
Federal Decree by Law Concerning the Regulation of the Space Sector

The last update on this law was listed on 28 Sep 2023

Related legislations

Issued Date

28 Sep 2023

Effective Date

29 Oct 2023

Official Gazette Date

29 Sep 2023

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail



Article (1) Definitions

In application of the provisions of this Decree by Law, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context otherwise requires:
State: United Arab Emirates (UAE).
State Territory: The State lands, territorial sea, and the air space above them, including free zones or any areas with a special economic status.
Government Entities: Ministries, public authorities and institutions, and all other federal or local Government Agencies in the State.
Agency: UAE Space Agency.
BOD: Board of Directors of the UAE Space Agency.
BOD Chairman: The UAE Space Agency BOD Chairman.
Outer Space: Any area eighty kilometres or more above the mean sea level.
Space Object: Object that a person makes, launches, or aims to launch into the Outer Space or under the Outer Space, whether manned or unmanned that shall include: the constituent parts of the Space Object, its Launch Vehicle and the parts thereof.
Launch: The process of launching or attempting to launch a Space Object into, under, or through the Outer Space. This shall include all necessary preparations and activities at the launch site, up to the stage of the load separation and detachment from the head of the Space Object.
Space Activities: Activities targeting Outer Space and the technical operations associated with it in accordance with the provisions of Clause (1) of Article (4) of this Decree by Law.
Other activities related to the Space Sector: Activities stipulated in Clause (2) of Article (4) of this Decree by Law that are practised outside Outer Space and are related to space.
Space-Flight: A Space Activity where a Space Object transporting individuals, living creatures, equipment, or other payloads to or under or through the Outer Space, or returning therefrom, whether that flight is Orbital, sub-Orbital, or over the Earth Orbit.
Manned Space-Flight: any space-flight that uses a space object to transport any member of the Space-Flight crew or any of the Human Space-Flight Participants, or both.
Orbital Space-Flight: Space-Flight aiming to complete a revolution in Earth Orbit, and is not required to reach Outer Space.
Sub-Orbital Space-Flight: Space-Flight aiming to enter the Outer Space and does not aim to complete a revolution in Earth Orbit.
Space-Supporting Flights: Any flight undertaken in the State airspace, which aims to support Space Activities and the associated experiments and training.
High Altitude Activities: Activities that shall be above the range of air traffic control and lower than the Outer Space.
Space Communications: Space Activities regulated by the Space Sector and related to communications.
Space Data: Data that results from Space Activities, whether it is remote sensing data, or navigation data using satellites, or others.
Incident: Incident arising from Space Activities or Space-Supporting Flights, or High-Altitude Activities, and affects or almost affects the safety of such activities, or the work of a Space Object or aircraft used in a Space-Supporting Flight, or High-Altitude Activities, or causes damage, or almost causes damage to a person or any objects or property in the atmosphere or on the surface of the Earth, and where the damage caused by this incident does not reach the level of the accident.
Accident: Accident caused by Space Activities, Space-Supporting Flights, or High Altitude Activities, that leads to the death of a person or severe damage thereto, or leads to the destruction or cause severe damage to a Space Object or aircraft used in a Space-Supporting Flight, or High Altitude Activities or the property on board or leads to the destruction or severe damage to any objects or property in the atmosphere or on the surface of the Earth.
Meteorite: A natural mass or metal stone, a non-man-made, reaching the Earth from Outer Space, with non-human intervention.
Space Debris: Space Object or its debris that have no role or purpose, including its parts or components and the materials, waste, or fragments resulting therefrom, whether in Outer Space, including the Earth Orbit, or inside the Earth atmosphere.
Space Resources: Any non-living resources present in Outer Space, including minerals and water.
Space Nuclear Energy Sources: Devices used in Space Activities to generate energy and using nuclear materials, radioisotopes or a nuclear reactor.
Launch Vehicle: A Space Object used for transporting payload, other Space Objects, individuals, living organisms, equipment or other materials to the Outer Space or the Sub-Orbital area below Outer Space or to return from Outer Space or the Sub-Orbital area below Outer Space.
Person: Natural or Legal Person.
Operator: A person who practices Space Activities, or other activities related to the Space Sector subject to this Decree by Law and the resolutions issued pursuant to it.
Permit: A document granted to a person by the Agency, to carry out Space Activities or activities related to the Space Sector.
Authorised Operator: Any Operator who has obtained the necessary Permit to perform his activities in accordance with the provisions of this Decree by Law.
Space Sector: The sector that shall include all activities, projects and programmes related to Outer Space.
Dual-Use Goods: Goods with common civil, commercial or military uses organised in accordance with the legislation in force in the State.
Damage: Life loss, personal injury, or any other harm to health, or the loss or damage that is caused to the property of the State, Persons, or intergovernmental organisations.
Re-Entry: Process of returning or attempting to return a Space Object from the Outer Space, including stages and preparations necessary for its Re-Entry of the Earth atmosphere, until it settles on the Earth.
The Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space: The Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space ratified by Federal Decree by Law No. (85) of 2000 above mentioned.

