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Federal Decree Law for Defining the Maritime Areas of the United Arab Emirates

The last update on this law was listed on 17 Sep 1993

Related legislations

Issued Date

17 Sep 1993

Effective Date

20 Oct 1993

Official Gazette Date

20 Oct 2023

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

In the implementation of the provisions hereof, the following terms and phrases shall have the meanings assigned for each of them unless the context requires otherwise:
State: The United Arab Emirates State. 
Baseline: The line from which the measurement of the territorial sea begins. 
Island: A natural formation of land surrounded from all sides by water provided that it is not submerged by water in the event of high tides. 
Archipelago: A group of two or more Islands constituting along with the water between or linking them a coherent unit from both geographical and economic sides. 
Low Tide Cusp: A natural formation of land surrounded from all sides by water, and which cusp emerges from water in the event of low tides yet is submerged by water in the event of high tides. 
Gulf: A sharp indentation which extension into the land is of adequate depth with the width of its opening. The indentation engulfs water and is larger than the mere limited shoreline cove. 
Coast: The Arabian Gulf Coast and the Gulf of Oman Coast. 
Nautical Mile: One thousand eight hundred and fifty two meters. 

Chapter One: The Internal Water

Article (2)

The internal water is the water opposing the land starting from the baseline used to measure the territorial sea of the State. Shall be deemed included in the internal water in particular:
     1- The water of the Gulfs along the Coast.
     2-The water of any Low Tide Cusp located 12 Nautical Miles at most from the main land or any Island belonging to the State.
     3- The water between the main land of the State and any Island belonging thereto and located 12 Nautical Miles at most from the land.
    4- Water between the Islands that belong to the State and separated from one another by 12 Nautical Miles at most.

Article (3)

The State shall determine the conditions of entry into the internal water pertaining thereto and shall be entitled to impose the implementation thereof on vessels wishing to enter.

Chapter Two: The Territorial Sea

Article (4)

In addition to its land and internal water, the sovereignty of the State shall extend to the territorial sea thereof as well as the airspace there above, the seabed and what is underneath. The State shall implement its sovereignty on the territorial sea in accordance with the provisions hereof and the regulations of the International Law.
The territorial sea of the State is a belt of sea water that comes after the land area and internal water thereof, contiguous to the Coast and extending towards the sea for 12 Nautical Miles from the baseline.

Article (5)

1 - The foreign commercial vessels shall sail in the territorial sea of the State within the scope of the right of innocent passage in accordance with the provisions of the said right accepted in the International Law.
2 - The entry and passage of foreign warships, including submarines and other underwater vessels through the territorial sea shall be subject to a prior authorization from the pertinent authorities in the State.
3 - The submarines and other underwater vessels must sail on the surface and hoist their flag during their passage through the territorial sea of the State.
4 - The foreign ships operating on or carrying nuclear power or any other radioactive hazardous or harmful substances or products shall notify the pertinent authorities of the State in advance of their entry and passage through the territorial sea.

Article (6)

The territorial sea of the State shall be measured in accordance with the following provisions:
     1 - From the extreme edge of water recession from the main Coast or the beach, exposed to the sea. As for the locations where the Coastline is sharply intermittent or contorted , the system of straight lines connecting appropriate points determined by pertinent authorities in the State shall be applied .
     2 - Straight lines which are no longer than 24 Nautical Miles that connect two water recession points at the entries of the Gulfs. Should the width of the Gulf opening exceed such distance , the straight line is drawn through the Gulf between any two water recession points on both sides of the Gulf that are the closest to its entrances at a distance of 24 Nautical Miles .
     3 - With regards to an Archipelago, it must be measured through straight lines connecting the farthest external points to the farthest Islands within the Archipelago.
     4 - As for the port or harbour, it is measured by lines drawn near the edge facing the sea, from the most protruding establishments of the harbour or port, and lines drawn between the edges of such establishments provided that such establishments are an integral part of the port or harbour's system.
     5 - Should the Low Tide Cusp be entirely or partly far by a maximum distance equivalent to the width of the territorial sea from the main land or one of the Islands, such cusp may be used as a baseline from which the width of the territorial sea is measured.

