
The Research and Development Governance Policy

Issued Date

13 Sep 2021

The Lead Entity

Emirates Research and Development Council



Public Policy Document


The Research and Development Governance Policy was issued in 2021 to enhance the efficiency of current and future research and development activities and their funding channels, aligning them and building bridges towards priority markets and industries. This aims to establish a knowledge-based economy that preserves our national achievements and paves the way for our future industries over the next fifty years.

The research and development system is considered part of the UAE’s economic infrastructure. The National Strategy for Industry and Advanced Technology was designed to stimulate innovation, develop, and adopt advanced technology in industrial systems and solutions. This requires solid foundations for the research and development system in all its stages, and it is not limited to the industrial sector alone but includes all sectors of the UAE. Accordingly, this policy continues the efforts to govern research, development, and commercialization, aiming to enhance the efficiency and alignment of research activities and their funding channels, both present and future. It also seeks to build bridges with priority markets and industries, fostering a knowledge economy that safeguards national achievements and paves the way for future industries over the next fifty years.

Policy Objectives

  1. Establish a national research and development system that unifies its directions and efforts to build a knowledge-based economy and attract specialized expertise and talents.
    • Enhance the country's position as a global center for science, technology, and research and development by drawing a unified and clear roadmap for the R&D system.
    • Create a strategic link between the government sector, the private sector, and the education sector.
    • Channel the R&D budget towards addressing national challenges.
    • Implement a mechanism to ensure the activation of implementation plans to achieve national priority goals.
  2. Establish a national-level mechanism to unify data on R&D activities, monitor their performance, and determine their economic and social impacts.
    • Provide accurate data related to R&D and facilitate its collection and analysis through a central mechanism that compiles this data.
    • Build capacities to monitor the performance of R&D activities and extract their economic and social impact.
  3. Delegate the governance functions of R&D to a central authority, clarifying the powers and responsibilities of the relevant stakeholders.
    • Empower R&D as an independent sector and clarify the responsibilities of all stakeholders and their contributions—within their jurisdictions—to achieve the UAE's vision.

Priorities & Key Components

  1. Framework for the Governance of Research and Development.
    • The governance framework will establish a strong and centralized system for research and development by clearly defining the roles of responsible entities at all levels of governance, in line with best global practices.
  2. UAE Research and Development Council.
    • It is recommended to establish the Emirates Research and Development Council as the highest level of R&D governance to enhance centralized governance, define roles, and ensure inclusivity in terms of sectoral representation. Its tasks include:
      • Providing feedback and reviewing legislations, policies, strategies, and programs related to the national R&D system.
      • Reviewing and aligning R&D funding programs and initiatives that contribute to achieving national priorities and driving the country's economic growth.
      • Setting the general framework for organizing R&D activities and components in the country, including funding sources and mechanisms, research rules and ethics, and the governance of research in academic and research institutions, among other regulatory aspects.
      • Identifying the R&D priorities in the country across targeted sectors, fields, and entities, in line with approved strategic directions and national priorities.
      • Developing plans, programs, and initiatives to develop, encourage, and attract specialized talent in R&D programs.
      • Building a framework for partnerships between sectors and entities involved in R&D at the local, regional, and international levels to enhance participation and exchange of expertise and knowledge in various R&D fields and monitoring its implementation.
      • Overseeing the evaluation of the R&D environment in the country, monitoring data, identifying challenges and obstacles facing the sector, and submitting necessary reports, proposals, and recommendations to the Cabinet.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Establish the Emirates Research and Development Council.
  2. Calculate the expenditure on research and development as a percentage of GDP in the government sector, private sector, and education sector.
  3. Boost the R&D system with the expertise and talents concerned with research and development in the government sector, private sector, and education sector.
  4. Attract both foreign and local investments to support long-term research and development activities, which will generate new job opportunities across various scientific and technological fields.
  5. Enhance the quality of the work environment for professionals engaged in research and development.
  6. Create new entrepreneurial opportunities within the country through the commercialization of research and development outcomes.
  7. Increase individual productivity by rigorously assessing the performance of research and development activities and evaluating their economic and social impacts.

Target Audience

Government entities, private sector enterprises, educational institutions, research centers, and research professionals.