
Federal Law Concerning Residential Register and the Identity Card

The last update on this law was listed on 29 Aug 2019

Issued Date

07 May 2006

Effective Date

16 May 2006

Official Gazette Date

16 May 2023

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

In the application of this law, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them unless the contract required another meaning:
State : The United Arab Emirates 
Authority : Emirates ID Authority 
Board : The Authority's Board of Directors 
Chairman : The Board Chairman 
Director General : The Authority Director General 
Authorities Concerned : The federal and local government and other authorities determined by decision of the Council of Ministers upon proposal by the Chairman. 
Population Register : The register of the State population containing personal data and civil events 
Personal Data : The data that characterize every individual in particular and contain any of form of fingerprints, blood group, name and date of change therein if any, address and residence, date and place of birth, sex, religion, nationality, residence for expatriates, marital condition, registration numbers of parents, husband, wife or children, academic qualification and specialization, job, profession and employment place, and any other data determined by the Board on the proposal of the Director General. 
Civil Events: Elements of the individual's civil condition concerning the following: birth, marriage, divorce, nationality, residence, death, and any other details determined by the Board on the proposal of the Director General. 
Collected Statistics: Total figures of one or more population data entered in the Authority's registers from which social, economic, security, cultural or other indicators can be inferred. 
Card: The identification (ID) card issued in accordance with the provisions hereof. 
ID Number : The unified number provided for in the decree promulgating Federal Law No. 2 of 2004 referred to above. 

Chapter One: Establishment of & Registration in the System

Article (2)

A Population Register System shall be established for the registration of personal data, civil events of UAE nationals and expatriates residing in the State.

Article (3)

Personal data and civil events of individuals shall be entered in the Population Register System according to what the Board decides on the proposal of the Director General.
Every citizen or expatriate residing in the State and entered in the Population Register System shall be designated a fixed number called the ID number.
All Authorities Concerned shall record this number in individuals' transactions, registers and files and use it for organizing and keeping such transactions, registers and files without disrupting the organization or keeping methods applied by such authorities.

Article (4)

1. Individuals subject to the provisions of this Law shall apply for registering their names in the Residential Register System within the time limits and stages determined by the Board's decision.
2. The registration application request shall be submitted by the concerned person or his representative, or in accordance to the Board's decision.

Article (5)

Authorities Concerned shall within the limits of their respective attributions notify the Authority of any personal data, civil events and any changes or amendments to such data or events within the time limits pursuant to the procedures determined by the Board decision on the proposal of the Director General.

Article (6)

Subject to the provisions of Para 1 of Article (4) hereof, individuals entered in the Population Register System shall notify the Authority of any change or amendment to their personal data or civil events within the time limits and pursuant to the procedures determined by the Board on the proposal of the Director General. The person who receives such notification shall give the notifier relevant proof after identifying him.
In all cases, notification by the person concerned or his representative shall take place in conformity with the Board decision on the proposal of the Director General.

Article (7)

The Authority may request individuals and special artificial persons covered by the provisions hereof to give any data or information they may have concerning themselves if the same is necessary for the Population Register System or the other registers of the Authority. Relevant procedures and time limits shall be determined by the Chairman's decision after the Board approval is obtained.

Article (8)

Embassies and consulates of the State located abroad shall notify the Authority of personal data, civil events and any changes therein that are received from citizens residing within their jurisdictions.

Chapter Two: Identification Cards

Article (9)

The Authority shall issue to every individual entered in the Population Register System a card called the identification (ID) card.
Subject to the provisions of Article (4) hereof, an application must be submitted to extract the card for any person who attains the age of fifteen years within six months from the date of attaining this age.
A decision shall be made by the Board on the proposal of the Director General to determine the form of the card, the details it must contain and the procedures for extracting it.
Proving the identity with this card exclusively shall be approved subject to what the council of ministers may decide.

Article (10)

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 9 of this Law, and except for cases of necessity determined by the Board of Directors upon the proposal of the Director General, no employee, user, worker, student or whoever person may be accepted, used or retained unless he/she has the card.
This prohibition's enforcement date and implementation mechanism shall be determined by a Board resolution upon the proposal of the Director General and published in the Official Gazette.

Article (11)

If the card is lost, damaged or changed in respect of the data recorded therein, the holder shall notify the same to the Authority within the time limits and pursuant to the procedures determined by the Board decision on the proposal of the Director General.

