
Cabinet Resolution Concerning the UAE Scheme for Drone Products and Systems

The last update on this law was listed on 06 Nov 2023

Issued Date

06 Nov 2023

Effective Date

16 Nov 2023

Official Gazette Date

15 Nov 2023

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

In application of the provisions of this Resolution, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context requires otherwise:
State: United Arab Emirates.
Ministry: Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology.
Authority: General Civil Aviation Authority.
Governmental Entities: The federal and local government entities within the powers of which is to implement the provisions of this Resolution.
Competent Authority: The Local Authority competent with aviation affairs in the emirate.
Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS): The scheme issued by the Ministry, for confirming whether the product meets the requirements specified in the approved Standard Specifications, directly or indirectly, through specific procedures conducted by the Ministry, such as examination, testing, calibration, inspection or audit to grant the Conformity Certificates.
Product(s): Any machine, vehicle or similar object that can fly without a pilot on board, and that is controlled remotely or autonomously, guided by naked eye.; and of which control systems are considered part thereof, and is used for civil purposes,
Conformity Certificate: The certificate issued by the Ministry, which confirms that the conformity of the product or any batch thereof with the requirements of the approved Standard Specifications.
Product Status Statement: The document issued by the Ministry that states all the information related to the product contained in this Resolution.
Manufacturer: The natural or legal person who manufactures drones products and systems covered by this Resolution.
Importer: The natural or legal person in the State who imports drones products and systems from another country to the UAE market within the scope of his work.
Operator: The person authorised to carry out any of the operations in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution and other relevant legislation.
Owner: The natural or legal person who owns the Product, whether he is the manufacturer, importer, sales centre, operator or any other person.
Operations: All drones operation processes, including operational trials and related activities. They include operations for recreational, commercial, service and research purposes.
Sales Centre: Any location where drones products and systems are displayed for sale, rental or showroom purposes.

Article (2) Scope of Application

1. This Resolution shall apply to all drones products and systems traded in the State, including free zones, and to all products sold “ready for use” or manufactured or imported in the form of assembled parts that are controlled remotely, in addition to products that enter for the purpose of re-export or exhibition purposes whether they are used or not.
2. The following shall be excluded from the application of the provisions of this Resolution:

a. Drones products and systems classified for military and security purposes.
b. Unmanned aerial balloon products.

Article (3) General Requirements

All products must meet the following requirements before being imported, sold, assembled, manufactured or operated within the airspace of the State:
1. Approval from the Authority or the Competent Authority – according to jurisdiction – before operating them in the airspace of the State. 
2. Obtaining a certificate of conformity for the product every three (3) years or a product status statement issued by the Ministry in accordance with the requirements of Article (4) of this Resolution.
3.  The Product must carry a statement card containing a serial number issued by the Ministry in accordance with what is stipulated in Article (9) of this Resolution.
4.  All products must carry explanatory signs and warning signs within the instructions and directions booklet in at least Arabic and English.
5.  A manual for safe use must be provided for all products in accordance with the requirements of the Authority or the Competent Authority, depending on the jurisdiction, and must be provided in at least Arabic and English. 
6. The products must be provided with explanatory signs in accordance with the standards and policies approved by the General Authority for Regulating the Telecommunications Sector and the Digital Government.
7. The products must be provided with a data tracking and transmission system approved by the Cyber Security Council and the General Authority for Regulating the Telecommunications Sector and the Digital Government before obtaining the operation approval from the Authority or the Competent Authority.
8.  The operator must obtain approval from the Authority or the Competent Authority – depending on the jurisdiction – and the Ministry according to the controls and instructions issued in this regard in the event of a desire to modify the design of the product or repair its main parts. 
9. The importer must import spare parts for the Product or any part thereof from companies licensed for this purpose, including importing parts from electronic platforms.

Article (4) Product Conformity

1. Conformity Certificate:
The Manufacturer or Importer must apply for a certificate of conformity before displaying or importing the Product into the State's markets. The certificate shall be granted to the Product according to the procedures stipulated in Article (8) of this Resolution and the approved standard specifications included in Annex No. (A) attached to this Resolution, and the ECAS requirements, and after meeting the following requirements:

a. The testing requirements stipulated in Article (5) of this Resolution.
b. Submitting all the documents stipulated in Article (6) of this Resolution.
c. Submitting the technical characteristics declaration stipulated in Article (7) of this Resolution.

