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Federal Decree by Law Regulating the Notary Profession

The last update on this law was listed on 26 Sep 2022

Related legislations

Issued Date

26 Sep 2022

Effective Date

28 Dec 2022

Official Gazette Date

28 Sep 2022

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail



General Provisions

Crimes and Penalties

Article (1) Definitions

The following words and expressions shall bear the meanings assigned thereto respectively, unless the context indicated otherwise:
The State:The United Arab Emirates 
The Ministry:The Ministry of Justice 
The Minister:The Minister of Justice 
Chief Justice of the Competent Court:The presiding judge of the competent court of first instance 
The Competent Department:The Ministry's organizational unit in charge of notary affairs. 
Department Director:The Competent Department's director 
The Committee:The Private Notary Admission Committee. 
Notary:The natural person who performs the functions described in this Decree Law, including both the Public Notary and Private Notary. 
Public Notary:An employee of the Competent Department who is designated to perform the notarial services according to the provisions of this Decree Law. 
Private Notary:A natural person whose name is listed in the Competent Department's roster, and is duly authorized to perform the notarial services, according to the provisions of this Decree Law and its Executive Regulations. 
Register:A paper or electronic record in which the transactions managed by the Notary are documented. 
Instrument:Every document, contract, notice or deed that is executed or notarized by the Notary, or which is served upon the persons concerned, according to the provisions of this Decree Law or any other applicable legislation. 
Execution:The creation or drawing up and notarization of the underlying instrument directly by the Notary at the request of the persons concerned. 
Notarization:The Notary's attestation of the underlying instrument and recording the same in the register, according to the provisions of this Decree Law and its Executive Regulations. 
Person Concerned:Anybody who requests that the Notary carry out any transaction according to the provisions of this Decree Law and its Executive Regulations. 
The Minutes:A document that contains summarized description of the procedures carried out by the Notary on the underlying instrument, depending on the nature of every instrument, according to the provisions of this Decree Law and its Executive Regulations. 
Interpreter:A natural person whose name is listed in the Ministry's interpreter roster, or upon whom the Notary administers a legal oath to perform interpretation services in relation to a particular transaction or a set of specific transactions. 
IT Means:Any electronic tool used for carrying out logical and arithmetic calculations, or for storing, sending and receiving the data. 
E-Document:An electronic record, email message or data statement that is created, stored, extracted, copied, sent, communicated or received through any IT means on an automated electronic medium, and is understandably retrievable. 
E-Signature:A signature made up of characters, figures, symbols, voice, fingerprint or a processing system in an electronic form, and is reasonably attached with or connected to an e-document, and which confirms the identity of the signer and the latter's acceptance of the content of the data involved therein. 
E-Information System:A set of information programs and IT means that are used for the creation, processing, management, storage and exchange of e-information and the like. 

Article (2) Scope of Application

The provisions of this Decree Law shall apply to all persons performing notarial duties in the State, including the free zones, with the exception of the local judicial authorities whose notarial services are governed by local legislation.

Article (3) Performing Notarial Duties

The notarial duties shall be exclusively performed by the following persons:
1.Public Notaries;
2.Private Notaries; and
3.Authorized consuls of the State.

Article (4) Functions of the Notary

The Notary shall perform the following functions:
1.Notarize the documents and contracts required to be notarized by the law or persons concerned, according to the provisions of this Decree Law and its Executive Regulations;
2.Administer the oath according to the provisions of this Decree Law and its Executive Regulations;
3.Notarize the signatures of persons concerned;
4.Execute and notarize the affidavits;
5.Establish the date of private instruments as described in this Decree Law and its Executive Regulations;
6.Notarize the wills of Non-Muslims;
7.Execute and notarize the notices, communications and objections at the request of the persons concerned according to the provisions of this Decree Law;
8.Communicate with the relevant bodies for conducting the necessary verification when the execution or notarization referred to in [7] of this Article cannot be made;
9.Affix the executive formula on the instruments according to the provisions of this Decree Law; and
10.Perform any other functions assigned to him according to the provisions of this Decree Law or any other applicable legislation.

Article (5) Language of Instruments

The instrument executed by the Notary shall be in Arabic, and may, however, be executed in any foreign language, according to the circumstances and subject to conditions to be described in a resolution of the Minister.

Article (6) Execution and Notarization of Instruments

The Notary shall execute, notarize and keep the originals of the documents and instruments required to be notarized by the law or persons concerned, shall deliver the copies required by the persons concerned, and shall record the same in the register as described in the executive regulations of this Decree Law.

