
Cabinet Resolution Concerning the Executive Regulation of Federal Law Concerning Holy Quran Memorization Private Centres

The last update on this law was listed on 12 Oct 2020

Issued Date

12 Oct 2020

Effective Date

10 May 2022

Official Gazette Date

25 Oct 2020

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

Definitions provided in the Federal Law No. (1) of 2018 mentioned in this Resolution shall apply.

Article (2) Licenses to Build Centres and Its Annexes

Concerned municipalities in every Emirate shall manage the issuance of building licenses and shall set the conditions and specifications for the safety of centres, annexes and branches according to their geographical scope. This shall be in coordination with the concerned authority.

Article (3) Technical Requirements for the Building of the Centre

In order to open a centre or any branch of a centre, the following technical requirements must be fulfilled:
1. Area of the centre shall meet the following:

a. If the centre is a full allotted building, it must be consistent with the building requirements determined by the concerned municipality in every emirate.
b. If the centre is a part of a building, it must be consistent with the requirements of the concerned authority in coordination with the relevant municipality in every emirate.
c. An open space area that is consistent with the maximum capacity of the centre for students must be provided in order to maintain public health and provide a good ventilation for students.

2. Emergency exits must exist.
3. Classrooms shall meet the following:

a. Classroom must allow entrance of natural lighting.
b. Classrooms must be equipped with the latest methods that take care of different age groups, in a way that ensures inclusion of people of determination “persons with disabilities”.
c. Males must be separated from females according to the age group, and independent entrances and exits must be available.

4. Bathrooms shall meet the following:

a. A sufficient distance between bathrooms dedicated for males and bathrooms dedicated for females must exist.
b. Separate bathrooms for educational and administrative personnel must be available.
c. Bathrooms must have places dedicated for ablution.
d. Number of these places must be appropriate to the number of students at the centre.

5. Separate prayer areas for males and females with spaces that are appropriate to the volume of the centre.
6. A fire extinguisher must be available according to the Civil Defence Requirements.
7. Any other requirements determined by the concerned authority.

Article (4) Health Requirements for the Building of the Centre

In order to open a centre or any branch of a centre, the following health requirements must be fulfilled:
1. A treatment room must be available.
2. A permanent nurse must be available.
3. A student medical record must be available, showing data of each student, his/her medical history and blood type.
4. A first aid kit must be available.
5. Any other requirements determined by the concerned authority in coordination with the competent authorities of health affairs in the State.

Article (5) Activities Practised at the Centre's Halls and Arenas

The following activities may be practised at the halls and arenas of the centre or any of its branches:
1. Local competitions for the Holy Quran subject to the prior consent in writing taken from the concerned authority.
2. Cultural, art and sports activities supporting the Holy Quran education.
3. Events of religious and national occasions and State initiatives.
4. Training courses to develop performance at the centre as approved by the concerned authority.
5. Any other activity approved by the concerned authority.

Article (6) Equipment of the Centre's Activities

In order to open a centre or a branch of a centre, necessary equipment to carry out the licensed activity must be fulfilled as follows:
1. The Holy Quran books. The following shall be met:

a. A sufficient number of the Holy Quran books must be available for the total number of students.
b. A sufficient number of the Holy Quran books must be available for the total number of the educational staff.
c. Shelves to put the Holy Quran books on them, or warehouses to keep them, must be available.

2. A library to provide resources and learning books that relate to the activity of the centre must be available, provided that such books shall be suitable for age groups of the students enrolled in the centre.
3. An activity hall must exist where the following shall be met:

a. A sufficient number of seats according to the maximum capacity of the centre for students must be available.
b. A theatre for presentations and delivering speeches must be available. If not, the distance between the attendants and the lecturer must be appropriate.

4. A sufficient number of computers for students of the centre must be available.
5. Surveillance cameras must be available at the following places, provided that keeping the records must not be less than two months:

a. Classrooms.
b. Front Office.
c. Activity Hall.
d. The external building of the centre and parking areas.

6. A video and audio system including microphones and speakers must be available at the following places:

a. Classrooms.
b. Activity Hall.

7. Printers and photocopiers must be available.
8. Fingerprint attendance for employees must be available.

Article (7) Issuance of Executive Resolutions

The concerned authority shall issue the decisions necessary to implement the provisions of this Resolution.

Article (8) Repeals

Any provision that violates or contradicts the provisions of this Resolution shall be repealed.

Article (9) Publication and Entry into Force of the Resolution

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force as of the day following the date of its publication.

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