
Cabinet Resolution Concerning the Technical Regulations for Consumer Meters

The last update on this law was listed on 28 Dec 2023

Issued Date

28 Dec 2023

Effective Date

16 Jan 2024

Official Gazette Date

15 Jan 2024

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

In application of the provisions herein, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings ascribed thereto, unless the context requires otherwise:
State: United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Ministry: Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology.
Minister: Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology.
National Institute of Metrology: The Authority authorised by the Ministry to maintain the national measurement standards approved in the State and its series of international standards.
Competent Authority: The federal or local authority competent to implement the provisions herein
Authorised Authority: Any Governmental Entity, whether Federal, Local or Private, officially authorised by the Ministry to carry out any of its tasks and powers stipulated in the provisions of this Resolution.
Owner: The party that owns the Meter during the period of its use and placement in service, including water and electricity authorities or any other governmental Authority or private party responsible for using any of the Meters included within the scope of this resolution.
Concerned Authority: The entity approved by the Ministry to carry out conformity assessment procedures in the areas specified by the Ministry in accordance with the applicable legislation in this regard.
Consumer Meter: Any of the electricity, water, gas and Heat Meters included in this resolution.
Accreditation: Official third-party certification of the competence of a conformity assessment Authority to conduct a specific conformity assessment activity.
Electricity Meters: A device that measures the electrical energy consumed in an electrical circuit. 
Smart Meters: Devices that measure the amount of consumption, save these measurements in a storage unit built into the Meter and can send the measurement result to the Supplier.
Gas Meter: A device designed to measure, store, and display the amount of fuel gas (volume or mass) passing through it.
Water Meters: A device designed to measure, store and display the volume of water passing through a measuring conductor under the Meter measuring conditions.
Heat Meter: A device designed to measure the thermal energy given off in a heat exchange circuit by a fluid called the heat carrier fluid. The Heat Meter is either integrated device or a device composed of sub-assemblies: a Flow Sensor, a dual Temperature Sensor, a computer, or a set of them.
Measuring Devices Confirmation: Conduct a conformity assessment that results in the installation of a confirmation Mark and/or the issuance of a confirmation certificate.
Calibration: The processes that are conducted to define the efficiency and accuracy of Measuring Devices and devices.
Maximum Permissible Error (MPE): The nonintentional Maximum Error of the Measuring Device specified in this Resolution, not to be exceeded.
Label Card: Card that shows the name and address of the Manufacturer of the Measuring Device or the address of the Supplier, the serial number of the Measuring Device, its type or model, its function, characteristics, classification, method of use, capacity or load, Scale, year of manufacture, and any other obligatory basic information.
Type Approval: Resolution issued, based on the type assessment report, certifying that this type of Measuring Device meets its legal Requirements, and accordingly issues a Type Approval Certificate.
Conformity Assessment: Any Activity used directly or indirectly to confirm that the good, product, material, or service meets the relevant technical Requirements.
Conformity Certificate:  A Certificate issued by the Ministry, which confirms the conformity of the Product or any batch thereof to the requirements of the Approved Standard Specifications.
Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS): A Scheme issued by the Ministry, for confirming whether the Product meets the requirements specified in the approved Standard Specifications, directly or indirectly, through specific procedures conducted by the Ministry, such as examination, testing, calibration, inspection or granting the Conformity Certificates.
Metrological Marks: Marks affixed to a legal Measuring Device to indicate whether it meets the requirements for it in accordance with applicable legislation, including the confirmation Mark, the rejection mark, the type approval mark, the protection mark, and the reservation mark, or the reservation of the Measuring Device.
Confirmation Mark: A mark affixed to a Measuring Device clearly certifying that confirmation of the Measuring Device has been carried out and its Conformity with legal Requirements.
Inspection Batch: The quantity of Measuring Devices (or parts thereof) subject to test or inspection.
Acceptance of Inspection Batch: The maximum number of non-conforming samples in accordance with the sampling instructions shall be allowed to accept the Inspection Batch.
Rejection of Inspection Batch: The minimum number of non-conforming samples in accordance with the Sampling Tables will result in the rejection of the Inspection Batch.
Approved Standard Specifications: The standard specifications approved by the Ministry, which are referred as UAE Standard Specifications and shall be abbreviated as (UAE.S).
Measured Quantity: The specific quantity to be measured.
Operational Circumstances: The sum of the measured value plus the influencing quantity, which together constitute the conditions that shall be maintained during the measurement to enable the Measuring Device to perform the work for which it was designed under normal conditions.
Interference: It is an influential quantity whose value falls within the limits required by specific requirements but falls outside the operating conditions of the Measuring Device. The influential quantity is considered interference if the operating conditions of the device are not specified.
Critical Change Value: It is the value at which a change in the measurement result is considered to affect the accuracy of the measurement and is specified for each type of Consumer Meter in its Annexes. 
Climatic Conditions: It is the specific weather and environmental conditions that a Measuring Device can withstand.
Sub-assemblies: Physical parts that each operate independently and form a Measuring Device when connected to other compatible sub-assemblies, or to a compatible Measuring Device. 
Mode of Use: The Measuring Device is put to the end user for use for the first time for its own purposes.
Manufacturer: The natural or legal person who manufactures a Measuring Device, markets it under his name or trademark or puts it to use for his own purposes.
Supplier: Anyone whose activity has an impact on the characteristics of consumer meters, including the Manufacturer, importer, carrier, assembler, agent, warehouse, or any major or subsidiary distributor or any legal representative who is responsible for the import, installation, and operation of the Consumer Meters subject to the provisions of this Resolution, and who carries out his activity through a licensed company or individual establishment in the State in accordance with the relevant legislation.


