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Cabinet Resolution Concerning the Executive Regulation of Federal Law Concerning Sports

The last update on this law was listed on 24 Apr 2024

Related legislations

Issued Date

24 Apr 2024

Effective Date

01 May 2024

Official Gazette Date

30 Apr 2024

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail



Article (1) Definitions

The definitions stated in the aforementioned Federal Law No (4) of 2023 shall apply to this Resolution; otherwise, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context otherwise requires:
Law: Federal Law No. (4) of 2023 Concerning Sports.
Competent Authorities: The Authority or any governmental relevant authority that is delegated by the Authority to give license of sports professions.
Sports Professions: Any work or a job that relates to sports affairs according to professions stipulated in this Resolution.
Professional Accreditation: Accreditation of the technical or scientific qualification of the person intending to carry on any of the sports professions stipulated in this Resolution, qualifying that person to obtain a license to exercise the sports profession.
Licence: The license that is given to natural persons to carry on sports professions stipulated in this Resolution.
Business Day: The official working day specified pursuant to legislations applicable in this respect.
Leave of Sports Sabbatical: A leave granted to its applicant upon the consent of the Authority, with the aim to train, prepare or participate in a sports tournament or duty inside or outside the State.
Sports Tournament: An official sports and competitive activity exercised under the supervision of an authority, a sports unit registered in the State, an international, regional or Asian recognized sports authority, including the organization of local, Gulf, Arab, Asian, Olympic or international matches, tournaments or games between a number of sports clubs or national teams of countries. 
Preparation Period: The time period necessary for preparation of players and sports team in local or abroad training camps as a preparation to participate in sports tournaments.
Participation Period: The period specified for the sports tournament. It includes the travel and return periods, if the participation is outside the State, not exceeding (3) three days before participation, and (2) two days after the end of the participation.
Contract of Sports Professionalism: A contract regulating the professional relationship between the player or the coach and any sports federation, club, company or institution subject to local and international rules relevant to sports regulations.
Sports Facilities: Buildings and facilities designed and fitted for exercising sports activities and events.

Article (2) Procedures of Sports Entities Registration

Procedures of sports entities registration shall be as follows:
1. Sports entities shall submit a registration application to the Authority according to the method for which a decision from the Chairman is issued and the designated fee is paid thereto.
2. The following documents shall be attached with the registration application:
    a. A copy of the family book and the passport for citizen founders.
    b. Copies of passports in case there are founders of other nationalities.
    c. The document showing that there is a permanent headquarter for the sports entity to carry on its activities. Such headquarter may be owned or leased by the sports entity for a period that is not less than one year.
    d. A copy of the consent issued by the competent authorities to the sports entity.
    e. A copy of statute of the sports entity set by law.
    f. Any other documents or data determined by the Chairman.
3. If the application relates to a registration of a sports federation, the following documents, in addition to the documents stated in Clause (2) of this Article, shall be submitted:
    a. A copy of the sports entities registration acknowledgements in the State requesting the foundation of an Olympic, non-Olympic or Paralympic federation, which shall not be less than (5) five entities.
    b. Details and headquarter of the recognized international or continental entity supervising the organization of the activity.
4. The following shall be determined by a decision from the Chairman:
    a. Conditions to accept founders from other nationalities upon coordination with competent authorities in the State.
    b. Forms and details of registration applications and the method of submittal.

