
Cabinet Resolution Concerning the Executive Regulation for Federal Decree-Law Regulating the Media

The last update on this law was listed on 10 Jun 2024

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Issued Date

10 Jun 2024

Effective Date

31 Oct 2024

Official Gazette Date

31 Jul 2024

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail



Article (1) Definitions

The definitions provided in Federal Decree-Law No. (55) of 2023 shall apply to this Resolution; otherwise, the following terms and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them unless the context indicates otherwise:
Decree-Law: Federal Decree-Law No. (55) of 2023 Regulating the Media.
Foreign Media Offices: Institutions or bodies operating within the country under official licences granted by the Competent Authority. These offices represent foreign media within the UAE, in accordance with applicable laws and legislation.
Age Rating System: A System issued by the UAE Media Council, in coordination with the Competent Authority, to assess the suitability of media content for different age groups and conformity thereof with established media content principles and standards.
Media Activities: The activities stipulated in Article (8) of the Decree-Law and Article (27) of this Resolution.

Article (2) Controls and Conditions for Licence Media Activities

In addition to the controls and conditions stipulated in Article (5) of the Decree-Law, the following conditions shall be met for the issuance of a licence to practise media activities:
1. The application shall be submitted to the UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable, by the individual in whose name the licence will be issued or by the legal representative thereof, through the electronic means approved by the Council or the Competent Authority. The application shall be submitted in the prescribed form and shall include supporting documents and papers verifying the accuracy of the data provided.
2. The Licence applicant shall have full legal capacity.
3. The licence applicant shall be of good reputation and conduct and shall not have been previously sentenced to imprisonment for a felony or a misdemeanour involving moral turpitude or breach of trust unless rehabilitated.
4. The following documents shall be attached to the application:

a. A valid ID card issued from the UAE for the licence applicant and their companies (if any);
b. A certificate of trade name reservation from the relevant authorities, including the name, legal form and activity;
c. The Articles of Association or By-Laws of the media institution, as applicable;
d.  Appointment Letter of Director General;
e. Completion of the acquaintance document form, if required for the practice of certain activities;
f. If the licence applicant is a foreign media office, the name and address of the legal representative thereof within the UAE shall be provided. Additionally, the legal representative Power of Attorney shall be submitted, certified by a notary public, and endorsed by the UAE embassy; and

5. Any other conditions determined by the UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority.

Article (3) Deciding on Licence Application

1. The UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable, shall review the application for issuing a licence to practise media activities in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the Decree-Law and this Resolution.
2. The application shall be decided upon within a period not exceeding three (3) working days from the date of its submission, provided that it meets the terms and conditions.
3. The decision on the application may be postponed if it requires the approval of relevant authorities, until such authorities have made their decision.

Article (4) Rejecting Licence Issuance

The UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable, may reject the application for issuing a licence if any of the following conditions occur, provided that the rejection decision shall be justified:
1. Failure to meet any of the licence controls and conditions stipulated in the Decree-Law and this Resolution;
2. Rejection of any of the relevant authorities whose approval is required by legislation for the licence;
3. Previously, suspending or cancelling the licence, closing an establishment related to media activity belonging thereto, or previously preventing the applicant from practising the media activity, without having addressed the reasons for such suspension, cancellation, or prohibition; and
4. Any other cases determined by the Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable.

Article (5) Accepting Licence Application

In case of meeting the conditions and requirements stipulated in the Decree-Law and this Resolution, the UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable, shall issue the licence, which shall include the following data:
1. Licensee data including partners or shareholders (if any):

a. Name in Arabic and English;
b. ID Card data;
c. Phone number and email address;
d. Name and legal form, if the licensee is a legal person, as specified in the licence;

2. Trade name, media and/or commercial licence number, licence authority, Emirate, and type of media activity;
3. Licence issuance and expiry date;
4. Address and contact details of the licensee and partners (if any) for the purposes of notification and communication regarding matters related to the licence; and 
5. Any other cases determined by the UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable.