Article (2) Scope of Application

This resolution applies to Consumer Meters designated for calculating the amount of consumption by consumers and collecting financial amounts based on the measurement results. It includes imported or locally manufactured Consumer Meters, whether owned by government or private entities.

Article (3) Responsibilities

1. The Supplier or Manufacturer of Consumer Meters shall be responsible for the Meter conformity to the technical standard specifications and the mandatory registration of Consumer Meters in the Emirates Conformity Assessment System (ECAS).
2. The Owner shall be responsible for ensuring that Consumer Meters comply with Metrological confirmation requirements in accordance with the provisions of this resolution.

Article (4) Climatic Conditions

1. The Manufacturer shall define the environmental conditions that the Consumer Meters can withstand and provide test results that prove their ability to withstand the environmental conditions in the State.
2. The Owner shall comply with using the Consumer Meters within the appropriate climatic conditions specified by the Manufacturer.

Article (5) Units of Measurement

1. Electrical energy is measured in (KWH) or parts thereof.
2. The amount of gas is measured in cubic metres or kilograms (m3 or kg) or parts thereof.
3. The volume of water passing through the Meter is measured in cubic metres (m3) or parts thereof.
4. Thermal energy is measured in joules, multiples thereof, or tons/refrigeration (Rth), and volumetric flow is measured in litres/second, cubic meters/second, or tons/hour.

Article (6) Metrological Marks

1. Consumer Meters shall bear the following metrological marks:
    a. Type approval or conformity mark.
    b. The confirmation Mark/Seal approved by the Ministry, which may be replaced by the availability of documented records of Consumer Meters confirmed by the authorised authorities.
2. The year the Meter was put into service shall be recorded on the Meter. However, recording the year of manufacture or the year the Meter was put into service may be replaced by having documented records of Consumer Meters available to the entities that own the Consumer Meters and kept in an appropriate manner that facilitates tracing the serial number of the Meter with the year it was put into service.

Article (7) Protection of Metrological Properties

The Owner shall maintain the metrological properties of Consumer Meters, in accordance with the following:
1. The metrological properties of Consumer Meters, or the measurement results, shall not be affected when they are connected to any other device or device, or to any remote-control device to which they can be connected by any means.
2. All important parts of Consumer Meters that affect the measurement result shall be designed safely and protected from tampering or expected misuse. They shall also be designed in a manner that enables inspectors to obtain physical evidence when tampering or tampering occurs.
3. Software affecting metrological properties shall be identified and designed in a manner that is secure, easily identifiable and tamper-proof, and the software shall provide a method to enable inspectors to define the presence of interference with the Measuring Device.
4. Measurement data and software affecting metrological properties and important metrological factors and variables stored in the Owner system shall be adequately protected against intentional or unintentional accidents.
5. Zeroing or adjusting the totalizer is prohibited during use.
6. The Owner shall place clear signs indicating the date of the last periodic maintenance to define the accuracy and validity of the Meter.