Article (3) Procedures to Decide on the Registration Applications

1. The competent administrative unit at the Authority shall study the registration applications submitted to the Authority, review all documents and ensure that the application fulfils all conditions and requirements stipulated in the Law, this Resolution and resolutions issued to implement thereto.
2. The competent administrative unit at the Authority may require any notes or documents with respect to the application of the sports entity that help to decide on the registration application.
3. The competent administrative unit at the Authority shall submit its recommendations to the Chairman with respect to each application within maximum (10) ten business days as of the date the application is received, provided that its recommendations shall, in case of approval or rejection, contain the supporting reasons thereto.
4. The chairman shall issue a decision to approve registration of the sports entity or to reject its registration within maximum (20) twenty business days as of the date of the application submittal.
5. The competent administrative unit at the Authority shall, after the registration application is approved, take the following procedures:
    a. An official registration certificate shall be issued to the registered sports entity.
    b. The registration and the statute decision of the registered sports entity shall be published in the Official Gazette. 
    c. Data of the registered sports entity shall be recorded at the register of the registered sports entities at the Authority according to the classification and data determined by a decision to be issued the Chairman.
    d. Capacity of the founders to be members in the general assembly according to laws and regulations applicable in this respect shall be approved.
    e. The decision to form the Board of Directors elected by the general assembly, or as determined by the governance system approved by the competent authority or statutes of the sports entity, shall be approved.
    f. A copy of the registration decision issued for the sports entity shall be sent to the National Olympic Committee.
    g. Applicants shall be notified with the decision within (10) ten business days as of the issue date as follows:
        1. In case of approval, the notice shall be attached with the official certificate of registration issued by the Authority and any other documents determined by the Authority.
        2. In case of rejection, the applicants shall be notified with the rejection decision and its reasons.

Article (4) Grievance Against Decisions of Registration Rejection

An applicant whose registration application is rejected may appeal against the decision before the Grievances Committee at the Authority referred to in Article (34) of this Resolution within (21) business days as of the date the applicant is informed with the rejection decision.

Article (5) Amendment of the Statute or the Administrative Panel of the Sports Federation

A sports federation that is registered in the Authority shall inform the Authority with any amendment in its statute or data of its administrative panel.

Article (6) Registration of a Sports Entity Required by A Sports Association or A Committee

If a decision to register a sports entity is issued based on a request from a sports association or committee practising the same activity of the entity required to be registered, the Authority shall issue a decision from its Chairman to repeal the registration of the sports association or committee that submitted the application, transfer its general assembly (if any), its assets, concessions, rights and liabilities to the registered sports entity as of the issue date of the registration decision. Such decision shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Article (7) Cases of Cancellation or Suspension of A Sports Activity

Registered sports entities may not cancel or suspend any sporting activity without receiving the prior approval of the Authority and the competent authorities, as the case may be, unless in the following cases:
1. No compliance to the rules of integrity and sports ethics.
2. Violation of morals and public traditions.
3. Promotion of ideas that violate laws and regulations applicable in the State or to incitement to do so.
4. Violation of national and international relevant sports laws and regulations.
5. Emergencies or force majeure.
6. Engaging in any political activity or exploiting the sports entity for political reasons.
7. Provoking religious, sectarian or racial conflicts.
8. Any other cases as determined by a decision from the chairman.

Article (8) Procedures to Cancel or Suspend A Sports Activity

Sports entities shall, before cancelling or suspending its sports activity, comply with the following procedures:
1. Ensure that the cases stated in Article (7) of this Resolution are valid, before the cancellation or suspension decision for the sports activity is issued.
2. Inform the Authority and competent authorities within (48) hours with the decision issued for the sports entity with a demonstration for the justification of such decision, and to attach any supporting documents for the decision of cancellation or suspension of the activity. This shall be in accordance with the methods and forms approved by the Authority.

Article (9)

The Authority may, in case it is shown that the case does not necessitate suspension or cancellation, inform the sports entity to cancel the issued decision in this respect.

Article (10) Incorporation Requirements of Sports Companies

Without prejudice to any relevant applicable legislations, incorporation of sports companies in the State shall be according to the following controls:
1. The sports company applying for incorporation shall take any of the legal forms stipulated in the Law of Commercial Companies.
2. The sports company shall practise one of the sports activities approved by the Authority.
3. Statute of the sports company shall comply with the directive statute issued by a decision from the Chairman.
4. There are sports facilities allocated for the company or owned by the company and are valid for practising designated sports activities.
5. License requirements are fulfilled from competent authorities.
6. Any other controls, requirements or standards issued by a decision from the chairman or competent authorities.