Article (6) Notifying Licence Applicant

1. The licence applicant shall be notified of the decision of the UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable, within three (3) working days from the date of its issuance, at the address specified in the application. Such notification may be sent to the applicant's email address.
2. The licensee shall notify the UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority of any amendment or change to the address and details specified in the licence application. In the event that the licensee fails to provide such notification, any communication sent to the address specified in the licence application shall be deemed valid, with full legal effect and compliance with all established procedures.

Article (7) Licence Term and Renewal

1. The UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable, shall issue a licence to practise media activities for a period of one calendar year, provided that an application for renewal shall be submitted thirty (30) days before its expiration date. Renewal shall be conducted in accordance with the same terms and conditions specified for the initial issuance of the licence.
2. The licensee may not continue to practise the licensed media activity from the date the licence expires until its renewal.
3. Failure to submit a licence renewal application within ninety (90) days from the date of expiry shall result in the automatic cancellation of the licence and the imposition of the fine specified in the Regulations of Violations and Administrative Penalties issued for the implementation of the Decree-Law.

Article (8) Acting Under Licence

The licensee may not assign or lease the licence to others, nor make any changes to the partners, whether by addition or substitution, without the prior approval of the UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable.

Article (9) Licence Cancellation

The Licence shall be cancelled in any of the following cases:
1. The licensee or the legal representative thereof shall submit a request for the cancellation of the licence to the UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable, in accordance with the following conditions:

a. Payment of all fines due on the licensee, if any;
b. Submission of a statement or proof of no objection to the cancellation from the relevant authorities;

2.  Issuance of a final judicial ruling or administrative resolution to cancel the licence, in accordance with the Regulations of Violations and Administrative Penalties issued for the implementation of the provisions of the Decree-Law.
3. Death of the licensee without nominating a replacement thereto in accordance with Article (10) hereof.
4. Failure to submit a licence renewal application within ninety (90) days from the expiration date thereof.
5. Any other cases determined by the Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable.

Article (10) Death of Licence Holder

1. The heirs shall notify the UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable, of the death of the licensee within ninety (90) days from the date of death.
2. Pursuant to the probate ruling issued by the competent court, the media licence shall be transferred to the legal heirs. The heirs shall amend their within ninety (90) days from the date of the ruling.
3. The licence issued by the UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority shall be cancelled if the heirs fail to nominate a replacement for the licensee within ninety (90) days as of the ruling the date.
4. In case of a partner death, the licence shall be transferred to the legal heirs in accordance with the inheritance distribution ruling issued by the competent court. All partners shall amend the articles of incorporation and reconcile their status within ninety (90) days as of the inheritance probate ruling date.

Article (11) Deciding on Permit Application

1. The UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority shall review the permit application within fifteen (15) working days of its submission and notify the applicant of the decision within three (3) working days of its issuance. If no decision is issued within fifteen (15) working days, the application shall be deemed implicitly rejected.
2. The decision on the application may be deferred if approval from relevant authorities is required. The applicant shall be notified of this deferral within the period specified for reviewing the application, as outlined in Clause (1) of this Article.

Article (12) Rejecting Permit Issuance

The UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable, may reject the permit application in any of the following cases:
1. Failure to meet the conditions and requirements stipulated in the Decree-Law and this Resolution.
2. Rejection of any of the relevant authorities whose approval is required by legislation for the permit.
3. Any other cases determined by the Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable.

Article (13) Permit Term

The Permit shall be valid for the period specified for practising the media activity, as determined by the Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable. Each application shall be granted only one Permit.

Article (14) Permit Cancellation

The Permit shall be cancelled in any of the following cases:
1. If the Permit Holder makes any unauthorised modifications to the content approved by the Council or the Competent Authority.
2. If a final administrative resolution is issued to cancel the permit due to non-compliance with media content standards as stipulated in the Decree-Law and this Resolution, and in accordance with the administrative violations and penalties list.
3. Any other cases determined by the Council or the Competent Authority, as applicable.

