuse for absence from work, he shall be subject to the sanctions stipulated in the table of violations related to the official working hours leading to termination of service.

Sabbatical Leave: Article (99) Sabbatical Leave to Represent the State

1. The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may grant the national employee an exceptional sabbatical leave with full pay, in order to carry out any work or tasks related to representing the State in national teams, sports or cultural activities, or for any other similar reasons that are not directly related to the work of the Federal Entity for which the employee works, at the request of the official authorities concerned with those fields for a period of one month, which may be extended for similar periods not exceeding six (6) months, if the activity is included in the pre-scheduled plans and schedules in the requesting entity without prejudice to the requirements of the employer.
2. To be eligible for sabbatical leave, the following conditions must be met:
    a. The employee must have qualifications, specialised experience, skills or talent in the fields mentioned in the preceding Clause.
    b. Participation to represent the State shall be upon a written request from the official authorities concerned with these fields and for the period determined and in accordance with the approved systems in this regard.
3. The employee shall receive his gross salary from the Government Entity to which he belongs, in addition to any bonuses or incentives he receives from the concerned official authority for which he works during the exceptional leave period, in addition to his annual and sick leave from the entity for which he works in accordance with the applicable systems, and he shall not be entitled to an annual or sick leave balance for the period of leave from the Government Entity to which he belongs; and upon his return, his annual and sick leave shall be calculated on pro rata basis as to the remaining period of the year.
4. The period of leave shall be included in the entitlement to periodic bonus, promotion and payment of pension contributions.
5. Upon the expiry of the sabbatical leave, the entity for which the employee works shall submit a report to the employee's original employer stating the work that has been accomplished during the preceding period and the level of efficiency of his performance of such work and achievements.

Article (100) Sabbatical Leave for Self-Employment

The national employee may be granted a sabbatical leave for self-employment in accordance with the mechanisms and conditions determined by the Cabinet in this regard.

Employment Violations: Article (101) Personal Conduct and Violations

1. The employee shall demonstrate appropriate attitude and behaviour in line with the standards of conduct adopted for public service, in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Document for Public Service, the Information Security Regulation in the Federal Government, the Regulation Organising the Use of Social Media by Federal Entities Employees issued by the Cabinet, and any regulation/ system issued subsequently in this regard; and he shall adhere to the laws in force in the State.
2. Any employee who violates the job duties in accordance with the provisions of the Human Resources Law or breaches the requirements of his job shall be administratively sanctioned without prejudice to any civil or criminal liability, whenever necessary.
3. The employee shall not be exempted from administrative sanctions unless it is proven that he committed the violations related to the job in implementation of a direct order issued thereto by his direct superior, even after drawing the direct superior's attention to the violation; in which case, the issuer of the order shall be held accountable.
4. The employee's employer shall inform the Public Prosecution if it is found that what the employee committed involves a criminal offence.
5. The employee may not be administratively punished for the same act or violation more than once or be subjected to more than one sanction.

Article (102) Employment Disputes

In order to reduce employment problems and disputes that occur in the work environment, the Federal Entity is committed to maintaining effective and fair communication relationships with its employees, by adopting immediate procedures to resolve such problems and disputes without prejudice to the employee's right to file grievances that must be settled through the internal procedures of the Federal Entity in a transparent and fair manner, while giving the employee sufficient opportunity to defend his point of view.

General Principles: Article (103) Management of Violations

The Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity shall be responsible for imposing the appropriate sanction from the sanctions stipulated in Article (107) of this Resolution on any employee who commits an administrative or behavioural violation, including violations related to official working hours, save the sanction of dismissal from service. It may recommend the Chairman of the Entity or his authorised representative to temporarily suspend the employee from work and seek the assistance of experts in technical matters or form teams of specialists from within the Entity to investigate the violation of a technical nature, where necessary.

Article (104) Criteria for Gravity of Violations

The Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity shall take into account the degree of gravity of the violation when imposing the sanction in accordance with the following guiding criteria:
1. The extent of breach of confidentiality of data and information related to the employer.
2. The financial impact of the violation.
3. The impact of the violation on the reputation of the Federal Entity and its employees as a result of committing the violation.
4. The violating employee's abuse of his power.
5. The rate of the employee's repetition of violations of all types.
6. The existence of a criminal or moral aspect in the violation committed.
7. Violation of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of the Public Service.
8. Exploiting social media to harm the reputation of the Entity or Government.

Article (105) Procedures for Notifying the Human Resources Department of the Violation

1. The Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity shall be notified of the employee's commission of the violation in accordance with the human resources procedures followed in the Federal Government and its approved digital systems by the employee's superiors, explaining the violation attributed to the employee and the evidence and presumptions related thereto.
2. The Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity shall notify the violating employee of the type of violation attributed thereto and summon him for investigation within a period not exceeding three (3) working days, and in the event that the employee does not appear on the scheduled date, it may take action and proceed with the investigation procedures in his absence.
3. The Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity shall, within (2) weeks, study the violation, evidence and presumptions, impose the appropriate sanction in accordance with the legislation in force, and notify the employee of the sanction imposed thereon.

