
Cabinet Resolution Concerning the Financial Regulations of Federal Law Concerning Fellowships and Scholarships

The last update on this law was listed on 17 Nov 2015

Related legislations

Issued Date

17 Nov 2015

Effective Date

01 Nov 2015

Official Gazette Date

31 Dec 2015

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

For the purposes of applying the provisions of this Resolution, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned thereto respectively, unless the context requires otherwise:
Ministry: The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
Minister: The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
Committee: The Fellowships Committee formed pursuant to Federal Law No. (4) of 1984 referred to above.
Fellowship Officer: An attaché or cross-cultural counselor at the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates or who acts on behalf thereof in the country hosting the fellow.
Fellow (Student): A national student who’s obtained a fellowship inside or outside the State.
Educational Institution: Any institution that the Fellowship student joins, inside or outside the State.
Spouse: The husband or wife of the Fellowship student, as the case may be.

Article (2) The Fellowship Student’s Financial Allocations

1. A Fellowship Student shall be entitled for the monthly salary determined in the below table, in accordance with financial value identified and the country of destination:

Student’s Country of Destination

Fellowship Student’s Monthly Salary in Dirhams

Fellowship Distinguished Student’s Monthly Salary

America, Canada, Europe, and Australia



Japan and South Korea



Arab Countries and Others



2. In addition to the monthly salary stipulated in clause (1) of this Article, the fellowship student shall be entitled to the following financial allocations and allowances:
    a. A cash allowance of (6000) Six Thousand Dirhams, paid once for the fellowship duration.
    b. The cost of a roundtrip economic ticket from the fellowship student’s residency to the country of destination, once every academic year. An additional ticket may be granted, in any event that requires the fellowship student’s return to the State, based on the Fellowship Officer’s recommendation and the Minister’s approval.
    c. Tuition fees approved within the study plan, provided that these fees are paid in accordance with the documents approved by the Educational Institution, after the Fellowship Officer’s certification.
    d. Health insurance expenses, treatment expenses, or medications in the event of nonexistence of an insurance entity responsible for covering the said expenses, provided that the necessary documents and papers shall be submitted after the Fellowship Officer’s certification.
    e. Accommodation’s full expenses for a period not exceeding (6) six nights from the date the fellowship student’s arrival to the country of destination, for the first time, in accordance with the Ministry’s approved reservation system.
    f. Cash allowance for purchasing books and school supplies amounting to (6000) six thousand dirhams disbursed every academic year.
3. The Ministry may pay any other fees or expenses pursuant to original documents certified by the Fellowship Officer.
4. The Committee shall determine the necessary standards and conditions for the distinguished fellowship student’s entitlement of the monthly salary, in accordance with what is stipulated in clause (1) of this article.

Article (3) The Fellowship Student’s Financial Allocations and Allowances

The federal or local government employee, who’s obtained a paid study leave, shall be entitled to all the financial allocations and allowances stipulated in these regulations with the exception of the monthly salary determined in clause (1) of Article (2) of these Regulations.

Article (4) Financial Allocations for Disabled Fellowship Student

1. The Minister may grant a scholarship to any disabled national student, to study in educational institutions abroad, provided that the said scholarship’s value shall be equal to the financial allocations and allowances determined for the fellowship student stipulated in these Regulations.
2. The Ministry shall bear all the expenses related to necessary means, tools, devices, and equipment for a disabled fellowship student, provided that original documents and papers – approved by the concerned health authorities – shall be submitted.

Article (5) Financial Allocations for the Spouse and Children

1. In addition to the monthly salary and financial allocations and allowances, stipulated in Article (2) of these Regulations, the fellowship student shall be entitled to the following allowances for his spouse and children:
    a. The cost of a roundtrip economic ticket, for the spouse and children who are less than 18 years of age, from their residency to the country of destination, once every academic year.
    b. Housing allowance, equivalent to (50%) of the monthly salary determined in clause (1) of Article (2) of these Regulations; and it shall be disbursed with the monthly salary.
2. In order to disburse the financial allocations, stipulated in clause (1) of this article, the spouse and children must accompany and permanently reside with the fellowship student in the country of destination; and the fellowship student shall submit the documents and papers that prove his entitlement to the said financial allocations after the Fellowship Officer’s certification.
3. None of financial allocations, stipulated in this Article, shall be disbursed in the event the accompanying spouse has obtained a paid study leave or an educational fellowship or scholarship from the Ministry of any other Authority.