Article (7)

Should the measurement of the territorial sea require , in application of the provisions hereof , leaving a part of the exclusive economic zone surrounded by the territorial sea from all sides , and which length in any direction does not exceed 12 Nautical Miles , such part shall be considered a part of the territorial sea of the StateThe same provision shall be applied on any part of the exclusive economic zone which can be surrounded by one straight line which length does not exceed 12 Nautical Miles.

Article (8)

The external edge of the territorial sea shall be a line where each point thereon is located on a distance from the closest points on the baseline equivalent to the width of the territorial sea.

Article (9)

The right to fish in the territorial sea of the State shall be restricted to the citizens thereof.

Article (10)

The State shall exercise in the area neighbouring its territorial 2 sea control and dominance in view of accomplishing the following goals:
     1- Prohibit the breach of the safety, customs, financial, health, or immigration legislations of the State, whether the breach occurs within the land, internal water or territorial sea of the State.
     2- Punish whoever breaches the legislations provided for in the previous clause should the breach occur within the land, internal water or territorial sea of the State.

Article (11)

The width of the neighbouring region mentioned in the previous Article shall be 12 Nautical Miles and are measured from the outer boundaries of the territorial Sea of the State.

Chapter Three: The Exclusive Economics Zone

Article (12)

The State shall have an exclusive economic zone neighbouring its territorial sea, extending towards the sea for a maximum distance of 200 Nautical Miles and measured from the baseline from which the width of the territorial sea is measured , taking into account the provisions of Articles 23 / 2 and 24 hereof .

Article (13)

The State shall have within the exclusive economic zone sovereignty rights in view of exploring and exploiting natural, living or non - living resources of water on top of, on and under the seabed, as well as preserving and managing such resources in addition to other activities of the economic exploration and exploitation of the zone such as the production of energy from water, currents and wind.

Article (14)

The State shall have within the exclusive economic zone authority in the following areas:
     1 - Construct and use artificial Islands, structures and installations.
     2 - Maritime scientific research.
     3 - Protect and preserve the environment.

Article (15)

The right to fish in the exclusive economic zone shall be limited to the citizens of the State. Nonetheless, the pertinent authorities in the State may authorize non - citizens to fish in the said zone - in accordance with the conditions and restrictions the authorities impose - taking into account the measures relating to the preservation of living resources therein.

Article (16)

The State, in view of exercising its sovereignty rights in exploring, exploiting, preserving and managing living resources in the exclusive economic zone, may take measures among which the inspection and impoundment of vessels and filing lawsuits against them, as need may be in order to ensure the abidance by the laws and regulations of the State. The impounded vessels and their detained sailors shall not be released unless after bail or guarantee. In cases of impoundment of foreign vessels, the State of the flag shall be notified of the procedure.

Chapter Four: The Continental Shelf

Article (17)

The continental shelf of the State shall include the seabed and underneath it for the submarine areas extending beyond the territorial sea of the State and considered a natural extension of its territory , and in all areas of the natural extension of the land territory of the State until the external boundary of the continental edge or for a distance of 200 Nautical Miles from the baselines from which the width of the territorial sea is measured in case the external boundary of the continental edge does not extend to the said distance , and such while taking into consideration the provisions of Articles 23 / 2 and 24 hereof .

Article (18)

The State shall exercise sovereignty rights over its continental shelf in view of exploring and exploiting the natural resources that it contains. Such right shall be deemed exclusive rights to the State, unexercised by others unless with an explicit authorization there from, and such rights shall not depend on an actual or mandatory invasion or any explicit declaration there from.
The natural resources mentioned in the previous paragraph shall mean the mineral and other non - living resources in and under the seabed, in addition to living creatures and those considered eternal, i.e. the creatures that reached the maturity phase and are immoveable above or below the sea, or incapable of movement unless through continuous contact with the seabed or underneath it.