Article (106) Procedure for Considering the Violation

1. The Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity shall consider the violation committed by the employee and then decide the following:
    a. Dismissal of the request because there is no violation.
    b. Dismissal of the request for not establishing the attribution of the violation to the employee.
    c. Dismissal of the request for lack of importance, in the event that what was attributed to the employee does not deserve imposing a sanction.
    d. Dismissal of the request for insufficient evidence.
    e. Establishing the employee's liability and sanctioning him with one of the appropriate administrative sanctions stipulated in this Resolution, with the exception of the sanction of dismissal from service, which requires a recommendation thereon to be submitted to the competent appointing authority.
2. The decision of the Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity must be reasoned and proportionate to the incident established against the violating employee.
3. The employee shall be notified of the sanction decision issued against him and the organisational unit to which he belongs shall also be notified of the same.
4. The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may, upon a recommendation from the Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity, may suspend the violating employee from work as a precaution and suspend the payment of half of his salary until the end of the grievance and objection procedures, and if the employee is acquitted, the investigation with him shall be closed; or if he is punished by issuing a verbal or written warning against him, he shall be paid the suspended salary amount, but if a severer penalty is imposed on him, the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative shall take the decision he deems fit regarding his suspended salary.
5. In the event that the Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity deems that the what the employee has committed involves a financial violation, it shall submit the matter to the Chairman of the Federal Entity to consider referring the matter to the Audit Bureau for investigation in accordance with its establishing law, and the sanctions recommended by the Audit Bureau shall be issued by virtue of a decision issued by the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative.
6. If the act committed by the employee constitutes a criminal offence, the Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity shall submit a recommendation to the Chairman of the Federal Entity to refer the employee to the Public Prosecution, and such referral to the criminal investigation shall not prevent the imposition of an administrative sanction on him unless such administrative penalty is subject to resolving the criminal offence.
7. If the Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity deems that the sanction of dismissal from service is commensurate with the facts established against the employee, it shall submit a recommendation to this effect to the appointing competent authority.

Article (107) Administrative Sanctions

1. The sanctions for violations that may be imposed on the employee by his employer shall be as follows:
    a. Written caution.
    b. Written warning.
    c. Deduction from the basic salary an amount not exceeding ten (10) days' wage for each violation and not exceeding sixty (60) days' wage per year.
    d. Suspension from work without pay for a period not less than one month and not exceeding three (3) months.
    e. Dismissal from service while preserving the employee's right to the pension or end-of-service gratuity.
2. The appropriate sanction shall be imposed on the employee according to the gravity and seriousness of the violation committed.

Grievances: Article (108) Grievance Committee

A committee called the “Grievance Committee” shall be formed by virtue of a decision issued by the Chairman of the Federal Entity, to consider the grievances of employees against the sanctions imposed thereon by the employer or any other procedures or decisions taken against them; to be headed by one of the senior management employees in the Federal Entity, provided that his grade is not less than the special grade or its equivalent in Federal Entities, in addition to a number of members, provided that they include a representative of the Legal Affairs Department in the Federal Entity.

Article (109) Competences of the Grievance Committee

The Grievance Committee shall be competent to consider grievances submitted thereto by employees against administrative sanctions or procedures or any form of grievance by reviewing the investigation file and hearing whomever it deems appropriate to give testimony on the incident under investigation. It may also refer the matter to the Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity to complete any aspects or deficiency in the investigation and return it to it and complete the examination of the grievance and issue its decision thereon as follows:
1. Rejecting the grievance in form.
2. Accepting the grievance in form and rejecting it in subject matter.
3. Accepting the grievance in form and reduce or cancel the sanction.
The grievance shall not be harmed due to his grievance, and the Grievance Committee may not amend the sanction by imposing a sanction severer than the one grieved against.

Article (110) Grievance Mechanism

1. The employee may submit a grievance to the Grievance Committee in accordance with the human resources procedures and digital systems adopted in the Federal Government against the sanctions that the Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity to has decided to impose on him, or any other administrative decisions or procedures issued against him, within a period not exceeding five (5) working days as of the date of informing the employee of the decision, excluding performance evaluation grievances, which are governed by the provisions of the Performance Management System.
2. The employee shall file a grievance against the decisions issued against hum before the Grievance Committee prior to objecting to them before the Objections Committee formed in accordance with Article (129) of this Resolution. Filing the grievance shall not result in suspending the implementation of the decision grieved against.

Article (111) Grievance Procedures

1. The Grievance Committee shall receive the grievance request in accordance with the human resources procedures followed by the Federal Government and its approved digital systems.
2. The Committee shall review all the papers related to the violation or the subject of the grievance and request any clarifications related to the violation from the organisational unit to which the employee belongs.
3. The Grievance Committee shall hear the testimony of witnesses, if any, and discuss their statements. The testimony of one witness may not be heard in the presence of another witness, and the grievance procedures shall be confidential.
4. The Grievance Committee shall consider and decide on the grievance submitted thereto by the employee within (2) weeks as of the date of receipt of the request.

Article (112) Grievance Committee Decisions

1. The decisions of the Grievance Committee shall be final in the grievances submitted thereto regarding the imposition of written Caution and notice sanctions, and the employee may object to the rest of the sanctions imposed thereon before the Committee for Considering Objections in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution.
2. The Federal Entity shall abide by the decision of the Grievance Committee and may not object to it.
3. The Grievance Committee shall issue its decision not to accept the grievance if the person filing it has no interest therein or if it is not submitted in accordance with the periods and procedures specified in this Resolution.