Article (11) Support of Sports Federations

The Authority shall support the sports federation in the following areas:
1. Preparing athletes and national sports teams to participate in international, continental and regional sports tournaments and competitions.
2. Programs for discovering, selecting, training and developing sports talents.
3. Centres for sponsoring promising talented and distinguished athletes.
4. Qualification of legal, administrative and technical cadres.
5. Anti-doping programs and maintaining the health of athletes in general, the children and athletes with disabilities in particular, securing them from the risks of violence, abuse of all kinds, and sports injuries.
6. Coordination with the concerned entities for the construction of sports facilities.
7. Organizing competitive and community amateur sports, community and competitive sports.
8. Programs to develop the women's sports sector.
9. Reinforcing Scientific research programs in the sports field.
10. Programs and initiatives that relate to elite sport, discovering sports talents and support of national sports.
11. Provision of administrative services that relate to licensing of sports profession and granting leaves of sports Sabbatical.

Article (12) Supporting Age Groups

Sports clubs shall allocate at least (5%) of its annual financial resources for the support of different age groups.

Article (13) Registration of Sports Professionals in Pensions and Social Insurance Systems

1. Sports Professionalism of a player, a coach, administrator or a referee shall be deemed a profession. Registered sports entities shall register everyone that has a nationality of the State in the systems of pensions and social insurance of the State during the period of the contract according to the conditions decided in legislations applicable in the State with respect to pensions and social insurance.
2. No two retirements pensions from that same entity may be combined at the pensions and social insurance. The exception of this provision shall be when eligibility of retirement pension of the higher salary shall be in case the registered person enjoys the exemption provision stipulated in legislations of pensions and social insurance applicable in the entity where that person is registered.
3. Provisions stipulated in this Resolution shall apply to every person acquires the nationality of the State.

Article (14) Combining Sports Professionalism Career and Governmental or Private Work

1. A player, a coach, administrator or a referee shall be prohibited to combine sports professionalism and work in governmental or private sector throughout the validity period of the contract.
2. Subject to a Cabinet Resolution based on the recommendation of the Chairman, upon coordination with competent authorities in the State, games exempted from the prohibition of combining sports professional career and working at the governmental or private sector stated in Clause (1) of this Article shall be determined, in addition to the conditions and requirements thereto.

Article (15) Requirements to Grant Sports Sabbatical

In order to grant Sports Sabbatical, the following requirements shall be fulfilled:
1. The purpose of the application is to participate in preparation camps, tournaments or sports duties that occur inside or outside the State.
2. A Sports Sabbatical application shall be submitted to the Authority by the sports entity to which the applicant belongs according to the form prepared by the Authority and the following documents shall be attached:
    a. A copy of the applicant's passport in case the participation is abroad.
    b. A copy of the ID of the applicant in case the participation is inside the State.
    c. A copy of the documents showing the capacity of the sports participation, documents and nature of the participation.
    d. A copy of the official statement approved by the committee that organizes the sports tournament, whether inside the State or abroad, where the name of the sports sabbatical applicant is listed.
    e. A copy of the competition table and matches of the sports tournament that relates to the sports sabbatical application, whether inside the State or abroad.
    f. A copy of the official invitation of the sports sabbatical applicant.
3. Sports sabbatical application shall be submitted at least (10) ten business days prior to the starting date of the sports task. 
4. Granting a leave of sports sabbatical shall not arrange any damage to any job rights at the employer during the period of the leave.
5. The leave of sports sabbatical ranted to student participants shall not be considered an interruption or absence from study or examination and shall not cause any damage to academic achievement of applicants.
6. Any other requirements specified by a decision of the Chairman.

Article (16) Evidence of Participation in the Sports Event

1. The sports entity shall prove that its participants in a tournament or sports task outside the State to whom a leave of sports sabbatical performed in the sports event. The sports entity shall send a copy of the exit and entrance seals stamped on the passports of participants to the Authority within maximum a week after the end of the sports participation.
2. The sports entity that submits the sports sabbatical application may, alone, address the Authority to enquire, urge or request amendment of any details concerning the sports sabbatical application.