Article (2) Objectives

This Decree by Law aims to achieve the following:
1. Organise Space Activities and other activities related to the Space Sector.
2. Stimulate investment and encourage private and academic sector participation in the Space Sector and related activities.
3. Support the implementation of the necessary safety, security and environmental measures to enhance the long-term stability and sustainability of Space Activities and related activities to the Space Sector.
4. Support the transparency principle and the State commitment to implement the provisions of international conventions and treaties related to Outer Space and to which the State is a party.

Article (3) Scope of Application

The provisions of this Decree by Law shall apply to Space Activities and other Space Sector-related activities that shall be carried out as follows:
1. In the State Territory or the State establishments outside the State Territory.
2. Space Vehicles or Space Objects registered with the State.
3. By persons who hold the nationality of the State, or companies that have a headquarters in the State or the Foreign Companies having their activities in the State.

Article (4) Regulated Activities

This Decree by Law regulates the following activities:
1. Space Activities, which shall include the following:
     a. Launch.
     b. Space Object
     c. Remove or dispose of a Space Object from the Orbit.
     d. Operate the Launch Sites or the Space Object Re-Entry Sites.
     e. Operate Space Objects, including: monitoring and controlling them.
     f. Satellite communication activities.
     g. Activities of space navigation, remote sensing or Earth observation.
   h. Space awareness activities (including awareness of the space case, status, and surrounding conditions), and related monitoring and tracking of Space Objects.
     i. Activities including the discovery, exploitation, extraction and use of space resources, whether for commercial, scientific or other purposes.
     j. Provide logistical support services in the Outer Space.
   k. Scientifically exploring space, conducting Space Sector -related scientific experiments, and participate in Astronomy activities.
     l. Manned Space-Flights, or long-term human residence in space, or the construction or use of facilities in space or on the surface of Celestial Bodies, permanently or temporarily.
   m. Manufacture, assembly, completion, development, testing, transportation, storage, trade or disposal of, or re-purpose space technologies.
     n. Any other Space Activities as determined by a Cabinet Resolution based on the proposal of the BOD.
2. Other Space Sector-related activities, including:
   a. Space-Supporting Flights and High Altitude Activities that shall not be subject to Federal Law No. (20) of 1991 promulgating the Civil Aviation Law, whether they are carried out in the State Territory or include the participation of a flying aircraft or vehicle registered in the State.
     b. Space Data Management Activities, which include receiving, storing, processing, distributing, archiving or disposing of any Space Data.
     c. Any other Space Sector-related activities determined by a Cabinet Resolution, upon the proposal of the BOD.

Article (5) Permits for Space Activities

1. Space Activities listed in Clause (1) of Article (4) of this Decree by Law may not be practiced or establish, use or own Space facilities or facilities associated with them without obtaining Permit or No-Objection Certificate in advance from the Agency.
2. The general conditions, controls and procedures related to the Permit, including its granting, renewal, suspension, amendment, cancellation, assignment to others, inclusion in or attachment to Permit previously granted, shall be determined by a resolution issued by the Cabinet or whomever it delegates.
3. As an exception to the provision of Clause (1) of this Article, the BOD Chairman may form an Interim Committee to exempt any specific Space Operator or Activities from obtaining the Permit or the No- Objection Certificate or from any special conditions, controls or procedures stipulated in this Decree by Law or any resolutions issued in their implementation.
4. The Agency shall confirm that the application for the Permit meets the terms and conditions prescribed for its granting.
5. The suspension or cancellation of the Permit shall not exonerate any Operator from any liability, administrative penalty, punishment or any other obligation, unless otherwise provided in this Permit;
6. The assignment of the Permit to third parties shall not exonerate any Operator from any obligation or liability established prior to the date of the assignment.
7. Without prejudice to the criminal liability, the Permit may not be assigned except with the prior approval of the Agency. The liability shall be joint between the Assignee and the Assignor in case of violation thereof.
8. As an exception to the provisions contained in the previous Clauses of this Article, any person wishing to practice Satellite Communications Activities shall obtain a prior No-Objection Certificate from the Agency, provided that the final Permit is issued by the Competent Authority to regulating communications in the State in accordance with the legislation in force therein.
9. The Agency has the discretion to refuse to grant Permits or No-Objection Certificates to any person, in accordance with what it deems to be in the public interest.