Article (113) Cancellation of Legal Effect

The legal effect of sanctions shall be cancelled upon the expiry of the following time periods:
1. Three (3) months in case of a written caution.
2. Six (6) months in case of a written notice.
3. One year in the case of other sanctions.
In all cases, the period shall be calculated as of the date of imposing the sanction, and the cancellation of the sanction shall result in deeming it as if it never existed in terms of legal effect, and the aforementioned sanction shall not be cancelled before the expiry of these periods. The Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity shall follow the human resources procedures and digital systems adopted in the Federal Government to maintain an electronic record of the employee on the sanctions imposed thereon.

Article (114) Complaining About Work Environment

The employee may file any complaint related to the work environment to the Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity, and this department shall review and study the complaints submitted thereto and submit recommendations and proposed solutions thereon to the employer's senior management and follow up on them until they are resolved. In all cases, the employee may not object to working hours, job grade, salary or bonuses.

Article (115) Employee's Suspension From Work and Suspension of his Salary

The Federal Entity may suspend the employee from work, suspend the payment of all or part of his salary and refer him to the judicial authorities, due to proven job violations that constitute criminal offences punishable by law in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Human Resources Law and this Resolution.

Article (116) Continuation of Administrative Procedures Related to Violation

The resignation of the employee shall not prevent the continuation of the administrative procedures related to the violation committed thereby, provided that the payment of any financial entitlements to the employee is suspended by the employer until the completion of the investigation procedures and the issuance of a final decision that he is not held liable.

Article (117) Dropping the Employment Violation

1. The employment violation shall be dropped upon the death of the employee or the lapse of two (2) years as of the date of committing it, and this period shall be interrupted in the second case by taking any of the investigation procedures thereon by the employer or by the competent judicial authorities, and a new period shall apply as of the date of the last procedure taken on the violation.
2. If multiple employees are accused of committing the same violation, the interruption of the period for one of them shall result in the interruption of the period for the others, even if no procedures that interrupt the period have been taken against them, provided that a new dropping period begins as of the day following the last procedure taken thereon.

Article (118) Referral to the Judiciary for Criminal Offence

If an employee is referred to the judiciary for committing a criminal offence, the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may suspend the employee from work and suspend the payment of his salary until a final court judgment is issued on the crime attributed thereto.

Article (119) Termination of Service Due to Honour and Honesty Offences

The services of an employee shall be terminated if he is convicted of any felony or misdemeanour involving breach of honour, honesty or morals, or if he is convicted of any felony or other misdemeanour and sentenced to any imprisonment penalty for a period exceeding three (3) months.

Article (120) Dealing With Employee After Investigation or Conviction

1. The employee shall be returned to his job and paid the suspended salary in the event that the investigation with him is closed or a decision is issued that there is no reason to institute a criminal case against him or to acquit him of the charge against him, provided that this does not prevent him from being held administratively accountable and subjected to appropriate administrative sanctions.
2. The employee shall be returned to his job without payment of the suspended salary if he is convicted of any misdemeanour that does not breach honour and honesty and is sentenced to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three (3) months or a fine or if he is sentenced to a suspended fine or imprisonment.

Article (121) Preventive Detention

An employee who is held in preventive detention for a crime not arising from or because of the job, unless it is related to a crime breaching honour, honesty or morals, shall be treated as an employee who has been absent from work, provided that the period of absence shall be deducted from the balance of his leaves, and if it is not sufficient, such period shall be considered as a leave without pay.

Article (122) Imprisonment Pursuant to a Court Judgment

Every employee who is imprisoned in execution of a court judgment in a civil case shall be suspended from work and deprived of his gross salary for the duration of his imprisonment, and the Chairman of the Federal Entity may terminate his services if the period of imprisonment sentenced exceeds three (3) months.

Article (123) Employee Suspended From Work

If a decision of dismissal from work is issued against a suspended employee, his service shall be deemed terminated as of the date of suspension and no salaries shall be paid to him for the period of suspension.

Article (124) Violations of Loaned Employee

The imposition of sanctions for violations committed by the loaned employee shall be within the competence of the entity to which he was loaned in accordance with the administrative procedures and sanctions in force therein, provided that his original employer is informed of the violation committed thereby and the administrative sanctions imposed thereon.

Article (125) Objection to Grievance Committee's Decision

The employee may object in writing to the decision of the Grievance Committee issued to impose any sanctions other than written caution and notice, by way of submitting an objection in accordance with the human resources mechanisms and digital systems adopted in the Federal Government, to the Committee for Considering Objections formed in the FAHR in accordance with Article (128) of this Resolution, within a period not exceeding five (5) working days as of the date of being informed of the decision; otherwise, the decision of the Grievance Committee shall be considered final.

Article (126) Employment Rights of Objector

The employee's right to object to the decision of the Grievance Committee shall not prejudice his other employment rights enjoyed under the legislation in force.