Chapter Five : General Provisions

Article (19)

The determination of the maritime areas of the Islands belonging to the State shall be subject to the provisions provided for herein regarding the determination of the maritime areas of the main land.

Article (20)

1 - The State shall have in the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf the exclusive right to construct, operate and exploit:
      a - Artificial Islands.
      b - Establishments and installations used for scientific research, the preservation of the environment or other economic goals.
      c - Constructions and installations enabling the State to exercise its rights.
2 - The State shall have the exclusive authority on such artificial Islands, constructions and installations, including the authority related to customs, taxes and health laws and regulations as well as the safety and immigration laws and regulations.

Article (21)

The State may, whenever necessary, establish around the artificial Islands, constructions and installations safety zones in which it takes necessary precautions to ensure the safety of such artificial Islands, constructions and installations. The State shall determine the width of the safety zones, taking into account the internationally adopted criteria, and the safety zones shall be established in a way that guarantees a reasonable connection between such zones, the nature, and the function of either artificial Islands, constructions or installations. The area around them shall not exceed 500 meters measured from every point at their outer edge, unless the surpass is acceptable in accordance with the international criteria.

Article (22)

The pertinent authorities in the State shall issue regulations regarding the following matters:
     1 - The organization of the building , installation or use of structures , installations or artificial Islands in or above the continental shelf or the exclusive economic zone in view of exploring or exploiting its natural resources . It must be taken into account not to establish such structures or installations that might prohibit from reaching the land or hinder the international navigation.
     2 - The establishment of safety zones mentioned in Article 21 herein.
     3 - The instructions to be abided by in order to protect the structures and installations.
     4 - The organization or prohibition of entry of vessels into safety zones.
     5 - Instructions list to be abided by in order to protect the living and non - living resources of the economic zone and the continental shelf.
     6 - The environmental affairs, scientific research and technology transfer.
     7 - Any other similar matters.

Article (23)

1 - In cases where the territorial sea of the State is opposite or adjacent to the territorial sea of another State, the external boundaries of the territorial sea of the State shall be delimited by a middle line.
2 - Should the State and any other opposite or adjacent State thereto not have an agreement organizing the maritime boundaries , the external boundaries of the adjacent region , the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone shall be delimited by a middle line which every point is located on equal distances from the nearest points on the baselines .

Article (24)

The State shall publish official maps clearly clarifying the boundaries of the territorial sea, the adjacent zone, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf.

Article (25)

a - The implementation of the present Law shall not breach previously concluded contracts and privileges to explore and exploit living and non - living resources in maritime areas , and the implementation of the provisions thereof shall not affect the constitutional and acquired rights of the Emirates to exploit living and non - living resources in its maritime areas , or the rights that it may acquire through agreements or contracts that are concluded among the Emirates regarding said areas .
b - The implementation of the provisions hereof shall not breach the implementation of the previously concluded agreements among the Emirates before the promulgation thereof. The Emirates shall have the right to conclude agreements to organize the maritime boundaries among them.

Article (26)

Subject to the provisions and rules of the International Law, and without prejudice to any more sever punishment provided for in another law or the breach of compensations:
      1 - Whoever breaches the provisions of Article 5 herein shall be sentenced to imprisonment which period shall be three years at least and seven year at most , and to a fine of 100 , 000 Dirhams at least , and 2 , 000 , 000 Dirhams at most , or to any of the said penalties .
      2 - Whoever breaches the provisions of Articles 13, 14, 18 and 20 herein shall be sentenced to imprisonment which period shall be three years at least and five years at most, and to a fine of 50,000 Dirhams at least and 1,000,000 Dirhams at most , or to either penalty.
     3 - Whoever breaches the provisions of Articles 9 and 15 herein shall be sentenced to imprisonment which period shall be one year at least and three years at most, and to a fine of 25, 000 Dirhams and not in excess of 1,000,000 Dirhams, or to either penalty.

Article (27)

This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall come into force as of the date of its promulgation

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