Article (6) Manned Space-Flight Activities

1. Subject to the provisions of Article (5) of this Decree by Law and any regulations or resolutions issued in this regard, the Operator shall, before allowing any Natural Person to participle in a Space-Flight, submit to the Agency the following:
     a. A proof that the Natural Person shall be aware and well-informed of the risks associated with the Space-Flight and the Natural Person is fully aware of it.
     b. A written approval of the Natural Person to take the Space-Flight;
     c. Proof that the Natural Person has completed the necessary training.
     d. Proving that the Natural Person has the physical and health fitness to undertake a Space-Flight.
   e. A proof that the Operator has completed all necessary risk and safety assessments, and that there is a suitable emergency plan.
     f. The Natural Person fulfils any requirements issued by a resolution of the BOD.
2. Every Operator permitted to conduct a Manned Space-Flight shall immediately inform the Agency of any Incident or Accident encountered, or the risks faced, and any measures undertaken thereby to reduce the same or the effects thereof.
3. The conditions and controls of liability related to the activities of Manned Space-Flight shall be determined by a BOD resolution, in cooperation with the Concerned Government Entities, and in particular those related to Sub-Orbital Flights.
4. The Agency may request any proof, documents or information for confirming that the Operator fulfils their obligations stipulated in Clause (1) of this Article.

Article (7) Permits for the Use of Space Nuclear Energy Sources

1. Subject to the legislation in force in the State concerning the peaceful use of nuclear energy, any Operator shall be prohibited from using Space Nuclear Energy Sources without obtaining Permit from the Agency.
2. The conditions, controls and procedures pertaining to the Permit to use Space Nuclear Energy Sources, including: granting, inclusion in or attachment to Permit previously granted, shall be determined by a Cabinet resolution, upon a proposal from the Agency after coordination with the Concerned Government Entities.
3. Subject to the legislation in force in the State concerning to the use of Space Nuclear Energy Sources, every Operator permitted to use Space Nuclear Energy Sources shall immediately inform the Agency of any Accident or Incident encountered or expected, or the risks faced, and any measures undertaken thereby to prevent or reduce the same or the effects thereof.
4. The applicant for Permit to use Space Nuclear Energy Sources shall indicate in the application the reasons justifying such use.

Article (8) Exploration, Exploitation and Use of Space Resources

1. The conditions and controls relating to Permits for the exploration, exploitation and use of Space Resources, including their acquisition, purchase, sale, trade, transportation, storage and any Space Activities aimed at providing logistical services in this regard shall be determined by a resolution issued by the Cabinet or whomever it delegates.
2. The Permits referred to in Clause (1) of this Article shall be granted by a resolution of the BOD.

Article (9) Space Debris Mitigation

1. Every Operator permitted to own or develop a Space Object, or carry out or participate in Space Activities, shall take the necessary measures and plans to mitigate Space Debris and reduce the effects thereof, as determined by resolutions in force in this regard.
2. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article (23) of this Decree by Law, every Operator permitted to own a Space Object, develop it, or carry out Space Activities or participate in them, shall immediately inform the Agency of the following:
     a. Any Space Debris resulting from any of the Space Objects that implement or participate in the permitted activities;
     b. Exposure of any of the Space Objects provided in Paragraph (A) of this Clause, to a highly potential risk, loss of control, or collision with a Space Debris or other Space Objects in Outer Space;
     c. Any measures or plans taken to mitigate the risks resulting from any of the Paragraph s (a) and (b) of this Clause or to reduce its effects; and
     d. Any modifications to the measures and plans taken to mitigate Space Debris or reduce its effects.