Article (127) Objections

The employee's objection must include the following data:
1. The employee's name, workplace, job and address.
2. A statement of the procedures and decisions issued against him.
3. The decision issued by the Grievance Committee regarding what has been attributed to him and the date of issuing it and informing him thereof.
4. The subject matter of the objection and the reasons on which it is based, accompanied by the documents he deems important to submit.

Article (128) Committee for Considering Objections

A committee shall be formed in the FAHR by virtue of a decision issued by its Chairman, called the “Committee for Considering Objections”, which shall be competent to consider objections to the decisions issued by the Grievance Committee regarding the sanctions imposed on employees other than the sanctions of written caution and notice, or any procedures or decisions issued against them. The Committee shall have a rapporteur chosen by the Chairman from other than its members without having a vote


Article (129) Mechanism of Work of the Committee for Considering Objections

The Committee shall receive the objection submitted by the employee in the light of the decision issued by the Grievance Committee or any sanctions or procedures issued against him, and the mechanism of work thereon shall be as follows:
1. Considering the objection submitted by the employee in light of the decision of the Grievance Committee, if any, and all the documents attached thereto within three (3) weeks as of the date of receipt of the request, and if the Committee does not receive a response from the employer of the objecting employee within ten (10) working days as of addressing it, the Committee can take its decision to consider the submitted documents.
2. In order to exercise its competences, the Committee shall act as follows:
    a. Assigning whomever it deems appropriate to conduct the necessary research or studies related to the subject of the objection, and the person assigned may review the papers and records and request the data he deems necessary.
    b. Summoning whomever it deems appropriate from the employee's employer to hear his statements or obtain the necessary statement regarding the objection submitted thereto by the employee.
    c. Contacting all federal entities' employees if it deems it necessary, and if this is related to the subject of the objection.
    d. Requesting an opinion from any other competent federal entity on the subject of the objection if it deems it necessary, and seek opinion when preparing the decision to be issued regarding the objection submitted by the employee.

Article (130) Procedures of the Committee for Considering Objections

1. The Committee for Considering Objections shall issue its decision on the subject of the objection submitted by the employee by the majority of its members, and in the event of parity, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. The Committee for Considering Objections shall issue its decision as follows:
    a. Rejecting the objection in form.
    b. Accepting the objection in form and rejecting it in subject matter. 
    c. Accepting the objection in form and reduce or cancel the sanction.
2. The Federal Entity shall implement the decisions issued by the Committee for Considering Objections in the Federal Government related to its employees within ten (10) working days as of the date of informing the Federal Entity of the decision.
3. The decisions issued by the Committee for Considering Objections shall be final.
4. The case filed by the employee before the judiciary in accordance with the provisions of the Human Resources Law, this Resolution and the resolutions issued in implementation thereof, shall not be accepted if it is not preceded by resorting to the Grievance Committee and the Committee for Considering Objections within the periods, procedures and conditions specified in this Resolution.

Article (131) Notifying the Employee of the Committee for Considering Objections' Decision

The employee shall be notified of the Committee's decision with a statement of its reasons, within three (3) working days as of the date of its issuance, and his employer shall be informed of the same.

Article (132) Attending the Meeting of the Committee for Considering Objections

An employee who resorts to the Committee for Considering Objections in Federal Entities may submit a request to the employer to obtain a leave or break to attend the various sessions of the Committee.

Corporate Culture: Article (133) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Document of the Public Service

1. All employees of Federal Entities must read the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Document of the Public Service, the Information Security System in Federal Entities, the Regulation of the Use of Social Media by Employees of Federal Entities, and any manuals or regulations subsequently issue, and they shall pass any relevant training in accordance with the human resources procedures in the Federal Government and its digital systems.
2. The Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity shall work to provide a way for the employee who cannot be trained so that he can understand it by any means and sign the commitment to it; and the employees must be introduced to it.
3. Any employee who fails to read and train on the Document shall be subjected to a sanction by the Human Resources Department.
4. The human resources departments in Federal Entities shall inform and train new employees on the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Document of the Public Service, the Information Security System in Federal Entities, the Regulation of the Use of Social Media by Employees of Federal Entities, and any other manuals subsequently issued in this regard.

Article (134) Customer Service

Federal entities must serve customers in accordance with the best standards and procedures and in an effective professional manner that meets their aspirations by establishing distinguished relationships with them, and in order to achieve this, the employee must:
1. Not engage in any promotional activity related to customers, and must be completely neutral in dealing with them.
2. Reject any attempt by any of the customers to provide any inducements or personal benefits in order to receive a special treatment, and in all cases, the employee must inform the competent authorities in the Federal Entity of such attempts.
3. Respect others, their privacy and intellectual property and not cause harm to them or their work.
4. Show moderation in his actions and dealing with everyone in accordance with the Customer Charter.

