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Cabinet Resolution Concerning the Rewards and Incentives Scheme for Federal Government Employees

The last update on this law was listed on 15 Apr 2024

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Issued Date

15 Apr 2024

Effective Date

16 Apr 2024

Official Gazette Date

30 Apr 2024

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

The same definitions set forth in Federal Decree-Law No. (49) of 2022, on Human Resources of the Federal Government, shall apply to the present Resolution; otherwise, the following words and expressions shall bear the meanings assigned thereto respectively, unless the context requires otherwise: 
Scheme: The Rewards and Incentives Scheme for Federal Government Employees. 
Committee: The Rewards and Incentives Committee of the Federal Entity referred to in this Resolution.

Article (2) Objectives

The Scheme aims to: 
1. Provide mechanisms that enable the Federal Entities to motivate their working teams and employees in recognition of their valuable contribution and achievements, and retain talented and competent public employees, so as to enhance the culture of loyalty, competiveness and achievement and upscale levels of overall performance; and 
2. Achieve transparency, fairness and equal opportunities in granting rewards to eligible persons, in line with the objectives and directions of the Federal Government. 

Article (3) Scope of Application

1. The provisions of this Resolution shall apply to the Employees serving at the Federal Entities governed by the provisions of Federal Decree-Law No. (49) of 2022, on Human Resources of the Federal Government, of different job grades, employment patterns and types of work. 
2. The following categories shall be excluded from the application of the provisions of this Resolution:

a. Employees on probation; 
b. Employees appointed on a temporary employment basis if the term of the contract is less than (3) three months; 
c. Employees whose service has terminated for whatever reason, except for Employees whose service has terminated for reaching the age of retirement;
d. Outsourced Employees; 
e. Members of teams and committees to whom financial allowances are paid out under any legislation in force; and 
f. The entities that have their own rewards and incentives policies and regulations.

Article (4) Types of Incentives

The Resolution defines two major types of incentives that can be granted to Employees of the Federal Government Entities, as follows: 
1. Financial Incentives: Including cash bonuses or incentives, or other forms of financial recognition. 
2. In-Kind Incentives: Including certificates, awards or any other forms of in-kind recognition.

Article (5) General Provisions

In order for any of the financial incentives set forth herein to be disbursed, the following requirements shall be fulfilled: 
1. Appropriations must be available in the approved budget of the Federal Entities. 
2. No single employee may concurrently benefit from both an annual performance bonus and any type of promotion, adjustment of special benefits or benefits of experts and consultants during the same year. A period of not less than (12) twelve months must have lapsed following the last promotion or adjustment of benefits or annual performance bonus received by the employee. 
3. An annual performance bonus and any other bonus under the categories set forth in the present Scheme may be concurrently combined, without prejudice to the standards and conditions stipulated for each category. 
4. An Employee may be granted more than one bonus or in-kind rewards, as per the categories described hereunder, within one year, except for annual performance bonuses that are granted once a year, taking into account the conditions related thereto. 
5. The total value of all categories of bonuses, including an annual performance bonus, that an Employee can obtain in one year under the provisions of the present Resolution, must not exceed (AED 100,000) one hundred thousand dirhams.
6. The Employee must not have been subject to an administrative sanction during the year of nomination for any of the bonuses set forth in this Resolution, unless the legal effect thereof has been eliminated.
7. The Committee may add other standards or requirements, as required by the interest of work. 
8. The Chairman of the Federal Entity may grant UAE national Employees, whose service has terminated for reaching the age of retirement, pursuant to Federal Law No. (7) of 1999, on Pensions and Social Insurances, as amended, and Federal Decree-Law No. (57) of 2023, on Pensions and Social Insurances, a cash or in-kind reward; provided that the value of the reward does not exceed (AED 50,000) fifty thousand dirhams, except for employees whose service has terminated by retirement and who are paid financial rewards under any other incentive policies or programs. 
9. The Federal Entity may submit proposals to add extra categories or types of rewards by submitting them as a recommendation to the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources for consideration and decision, and then be submitted by FAHR for approval by the Cabinet. 

Article (6) Categories of Rewards and Incentives

The Employee, work team members or participant from outside the Federal Entity may be granted one of the following Rewards and Incentives:
1. Annual Performance Bonus: Associated with the results of the annual performance management system and the levels of competency and productivity, and shall be granted as set out in Annex (1) hereunder. 
2. Bonus for Outstanding Achievements: It includes categories to be honored for value-added achievements at the level of the Federal Entity (beyond the job duties and responsibilities), and shall be granted as set out in Annex (1) hereunder, including the following categories:

a. Exceptional Teams: It is granted to team members who have successfully achieved projects or exceptional achievements with a tangible positive effect, whether such projects or achievements of the work team are at the Government level or at the Federal Entity’s level.
b. Achievement Makers: It is granted to Employees who demonstrate outstanding or extraordinary efforts in implementing functions that support government orientations or the Entity’s strategy, raising the Entity’s efficiency or improving the services provided to relevant categories. 
c. Innovation Pioneers: It is granted to Employees or work team members who introduce creative ideas, in accordance with the standards of the proposal system adopted by the Federal Entity; provided that the introduced innovations contribute to achieving tangible results in developing government operations and services, improving levels of performance, productivity and effectiveness, realizing additional revenues, reducing the Entity’s expenses, designing initiatives that have an effect on the Entity or the Government or other priorities set by the Entity.
d. Top Competitors: It is granted to Employees or work team members who won or took first ranks of competitions at the Federal Entity, in accordance with the mechanisms adopted for competitions or awards. 
e. Immediate Honoring: Immediate recognition given to Employees, upon nomination by the Direct Superior, for their valuable contribution to the Entity’s area of work, or for taking initiative to efficiently and effectively implement or achieve an achievement beyond the scope of job duties.

3. Reward for Impressive Patriotic Accomplishments: It includes categories honored for rooting the values of national identity and consolidating the State’s reputation and enhancing its competitiveness and global leadership. It is granted in accordance with Annex (1) hereunder, including the following categories:

a. Patriotic Accomplishment: It is granted to employees or work team members who enhanced the UAE’s reputation worldwide through their notable contribution to making a tangible positive effect on the State’s position worldwide, achieving advanced results for the State in international competitiveness reports, enhancing the values and culture of the UAE worldwide, obtaining international recognition, winning elections or voting for chairing international committees or winning regional or international competitions and other relevant fields as determined by the Entity. 
b. Social Accomplishments: It is granted to Employees or work team members who have contributions or voluntary work that have a positive effect on the society or environment.

Article (7) Functions and Responsibilities

By virtue of a resolution of the Chairman of the Federal Entity, a Rewards and Incentives Committee shall be formed in each Federal Entity, under the chairmanship of the Undersecretary or the Director-General or the like, and comprising members of the Entity, and a rapporteur for the Committee, in order to implement the provisions of this Resolution in accordance with the following functions and responsibilities:

The Entity

Functions & Responsibilities

The Chairman or His Delegate

 1. Approving annual budgets of the Rewards and Incentives Scheme, in accordance with the mechanisms and procedures approved by the Federal Government.

 2. Approving lists of Employees who are entitled to rewards, and the value of rewards and incentives for each one.

The Rewards and Incentives Committee

 1. Reviewing the annual budget of the Scheme at the level of the Federal Entity, and proposing funds required to be allocated within the budget of the Federal Entity.

 2. Complying and following the procedures set out in the framework of governance and procedures for granting rewards and incentives, as set out in this Resolution, attached as Annex (2) hereunder.

 3. Examining applications, approving the list of Employees and the values of rewards and submitting them to the Chairman of the Entity or his delegate for approval, taking into account that the maximum total value of all categories of rewards, including the annual performance bonus, that an employee can obtain a year under the provisions of this Resolution, an amount of (AED 100,000) one hundred thousand dirhams.

 4. Submitting meeting minutes of the Committee and having the same approved by the chairman of the Committee.

 5. Drawing up regular reports on the results of applying the Rewards and Incentives Scheme to the Federal Entity.

The HR Department

 1. Reviewing nomination applications in accordance with the standards and conditions set out in this Resolution, making any comments on the same and submitting them to the Committee for consideration, taking into account that the maximum total value of all categories of rewards, including the annual performance bonus, which an employee can obtain a year under the provisions of this Resolution, an amount of (AED 100,000) one hundred thousand dirhams.

 2. Coordinating with the department of finance to ensure that the necessary financial allocations are available before submitting any requests or recommendations to the Committee.

 3. Regular review of the Entity’s mechanisms for granting rewards and incentives, and evaluating the effectiveness of implementing the Scheme.

 4. Maintaining all records and documents (decisions of payment of rewards) related to the nominations and the justifications of each one.

The Department of Finance

 1. Ensuring the availability of financial allocations necessary for paying out rewards and incentives, in accordance with the approved Federal Entity’s budget.

 2. Paying out rewards and giving in-kind rewards upon the issued resolutions and the approved financial allocations.

 3. Making sure that the maximum total value of all categories of rewards, including the annual performance bonus, that an employee can obtain a year under the provisions of this Resolution, an amount of (AED 100,000) one hundred thousand dirhams.

Article (8) Submission of Annual Reports on the Scheme Application Results

The Rewards and Incentives Committee of the Federal Entities shall submit reports, per annum or upon request, to the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources on the results of implementing the Rewards and Incentives Scheme at the level of the Federal Entity. The reports shall include clear information on Employees and work teams and their members who benefit from this Resolution, in accordance with the categories and conditions set forth therein, along with the significant observations and justifications supporting the same. 

Article (9) Repeals

Cabinet Resolution No. (18) of 2015, on the Regulations for Granting Rewards and Incentives for Employees of the Federal Government, and any provision that conflicts with, or repugnant to the provisions of this Resolution, shall hereby be repealed. 

Article (10)

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall enter into force as of the day following the date of its issuance 

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