Article (7) Verification of Identity and Capacity of Persons Concerned

Before carrying out any transaction, the Notary shall take the following actions:
1.Verify the identity of the persons concerned, by reviewing the ID card, passport or any other official document issued by the State;
2.Verify the capacity, eligibility of the persons concerned and their acceptance of the contents of the underlying transaction; and
3.Read out the content of the underlying transaction and reveal the effects thereof, if the same is executed or notarized by the Notary. In this respect, the Notary shall record in the Minutes that the content of the underlying instrument has been read out in the presence of the persons concerned, and that the latter have been acquainted with, and accepted, such contents.

Article (8) Transactions of Persons with Special Needs

1. If any person concerned is uneducated, the Notary shall have his / her thumbprint affixed to the instrument, and shall record the same in the Minutes.
2. If any person concerned is afflicted with a disability that precludes the affixation of his / her signature or thumbprint, such a person shall designate any other person, whose identity shall be verified by the Notary based on his / her ID document, passport or the equivalent, to sign on behalf of the disabled person at the conclusion of the instrument, and the same shall be recorded in the Minutes.
3. If the Notary is unfamiliar with the language of the persons concerned, he shall engage an interpreter - whose name is listed in the Ministry's Interpreter Roster – to interpret the matters required by the Notary in the presence of the persons concerned. Failing which, the concerned persons shall be required to engage an interpreter upon whom the Notary shall administer the oath. Such an interpreter shall sign at the conclusion of the Instrument, and the same shall be recorded in the Minutes.
4. If any person concerned is afflicted with a disability that precludes his / her expression of his / her will in an ordinary manner, the Notary shall either engage any specialized interpreter, if any, or designate any person to provide assistance in this respect at the request of the persons concerned. The person so designated shall take the oath and sign at the conclusion of the instrument, and the same shall be recorded in the Minutes. In which case, the persons concerned shall pay the fees of the interpreter or assistant.
5. If any concerned person is afflicted with a mental disability, the curator appointed by the competent court shall sign on his behalf.

Article (9) Register

1. The Competent Department shall keep a register in which the instruments are to be recorded. The pages of such a register shall be numbered and arranged by date, and the Register shall be free of any erasure, removal, addition or breaks. If, however, the Register has any omission or typographical error, or where there is a need to make any correction, removal or addition, the same shall take place in a paper or electronic format in the presence and under the signature of the persons concerned. In addition, the Notary shall sign the correction according to the procedures set forth in the Executive Regulations of this Decree Law.
2. The Register referred to in Clause [1] of this Article shall have the probative force of evidence in respect of the data, information and instruments contained therein.

Article (10) Execution of Minutes and Delivery of Certificates

1. After the persons concerned sign the Instrument, the Notary shall draw up, sign and stamp a Minutes at the conclusion of the Instrument, and shall then deliver the same to the persons concerned as described in the Executive Regulations of this Decree Law.
2. Certificates extracted from the Register may be delivered to the concerned persons so wishing, and may only be delivered to any third parties so requiring based on a written order of the Department Director.

Article (11) Execution and Notarization of Affidavits

1. The Public Notary shall verify the identity, capacity, eligibility and consent of the persons concerned before the affidavits are executed and notarized.
2. The Public Notary shall execute and notarize the affidavits after administering the oath upon the persons concerned, so that the oath shall only be administered for the purpose of verifying the affidavits required by the persons concerned to be notarized.
3. The Private Notary may submit an application for administering the oath upon the persons concerned and notarizing their affidavits, according to the conditions and procedures set forth in the Executive Regulations of this Decree Law.

Article (12) Notarization of Signatures on Private Instruments

The Notary shall notarize the signatures of the persons concerned on the private instruments at their request, shall indicate such notarization in the register, and shall deliver certificates to the persons concerned based on such register, according to the executive regulations of this Decree Law.

Article (13) Establishment of Private Instrument's Date

1. The Notary shall establish the date of private instruments by assigning serial numbers thereto in the Register, and shall draw up a Minutes at the conclusion of the Instrument establishing the date of its submission and the number of being recorded in the Register. Such a private instrument shall be signed by, and stamped with the official seal of, the Notary and then delivered to the persons concerned, as described in the executive regulations of this Decree Law.
2. Date establishment certificates may be delivered to the persons concerned based on the information extracted from Register, and may only be delivered to third parties based on a written order of the Department Director.

