
Cabinet Resolution Regulating the Work of Establishments Operating in the Integrated Management of Recyclable Substances in the State

The last update on this law was listed on 20 Nov 2023

Issued Date

20 Nov 2023

Effective Date

28 Feb 2024

Official Gazette Date

30 Nov 2023

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

In application of the provisions of this Resolution, the words and expressions set forth herein shall bear the meanings ascribed to them, unless the context otherwise requires:
State: United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Ministry: The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
Competent Authority: The local Competent Authority in each Emirate of the UAE.
The Integrated Management of Recyclable Materials: Separation, collection, transportation, storage, reuse or recycling and treatment of recyclable materials, and disposal of residue, including aftercare of disposal sites.
Waste Recycling: Operations implemented on waste for extracting raw materials to be reused in commercial and industrial operations.
Recyclable Materials: Materials or waste that are used as inputs in a recycling establishment in order to produce new products.
Residual Waste: The residues resulting from waste recycling processes, which cannot be reused, recycled, or undergo any other processes, and end up in landfills.
Recycling Establishment: The licensed establishment operating in the State for recycling recyclable materials.
Environmental Licence: A document issued by the Ministry or the competent authority, as the case may be, for the environmental permit applicant to establish, amend, operate or complete a project, an establishment or an activity, including the conditions and procedures required for environment protection and environmental impact reduction.

Article (2) Objectives

This Resolution aims to:
1. Promote the circular economy in the State by supporting the conversion of recyclable materials into value-added products.
2. Support waste recycling and treatment processes and use such waste as raw materials to promote human health, protect the environment, and achieve sustainable development.
3. Organize the operations of the integrated management of recyclable materials in the State.

Article (3) Scope of Application

Provisions of this Resolution shall apply to recycling establishments, imported recycling establishments, and establishments exporting recyclable materials in the State as stipulated in Table No. (1) attached to this Resolution, including those located within the free zones.

Article (4) Licensing Establishments Operating at the Integrated Management of Recyclable Materials

Establishments operating at the Integrated Management of Recyclable Materials as stipulated in table No. (1) attached to this Resolution shall obtain necessary licenses from the competent authorities according to the procedures and conditions set by such authorities.

Article (5) Collecting Recyclable Materials

1. The licensed establishment, pursuant to the provisions of Article (4) of this Resolution, shall collect recyclable materials specified in the permitted commercial activities of the license only.
2. Unlicensed natural person or establishment pursuant to the provisions of Article (4) of this Resolution shall be prohibited to collect recyclable materials from waste containers, landfills, or any sectors generating such materials.

Article (6) Recycling Recyclable Materials

1. The recycling establishment shall use approved and proper methods for processing recyclable materials in the State according to the conditions and standards specified in the applicable legislations and as set in the environmental license issued for such establishment.
2. The recycling establishment shall abide by sound and safe disposal of the residual waste after the recycling process ends. This shall be in accordance with the conditions and standards specified in the applicable legislations and in coordination with the competent authority.
3. The recycling establishment shall be permitted to import recyclable materials specified in Table No. (1) attached to this Resolution (Clauses: Second, Third and Fifth) upon obtaining a permit issued by the Ministry, according to the following requirements:

a. The materials that will be imported shall not be classified as hazardous waste pursuant to the provisions of the Basel Convention.
b. Concentration of contaminants in the imported recyclable materials shall be within the limits specified in Table No. (2) attached to this Resolution and as per the requirements of the competent authority.
c. The application shall be submitted via the digital service of the Ministry (The service of applying for Recyclable Materials Import), and the following documents shall be attached with the application:

1. A letter of approval/No Objection Certificate issued by the competent authority in the Emirate where the recycling establishment is located.
2. Commercial license of the recycling establishment.
3. A valid contract between the exporter in the exporting State and the recycling establishment.
4. A laboratory examination at a laboratory that is approved in the exporting State for the recyclable materials being imported into the State indicating the concentration of contaminants in such components.
5. An official letter issued by the competent authority in the exporting State confirming that the materials imported into the State are separated and not mixed with other hazardous waste, and that imported materials have been sorted out in an environmentally sound and safe manner.
6. A valid insurance for the shipment.

4. The recycling establishment shall work to reduce the residual waste from the recycling process and shall dispose such waste appropriately, provided that percentage of the residual waste shall not exceed 10% of the imported recyclable materials used in the recycling establishment.
5. The competent authority shall take the necessary measures to release the shipments imported into the State upon inspection in an approved laboratory within the State.
6. The recycling establishment shall be prohibited from using the imported recyclable materials for uses that are not allowed by the Ministry and shall comply with the uses specified in the import permit.
7. The recycling establishment shall be responsible for returning the shipment to the exporting State and shall incur all associated financial costs if the establishment fails to comply with any of the requirements specified in clause (3) of this Article.

Article (7) Recyclable Materials Export

1. The recycling establishment shall process recyclable materials generated in the State in accordance with the activity license issued for the establishment. The establishment licensed under the provisions of Article (4) of this Resolution may engage in the export of recyclable materials listed in Table No. (1) attached to this Resolution according to the following technical requirements:

a. Recyclable materials listed in Table No. (1) attached to this Resolution shall be subject to the provisions of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal if such materials exhibit any of the hazardous properties listed in Table No. (4) attached to this Resolution.
b. If recyclable materials are not classified as hazardous waste, the establishment exporting the recyclable materials listed in Table No. (1) attached to this Resolution shall adhere to the following requirements:

1. Each type of recyclable material listed in Table No. (1) attached to this Resolution shall be separated from all other materials.
2. Recyclable materials shall be cleaned and cut in the State according to the specifications listed in Table No. (3) attached to this Resolution.
3. Recyclable materials shall be free from hazardous contaminants listed in Table No. (2) attached to this Resolution, subject to a laboratory examination issued by an approved laboratory in the State.
4. A laboratory examination from an approved laboratory confirming the absence of the hazardous properties listed in Table No. (4) attached to this Resolution shall be provided.
5. An official letter issued by the competent authority in the importing State detailing the method of processing and recycling shall be obtained.

2. If the requirements provided in Paragraph (B) of clause (1) of this Article are fulfilled, the application can be submitted via the Ministry’s digital service (The service of applying for Recyclable Materials Export) and the following documents shall be attached:

a. Commercial license of the exporting establishment.
b. A valid contract between the exporting establishment and the establishment that collects recyclable materials in the State.
c. A valid contract between the exporting establishment and the establishment that imports recyclable materials.
d. A valid insurance for the shipment.

Article (8) Reports and Reporting

1. The establishment exporting recyclable materials shall submit a monthly report to the competent authority indicating the following:

a. A list of the States to which the recyclable materials were exported.
b. The types and quantities of the recyclable materials exported.

2. The recycling establishment shall submit a monthly report to the competent authority indicating the following:

a. A list of the States from which the recyclable materials were imported.
b. The types and quantities of the imported and locally generated recyclable materials.
c. Method of Recycling Imported Recyclable Materials.
d. The uses of the recycled products.
e. The quantity of residual waste from the recycling process and the method of final disposal, associated with supporting documents.

3. The competent authority shall provide the data specified in clause (2) of this Article to the Ministry via the National Waste Database.

Article (9)

The Minister may, upon coordination with the competent authorities, update the tables attached to this Resolution.

Article (10) Repeals

Any provision that violates or contradicts the provisions of this Resolution shall be repealed.

Article (11) Publication and Entry into Force

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall be enforced after (90) ninety days as of the date of its publication.

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