Article (6) Provision of Housing and Living Allowance

1. The Ministry shall provide a furnished housing for the female fellow students and necessary modes of transport, provided their number is not less than three female students, and provided that the overall monthly cost of housing and transport shall not exceed (5000) Five Thousand Dirhams, in exchange for a (30%) deduction from the monthly salary of each fellow student.
2. The Ministry may bear all accommodation expenses if the applicable regulations at the Educational Institutions require residency in its dorms or if it was based upon the fellow’s desire, in exchange for a (50%) deduction from the fellow’s monthly salary or a (25) of the monthly salary in the event the Ministry bore the fellow’s housing expenses without his residency expenses.

Article (7) Cargo Expenses of Additional Luggage

The graduating fellowship student shall be paid a cash allowance of (2000) Two Thousand Dirhams against the expenses of shipping his additional luggage.

Article (8) Educational Scholarship for the State’s Passport Holder but without A Family Book

An foreign scholarship may be granted, pursuant to the Minister’s resolution and based upon the Committee’s recommendation, to the student who’s a holder of the State’s passport but without a family book, and all financial allocations and allowances – stipulated in Article (2) of these Regulations – shall be paid to him with exception of the financial allowances disbursed for the spouse and children as stipulated in Article (5) of these Regulations.

Article (9) Financial Allocations for Students Enrolled (Partial Enrollment) Abroad

1. The Minister may, based upon the committee’s recommendation, grant national students enrolled (partial enrollment) to complete their graduate studies abroad, after they obtain their first university degree, the following financial allocations and allowances:
    a. Tuition fees, provided that these fees shall be paid pursuant to the documents and papers approved by the Educational Institution and certified by the Scholarship Officer.
    b. The value of a roundtrip ticket, economy class, from the State to the Country of Educational Institution he’s enrolled into to pursue his studies, once every academic year.
    c. A lump sum that does not exceed the monthly salary paid to a fellow of the same educational level, once every academic year, stipulated in Article (2) of these Regulations.
    d. Health insurance, treatment, or medication expenses in the event of nonexistence of an insurance entity responsible for covering the said expenses, throughout the duration of his stay in the country of the Educational Institution he enrolled into to pursue his studies, provided that the necessary documents and papers shall be submitted after the Fellowship Officer’s certification.
2. The Ministry shall not commit to disburse any of the financial allocations and allowances, stipulated in clause (1) of this article, on a continuous basis unless the enrollment applicant (partial enrollment) submits all the documents and papers proving that he is pursuing his graduate studies on an annual basis.

Article (10) Scholarships Inside the State

The Minister may, upon the Committee’s recommendation, grant a scholarship to any national student enrolled in Higher Education Institutions inside the State, provided that the Ministry shall bear the educational fees without other financial allocations or allowances stipulated in these Regulations.

Article (11) Scholarships for Non-National Students

Non-national students enrolled in Higher Education Institutions inside or outside the State may be granted a scholarship, pursuant to a Cabinet Resolution and based upon the Minister’s recommendation; and the said resolution shall include the necessary financial allocations for the same.

Article (12) Scholarship Student’s Rewards and Incentives

The Minister may, upon the Committee’s recommendation, grant the outstanding fellow a financial reward – once every academic year – that does not exceed the monthly salary’s value, in accordance to what is stipulated in Article (2) of these Regulations, whether the scholarship was salaried or non-salaried, in accordance to the Students’ Rewards and Incentives Regulations approved by the Ministry.

Article (13) Final Provisions

1. The Minister may, based on the Committee’s recommendation, continue to disburse any of the financial allocations or allowances stipulated in these Regulations in the event the fellow’s study period exceeded the number of years determined in his scholarship resolution issued by the Ministry.
2. The Ministry shall bear, in relation to the fellow who’s granted a scholarship from another country, the differences in financial allocations between what is offered by the said country and what the student is entitled to in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
3. The price of the travel ticket disbursed for the fellow, the spouse, or children in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, shall be determined by a resolution the Minister issues for this purpose.
4. A business class ticket may be issued, for each year of the fellowship years, based upon the student’s medical condition, and based upon medical reports certified by the concerned authorities.
5. Cosmetic treatments shall not be included in the health insurance, treatment, or medication expenses stipulated in these Regulations.

Article (14) Transitional Provisions

The disbursement of financial allocations and allowances, granted to a scholarship student on behalf of the spouse and children, shall continue – until his scholarship period ends – pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Resolution No. (5) of 1985 referred to above, which are not stipulated in this Regulation.

Article (15) Repeals

Cabinet Resolution No. (5) of 1985 Concerning the Financial Regulations of Federal Law No. (4) of 1984 Concerning Fellowships and Scholarships shall be repealed, as well as any provision that conflicts or contradicts with the provisions of this Regulation.

Article (16) Issuing the Executive Resolutions

The Minister shall issue the executive resolutions required for the implementing the provisions of this Resolution.

Article (17) Publication and Enforcement

This Regulation shall come into effect as of 01 November 2015 and shall be published in the Official Gazette.

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