Article (135) Gifts and Bribes

1. The employee is prohibited from accepting any gifts unless it is a symbolic promotional gift bearing the name and logo of the entity providing it, provided that the Federal Entity determines the organisational unit that is allowed to accept gifts on its behalf in order to distribute them in accordance with the controls and standards adopted in the Federal Entity.
2. Gifts may only be presented and distributed in the name of the Federal Entity and by the organisational unit approved thereby.
3. Subject to the provisions of the legislation in force in the State, the employee is prohibited from accepting, taking, offering or requesting bribes.
4. For the purposes of this Resolution, bribery means the provision of any sum of money, a particular service or anything of material or moral value to any public servant in order to spoil the course of work by taking any action that would:
    a. Expedite any work that the employee is required to perform.
    b. Lead to the employee's refusal to perform the work assigned thereto.
    c. Lead to the employee mediating with another employee to terminate a transaction or take a procedure in violation of the legislation in force.
In all cases, all suspected or reported cases of bribes must be investigated, and if it is proven by the investigation or if there is strong evidence that the employee has requested, accepted, received or paid another employee any bribe, he shall be transferred to the competent judicial authorities without prejudice to the right of the Federal Entity to take action related to violations against the violating employee in accordance with the procedures and controls stipulated in the Human Resources Law and this Resolution.

Article (136) Conflict of Interest

During the performance of his job duties, the employee shall avoid any conflict of interest that may occur between his private activities and the interests and operations of the Government, and he shall also avoid any action in respect of which any suspicions of conflict of interest may be raised; and in particular he shall avoid the following:
1. Participation in any official process or decision that directly or indirectly affects the success of a contractor or supplier who is a relative up to the fourth degree, including marital or blood relatives.
2. Participation in any decision that may lead to granting any benefits to any of his relatives up to the fourth degree, including marital or blood relatives.
3. Participation in any official process or decision that directly or indirectly affects the success of a supplier, contractor or project in which the employee is a partner in any way, and which leads to hum receiving a percentage, share or material benefit, directly or indirectly.
4. Exploiting his job position, or leaking any information obtained by virtue of his work to achieve certain goals or obtain a special service or treatment from any party.

Article (137) Working for Others

The employee is prohibited from working for others with or without pay without the prior written consent of the Federal Entity in which he works; and in all cases, the employee's work for others must not negatively affect his duties and job tasks, and shall not reflect negatively on the Federal Entity.

Article (138) Employment of Relatives

It is not permissible to appoint employees who have some marital or blood relationship up to the second degree in the same organisational unit, or within the same direct supervisory relationship; and in all cases, the employee shall not participate in any decisions or recommendations related to the appointment, transfer or promotion of any of them.

Article (139) Health, Safety and Environment Policy

The FAHR issues a manual for occupational health and safety for Federal Government employees.

Article (140) Official Working Days and Hours

1. The official working days and number of working hours in Federal Entities throughout the year shall be determined by a resolution issued by the Cabinet.
2. The Chairman of the Federal Entity may adopt a regulation organising flexible working hours according to the work need and within the limits of the number of hours approved per week.
3. Official holidays for Federal Entities in the State shall be in accordance with the resolution issued by the Cabinet.

Article 141 Shift System

1. The shift system is intended to provide service for (24) hours through the method of rotation between employees within certain periods or hours to provide service or job tasks.
2. The Federal Entity may apply the shift system to all or some of the jobs or organisational divisions therein according to the conditions and requirements of their work, provided that the total working hours of the employee do not exceed (48) hours per week.

Article 142 Compliance with Official Working Hours

1. All employees shall abide by the prescribed working hours and sign in and out of work electronically or by other means adopted in the Entity to indicate the actual time of work on the dates prescribed for the approved work pattern.
2. The Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative may exempt any employee he deems appropriate from this obligation if the nature of their work so requires.
3. The employee shall inform his direct superior if he is unable to go to work and leave on official hours due to emergency circumstances in accordance with the mechanisms determined by the Entity.
4. Official working hours shall be allocated to the employee who works in-house to perform job duties and he may not leave the workplace during official working hours except with the prior permission of his direct superior in accordance with the human resources procedures in the Federal Government Entity and its approved digital systems.
5. The employee who works remotely shall perform the tasks and assignments required of him at the times and dates determined by the employer and in accordance with the remote work systems adopted in this regard.

Article (143) Official Working Hours Violations

1. The direct superior is primarily responsible for reporting the employee's compliance with the official working hours, whether from in-house or remotely, taking the necessary measures regarding the imposition of the penalty, and informing the Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity of the same. The Human Resources Department shall, in accordance with the approved regulations, verify violations related to official working hours, and the direct superior's commitment to the sanctions prescribed in the Table contained in Annex No. (3) attached to this Resolution.
2. The Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity is committed to ensuring that the direct superiors are committed to playing their role in following up on the compliance of their employees with official working hours, and in the event that it is proven that any direct superior does not comply with this, it shall sanction him in accordance with the legislation in force.
3. The Table of Violations of Official Working Hours contained in Annex No. (3) attached to this Resolution may be amended by a virtue of decision issued by the FAHR Chairman if the public interest so requires.
4. The sanctions imposed on the employee shall be reasoned and the employee shall be notified thereof within three (3) working days as of the date of issuance thereof.
5. No more than one sanction may be imposed on the employee for the same violation.
6. If the employee commits more than one violation during the week, each violation shall be considered separate in terms of type and repeated in terms of the number of times; and the direct superior shall, in coordination with the Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity, impose the most severe penalty for the most serious violation in light of the number of repetitions of the total violations committed and shown in the aforementioned Table, regardless of the gradation.
7. If the employee repeats the violation for the fourth time during one year, the Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity shall impose a higher penalty in accordance with the types of penalties stipulated in Article (107) of this Resolution.