Article (8) Type Declaration and Conformity Assessment

1. The Manufacturer or Supplier shall submit a conformity assessment certificate for Consumer Meters in accordance with one of the conformity models (B+F), (B+D), or (H1) mentioned in Appendix (6) of this resolution.
2. The following requirements shall be observed regarding conformity assessment certificates and type declaration:
    a. A type of approval certificate shall be obtained for Consumer Meters before they are put into public use, in accordance with the procedures specified by the Ministry.
    b. The type of approval tests includes the items specified in the technical specifications for Consumer Meters specified in Annex No. (7) of this resolution.
    c. To obtain Conformity Certificate from the Ministry, Consumer Meter Suppliers shall submit a type of conformity assessment certificate issued by an internationally recognized Authority and accepted by the Ministry. Type approval certificates issued by the International Organisation for Legal Metrology or the European Notified Bodies in accordance with the European Directives are acceptable to the Ministry.
    d. Conformity certificates for Consumer Meters issued by internationally recognized bodies may be accepted if they guarantee compliance with the requirements contained in the specifications issued by international standardization organisations.

Article (9) Metrological Confirmation Requirements

Confirmation shall be carried out by the party authorised to carry out Metrological confirmation Operations using calibration devices in accredited laboratories or laboratories of the National Metrology Institute. The Owner or Supplier shall bear the costs of confirmation and calibration operations. The necessary procedures for this purpose are established in coordination with the Competent Authorities, the Owner authorities and the National Metrology Institute. Appropriate confirmation mechanisms may be used in accordance with quality system procedures, provided that the requirements for accuracy of readings and efficiency of data transfer are met.
1. Initial confirmation:
    a. The Initial confirmation requirements contained in this Article include Consumer Meters that are put into use for the first time, so that samples are taken for the purposes of accepting and rejecting the Inspection Batch in accordance with the Sampling Tables contained in Annex (5) attached to this resolution and specified based on the international specification OIMLG20.
    b. Type approval certificate or conformity assessment certificate shall be confirmed in accordance with Article (8) of this resolution.
    c. Consumer Meters shall pass the tests mentioned in Clause (2) of this Article.
    d. Ensure that the Label Card is valid and meets the requirements set forth in Article (10) of this resolution.
    e. The maximum error rate in measuring the consumption quantity shall not exceed the rates specified in the provisions of this resolution in the Annexes for each type of Consumer Meter.
    f. The Metrological confirmation Mark is placed on the Consumer Meters being confirmed.
2. Periodic confirmation:
    a. Consumer Meters placed in public use shall pass the following tests:
        1. Visual inspection, including the reading screen, the integrity of the seals and metrological marks, the Label Card, the absence of visible defects, and the serial number of the Meter. 
        2. The maximum error rate in measuring the consumption quantity shall not exceed the rates specified in the provisions of this resolution in the Annexes for each type of Consumer Meter.
    b. The maximum allowable error value for periodic confirmation purposes is twice the maximum allowable error value for Initial confirmation.
    c. For Gas Meters, the relative pressure tolerance test is performed at the maximum operating pressure.
    d. For Gas Meters, the relative pressure tolerance test is performed at 10 bar
    e. The Metrological confirmation Mark is placed on the Consumer Meters being confirmed in accordance with Article (6) of this Resolution.
    f. The examinations stipulated in this Article shall be conducted on Consumer Meters that are put into use according to the period specified in Table No. (1-2-9) for each type of homogeneous consumer meters, and samples shall be taken for the purposes of accepting and rejecting the inspection batch according to the Sampling Tables stated in Annex (5) attached to this resolution based on the international standard (OIMLG20)

Table No. (1-2-9)