Article (17) The Competent Authority Entitled to Address Entities Granting the Leave of Sports Sabbatical

The Authority shall solely address entities in governmental and private sectors to request a sports sabbatical leave.

Article (18) Maximum Sports Sabbatical Leave

Maximum period for sports sabbatical leave granted subject to provisions of this Resolution shall be (90) ninety days at the preparation period. As for participation period, the period shall be as specified by the entity organizing the tournament, event or competition, taking into account the travel and return days in case the participation is abroad.

Article (19) Maximum Number of Participants

Number of participants in the preparation period shall be as specified in the applicable regulations of the Authority in this respect. As for the participation period in the sports tournament, the number shall be as determined by the entity organizing the tournament.

Article (20) Sports Sabbatical Leave for Talented Player or (Elite Athletes)

Talented player or (elite athlete) shall, based on the request of the Authority, be granted a sports sabbatical leave for a period not exceeding one renewable calendar year with the aim to prepare that athlete in a special manner to achieve tournaments at the Gulf, Arab, regional, continental, Olympic or world level.

Article (21) Period of Sports Sabbatical Leave

Without prejudice to provisions of this Resolution, the period of sports sabbatical leave shall be determined for each participant according to the following: 
1. Maximum (3) three business days before external or internal participations, and (3) three days after the participation.
2. Maximum (5) five business days before external or internal participations, and (5) five days after the participation for entities that relate to a sport of mental or physical disabilities, and entities where its participation requires the use of equipment, tools or animals such as (horses, camels, hawks and equivalents) if the participation is abroad.

Article (22) Cases of Sports Sabbatical Leave Cancellation

Sports sabbatical leaves shall be cancelled in the following cases:
1. Expiry of the sports tournament.
2. Dangerous and long sports injuries that cause inability to participate in the tournaments and matches.
3. Expiry of the sports contract.
4. Required sports results are not accomplished.
5. Relevant sports plans, programs and policies are changed.
6. The person who is granted the leave does not comply with the sports code of conduct and representation issued by the Authority.
7. The participant exit from the sports tournament according to the regulations of the tournament.
8. Any other cases as determined by a decision from the chairman.

Article (23) Safety and Health of Athletes

1. The Authority shall issue Athletes Health and Safety Charter in coordination with the competent authorities and concerned authorities relevant to safety and health of athletes. This charter shall be binding to sports clubs and federations in the State. 
2. Sports clubs and federations shall keep the safety and health of athletes, provide insurance for them, and ensure that they do not use doping and shall comply with the following:
    a. To create a private and confidential file for each player that contains medical data and results of periodical examination of the player.
    b. To conduct medical examination for all players before involving in sports profession practice.
    c. To conduct periodical medical examination for all athletes.
    d. To conclude insurance contracts for all players of sports clubs against the risks of injuries resulting from practising sports professions.
    e. To comply with all decisions issued by the National Anti-Doping Agency, or legislations issued by relevant authorities.
    f. Any other procedures or requirements determined by the Authority.

Article (24) Data and Information that Should be Recorded in the Register of Sports Institutions

 Data and information relevant to a sports institution shall be recorded in the "register of sports institutions" that is established at the competent authority. Specifically, the following shall be recorded:
1. Name of the sports institution, its incorporation date and its licensed activity.
2. Number of the commercial register of the sports institution.
3. Publication date of the sports institution contract.
4. Names and nationalities of founders, Directors of the Board and the manager in charge of the sports institution management.
5. Capital of the sports institution.
6. Sources of finance for the sports institution.
7. Total value of investment costs for the sports institution.
8. Number of ownership deed or possession deed for the headquarter of the sports institution and its facilities, if any, if such facilities are owned by the institution.
9. Number of the lease contract of the sports institution headquarter and its facilities if leased from a third party.
10. The criminal status of founders, Directors of the Board and the manager in charge of the sports institution management.
11. Names of employees of the sports institution, their scientific qualifications, residences and nationalities.
12. Names of the Directors of the Board of the sports entity the sports institution works under its control, if any.
13. Number of the receipt payment of the license fee.
14. Any other data specified by the competent authority.

