Article (1) Definitions
In applying the provisions of this Resolution, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings assigned thereto, unless the context indicates otherwise:
State: United Arab Emirates.
Ministry: Ministry of Finance.
Minister: Minister of Finance.
Article (2) Service Fees
In consideration of services provided by the Ministry and included in the table attached to this resolution, the Ministry shall collect the fees indicated for each service.
Article (3) Administrative Fines
The following administrative fines shall be imposed on the violations ascribed thereto:
S/N |
Violation Description |
Value of Administrative Fine in AED |
1 |
Delay in renewing the registration of a commercial agency for more than 30 days from the date of registration expiry. |
AED 400 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 4,000 annually. |
2 |
Delay in making annotation of the amendment of commercial agents' register data for more than 60 days from the date of the amendment. |
AED 100 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 1,000 annually. |
3 |
Delay in paying the trademark registration fees. |
AED 1,000 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 10,000 annually. |
4 |
Delay in paying the fees for the publication of the trademark for more than 30 days from the date of receiving the decision concerning accepting the publication. |
AED 100 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 1,000 annually. |
5 |
Delay in renewing the registration of a trademark registration agent for an individual establishment. |
AED 300 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 3,000 annually. |
6 |
Delay in renewing the registration of a trademark registration agent for a national company. |
AED 500 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 5,000 annually. |
7 |
Delay in renewing the registration of a trademark registration agent for a foreign company. |
AED 1,000 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 10,000 annually. |
8 |
Unlawfully registering and deleting a trademark in accordance with Article 20 bis of the aforementioned Federal Law No. 37 of 1992. |
10,000 |
9 |
Delay in renewing the registration of legal persons in the register of national companies. |
AED 500 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 5,000 per year. |
10 |
Missing the deadline for renewing the registration in the register of auditors of foreign company branches from the head office or each branch. |
AED 2,000 for each month of delay for the main centre and each branch and a maximum of AED 20,000 per year. |
11 |
Delay in making annotation of the amendment of registration application data or attached documents in the register of auditors for national companies. |
AED 50 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 500 per year. |
12 |
Delay in making annotation of the amendment of registration application data or attached documents in the register of auditors for foreign companies. |
AED 50 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 500 per year. |
13 |
Delay in making annotation of the amendment of registration application data or attached documents in the register of auditors for natural persons. |
AED 25 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 250 per year. |
14 |
Missing the deadline for renewing the registration in the register of practising auditors. |
AED 200 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 2,000 per year. |
15 |
Missing the deadline for renewing the registration in the register of non-practising auditors. |
AED 30 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 300 per year. |
16 |
Delay in making annotation of the amendment of registration application data or attached documents in the registers of auditors. |
AED 25 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 300 per year. |
17 |
Delay in the payment of due monthly fees for any of the industrial property services (natural persons, small and medium companies, small and medium corporations, or academic corporations) |
AED 200 per month, with a maximum of AED (2000). |
18 |
Delay in payment of fees due each month for any industrial property service (Legal Persons). |
AED 400 per month, with a maximum of AED (4000). |
19 |
Delay in renewing the registration of a private joint stock company. |
AED 500 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 5,000 annually. |
20 |
Delay in publishing the amendment of the official document of a private joint stock company. |
AED 1,000 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 10,000 annually. |
21 |
Delay in requesting registration in the register of foreign companies. |
AED 1,000 for each month of delay and a maximum of AED 10,000 annually. |
22 |
Delay in publishing the amendment of the official document of partnerships. |
AED 100 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 1,000 annually. |
23 |
Missing the deadline for renewing the registration in the register of foreign companies. |
AED 1,000 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 10,000 annually. |
24 |
Missing the deadline for amending the data in the register of foreign companies. |
AED 200 for each month of delay, and a maximum of AED 2,000 annually. |
25 |
Delay in renewing the registration of Local Offices (Individual Enterprise) in the register of Legal Persons Practising the Profession of Auditors. |
250 for each month of delay, with a maximum of 2,500 per year. |
26 |
Delay in renewing the registration of Branch Offices (Individual Enterprise) in the register of Legal Persons Practising the Profession of Auditors. |
250 for each month of delay, with a maximum of 2,500 per year. |
27 |
Delay in noting the amendment to the data of the registration application and the attached documents for the Local Offices (Individual Enterprise) in the register of Legal Persons Practising the Profession of Auditors. |
50 for each month of delay, with a maximum of 500 per year. |
28 |
Delay in renewing the registration of Branch National Company in the register of Legal Persons Practising the Profession of Auditors. |
500 for each month of delay, with a maximum of 5,000 peryear. |
Article (4) Grievance
Any interested party may file a complaint in writing to the Ministry of any administrative fine from the fines referred to in Article (3) of this Resolution against him within ten (10) working days from the date of notification of the Resolution against him, provided that the grievance is justified and all supporting documents shall be attached and such grievance shall be considered within twenty (20) days from the date of its submittal, in accordance with the procedures in force at the Ministry.
Article (5) Amending Administrative Charges and Fines
The Cabinet shall be competent to make any amendments concerning the administrative charges and fines stipulated in this Resolution, either through addition, omission or amendment.
Article (6) Final Provisions
a. The administrative charges and fines set out in this Resolution shall be collected by the means determined by the Ministry of Finance.
b. The Minister of Finance shall, in coordination with the Minister, allocate a portion of the research and technical fees for the patents referred to in the Schedule of Fees attached to this Resolution. This portion shall be disbursed for covering the costs of the patents, provided that the revenues resulting from such charges shall be transferred to the State General Treasury.
c. For the purpose of paying the fees and administrative fines set out in Articles 2 and 3 of this Resolution, a part of a day shall be deemed to be a full day and the part of a month shall be deemed a full month.
Article (7) Executive Resolutions
The Minister shall issue the resolutions necessary for the enforcement of the provisions of this Resolution.
Article (8) Repeals
1. Expect for the Cabinet Resolution No. (19) of 2013 concerning the fees imposed on the issuance of the State certificates for rough diamonds, Resolution No. (51) of 2019 concerning the services provided by the Ministry of Economy shall be repealed.
2. Any provision that violates or contradicts the provisions of this Resolution shall be repealed.
Article (9) Publication and Enforcement
This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into force as of 5 April 2020.
Translated in cooperation with