Article (15) Conditions for Licensing Radio and Television Broadcasting

The applicant shall meet the following conditions to obtain a licence from the Competent Authority to practise radio and television broadcasting activities:
1. The application shall be submitted through approved electronic means using the designated form, with all required documents.
2. Specify the proposed name of the channel or station, the headquarters thereof, and the language of the broadcast.
3. Provide data about the applicant, associated companies (if any), employees, and prior experience thereof as specified in the form.
4. Programme plans shall be submitted for both the initial licence issuance and renewal application.
5. Obtain approval from the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority for the technical specifications and technologies used in broadcasting.
6. Any other conditions determined by the Competent Authority.

Article (16) Obligations of the Licensee to Practise Radio and Television Broadcasting Activity

The licensee shall undertake to practise radio and television broadcasting activity as follows:
1. Abide by the media content standards stipulated in this Decree-Law and this Resolution.
2. Comply with the frequency allocated by the General Authority for Regulating the Telecommunications Sector and Digital Government, and with the specified geographical coverage and technical standards for frequency use.
3. Maintain a record of all programmes broadcast by the licensee during twelve (12) consecutive months, including dates and times of broadcast, and provide the UAE Media Council and the Competent Authority with any programmes requested for review within the time specified in the application.
4. Display the station logo during television broadcasts and broadcast the station name and frequency used during radio broadcast hours.
5. Respect the literary, artistic, and intellectual property rights of individuals and institutions.
6. Follow the instructions from relevant authorities in emergency or crisis situations.

Article (17) Controls, Conditions, and Procedures for Permitting Cinematic Film Showings and Other Artistic Works

1. The applicant shall meet the following controls and conditions to obtain a permit to practise the activity of showing films and other artistic works:

a. The application shall be submitted to the UAE Media Council through the approved electronic means, in accordance with the form prepared for that purpose, with the required documents and papers supporting the accuracy of the data provided; 
b. The issued licence to practise the media activity shall be attached; and
c. Any other conditions specified by the Council.

2. The provisions stipulated for granting permits, as contained in Articles (11, 12, 13, and 14) of this Resolution, and in the resolutions issued in implementation thereof, shall apply to this activity.

Article (18) Obligations of the Permittee to Practise the Activity of Showing Cinema Films and Other Artistic Works

The permittee to practise the activity of showing cinematic films and other artistic works shall be committed to the following:
1. The Age Rating System shall be adhered to when showing cinematic films and other artistic works.
2. Avoid including cinematic films in the screening schedule or offering tickets for sale unless a screening permit has been obtained from the UAE Media Council.
3. Avoid circulating any cinematic film before screening in cinemas unless a circulating permit has been obtained from the UAE Media Council.
4. Avoid circulating films and other artistic works in any public or private place accessible to the public unless a permit has been obtained from the UAE Media Council.

Article (19) Approval of Scripts for Artistic Works

A script approval permit shall be obtained from the UAE Media Council before commencing any cinematic or theatrical work according to the following procedures:
1. The application shall be submitted by the person to whom the permit will be issued or the legal representative thereof.
2. An electronic copy of the script (cinematic or theatrical) shall be attached.
3. Any documents or papers specified by the UAE Media Council.

Article (20) Newspapers and Publications

The applicant shall meet the following conditions to obtain a licence from the Competent Authority to practise newspaper and publication activities:
1. The application shall be submitted through approved electronic means using the designated form, with all required documents.
2. Each newspaper or publication shall have an editor-in-chief who meets the following criteria:

a.  Possess an academic qualification from a recognised university or higher institute.
b.  Having practical experience of not less than a year.
c. The editor-in-chief shall be of good conduct.

3. The Licensee may serve as the editor-in-chief if they meet the conditions specified in Clause (2) of this Article.
4. The name of the licensee, the name of the editor-in-chief, the issue number, the place and date of publication, and the name of the printing press shall be prominently displayed on the printed or electronic newspaper.
5. The use of names and descriptions that may cause confusion with the name or title of another natural or legal person shall be prohibited.
6.  Government agencies and public benefit institutions seeking to issue newspapers or publications for profit shall obtain a licence from the Competent Authority.
7. Abide by the media content standards stipulated in this Decree-Law and this Resolution.
8. Any other conditions specified by the Competent Authority.