Article (10) Liability among the Contracting Parties or Third Parties

1. The Operator compliance to the obligations prescribed therefor under this Decree by Law shall not exempt from liability for damage caused on the surface of the Earth or in vehicle during its flight inside the State territory or outside it, by a Space Object owned, operated or participated in the activities permitted for the Operator, towards other parties not participating in or contracted with in such activities or in case of damage to third parties.
2. If the Authorised Operator activity caused damage to the Natural Persons on board the Space Object, or the property thereon, during a Manned Space-Flight, then the State shall not be liable for their compensation, even if the Operator is in compliance with the obligations established therefor under this Decree by Law and any regulations or resolutions issued in this regard.
3. The State neither it nor any of its agencies or units be liable for any compensation arising out of any damages of any nature or size caused by the Operator Space Activity towards any other parties contracted with to exercise that activity, or any Persons participating in that activity or during their presence, at the invitation of the Operator or the launching state in the immediate vicinity of the area from which the Launch or the Re-Entry is to be carried out.
4. The compensation referred to in Clause (3) of this Article shall be limited between the parties participating in the Space Activity, in accordance with the terms, conditions and obligations mentioned in the contracts concluded therewith or what shall be agreed upon between those parties.
5. If the Operator referred to in Clause (1) of this Article is permitted, and the Space Activities thereof are carried out in accordance with the Permit granted thereto, then the Operator shall be liable for compensating the damage caused to third parties in accordance with the provisions of Article (13) of this Decree by Law.
6. If the Operator is not permitted and not exempted in accordance with the provisions of this Decree by Law, or is in violation of the Permit granted to him, then the Operator liability for compensation for damage caused to third parties shall be unlimited.

Article (11) Liability for Hitting Another Space Object

1. When the error is proven, the Operator shall be liable for any damage caused by the Space Object that it owns, operates, or jointly owns or operates, to another Space Object, Persons, or Property onboard that Space Object, in a place other than the surface of the Earth.
2. If the Operator referred to in Clause (1) of this Article is permitted, and the Space Activities thereof are carried out in accordance with the Permit granted thereto, then the Operator shall be liable for compensating the damage caused to others inside the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article (12) of this Decree by Law.
3. If the Operator referred to in Clause (1) is not permitted and not exempted in accordance with the provisions of this Decree by Law, or is in violation of the Permit granted to him, then the Operator liability for compensation for damage caused to third parties shall be unlimited.

Article (12) Liability in Other Cases

1. The application of the provisions contained in this Decree by Law does not prejudice the application of any other laws in force within the State related to the Operator’s liability for damages that arise as a direct result of his activity.
2. Any terms, conditions or other rules related to liability for compensation in other cases shall be determined by a resolution of the BOD.

Article (13) Estimating the Limitation of Compensation for Liability

1. When estimating the limits of compensation for liability for Space Activity or activities related to the Space Sector, in accordance with the provisions of this Decree by Law or any regulations or resolutions issued in this regard, the following factors shall be taken into account:
     a. The size of the Launch Vehicle and any other Space Object launched therefrom.
     b. The purpose of the activity.
     c. The fact sheet of the launching Operator or the process of Re-Entry.
     d. The curved path pattern of the launched or re-entered Space Object.
     e. Any other factors that determine the risk of Accidents or Incidents.
2. The terms, provisions and rules for the calculation and limitations of compensation mentioned in this Article shall be determined by a resolution issued by the Cabinet or whomever it delegates.

Article (14) Insurance and Guarantees

1. The Operator shall provide the Agency with proof that he has the necessary financial coverage to cover any damage or liability towards third parties that may arise during the exercise of Space Activity, whether in the form of insurance contract covering the entire duration of the Space Activity, or in the form of a financial guarantee approved by the Agency to obtain Permit from the Agency to practice Space Activity, and to renew this coverage on ongoing basis.
2. As an exception to the provisions of Clause (1) of this Article, Interim Committee may be formed by resolution of the BOD Chairman to exempt some activities from the requirements stipulated in Clause (1) of this Article, in whole or in part, and any other requirements contained in this Decree by Law or the resolutions issued in implementation thereof.
3. The Agency may request the Operator who wishes to practice activities related to the Space Sector to submit insurance contract, or any other guarantees approved by the Agency.

Article (15) Liability when Using State Launch Facilities

The Operator shall conclude a special agreement with the Entity that owns the State launch facilities to clarify the limits of liability between the parties for any damages that may be caused to those facilities or state property, in coordination with the Agency.