Article (144) Compensation for Working in Weekends

1. The direct superior may assign the employee to work in weekends, in accordance with the requirements and interest of work.
2. The employee assigned to work in weekends shall be granted days equal to the number of days during which he worked in lieu thereof.
3. In all cases, the employee may not be granted cash compensation for the days he worked during the weekends.

Article (145) Compensation for Work During Public Holidays

1. The direct superior may assign the employee to work during a public holiday, in accordance with the requirements and interest of work.
2. The employee assigned to work during public holidays shall be granted days equal to the number of days during which he worked in lieu thereof.

Article (146) Overtime Compensation System

The employee shall be granted compensation for the overtime work assigned thereto outside the official working hours in accordance with the following controls:
1. The employee shall be assigned additional work after the official working hours.
2. The assignment shall be issued by the director of the department to which the employee belongs, including the nature of the work to be performed by the employee and the number of working hours required to complete it.
3. The payment of cash compensation for overtime work shall be limited to the employee who occupies the fourth grade or its equivalent in Federal Entities or below.
4. The number of overtime hours shall be calculated after the employee performs the minimum official working hours.
5. The compensation may be granted leaves in lieu of overtime at the rate of one day for every (8) working hours.
6. The compensation for overtime shall not exceed (30%) of the basic salary per month, and not exceed two thousand (2,000) AED per month.
7. The disbursement shall not exceed the allocation for this purpose in the budget of the Federal Entity.
8. The overtime assigned shall meet the actual work needs.

Termination of Service: Article (147) Reasons for Termination of Service

The employee's service shall be terminated for any of the following reasons:
1. Failure to pass the probationary period.
2. Functional incompetence.
3. Medical unfitness.
4. Absence from work without acceptable justification for a period of ten (10) consecutive working days, or twenty (20) intermittent working days during one year.
5. Replacement with the intention of Emiratisation.
6. Restructuring.
7. Layoff by a Cabinet resolution.
8. Issuance of a federal decree terminating the service.
9. Dismissal from service by a decision related to an administrative violation or dismissal by a court judgment.
10. Conviction of a felony or misdemeanour breaching honour, honesty or morals.
11. Being sentenced to imprisonment for a period exceeding three (3) months for any felony or misdemeanour.
12. Withdrawal or revocation of the nationality of the State from the employee.
13. Not renewing the employment contract, or terminating it before the expiry of its term.
14. Resignation.
15. Reaching the retirement age.
16. Retirement before reaching the legal age.
17. Death.

Article (148) Authority of Termination of Service

Termination of service for the reasons stated in Article (147) of this Resolution shall be issued by the appointing competent authority, except for the following:
1. Laying off the employee, which shall be by virtue of a Cabinet resolution, issued upon a recommendation from the concerned Chairman of the Federal Entity, with the payment of the total salary for the notice period prescribed for his grade, provided that this period is not counted as part of his service period with the Federal Entity.
2. Termination of service due to death, which shall be by virtue a decision issued by the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative.

Article (149) Failure to Pass Probationary Period

1. The employer may terminate the employee's service during the probationary period, if it is proven that he is incompetent or unfit to carry out his job duties or due to his unsatisfactory performance, by a decision issued the competent appointing authority based on a recommendation from the concerned employee's direct superior in accordance with the approved mechanisms, provided that he is granted a notice period not less than five (5) working days.
2. The employee whose service is terminated during the probationary period shall not be paid any financial allowance for the notice period.

Article (150) Job Incompetence

1. The competent appointing authority may terminate the service of the employee due to his job incompetence if he obtains an annual evaluation in accordance with the level and time frame determined by the Performance Management System for this purpose.
2. In all cases, the equivalent of the gross salary for the notice period prescribed for his grade shall be paid, without prejudice to his other entitlements.

Article (151) Medical Unfitness

1. The service of the national employee shall be terminated for health reasons in accordance with the provisions and procedures followed by the GPSSA.
2. The competent appointing authority may terminate the services of the non-national employee if the Medical Committee proves his unfitness to perform the duties of his job.
In all cases, the employee's services shall be terminated directly with the payment of the equivalent of the gross salary for the notice period prescribed for his job grade, provided that this period shall not be counted as part of his service with the Federal Entity.

Article (152) Absence From Work

1. The service of the employee shall be terminated in the event of being absent from work without prior permission or an acceptable excuse for a period exceeding (10) consecutive working days or twenty (20) intermittent working days during one year.
2. The termination of the employee's service in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall be as of the date of the first day on which he is absent from work if the period of absence is continuous and as of the day following the day on which the period of absence reaches twenty (20) working days if the period of absence is intermittent.
3. The employee whose service is terminated due to absence from work shall not be paid any financial allowance for the notice period.

Article (153) Replacement with the Intention of Emiratisation

The service of the non-national employee may be terminated by a decision issued by the competent appointing authority due to the Emiratisation of the job he occupies, provided that the employee is given notice thereof and the total salary of the notice period prescribed in his employment contract shall be paid, provided that this period shall not be counted as part of the period of his service with the Federal Entity.

