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Cabinet Resolution Regulating the Weights and Dimensions of Heavy Vehicles and the Administrative Penalties Imposed Upon its Violation

The last update on this law was listed on 29 Dec 2023

Related legislations

Issued Date

29 Dec 2023

Effective Date

01 Feb 2024

Official Gazette Date

15 Jan 2024

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

In application of the provisions herein, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings ascribed thereto, unless the context requires otherwise:
State: United Arab Emirates.
Ministry: Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure.
Minister: Minister of Energy and Infrastructure.
Competent Authority: Federal or Local Authority Competent to issue vehicle licences, manage the road network and its components, including bridges and tunnels, or manage traffic.
Heavy Vehicle: Every means of land transportation designed to transport goods whose empty weight exceeds (2,5) Two and a half Tons, and does not include means of transportation designed to travel on railway.
Load: Goods and commodities, or loads of distinctive descriptions and loads.
Locomotive: A mechanical, motorised machine designed to tow a Trailer or Semi-Trailer.
Semi-Trailer: A Trailer without a Front Axle linked in such a way that a significant portion of its weight and the weight of its load are carried by the Tractor or mechanical vehicle.
Trailer: A vehicle designed to attach to a mechanical vehicle or tractor.
Tractor: A self-propelled vehicle designed to tow or push trailers, tools, or machinery.
Overall Height of Heavy Vehicle: The vertical distance from the road surface to the highest point of the Heavy Vehicle.
Overall Length of Heavy Vehicle: The horizontal length distance from the maximum front overhang of a Heavy Vehicle to its maximum rear overhang, excluding accessories attached to Fire-Fighting Engines.
Overall Width of Heavy Vehicle: The transverse distance measured perpendicular to the longitudinal Axle of the Heavy Vehicle between the most overhang parts on the sides, excluding mirrors, direction indicators and corner lights and including any equipment installed on the vehicle to increase its carrying capacity.
Single Axle: Axle separated from the other axes, or the distance between it and the other Axles in the Axle group is not less than (2.0) Two metres.
Tandem Axle: A group of interconnected axes, the distance between each of which is not less than One metre and not more than Two (2.0) metres.
Weighing Station: A fixed or mobile station equipped with the necessary tools and devices to monitor Heavy Vehicle compliance with the weights specified in accordance with this Resolution.
Single Trip: The trip undertaken by a Heavy Vehicle within the geographical area supervised by the Ministry or the Competent Authority, within a period of time not exceeding (24) twenty-Four hours.

Article (2) Weights and Dimensions Table

1. The maximum total and Axle weights of Heavy Vehicles specified in Table No. (1) and Table No. (2) of Annex No. (1) to this Resolution may not be violated.
2. The Maximum Dimensions of Heavy Vehicles specified in Table No. (3) Annex No. (1) to this Resolution may not be violated.

Article (3) Non-Dividable Load Controls

1. Save the provisions of Article (2) of this Resolution, a Heavy Vehicle may exceed the maximum Weights and Dimensions in cases of load that does not facilitate its division in accordance with the Weights and Dimensions specified in Annex No. (1) attached to this Resolution, pursuant to a transportation permit issued by the Ministry. Or the Competent Authority, in accordance with the following controls:
    a. No practical alternatives for transporting the load are available.
    b. The safety of the infrastructure or bystanders is not affected.
    c. The permit period to complete the transfer process is defined.
    d. Any other controls determined by the Ministry or the Competent Authority.
2. An application to obtain a permit to transport the load referred to in Clause (1) of this Article shall be submitted to the Ministry or the Competent Authority, attached by documents supporting the accuracy of the data contained in the application.
3. The Minister or the head of the Competent Authority shall determine the requirements and procedures for issuing the permit to transport the load referred to in Paragraph (A) of Clause (1) of this Article on the roads falling within the scope of their jurisdiction and responsibility.

Article (4) Violations and Penalties

1. Without prejudice to any Administrative Penalties stipulated in any other legislation, the Minister, the head of the Competent Authority, or any One authorised by either of them, may impose Administrative Fines on Heavy Vehicles, if they commit any of the violations specified in Annex No. (2) attached to this Resolution indicated next to each of them.
2. The Ministry or the Competent Authority may not impose more than One fine for the same violation, if it is committed during a single trip, even if it is monitored multiple times.
3. In the event of committing a violation of exceeding the Maximum Total Weight specified in Table No. (1) of Annex No. (1) attached to this Resolution and a violation of exceeding the maximum Axle weight specified in Table No. (2) of the same Annex during Single Trip, in this case, the maximum fine shall apply.
4. If the violations specified in Clauses (1) to (6) of Annex No. (2) attached to this Resolution are repeated, within One month from the date of committing the same violation, or if the value of the fines that have not been paid for the violations exceed (45,000) forty-Five Thousand AED, the Competent Authority may seize the Heavy Vehicle or prevent its operation on the roads for a period not exceeding (30) thirty days. The Competent Authority may exempt the owner of Heavy Vehicle from the penalty of seizure in exchange for paying a fine of no less than (200) Two Hundred AED for each day of the scheduled seizure, provided that the amounts of the fines that have not been paid for the committed violations are paid.

Article (5) Appeal

Any One with a capacity and interest may file Appeal with the Minister, the head of the Competent Authority, or any One authorised by either of them, against any Resolution or action taken against him, within (15) fifteen days from the date of his notification of the appealed decision or action. The Appeal shall be in writing, reasoned, and attached by all supporting documents. The Appeal will be decided within thirty (30) days from the date of its submission in accordance with the procedures in force at the Ministry or the Competent Authority.

Article (6) Fees and Fines Collection

The Competent Authority shall collect the Administrative Fines resulting from violating the provisions of this Resolution by means determined by applicable legislation, and the value of the fines collected shall be transferred to the entity responsible for managing the road network and its components.

Article (7) Executive Resolutions

The Minister or the Competent Authority shall issue the decisions necessary to implement the provisions of this Resolution.

Article (8) Repeals

Any provision that violates or contradicts the provisions of this Resolution shall be repealed.

Article (9) Publication and Entry into Force of the Resolution

This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into force from 01.02.2024.

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