Article (16) Permit to Other Space Sector-Related Activities

1. It is prohibited to undertake or participate in any other Space Sector-Related Activities, without obtaining Permit from the Agency.
2. The conditions and controls for the Permits authorising other Space Sector-Related Activities shall be issued by a Cabinet Resolution, based on a proposal from the Agency after coordination with the concerned Government Entities.
3. The BOD Chairman may form Interim Committee to be concerned with exempting any Person, Operator or any other Space Sector-Related Activities from obtaining Permit, or from any conditions, controls or procedures relating thereto. The resolution to form the Interim Committee shall specify its tasks and how it will hold its meetings and make its resolutions.
4. The Agency shall confirm that any application for Permit authorising other Space Sector-Related Activities meets the conditions and controls prescribed for its granting.
5. Coordination concerning geospatial data resulting from other activities related to the Space Sector and specified in Paragraph (B) of Clause (2) of Article (4) of this Decree by Law shall be made with the Federal Centre for Geographic Information.

Article (17) Space-Supporting Flight Activities and High Altitude Activities

1. Subject to the provision of Article (16) of this Decree by Law or any regulations or resolutions issued in this regard, the Agency may request the Permit Applicant or operators wishing to carry out Space-Supporting Flights Activities or High-Altitude Activities to provide it with any certificates or fulfil any requirements related to air traffic management.
2. The Agency shall exonerate the Operator from the obligation to obtain Permit to carry out Space-Supporting Flights Activities and High-Altitude Activities under this Article, if the activities are completely covered by Permit or permission granted thereto under Federal Law No. (20) of 1991 Issuing the Civil Aviation Law, or any by-laws or regulatory resolutions issued thereunder.
3. The Agency, upon granting a Permit for Space-Supporting Flight Activities and High Altitude Activities which includes manned flight on board, shall confirm that the Operator meets the following requirements:
     a. A proof that the Natural Person is well- informed of the risks associated with the Space-Flight
    b. The Natural Person acknowledgement of consent, in accordance with the form approved by the Agency, to undertake these flights, and of their commitment to the relevant laws and regulations in force in the State.
    c. A proof that the Natural Person has completed the necessary training and health fitness to take the Space-Flight as determined by a resolution issued by the BOD.
     d. A proof that he has performed all necessary risk and safety assessments, and that there is a suitable emergency plan; and
     e. Compliance with the legislation in force concerning civil aviation in the State.
4. Every Operator permitted to engage in Space-Supporting Flight and High-Altitude Activities shall immediately inform the Agency of any Incident or Accident encountered, or the risks faced, and any measures undertaken thereby to reduce the same or the effects thereof.

Article (18) Meteorites

By resolution of the BOD, the regulatory controls and procedures for the discovery, registration, trading, ownership and disposal of meteorites and other necessary requirements concerning them shall be issued.

Article (19) Registration of Space Objects

1. Subject to the Convention on the Registration of Space Objects Launched into Outer Space, the Agency shall establish a national register of Space Objects for which the State is considered the launching State thereof, in accordance with the requirements and conditions prescribed by a BOD resolution.
2. Subject to the Convention on Registration of Space Objects Launched into Outer Space, if there is more than one country eligible to be the launching state of a Space Object, then the Agency shall work to enter the State into an agreement with those countries, so as to determine the State in charge of registering the Space Object in its own register and that of the United Nations.
3. When carrying out Space Activities, the Operator shall comply at all times with the regulations, controls and regulations for the registration of Space Objects.
4. The Agency, in coordination with the Concerned Government Entities, sets conditions and controls related to the registration of Space Objects, Space-Supporting Flight Vehicles, and High-Altitude Activities.

Article (20) Intellectual Property Rights

1. Subject to the international conventions to which the State is a party, Space Activities and other Space Sector, its outputs and results related activities shall be subject to the legislation in force in the State with regard to the provisions of Industrial Property Rights for Patents and Industrial Designs and Models that are carried out on a Space Object in Outer Space or any celestial body.
2. The Competent Government Entities in the State, in coordination with the Agency, may set any controls, provisions and procedures concerning intellectual property rights in the field of Space Activities or other Space Sector related activities, under a Cabinet resolution to be issued in this regard.

