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Cabinet Resolution Regulating the Export of Aquatic Life

The last update on this law was listed on 15 Dec 2023

Related legislations

Issued Date

15 Dec 2023

Effective Date

30 Dec 2023

Official Gazette Date

29 Dec 2023

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

In application of the provisions of this Resolution, the words and expressions set forth herein shall bear the meanings ascribed to them, unless the context otherwise requires:
State: United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Ministry: The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
Minister: Minister of Climate Change and Environment.
Competent Authority: The concerned Local Authority in each Emirate.
Fishing: Catching living aquatic resources out of its natural environment.
Fisherman: Each person who practices fishing as a profession.
Fishing waters: Internal waters, including island and creek coasts, State beaches and coasts, territorial waters, and State exclusive economic zone waters.
Registry: The Ministry general registry of those practising fishing as a profession.
Aquaculture farms: A production project in an artificial or natural setting for the cultivation and breeding of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants.

Article (2) Categories to be Exported

1. The export of aquatic organisms caught in fishing waters outside the State is permitted for the following categories:
    a. Fishermen cooperative societies.
    b. National fishermen who own fishing boats registered in the Registry depend on the fishing profession as their primary source of livelihood. The names of such category of fishermen shall be determined by a resolution issued by the Minister.
2. The export of aquatic organisms extracted from fish farms outside the State is permitted for natural or legal persons who engage in fish farming activities with regard to organisms extracted from fish farms (“aquatic organisms.”).

Article (3) Export of Aquatic Life Seized in Fishing Waters

The categories specified in Clause (1) of Article (2) of this Resolution are permitted to export aquatic life of the following types (fish, molluscs, crustaceans) caught in fishing waters in all seasons and times (throughout the year) and in the quantities requested, provided that the Ministry’s approval is obtained, with the exception of the following:
1. Export of aquatic life (fresh and live) caught in the fishing waters of the State as stated in Annex No. (1) attached to this resolution.
2. Export of aquatic life (fresh and live) caught in the fishing waters of the State as stated in Annex No. (2) attached to this resolution during the ban period determined for each type by a decision issued by the Minister.
3. Aquatic life that is prohibited to hunt according to the regulating legislation.
The Ministry may suspend or allow the export of certain types of aquatic life according to studies of the status of fish stocks and the catch quantities of the species.

Article (4) Establishments Operating in Export

The categories specified in this resolution may export aquatic organisms caught in fishing waters through establishments operating in this field in accordance with the following controls:
1. The establishment meets the technical and health requirements approved by the Competent Authority.
2. Any other controls determined by a resolution of the Minister.

Article (5) General Provisions

1. An export licence shall be obtained from the Ministry to export the aquatic organisms stipulated in Article (3) of this Resolution.
2. Export permit shall be obtained for each shipment from the Ministry.
3. Categories allowed to export shall meet the requirements of the exporting State.

Article (6) Executive Resolutions

The Minister, in coordination with the Competent Authorities shall issue the Resolutions necessary to apply the provisions of this Resolution.

Article (7) Repeals

Any provision that violates or contradicts the provisions of this Resolution shall be repealed.

Article (8) Publication and Entry into Force

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force as of the day following its publication date.

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