Article (21) Controls and Procedures for the Practice of Photography Activities

The Competent Authority shall issue permits for land, aerial or marine photography activities in accordance with the following controls and procedures:
1. The application shall be submitted through approved electronic means using the designated form, with all required documents and data before fifteen (15) working days before the date specified for the commencement of filming.
2. The data form shall be filled out correctly.
3. The submitted application shall specify the purpose of filming (film/television report/programme/TV series/advertisement/video clip or any other purpose) .
4. The submitted application shall specify the start and end dates of the filming, as well as provide precise details of the locations to be photographed.
5. The application shall include an authorisation letter or an official letter from the relevant implementing or supervising authority, whether domestic or foreign, if applicable.
6. The application shall include an attached written authorisation statement issued by the UAE Media Council for films and plays, or by the competent authority for TV serials.
7. The permittee shall adhere to the media content standards as outlined in the Decree-Law and this Resolution.
8. Any other conditions specified by the Competent Authority.

Article (22) Book Fairs

Entities wishing to hold book fairs shall adhere to the following conditions and controls:
1. The Permit Application shall be submitted to the Competent Authority on the form prepared for that purpose, including the shown data and documents.
2. The service applicant shall have a licence to hold and organise exhibitions from the Competent Authority to practise the required activity.
3. The books displayed shall comply with the media content standards as stipulated in the Decree-Law and this Resolution.
4. No promotional activities for the exhibition, including all forms of advertising, may be conducted prior to obtaining a permit from the competent authority.

Article (23) Foreign Publications

In addition to the controls and conditions specified in Article (15) of the Decree-Law, the Council is responsible for issuing licences to individuals, establishments, and local and foreign media institutions seeking to reprint foreign publications issued from outside the UAE, in accordance with the following controls and conditions:
1. The application shall be submitted through approved electronic means using the designated form, with all required documents.
2. Data of the printing press and the owner of the foreign publication shall be provided.
3. Number of copies to be printed shall be determined.
4. Any other controls or conditions specified by the UAE Media Council.

Article (24) Controls and Conditions for Licensing Foreign Media Offices

In addition to the controls and conditions stipulated in Article (5) of Decree-Law, the following conditions are required for the issuance of a licence to foreign media offices:
1. The application shall be submitted to the Competent Authority through the electronic means approved by the UAE Media Council or the Competent Authority in accordance with the prescribed form with supporting documents and papers verifying the accuracy of the data provided.
2. The submitted application shall specify the type of media outlet to be represented the office within the UAE.
3. Each office director shall be appointed after the approval of the Competent Authority, in accordance with the following conditions:

a. The director age shall be no less than twenty-five (25) years. The Competent Authority shall grant an exception for such condition;
b. The director shall hold an appropriate academic qualification as determined by the Competent Authority;
c. A letter of appointment from the foreign media outlet in the country of origin certified by a notary and endorsed by the embassy of such country shall be submitted;

4. The names of office personnel and data thereof shall be determined.
5. The names of correspondents and journalists working in the office shall be determined. Provided that they shall be appointed after the approval of the Competent Authority, in accordance with the conditions determined thereby.
6. Office directors, correspondents, and journalists working in the offices may not be changed except after the approval of the competent authority and the approval of the new director, correspondent, and journalist.
7. Any other conditions determined by the Competent Authority.