Article (154) Restructuring

The employee's service may be terminated based on the financial and administrative effects resulting from the restructuring of organisational units or jobs therein, provided that the employee is given a notice thereof and the gross salary of the notice period prescribed in his employment contract shall be paid, provided that this period shall not be counted as part of his service period with the Federal Entity.

Article (155) Layoff by Cabinet Resolution

The service of an employee may be terminated by virtue of a layoff resolution issued by the Cabinet upon a recommendation from the concerned Chairman of the Federal Entity, for any reason, with the payment of the gross salary for the notice period prescribed for his grade, provided that this period is not counted as part of his service period with the Federal Entity.

Article (156) Issuance of Federal Decree

The employee's service shall be terminated by virtue of a federal decree, with the payment of the gross salary for the notice period prescribed for his job grade, provided that this period is not counted as part of his service period with the Federal Entity.

Article (157) Termination of Service by Decision Related to Administrative Violation or Dismissal by Court Judgment

1. The service of an employee may be terminated by virtue of a decision issued by the competent appointing authority based on a court judgment to dismiss him, or for disciplinary reasons based on a recommendation from the Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity.
2. The Human Resources Department in the Federal Entity shall determine in its recommendation, according to each case, the notice period and the entitlements that may be disbursed to the employee or deducted from him in accordance with the provisions of the Human Resources Law and this Resolution.
3. The service of the employee whose service is terminated by a court judgment shall be deemed terminated as of the date of issuance of the final judgment.
4. The employee whose service is terminated by virtue of a court judgment or administrative violation shall not be entitled to a financial allowance for the notice period.

Article (158) Conviction of Felony or Misdemeanour

1. The service of the employee shall be terminated in the event that he is convicted of any felony or misdemeanour breaching honour, honesty or morals, and the employer may terminate his service in the event that he is convicted of any felony or other criminal misdemeanour, and sentenced to any imprisonment penalty for a period exceeding three (3) months, as of the date of issuance of the final judgment.
2. The employee whose service is terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall not be paid any financial allowance for the notice period.

Article (159) Imprisonment for More than Three (3) Months

1. The employer may terminate the service of an employee who is imprisoned pursuant to a court judgment in a civil case, if the period of imprisonment exceeds three (3) months.
2. The date of the final judgment shall be adopted as the date of termination of the employee's service if the employer decides to terminate the service of the employee against whom the judgment is issued.
3. The employee whose service is terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall not be paid any financial allowance for the notice period.

Article (160) Withdrawal or Revocation of Nationality from Employee

1. The service of an employee whose nationality is revoked or withdrawn shall be terminated as of the date of issuance of the decree.
2. The employee whose service is separated for this reason shall not be entitled to a financial allowance for the notice period.

Article (161) Not Renewing or Terminating Contract Before its Expiry

The competent appointing authority shall have the right not to renew or terminate the employee's contract at any time, provided that the employee is given notice thereof and in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the contract and this Resolution.

Article (162) Resignation

1. The employee may resign from his job by means of a request that includes notifying the Federal Authority within the prescribed notice period as specified in the employee's contract.
2. The resignation shall be considered accepted in the event that the Federal Entity does not take the appropriate decision thereon and if it informs the employee thereof in writing within one month of submission.

Article (163) Reaching Retirement Age

1. The service of an employee shall be terminated upon reaching the age of retirement in accordance with the legislation in force in this regard, unless his service is extended by a virtue of a decision issued by the Chairman of the Federal Entity or his authorised representative.
2. The Federal Entity shall notify the employee when it does not wish to extend his service if he reaches the retirement age, no less than (6) six months before reaching the retirement age, that his service will not be extended, and that it will be terminated in accordance with the legislation in force so that he can arrange his own affairs after retirement.

Article (164) Retirement Before Reaching Legal Age

Based on a policy issued by the Cabinet upon the proposal of the Ministry of Finance in coordination with the FAHR, and in accordance with the Pensions and Social Security Law, the service of the national employee may be terminated and he may be referred to retirement before reaching the legal age for retirement, whether at his desire or the desire of the employer in accordance with the conditions determined by the same policy.

Article (165) Death

1. The service of the employee shall be terminated upon his death.
2. If the employee naturally dies during his service with the Federal Entity, or as a result of an accident outside the workplace not because of suicide, the Federal Entity shall pay a lump sum to the person whom the employee specified in writing before his death, equivalent to the gross salaries of three months in addition to the full gross salary of the month in which the death occurs, and any other entitlements stipulated in the Law.
3. If the employee does not specify the person mentioned in the preceding Clause, such salaries shall be paid to his dependents at the time of his death equally between males and females.
4. The amounts stipulated in this Article shall be considered a grant that may not be considered part of the end-of-service entitlements or deducted from them in any way, nor may they be seized or set off against any amounts that may be due to the Federal Authority by the deceased employee.
5. In the event that a non-national employee dies during his service with the Federal Entity, and his family wishes to bury him in his country, the Federal Authority shall incur the costs of transporting his body to the nearest international airport in his country in addition to one ticket for one of the dead body's companions.