2. Product status statement:
Sales centres, the owner or the operator must apply for a product status statement, after meeting the following requirements:

a. A. Submitting all the documents stipulated in Article (6) of this Resolution excluding what is stipulated in Clauses (3 and 4). 
b. Submitting the technical characteristics declaration stipulated in Article (7) of this Resolution.

3. A product status statement shall be granted according to the procedures stipulated in Article (8) of this Resolution and the ECAS requirements.

Article (5) Tests Required for Certificate of Conformity

The manufacturer or importer must submit test reports from laboratories accredited by internationally recognised accreditation bodies or accepted by the Ministry, showing the results of the following tests:
1. General design requirements for drones products and systems.
2. Electrical safety tests.
3. Mechanical tests: vibration and shock.
4. The electromagnetic compatibility test.
5. Global Positioning System feature.
6. Safe fall and return feature and hovering feature.
7. Noise emission values.
8. Maximum take-off mass.
9. Maximum flight altitude.
10.  Maximum range and endurance.
11. Maximum and minimum horizontal speed.
12. Transmission power test.
13.  Geographical boundary identification feature (map of drones information).
14. Frequency range: Products must be compatible with the frequencies allocated by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority and the Digital Government.
15. Total flight time.
16.  Response to government security agencies' control interception systems (anti-drones security system).
17.  The technology or systems used to avoid collision.

Article (6) Technical Documents

The technical documents file must be submitted to the Ministry containing the following:
1. A complete description of the Product including:

a. Images or illustrations showing its external features, markings and internal design.
b. Versions of any software to meet the requirements specified in this Resolution.
c. User manual and installation instructions.

2. Designs, manufacturing drawings, component and sub-circuit diagrams, etc. 
3. A list of applicable technical specifications to verify the requirements stipulated in this Resolution.
4. Test reports showing the results of the tests conducted.
5. Addresses of manufacturing and storage locations.
6. Any other documents and requirements required by government entities.

Article (7) Technical Characteristic Declaration

All products must be provided with a technical characteristic declaration according to the following details:
1. Name and address of the Manufacturer.
2. Commercial name of the Product.
3. Name of the model and/or product type reference.
4. Product name and/or any other identifying name.
5. Country of origin or manufacturer.
6. Power source (batteries/ fuel).
7. Uses of the product.
8. Purpose or objective of the product.
9. Determining of the following technical specifications of the product:

a. Global Positioning System feature. 
b. Safe fall and return feature and hovering feature.
c. Maximum take-off mass.
d. Maximum flight altitude.
e. Maximum range and endurance.
f. Maximum and minimum horizontal speed.
g. Transmission power.
h. Geographical boundary identification feature.
i. Technology used to accurately determine altitudes.
j. Frequency range.
k. Propeller guard.
l. Total wingspan – cross-sectional area of the drones.
m. Maximum flight duration with maximum battery or power capacity. 
n. Obstacle sensing feature (if any).

Article (8) Conformity Assessment Process

All applications for a Certificate of Conformity and a Product Status Statement shall be submitted through the means approved by the Authority and the Ministry, subject to the following:
1. The manufacturer, importer and sales centres:

a. Registration request: The applicant shall register the establishment details and attach a copy of the valid commercial licence that includes approved activities for drones products and systems, then the registration request shall be submitted.
b. Product identification: During the registration application, the applicant shall identify all product models for the purpose of registering them by filling out an electronic form and attaching all technical documents that confirm the product's compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications stipulated in Clauses (4), (5) and (6) of Article No. (6) of this Resolution.
c.  Approval: After completing the auditing process and reviewing the application, a Certificate of Conformity or a Product Status Statement shall be issued by the Ministry.

2. Operator:

a. Registration request: The applicant shall create an account and attach the required documents, then the registration application shall be submitted.
b. Product identification: During the registration application, the applicant shall identify all product models for the purpose of registering them by filling out an electronic form and attaching all technical documents stipulated in Article No. (6) of this Resolution, with the exception of what is stated in Clauses (3 and 4).
c. Approval: After completing the auditing process and reviewing the application, a Product Status Statement shall be issued by the Ministry.