Article (25) Work Controls for Correspondents and Journalists Working in Foreign Media Offices Licensed within the UAE

1. A permit from the Competent Authority is required for correspondents and journalists to work for any foreign media office. This permit shall be valid for a period of one year and may be renewed for an equivalent period upon request by the office.
2. Correspondents and journalists authorised to work for foreign media offices shall observe the following controls:

a. The news issued thereby shall be objective and documented;
b. It is prohibited to engage in any activities that may harm the national security of the UAE or negatively affect relations thereof with other states, international, regional, or local bodies and organisations, or individuals;
c. The media content standards stipulated in this Decree-Law and this Resolution shall be abided by; and
d. Any other conditions determined by the Competent Authority;

3. The Competent Authority shall register correspondents and journalists affiliated with foreign media offices in a registry for this purpose.

Article (26) Unregistered Foreign Correspondents and Journalists

1. The UAE Media Council shall issue permits for foreign correspondents and journalists who are neither registered in the UAE nor affiliated with foreign media offices licensed therein, in accordance with the following:

a. The foreign correspondent or journalist who is not registered in the UAE shall submit an application to the UAE Media Council through the approved electronic means, using the designated form prepared for such purpose, accompanied by all supporting documents and evidence verifying the accuracy of the information provided;
b. A letter from the media organisation outside the UAE shall be attached, confirming that the foreign correspondent and journalist will represent the organisation for the purpose of covering events and activities within the UAE;

2. The permit shall be valid for a specific period and shall terminate upon the conclusion of the event or activity.
3. Foreign correspondents and journalists who are not registered in the UAE shall adhere to the same controls stipulated in Clause (2) of Article (25) of this Resolution.
4. Any other controls specified by the Council.

Article (27) Other Media Activities

1. The UAE Media Council shall responsible for issuing licences for the following media activities:

a. Distributing, publishing, and trading sound recordings and audio media;
b. Selling sound recordings and audio media;
c. Distributing, publishing, and trading video recordings and visual media;
d. Selling video recordings and visual media;
e. Video game trading;
f. Selling video game;
g. Designing and producing advertisements of all kinds;
h. Establishing a Cinema;
i. Establishing a temporary cinema;
j. Importing and distributing cinematic films, documentaries, and cartoons;
k. Producing cinematic films, documentaries, and cartoons;
l. Translating and dubbing artistic works; and
m. Media and advertising consultations and studies;

2. The concerned authorities shall not issue licences for any of the media activities stipulated in Clause (1) of this Article before obtaining approval from the UAE Media Council.

Article (28) Media Content Standards

In addition to the media content standards stipulated in Article (17) of the Decree-Law, any individual engaged in media-related activities or professions shall adhere to the following requirements:
1. Not to glorify groups with destructive political, ethnic, economic, ideological, or social tendencies that are adverse to the UAE or that serve their own interests.
2. Select appropriate individuals when hosting or accepting contributions thereof in the media.
3.  The content of the advertisement shall respect the culture, identity, and values of the UAE.
4. Take into account the Age Rating System of artistic works approved by the UAE Media Council.
5.  Respect children rights in accordance with the legislation applicable within the UAE.

Article (29) Printing, Circulation, and Publishing of Media Content

The competent authority shall issue permits for the printing, circulation, and publication of media content in accordance with the following controls and procedures:
1. The application shall be submitted by the individual in whose name the permit is to be issued, or by the legal representative thereof, using the approved methods and the designated form prepared for this purpose. The application shall be accompanied by supporting documents and evidence verifying the accuracy of the information provided.
2.  A copy of the media content intended for printing, circulation, or publication, along with any other documents or information specified by the competent authority, shall be attached.
3. The permit for the activities of printing, circulating, and publishing media content shall be subject to the same provisions as those stipulated in Articles (11, 12, 13, and 14) of this Resolution, as well as any resolution as issued in implementation thereof regarding this activity.

Article (30) Approval of Scripts for Series

1. A series script approval permit shall be obtained from the competent authority commencing the filming or recording of any work within the UAE, according to the following procedures:

a.  The application shall be submitted by the individual in whose name the permit is to be issued, or by the legal representative thereof, using the approved methods and the designated form prepared for this purpose. The application shall be accompanied by supporting documents and evidence verifying the accuracy of the information provided;
b. Attachment of an electronic copy of the script (Series Script); and
c. Any other documents or papers specified by the Competent Authority;

2.  The competent authority may reject the approval of the series script if it is determined that the content contravenes the applicable regulations, public morals, or the UAE customs and traditions.