Article (166) Notice Period

1. The employee shall continue his work until the expiration of the notice period. However, the Federal Authority may, at the request of the employee, reduce the notice period after accepting the resignation and immediately terminate his services, provided that he agrees to pay the notice allowance due thereto or deduct it from his entitlements, provided that this period is not counted as part of his service period with the Federal Entity.
2. The Federal Entity may, on its own initiative, terminate the service of the resigned employee, provided that it pays him his total salary due to him for this period.
3. The Federal Entity may exempt the resigned employee whose request to reduce the notice period is approved from paying the notice allowance due to the Federal Entity

Article (167) Interviews Investigating Reasons for Resignation

The Human Resources Department in the Federal Authority shall conduct a personal interview with each employee who resigns from his job or requests the non-renewal of his contract, with the aim of collecting the necessary data to improve and develop work systems and policies.

Article (168) End-of-Service Gratuity

1. The entitlements of the national employee upon the end of his service shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. (7) of 1999 promulgating the Pensions and Social Security Law, as amended.
2. Upon termination of his service, the (non-national) employee appointed in the full-time pattern basis shall be entitled to an end-of-service gratuity calculated according to the basic salary as follows:
    a. The basic salary for (21) days for each of the first five years.
    b. The basic salary for (30) days for each of years exceeding the years stated above.
3. The end-of-service gratuity for the employee who works in other patterns of work shall be calculated on a pro rata basis as to the mechanism stipulated in Clause (2) of this Article.
4. The employee shall not be entitled to an end-of-service gratuity if his service period in the Federal Entity is less than one consecutive year.
5. For the purposes of calculating the end-of-service gratuity, the notice period and the total number of days of leave due that the employee has not exhausted in accordance with the provisions of the Human Resources Law and this Resolution shall be counted as part of the period of service and the part of the month shall be considered a full month.
6. Subject to the Federal Law Concerning Pensions and Social Security, the end-of-service gratuity shall be paid to the employee who obtains the nationality of the State on the basis of the last basic salary before obtaining the nationality of the State.
7. The Federal Entity shall have the right to deduct any amounts from the employee's end-of-service gratuity to pay for the debts and obligations owed by him to the Federal Entity in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force.
8. The Cabinet shall adopt other patterns and mechanisms for the payment of end-of-service gratuity and the rules for its disbursement.

Article (169) Mechanism of Application of End-of-Service Gratuity

End-of-service gratuity is payable as follows:
1. Non-national employees who are continuing their jobs prior to the entry into force of this Resolution: their end-of-service gratuity shall be calculated in accordance with the previous systems in force in the federal entity prior to the issuance of this Resolution.
2. After the entry into force of this Resolution: the end-of-service gratuity entitlements shall be calculated for all non-national employees (continuing and new) in accordance with Article (168) of this Resolution.

Article (170) Interpretation of Regulations and Relevant Matters

The FAHR is responsible for interpreting the regulations and systems related to human resources.

Article (171) Signing Contracts

Federal entities shall ensure that all employees shall, as of the date of their appointment or upon the expiry of their contracts, sign the Employment Contract Form contained in Annex (1) attached to this Resolution, which is intended for all patterns of work in accordance with the human resources procedures and digital systems adopted in the Federal Government.

Article (172) Final Provisions

1. Cabinet resolutions issued prior to the issuance of Federal Decree-Law No. (49) of 2022 Concerning Human Resources in the Federal Government, regarding the exemption of some federal entities from the application of the Human Resources Law in the Federal Government or some of its provisions, shall be considered effective unless the Cabinet decides otherwise.
2. The approved grade and salary tables shall continue to be in force before the provisions of Federal Decree-Law No. (49) of 2022 Concerning Human Resources in the Federal Government enters into force, and they cannot be amended except by virtue of a Cabinet resolution.
3. The Cabinet may change the periods, percentages or values mentioned in this Resolution according to the variables and needs of work, and what is required by the public interest.
4. Accommodation allowance, as well as allowances related to health insurance, travel tickets and children's education shall be granted in accordance with the systems adopted in this regard in the Federal Government, provided that any allowance that the employer decides to grant to the employee is mentioned in the annual benefits clause contained in the employment contract.
5. The FAHR shall, in coordination with the Ministry of Finance and the concerned federal entities, shall supervise the implementation of the procedures for accommodating current employees on the categories corresponding to their gross salaries in accordance with the conditions and controls stipulated in this Resolution.

Article (173) Repeals

1. The resolutions below shall be repealed, as well as any other resolutions or provisions that conflict with the provisions of this Resolution:
    a. Cabinet Resolution No. (1) of 2018 Concerning the Executive Regulation of Federal Decree-Law No. (11) of 2008 Concerning Human Resources in the Federal Government and its amendments.
    b. Cabinet Resolution No. (21) of 1999 Concerning Financial Allocations for Retired Military Personnel Appointed in the Federal Government.
    c. Cabinet Resolution No. (17) of 2011 Determining the Ceiling for Financial and In-Kind Privileges for Private Contracts, and its amendments.
    d. Cabinet Resolution No. (221/9M/1) of 2015 Approving Forms of Contracts for National and Non-National Experts and Consultants.
2. The previous resolutions, regulations and systems shall continue to be in force to the extent that they do not conflict with the provisions of the Human Resources Law and this Resolution, until the issuance of the systems, regulations and resolutions that replace them.

Article (174) Publication and Enforcement

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force as of 1 July 2023.

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