
Cabinet Resolution Regulating the Delegation of Ministers for Official Missions Outside of the State

The last update on this law was listed on 10 Jun 2024

Issued Date

10 Jun 2024

Effective Date

29 Jun 2024

Official Gazette Date

28 Jun 2024

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

In application of the provisions herein, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings ascribed thereto, unless the context requires otherwise:
State: United Arab Emirates.
Cabinet: The United Arab Emirates Cabinet.
Minister: The Minister for whom a federal decree is issued to nominate him as Minister, Minister of State, or to be appointed at a Minister degree.
Official Mission Abroad: The Minister's official mission outside the State to represent the Ministry, the federal government or the State, and such mission relates to the competences and tasks of his employment entity or pursuant to his competences and tasks at the federal councils and committees.
Special Official Mission: An official mission abroad assigned to the Minister directly by the President of the State, the Prime Minister, Vice-President or the Deputy of Prime Minister.
Special Allowance: An amount of money given to the Minister for his assignment to perform a special official mission pursuant to provisions of this Resolution.

Article (2) Scope of Application

1. Provisions of this Resolution shall apply to the Minister upon performing official missions abroad. 
2. Provisions of this Resolution shall not apply to a Minister whose official missions abroad are regulated by special legislations.

Article (3) Participation in Official Missions Abroad

1. Each Minister shall obtain permission from His Highness the Prime Minister before undertaking any official mission abroad.
2. The official mission abroad shall be related to the work of the Ministry, the federal government, or the State. 
3. The Minister shall submit requests for permission to the Prime Minister through the General Secretariat of the Cabinet for each official mission abroad separately in accordance with the regulation in place at the General Secretariat of the Cabinet for this purpose. 
4. Minister of Cabinet Affairs shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary approvals for permission requests, and the approvals shall be sent to the concerned Minister through the procedures mentioned in Clause (3) of this Article. 
5. The President, the Prime Minister, the Vice-President, or the Deputy of Prime Minister may assign the Minister for a specific official mission. The Minister shall pass this mission through the procedure mentioned in Clause (3) of this Article before or after the mission in order to record such mission, taking into account the mission's privacy.

Article (4) Allocations of the Official Mission Abroad

1. The Minister assigned to an official mission abroad shall be granted, in addition to his monthly salary, a daily travel allowance of AED (4,000) four thousand Dirhams for each full day or part of a day spent on the mission assigned to the Minister. This allowance covers accommodation, food, miscellaneous expenses, and transportation costs. 
2. An additional (50%) fifty percent shall be added to the travel allowance specified in Clause (1) of this Article if the Minister is assigned to lead the delegation on the official mission abroad. 
3. The Minister shall be entitled to the full travel allowance even if staying with full hospitality in the host State. 
4. The Minister shall be entitled to a first-class ticket or its equivalent on any other means of travel.

Article (5) Special Allowance

1. The Minister assigned to a special official mission shall receive a special allowance of AED (10,000) ten thousand Dirhams per day. The special allowance account shall not include the travel days for departure and return. 
2. Assignment order stated in Clause (1) of this Article shall indicate the entity that will undertake the special allowance reimbursement.
3. The special allowance provided under this Article may not be combined with the allocations of official missions abroad specified in Article (4) of this Resolution.

Article (6) Duration of the Official Mission Abroad

The duration of the official mission abroad shall be determined based on its nature, including the days of travel for departure and return. This is provided that total duration shall not exceed one day before the mission and another day after the mission. An extra day before or after the official mission may be added if the duration of the trip exceeds (10) ten hours.

Article (7) Official Flights on Private Planes

1. The Minister may travel on a private plane to perform the official mission if the cost of the private plane is within the financial allocations designated for official missions abroad in the budget of the federal entity. This shall be under the following cases:
    a. The official flights shall be limited to ministerial meetings held in one of the (GCC) State.
    b. If the official mission does not have regular commercial flights.
    c. If the private plane is less costly and more efficient than commercial flights.
    d. If the Minister is required to travel in an official mission to more than one State on the same day. 
2. The Cabinet may exempt any Minister from the cases outlined in this Article concerning travel on a private plane. 

Article (8) Other Expenses

1. The federal entity may cover the expenses of hospitality and reception incurred by the Minister during official missions abroad through using the budget allocated for this purpose. 
2. The federal entity shall incur the costs of transporting government luggage and official documents required for the official mission abroad, if any. 
3. The financial provisions and procedures adopted by the Federal Government shall apply to any expenses and costs that are not stipulated in this Resolution. 
4. The provisions of this Article shall apply to official missions abroad assigned to the Minister by the President, the Vice-President, the Prime Minister, or the Cabinet. 

Article (9) Report of Official Missions Abroad

The Minister shall submit a report to the Cabinet or the relevant entity that assigned the Minister, as the case may be, regarding the official or special mission abroad and the key results achieved. This report should be submitted within two weeks as of the date of completion of the mission or within the period specified by the entity that assigns the Minister.

Article (10) Repeals

1. Cabinet Resolution No. (19) of 2007 Concerning the Regulation of Travel and Official Missions Allowance shall be repealed. 
2. Any provision that contradicts the provisions of this Resolution shall be repealed.

Article (11) Publication and Entry into Force

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force as of the day following the date of its publication.

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