Article (9) Product Statement Card

1. The manufacturer/importer/sales centres must place a non-removable product statement card in a prominent place on the product packaging to provide the following information necessary for tracking the product:

a. Product Status Statement or Certificate of Conformity number.
b. Product Serial Number.
c. Name or brand of the product. 
d. Name of the model and/or the reference of the type.
e. Product name and/or any other identifying names.
f. Country of origin or name of the Manufacturer.

2. The manufacturer/importer/sales centres/owner must place a QR Code sticker issued by the Ministry on the body of the drones showing the information referred to in Clause (1) of this Article.
3. The product serial number shall be issued by the Ministry and shall be in accordance with the following approved pattern: (UAE-UAV-YY-ABCDEFGH).
4. The shape of the card must match the design and dimensions approved by the Ministry.

Article (10) Responsibilities

1. Responsibilities of the Ministry:
The Ministry shall be responsible for evaluating the product and issuing a certificate of conformity or a product status statement and the serial number, in accordance with this Resolution and other legislation applicable in this regard.
2. Responsibilities of importers/manufacturers:

a. The importer/manufacturer must comply with all requirements specified in this Resolution.
b. The importer/manufacturer must obtain a certificate of conformity in accordance with what is stipulated in this Resolution before launching the product in the State's markets.
c. Compliance with all requirements of the Authority, the Cybersecurity Council, the General Authority for Regulating the Telecommunications Sector, the Digital Government and government agencies must be ensured.
d. Compliance with the requirements of the government entities responsible for licensing the practice of the activity.
e. In the absence of the manufacturer's or importer's data, any natural or legal person who places or launches drones products and systems on the market shall be responsible for registering them in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution.
f. Ensuring the transfer of ownership of drones immediately upon selling them at sales centres.

3. Responsibilities of Sales Centres:

a. Sales centres must display and sell products that have obtained a certificate of conformity in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution. 
b. Sales centres must obtain a product status statement in accordance with what is stipulated in this Resolution before selling and displaying products in the State's markets, while adhering to the provisions of Clause (A) referred to in Clause (3) of this Article.
c. Sales centres must provide cadres with knowledge on the requirements stipulated in this Resolution as well as the requirements specified by government entities.
d. Sales centres must provide the necessary information to the consumer regarding the Operator's required qualifications and the serial number sticker issued by the Ministry.
e. Sales centres are obligated to ensure the presence or installation of a tracking and data transmission system approved by the Cybersecurity Council, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority and the Digital Government on the products, with a statement of the product's ownership and any changes in ownership within the tracking system.
f. Sales centres are obligated to ensure the transfer of ownership of droness immediately upon selling them to operators.

Article (11) Transitional Provisions

1. Importers wishing to import the Product shall be granted a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days as of the date of the entry into force of this Resolution to adjust their conditions in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution.
2. Manufacturers shall be granted a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days as of the date of the entry into force of this Resolution to adjust their conditions in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution in order to launch new products.
3. Importers, manufacturers and sales centres that own products introduced in the markets before the publication of this Resolution shall be granted a period not exceeding one calendar year as of the date of entry into force of this Resolution to adjust their conditions in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution. 
4. All categories referred to in this Resolution must commit to obtaining a product status statement. in accordance with the requirements stipulated in this Resolution until the end of the condition adjustment period referred to in this Article.

Article (12) General Provisions

1. The standard specifications listed in Annex (A) attached to this Resolution and any update thereto shall be binding for application in the State to obtain a certificate of conformity for products in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution.
2. When the Product is launched in the market, it shall be subject to control. The Ministry or the Competent Body, as the case may be, shall take the necessary measures to control the Product to ensure that it conforms to the Conformity Certificate in all stages of the supply chain. For such purpose, they may take any of the following measures:

a. Inspection and sampling of the Product and conducting the necessary tests.
b. Ensuring that all outlets for introducing the product in the State are committed to prohibiting its import or introduction into local markets, except after it meets the requirements of this Resolution.

Article (13) Repeals

Any provision that violates or contradicts the provisions of this Resolution shall be repealed.

Article (14) Publication and Entry into Force

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force as of the day following the date of its publication.

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