Article (21) Import and Export Controls

1. Subject to international conventions to which the State is a party, Space Activities and other Space Sector-related activities shall be subject to the legislation in force in the State in respect of import and export of goods, including those relating to Dual-Use Goods.
2. The Government Entities in the State, in coordination with the Agency may set controls for import and export of goods, including those relating to Dual-Use Goods, in the field of Space Activities or other Space Sector related activities, by virtue of a Cabinet resolution to be issued in this regard.

Article (22) Managing Risks and Crises

1. The Operator shall comply with the following:
    a. Develop a methodology for risk assessment of its physical and electronic assets associated with the activities of the Permit;
     b. Implement the process of identifying and assessing the risks associated with the activities permitted and providing the Agency with the results of the assessment of those risks and the management plan thereof. The Operator shall submit to the Agency a report of any threats to his/its permitted activities; and
     c. Prepare a risk management plan, including the emergency response mechanism, and provide the Agency with a copy thereof and any updates thereto.
    d. The Agency shall be provided by a periodic report that shall be updated annually, or as required by the Agency, concerning any warnings or risks related to any Space Objects participating in any Activities permitted.
2. The rules and requirements for the implementation of the provision of Clause (1) of this Article shall be determined by a BOD resolution.
3. Subject to the provisions of liability established in this Decree by Law, the Operator compliance with obligations prescribed under this Article does not affect the general principle stipulating that the State is not liable for any of the plans or reports required under this Article, or for the contents of those reports, or any damage caused as a result of the implementation of any of the plans or recommendations raised in the reports.
4. The Concerned Government Entities, in coordination with the Agency, shall prepare a plan for managing Space Sector-related national risks, including the fall of Space Objects or Meteorites from Outer Space on the State Territory.

Article (23) Control and Inspection

1. The Agency shall, In cooperation with the relevant authorities in the State, undertake the necessary control and inspection work to confirm compliance with the provisions of this Decree by Law and the resolutions issued in implementation thereof.
2. The Agency employees shall exercise control and inspection tasks referred to in Clause (1) of this Article, and a resolution by the Director General of the Agency may assign these or some of these tasks to a Person with sufficient experience in any technical aspects subject to control and inspection, provided that this shall be under the supervision of the Agency.
3. Every Operator subject to control and inspection by the Agency shall cooperate therewith, provide it with all required information and documents thereto and adhere to the corrective measures imposed thereby, in accordance with the time period it determines.

Article (24) Investigation of Accidents and Incidents

1. The BOD, in coordination with the Concerned Government Entities, shall issue a resolution of the provisions and procedures related to Accidents and Incidents that occur or have effects within or outside the State Territory and investigate those Accidents and Incidents, taking into account cases in which investigative bodies from other states participate.
2. A resolution shall be issued by the BOD to form a committee to investigate Accidents and Incidents. The resolution shall determine its tasks, powers, and work system.
3. Every Person involved in an Accident or Incident shall cooperate with the Agency and the investigation committee formed under Clause (2) of this Article, and provide any information requested from him.
4. Every Operator who has or causes an Incident or an Accident shall immediately inform the Agency and take the necessary measures to limit the scope of the impact and results of the Incident or the Accident, based on best practices and what the Agency decides in this regard.
5. Any Person who knew or discovered that the crew member of Space Object had an Accident, made emergency landing, or unintentionally landed in the State Territory, or knew or discovered that a Space Object or a part thereof has returned to Earth in the State Territory, shall immediately inform the Concerned Entities in the State and not take any measures in this regard except as determined by those Entities or the Agency.

Article (25) Table of Violations, Administrative Measures and Fines

The Cabinet shall issue, based on a proposal from the BOD, a list of violations and administrative penalties related to the application of the provisions of this Decree by Law and the resolutions issued in implementation thereof, including complete or partial suspension of the activity for a specific period.

Article (26) Non-Prejudice to a More Severe Penalty

The imposition of the penalties stipulated in this Law shall be without prejudice to any more severe penalty stipulated in any other law.

Article (27) Penalties

Whoever contravenes the provisions of Clause (1) of Article (5) and the provisions of Clause, (3) of Article (23) of this Decree by Law or every Operator who contravenes the limits of the granted Permit shall be punished with imprisonment for a period not exceeding (2) two years, and a fine of no less than (AED 30,000) thirty thousand dirhams and no more than (AED 1,000,000) one million dirhams, or either of them.

Article (28)

Whoever contravenes the provisions of Clause (1) of Article (6) and the provisions of Clauses, (1) and (3) of Article (7) of this Decree by Law shall be punished with imprisonment for a period not exceeding (2) two years, and a fine of no less than (AED 100,000) one hundred thousand dirhams and no more than (AED 10,000,000) ten million dirhams, or either of them.

