
Federal Law Concerning GCC Nationals Engaging in Economic Activities in the State

The last update on this law was listed on 07 Mar 1984

Issued Date

07 Mar 1984

Effective Date

01 Mar 1983

Official Gazette Date

18 Mar 1984

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article 1

The natural and non-natural citizens of States of Arab Gulf Cooperation
Council shall be allowed to practise their economic activity in the industrial and agricultural fields, animal and fish resource and contracting in the United Arab Emirates provided that the percent of the citizens of the States of the Cooperation Council doesn't exceed
75% of the project capital, and this shall be during the first five years from the date of activating this law, and after this period the work in these field shall be released.

Article 2

The following practitioners and employees of any nationality of the States of the Arab Cooperation Council shall be allowed to register in the United Arab Emirates:
- Medicine
- Legal profession
- Accounting and review
- Engineering including engineering offices
- Managerial, economic, technical, agricultural, fishing and industrial consultations,
and practicing the indicated professions shall be allowed on the condition of having a permit, making the registration and meeting the required conditions of practicing these professions,

Article 3

The Minister of finance and Industry in organization with Ministers, each one is in his jurisdiction, and the interested authorities in the U.A.E shall issue the orders and draft laws necessary to apply provisions of this law.

Article 4

All provisions that violate provisions of this law shall be deleted,

Article 5

This law shall be announced in the official gazette and applied from the first of March, 1983.

Translated in cooperation with