Article (25) Provisions of Data and Documents of the Sports Institution to the Authority

1. The competent authorities shall, within (10) ten business days as of the date the sports institution is granted the license, provide the Authority with the institution data referred to in Article (24) of this Resolution via the digital platform of the Authority and the following documents shall be attached:
    a. A true copy of the incorporation contract and statute of the sports institution showing the nature of activity and the capital of the investor.
    b. An official updated extract from the commercial register of the sports institution.
    c. A copy of the financial position of the sports institution approved by the auditor of the sports institution for the last approved fiscal year.
    d. A detailed statement of investment costs for the sports institution approved by the auditor.
    e. A statement describing the sources of financing for the sports institution approved by the auditor.
    f. A copy of ownership deed or possession deed for the headquarter of the sports institution and its facilities, if any, if such facilities are owned by the institution.
    g. A copy of the lease contract of the sports institution headquarter and its facilities if leased from a third party.
    h. The statement of criminal status of founders, Directors of the Board and the manager in charge of the sports institution management.
    i. A statement of the names of employees of the sports institution, their scientific qualifications, residences and nationalities.
    j. A statement of the names of Directors of the Board of the sports entity supervising the sports institution and to notify them with any change in the Directors of the Board.
    k. The receipt payment of the license fee.
    l. Any other documents specified by the competent authority.
2. If the sports institution carries on an activity of incorporation of private sports clubs, sports academies, spa or fitness centres, the documents referred to in Clause (1) of this Article shall be attached with the following documents:
    a. An engineering drawing showing the facilities of the sports institution and its specifications.
    b. Ownership or possession deed for the places where sports activities are practised.
    c. A detailed description of the sports devices used and its specifications.
    d. The statute of the private clubs.
    e. Maintenance contract for sports facilities and arenas.
    f. Any other documents specified by the competent authority.

Article (26) The Sports Professions

Sports professions are every work or job that relates to sports affairs.

Article (27) Types of Sports Professions

The following professions shall be deemed sports jobs:
1. Sports executive manager.
2. Sports coach.
3. Sports manager.
4. Athletic Scout or athletic selection expert.
5. Sports Trainer.
6. Sports events organizer.
7. Sports facility operation manager.
8. Sports facility manager.
9. Sports teams manager.
10. Sports ceremonies and protocol specialist.
11. Sports public relations specialist.
12. Sports motor and physical analysis specialist.
13. Sports marketing manager.
14. Sports psychologist.
15. Sports personal coach.
16. Physiotherapist.
17. Sports massage therapist.
18. Sports recreation specialist.
19. Advertisements manager.
20. Sports healthcare manager.
21. Sports photographer.
22. Trademark manager.
23. Sports recreational show organizer.
24. Sports tourism specialist.
25. Sports statistics specialist.
26. Sports medicine physician.
27. Sports medical assistant.
28. Physical analyst.
29. Sports physiology and anthropometrics specialist.
30. Sports communications manager.
31. Sports media officer.
32. Sports media analyst.
33. Sports business manager.
34. Sports therapist.
35. Sports professional player.
36. Sports professional referee.
37. Sports assistant coach.
38. Sports therapist.
39. Any other professions for which a decision is issued by the Chairman in coordination with the competent authorities.

Article (28) Practice of Sports Professions

1. Sports professions in the government and private sectors in the State may not be practised without a license issued by the competent entities concerned with practising the profession.
2. No sports entity in the State may employ any person to work at any of the aforementioned sports professions in Article (27) of this Resolution unless that person acquires the license of professional accreditation from the Authority.
3. Occupying sports jobs at government entities shall be deemed a license to practise sports professions at such entities within the limitations of such jobs for which the person is appointed in that government entity. The Authority may coordinate with such entities with respect to professional accreditation of such professions.
4. The licensee to practise the sports profession subject to the Law and this Resolution shall abide by any requirements or conditions determined by the competent authorities with respect to work and residence in the State.
5. The licensee who is not accredited for a sports speciality, or who did not receive the professional accreditation degree according to provisions of this Resolution, may not practise such profession.
6. No registered or licensed sports entity may employ any person to carry on a sports professional work unless such person is licensed to practise the sports profession according to the provisions of the Law and this Resolution.