Article (29)

Whoever contravenes the provisions of Clause (1) of Article (14) and the provisions of Clause (1) of Article (16) of this Decree by Law shall be punished with imprisonment for a period not exceeding (6) six months, and a fine of no more than (AED 200,000) two hundred thousand dirhams or either of them.

Article (30)

Whoever contravenes the provisions of Clause (5) of Article (24) of this Decree by Law shall be punished with a fine of no more than (AED 200,000).

Article (31) Recidivism

Any of the penalties stipulated in this Decree by Law shall be doubled in case of recidivism.

Article (32) Transitional Provisions

1. Every Operator who has a valid Permit or approval issued by a competent Government Entity and relates to any of the activities that shall be subject to the provisions of this Decree by Law, shall adjust its situation in accordance with the provisions of this Decree by Law and the resolutions issued in implementation thereof within the period to be determined by a resolution of the BOD, provided that it shall not exceed (2) two years as of the date of entry into force of this Decree by Law.
2. The Permits or Approvals referred to in Clause (1) of this Article shall continue to apply until the end of their term, cancellation, or replacement thereof with a Permit from the Agency.
3. Any Person or Operator granted Permit or Approval in accordance with Clause (1) of this Article shall provide the Agency with the following:
     a. A written notice that includes copies of the Permit or approval;
     b. All requirements, information and data related to Permits or Approvals.
     c. Any data or other information required by the Agency, including information related to registration of Space Objects.
4. Every Operator who practices Space Activities or other activities related to the Space Sector without Permit from the Agency shall adjust his conditions in accordance with the provisions of this Decree by Law and the resolutions issued in implementation thereof, within (6) six months from the date of its implementation.

Article (33) The Concerned Government Entities Cooperation with the Agency

The Concerned Government Entities in the State shall cooperate with the Agency in the performance of its tasks, on any matters pertaining to those authorities and related to the Agency areas of competence.

Article (34) Obtaining Other Permits

Permit obtained by any Operator in accordance with the provisions of this Decree by Law shall not exempt from obtaining any other Permits that shall be required in accordance with the provisions of applicable legislations in the State.

Article (35) Judicial Enforcement

The Agency employees who are determined by a resolution issued by the Minister of Justice in agreement with the BOD Chairman, shall have the capacity of judicial officers to prove, within the limits of their competence, any violations of the provisions of this Decree by Law and the resolutions issued in implementation thereof.

Article (36) Appeal against Agency Resolutions

1. Every person may file appeal against any resolution issued by the Agency in implementation of the provisions of this Decree by Law or the resolutions issued in implementation thereof, within (60) sixty working days from the date of his notification of the resolution. The appeal shall be submitted to the BOD Chairman, provided that it is in writing and accompanied by papers and papers. The appeal shall be decided upon within (90) ninety working days from the date of its submission by a reasoned resolution issued by the BOD Chairman. Failure to respond within the aforementioned period shall be considered a rejection of the appeal.
2. The resolution issued concerning the appeal shall be final, and the resolution may not be appealed without a prior appeal and response to it, or the deadline for considering the appeal has passed after it was submitted without a response.
3. The BOD shall issue a resolution regulating all provisions and procedures for submitting, considering, and responding to the appeal.

Article (37) Executive Resolutions

Without prejudice to the powers of the Cabinet contained in this Decree by Law, the BOD shall issue the necessary resolutions to implement the provisions of this Decree by Law.

Article (38) Delegation of Competences and Exemptions

The Cabinet, based on the proposal of the BOD, may exclude any governmental entity from implementing all or some of the provisions of this Decree by Law and determine the obligations resulting from it, or delegate any of the Agency powers mentioned in this Decree by Law to any governmental entity and determine the obligations resulting from it.

Article (39) Repeals

1. The aforementioned Federal Law No. (12) of 2019 concerning the Space Sector shall be repealed, as well as any provision that violates or contradicts the provisions of this Decree by Law.
2. The regulations and resolutions in force at the Agency shall continue to be implemented until what replaces them is issued in accordance with the provisions of this Decree by Law, to the extent that they conflict with its provisions.

Article (40) Publication and entry into force of Decree by Law

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall be enforced after (30) thirty days as of the date of its publication.

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