Chapter Three: Extraction of Data

Article (12)

Every individual may obtain an official copy of the personal data pertaining to his person, ancestors, descendants or wives. Similarly, the family head may extract such data for the individuals he has registered in accordance with the text of Para 2 of Article (4) hereof.
Such data may not be given to any person other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph without a special power of attorney from the person concerned, provided that such power of attorney is authenticated in conformity with established rules.

Article (13)

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article (12) hereof, the Authorities Concerned may obtain from the Authority an official copy of the data entered in the population register if the same is necessary for it to undertake their functions in accordance with the executive regulations hereof.

Article (14)

The Director General may in conformity with the rules determined by the Board give comprehensive statistical data for the purposes of scientific research, communital and demographic studies. Persons interested in obtaining such data shall be required to submit an application using the Authority-prepared form accompanied by the Board-determined documents. The Director General shall be entitled to reject the application and inform the applicant of such rejection in writing after verifying the viability of such information for the required purposes and fulfilling any other conditions deemed necessary by the Board.
The rejection decision may be appealed within the time limits and pursuant to the procedures determined by the Board on the proposal of the Director General. The Chairman's decision on the appeal shall be final.

Article (15)

Any person having obtained information pursuant to the provisions of Articles (13) and (14) hereof shall not use the same for other than the purpose wherefore the Authority agreed to give him such information, and shall abide by the conditions whereon such information has been given to him.
Without prejudice to the penalty prescribed in Article (18) hereof, the Authority may not give violators the data they may request in the future for any period it may determine.

Chapter Four: Penalties

Article (16)

"The Cabinet shall, upon the proposal of the Board, issue a resolution specifying the fines that the Authority shall impose on any person who violates any of the provisions of Articles 6 and 10 of this Law, amounting to no more than AED 1,000. The fine shall be multiplied by the number of persons against whom the violation has been committed."

Article (17)

There shall be punished by a fine of no more than five thousand Dirhams any person who violates the provisions of Article (7) hereof

Article (18)

Without prejudice to any stricter penalty provided for in any other law, there shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of no more than six month and a fine of no more than five thousand Dirhams or either penalty any person who gives incorrect information for the Population Register System.

Article (19)

Without prejudice to any stricter penalty provided for in any other law, there shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of no more than six month and a fine of no more than five thousand Dirhams or either penalty any person who, in bad faith, violates Articles (14) and (15) hereof.

Article (20)

There shall be considered an aggravating circumstance the violation by representatives, managers, agents or Board members of the artificial person of the provisions of Article (14) or (15) hereof.
In case of those mentioned in the preceding paragraph being convicted, the Court may decide that the person affiliated to the convict be suspended from pursuing his activity for the period it may determine if the violation is committed in his name or for his interest.

Article (21)

Without prejudice to any stricter penalty provided for in any other law, there shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of no less than three month and no more than three years any person who discloses a work secret, a datum of the population register, any other data, information or collected statistics registered by the Authority that he may have access to by reason of his job.

Chapter Five: General Provisions

Article (22)

The population register and identity card system shall be implemented according to the stages to be determined by the Board on the proposal of the Director General.

Article (23)

The forms pertaining to the application of the provisions hereof shall be determined by the Board on the proposal of the Director General.

Article (24)

Fees of the procedures pertaining to the application of the provisions hereof shall be determined by the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Board.

Article (25)

A national committee may be formed by a decision of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Board to review the personal data before they are entered in the population register or the other registers of the Authority. The decision forming the committee shall determine its functions while its operational procedures shall be determined by the executive regulations hereof.

Article (26)

The executive regulations hereof shall determine the correction procedures of the personal data and civil events already entered in the population register.

Article (27)

Data entered in the card, population register, the other registers of the Authority, certificates and their official extracts shall be deemed evidence in respect of the entries recorded therein unless a conclusive adjudication proves anything to the contrary, or that they are invalid or false.

Article (28)

The Chairman may authorize the Vice Chairman to assume some of the functions assigned to him hereunder. The Vice-Chairman shall act for the Chairman in his absence.

Article (29)

The Minister of Justice shall by agreement with the Chairman issue a decision vesting some of the Authority personnel the capacity of Judicial Officers to record any violations of the provisions hereof and the decisions issued for the implementation thereof within their respective spheres of competence.

Chapter Six: Final Provisions

Article (30)

The Chairman shall issue the executive regulations hereof after obtaining the approval of the Board.

Article (31)

Any provision contrary or contradictory to the provisions hereof shall be repealed.

Article (32)

This law shall be published in the official gazette and applied from the date of publication.

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