Article (29) Requirements of Professional Accreditation to Practise Sports Professions

In order to acquire professional accreditation in sports professions, the following shall be fulfilled:
1. The required qualification of sports profession shall be obtained.
2. Scientific, technical and training programs approved by the Authority shall be passed.
3. Full legal capacity exists.
4. Fees specified for professional accreditation shall be paid.
5. Applicant has not been convicted of a penalty in a crime against honour and trust, unless he has been rehabilitated.
6. No decision to delete the professional accreditation of the applicant has been issued, unless (5) five years lapsed after the issue of that decision.

Article (30) Procedures of Professional Accreditation to Practise Sports Professions

1. Applications of professional accreditation shall be submitted to the Authority according to the procedures approved by the Chairman. The Authority shall decide on the application within (10) ten business days as of the date on which the required documents were submitted. In all cases, decisions of the Authority shall be justified.
2. An applicant whose registration application is rejected may appeal against the decision before the Grievances Committee subject to Article (34) of this Resolution within (10) ten business days as of the date the applicant is informed with the rejection decision.

Article (31) Granting the License to Practise a Sports Profession

In order to grant or renew a license to practise a sports profession for a natural person, the following shall be available: 
1. The person shall be a national of the State or a resident of the State.
2. The person shall have a scientific certificate from a recognized entity and certified by official authorities in the State, with an accredited translation into Arabic if the certificate is written in a foreign language.
3. He shall be not less than (18) years.
4. He shall have good conduct and behaviour.
5. He shall be physically fit to practise the sports profession subject to a certificate issued by well-recognized medical entity in the State.
6. No judicial judgment or a dismissal disciplinary decision was taken against him with the last (5) five years.
7. Tests determined by the Authority shall be passed.
8. Training courses approved by the Authority with respect to professional accreditation shall be completed.
9. The prescribed fee for licensing shall be paid.
10. Any other requirements identified by a decision from the Chairman.

Article (32) Cancellation of the License to Practise a Sports Profession

The license to practise the sports profession shall be cancelled in the following cases:
1. If the licensee concluded, held, or submitted a document or record of what the person is required by this Law or the decisions issued in implementation thereof to submit or keep it while such document or record contains an untrue data while knowingly, or deliberately concealing a statement required by the law or the decisions issued in implementation of such law to prove thereof or if the person refrained from submitting the same to the competent authorities.
2. If the licensee did not renew the license (20) twenty business days after its expiry date.
3. If the licensee worked for an entity that is not licensed or registered.
4. If the licensee engages in an organized activity in the field of sports through unregistered or non-licensed sports organization.
5. If the licensee continues to practise the sports profession at a sports entity that has lost its legal personality, or whose license has been cancelled or suspended, knowingly.
6. If the licensee engaged in an activity that contradicts the purpose for which the registered sports entity was established, or spent its money on something that does not achieve this purpose, or caused a material loss by his negligence.

Article (33) Professional Re-Accreditation and Re-Licensing

The person whose professional accreditation was deleted and his license was cancelled according to provisions of this Resolution may apply to be re-accredited and re-licensed to practise the sports profession by the competent entity after the lapse of (5) five years as of the issue date of the deletion or cancellation judgment or decision. This shall be subject to the requirements and procedures stipulated in this Resolution.

Article (34) Grievance Against the Authority Resolutions

A committee to hear grievances against the decisions issued by the Authority shall be formed subject to the Law and this Resolution. Members of this committee shall be nominated by a decision of the Chairman, in addition to the methods to submit grievances, the procedures to decide on them and the competent authority to approve the recommendations of the committee.

Article (35) Repeals

Any term or provision that violates or contradicts the provisions hereof shall be repealed.

Article (36) Publication and Entry into Force of the Resolution

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and enter into force as of the day following the date of its publication.

Translated in cooperation with