Article (31) Printing, Circulation, and Publishing of Foreign Media Content

The UAE Media Council shall have the authority to issue permits for the printing, circulation, and publication of foreign media content, according to the following controls:
1. The application shall be submitted by the individual in whose name the permit is to be issued, or by the legal representative thereof, using the approved methods and the designated form prepared for this purpose. The application shall be accompanied by supporting documents and evidence verifying the accuracy of the information provided.
2. The following shall be attached to the application:

a. A media licence authorising the conduct of the required media activity;
b. A copy of the foreign media content intended for printing, circulation, or publication; and
c. Any documents or papers specified by the UAE Media Council.

3. The provisions governing the issuance of permits, as stipulated in Articles (11, 12, 13, and 14) of this Resolution, along with any related implementing resolutions, shall apply equally to the issuance of permits for the printing, circulation, and publication of foreign media content.

Article (32) Violating Media Content Broadcast through Unlicensed Foreign Media Outlets

In the event that any foreign media outlet, not licensed by the UAE Media Council or the competent authority, broadcasts media content received within the UAE that violates the media content standards set forth in the Decree-Law and this Resolution, the Council shall take the following measures as it deems appropriate, without adhering to any prior order:
1. The UAE Media Council shall contact its foreign counterpart through multiple channels concerning any content broadcast by a foreign media outlet that violates applicable standards. The Council shall request that appropriate measures be taken to prevent or block the signal from reaching the UAE.
2. The UAE Media Council reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings against the foreign media outlet in violation.
3. The UAE Media Council, in coordination with the competent authorities, may block foreign media outlets and prevent signals thereof from reaching the UAE.

Article (33) Terms and Controls of Advertising and Publicity

It is prohibited to publish any propaganda or advertisement that contravenes the media content standards set forth in the Decree-Law and this Resolution, or that directly or indirectly harms the public interest. Individuals, entities, and media institutions, including those operating within media free zones, shall comply with the following conditions and controls:
1. Advertisements shall not be ambiguous, unclear, or lacking in definitive meaning.
2. Advertisements shall not include or contain incorrect or misleading claims, exaggerations, assertions of exclusivity, disparagement of competitors, or any content that may be construed as fraudulent or deceptive.
3. Advertisements shall not feature forged, imitated, or unlawfully used signs, signals, or images.
4. Advertisements shall be factual and not exaggerated, ensuring they do not create any confusion or ambiguity with other names, products, or activities.
5. Advertisements shall not involve any criminal activity or violate the principles and standards of media content and Age Rating System applicable in this regard.
6. Advertisements shall be clearly identified, distinct, and separate from other editorial and media content. They shall be delineated by clear boundaries, including during broadcasts, to differentiate them from other materials and time slots.
7. In cases where advertisements directly or indirectly promote, advertise, or endorse a specific product or service, the advertiser shall clearly disclose any material return or commercial relationship with the person or entity that owns the advertised product or service.
8. Advertisements shall observe the conditions and controls regarding the use of the UAE flag, symbols, emblem, and national anthem.
9. Advertisements shall not include the promotion of alcoholic beverages, prohibited narcotic substances, tobacco, or smoking, whether directly or indirectly.
10. Approval from the concerned authority shall be required, with adherence to the requirements imposed by such authorities, in the following cases:

a. Real estate advertisements;
b. Advertisements for medical products, clinics, hospitals, health services, or pharmaceutical products;
c.  Advertisements related to securities and financial services;
d.  Advertisements concerning providing educational services;
e. Food-related advertisements; and
f. Any other advertisements as determined by the UAE Media Council or the competent authority.

Article (34) Repeals

Any provision that violates or contradicts the provisions of this Resolution shall be repealed.

Article (35) Publication and Entry into Force

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into force three (3) months after the date of its publication.

Translated in cooperation with