Meter type


Smart Electricity Meters

10 years

Electricity Meters

10 years

Gas Meter

5 Years

Water Meters

5 Years

Heat Meter

5 Years

    g. If the Inspection Batch does not pass the periodic confirmation requirements, the entity owning the Consumer Meters shall replace the entire batch within a specific period defined in coordination with the Ministry or the authorised entities in a manner that serves the public interest.
    h. If the periodic confirmation requirements are passed, the confirmation validity of the Consumer Meters will be renewed for a similar period.
    i. The Authorised Authority shall establish a procedure before taking the sample from the site or conducting the inspection on site to ensure that the service is not interrupted and to guarantee the rights of the consumer and the service Supplier.
3. Post-Maintenance confirmation:
    a. If maintenance is required on Consumer Meters in a way that may affect the measurement results, the Meter shall be suspended immediately, and the accuracy of the Meter shall be confirmed again after the necessary maintenance is performed.
    b. Maintenance is carried out by parties qualified to carry out maintenance and adjustment work on legal Measuring Devices. 
    c. Specific tests are performed in periodic confirmation.
4. Unannounced confirmation
    a. Unannounced confirmation of Consumer Meters is carried out upon the request of the Ministry, upon receipt of a complaint, or for the purpose of implementing Metrological confirmation and control plans.
    b. The Ministry has the right to conduct Sudden confirmation on all Licensed Entities in the Domain of manufacturing, importing, renting and using Medical Syringes to indicate the extent of their compliance with this Resolution.
    c. For confirmation purposes, the tests specified in Clause (2) of this Article shall be conducted.

Article (10) Label Card

1. The Consumer Meters included in this resolution shall contain the following data:
    a. Manufacturer name or mark.
    b. Information related to accuracy class.
    c. The following information, where applicable:
        1. Information that relates to usage.
        2. Measurement capacity.
        3. Measurement range.
        4. Identity marking.
        5. The type of approval certificate number and the issuing authority.
        6. Information indicating whether or not additional devices associated with the device give metrological results that comply with this resolution.
2. The scale gradations for the measured value shall be in one of the following formats:
    a. 1x10n
    b. 2x10n
    c. 5x10n
    Note: (n) is considered an integer or zero unless the requirements of the Measuring Device state otherwise. The unit of measurement or its symbol shall also be placed near the numerical value.
3. The physical scale shall be marked with a nominal value or graduation in addition to the unit of measurement used.

Article (11) General Requirements

1. Resizable:
The measurements result of the same quantity to be measured shall be close to each other when examined in different places or by different persons, under the same other conditions, so that the difference in the results of the measurement is relatively small when compared with the MPE Value.
2. Repeatability of measurements:
The measurement results for the same measured quantity shall be close when examined under the same conditions, such that the difference in the measurement results is relatively small when compared with the MPE Value.
3. Discrimination and sensitivity:
The Measuring Device shall be sensitive enough for the examination, and the discrimination threshold shall be small enough for the quantity to be measured.
4. Reliability:
The Measuring Device shall be designed so as to minimise the effect of faults which may lead to incorrect measurement results, unless such faults are clearly visible.

Article (12) Regularisation

1. The Supplier wishing to import Consumer Meters into the State shall be granted a period of (180) one hundred and eighty days from the date of the implementation of this resolution to adjust its conditions in accordance with the provisions of this resolution.
2. The establishment that owns the Consumer Meters offered in the markets shall be granted a period not exceeding one calendar year from the date of the implementation of this resolution to adjust its conditions in accordance with the provisions of this resolution.

Article (13) General Provisions

1. The Minister may amend or add to these Annexes as he deems necessary to implement the provisions of this resolution.
2. When the meter is put on the market, it is subject to supervision, and the Ministry or Competent Authority shall be responsible for monitoring it to ensure its continued conformity with the Conformity Certificate at all stages of the supply chain. To this end, it may take any of the following measures:
    a. Inspection and sampling of Consumer Meters and conducting the necessary tests.
    b. Ensure that all outlets offering the meter in the country are committed to banning its import or offering it in local markets, unless it meets the requirements of this resolution.
3. The Owners or Suppliers of Consumer Meters shall bear the costs of confirmation and calibration operations in accordance with applicable legislation and regulations.
4. Calibration laboratories operating in the field of calibration and confirmation of Consumer Meters shall be accredited in accordance with the international standard (ISO/IEC17025).
5. New calibration laboratories may obtain accreditation within a period not exceeding one year from the date of providing the service.
6. In the event of a violation of the provisions of this resolution, the administrative penalties stipulated in Cabinet Resolution No. (64) of 2022 regarding the National Measurement System shall be applied.
7. If any situation arises that cannot be addressed in accordance with the provisions of this resolution, or if any dispute arises in its interpretation or application, the matter shall be referred to the Minister or his authorised representative to issue the resolution he deems appropriate regarding that situation or that dispute based on international practices and in a way that achieves the public interest.

Article (14) Executive Resolutions

The Minister shall issue the Executive Resolutions necessary to apply the provisions of this Resolution.

Article (15) Repeals

Any provision that violates or contradicts the provisions of this Resolution shall be repealed.

Article (16) Publication and Entry into Force

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force as of the day following the date of its publication.

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