Article (14) Writ of Execution

1. The Public Notary shall, at the request of the persons concerned, have the writ of execution affixed to the instruments executed or notarized by him according to the provisions of this Decree Law, and which contain obligations that are well-substantiated, of a specified value and due for performance, and only one copy thereof shall be delivered to the person concerned having an interest for enforcing the content thereof.
2. A second copy of the underlying instrument to which the writ of execution is affixed may only be delivered to the persons concerned based on a written order of the Department Director, in the event that the initial copy is lost or could not be used.

Article (15) Notary's Obligations

The Notary shall:
1.Keep a register for recording all the transactions that are executed or notarized by him;
2.Keep in the register original copies of the instruments which are executed or notarized or their dates are established by the Notary, or any other transaction carried by the Notary, arranged by date; and
3.Keep a copy of any documents or paperwork relied upon by the Notary upon carrying out the underlying transaction according to the provisions of this Decree Law and its Executive Regulations.

Article (16) Notary's Prohibitions

The Notary shall be prohibited from:
1.Approving the signatures of employees of the federal or local government, public authorities, public institutions or other government agencies affiliated to any of them, on the certificates, documents or other paperwork signed by them ex officio;
2.Executing or notarizing the signatures or establishing the date of any instrument, if it is proven that the person concerned is lacking the eligibility or capacity or if his consent is not available, or where the subject of the underlying instrument is clearly invalid, involves violation of the applicable legislation, public order or public morals, or is intended to circumvent any of the same. In which case, the Notary shall reveal the reasons behind the rejection, so that any person concerned may file a grievance with the Department Director against such rejection within seven [7] days of the date of being aware thereof, and the latter's decision shall be final;
3.Executing or notarizing any instruments relating to the personal affairs of Muslims;
4.Executing or notarizing any instruments relating to the creation, amendment of the provisions, or revocation, of endowment [waqf];
5.Executing or notarizing any instruments relating to the creation, transfer, change or termination of any title to, or right in-rem over, any real property;
6.Executing or notarizing any instruments whose execution or notarization falls within the scope of competence of any other authority under the applicable legislation;
7.Performing any action in respect of which the Notary or any of his ascendants or descendants, his spouse or their parents may have an apparent or hidden personal intertest, or accepting any of such persons as an interpreter or assistant;
8.Disclosing to a third party any information relating to the persons concerned and which comes to his knowledge ex officio;
9.Delivering any copy of any instrument to any person not a party to the underlying transaction without a written permission of the Department Director;
10.Moving any register, instruments or other official papers that are kept in his custody outside the office, and the Public Prosecution may review the same at the place in which they are kept, and may request that the same be included in the file of any pending case based on a decision of the chief justice of the competent court. In which case, a copy of the same shall be kept by the Notary after being attested by both the Notary and Chief Justice of the Competent Court;
11.Moving to anywhere outside his office to carry out any transaction according to the provisions of this Decree Law, except for the cases described in the executive regulations of this Decree Law; or
12.Combining his office and any other public or private job at the same time, other than the cases set forth in this Decree Law.

Article (17) Legal Representation of the Persons Concerned

The Persons Concerned, or their legal representatives, shall appear before the Notary in person.

Article (18) Use of IT Means

The Notary may use IT means for carrying out all the transactions that fall within the scope of his competence under the provisions of this Decree Law, without necessarily requiring the personal appearance of the persons concerned or their representatives before the Notary.

Article (19) Submission of Transaction via IT means

The provisions of submitting the instruments, verifying the identity, registration, appearance, payment of fees and notification, which are contained herein, shall be duly performed if made, in part or in whole, using the IT means according to the applicable legislation.

Article (20) Issuance of Decisions via IT Means

The Minister may issue the decisions regulating the use of IT means for carrying out the notarial services according to the provisions hereof.

Article (21) Confidentiality of E-Registers

Subject to the provisions of Article [15] hereof, the registers shall be created and kept electronically, shall be deemed confidential, and may only be circulated, reviewed, copied or removed from the e-information system under permission of the Department Director according to the provisions hereof.

Article (22) Applicability of Information Security Regulations and Policies

The information security regulations and policies that are applicable in the State shall apply to the use of IT means described in this Decree Law and the decisions issued in implementation hereof.

Article (23) Probative Force of E-Signature and E-Document

The E-Signature and E-Document notarized in accordance with the provisions of this Decree Law shall have the same probative force of the authentic signature or instrument as provided for in the Law of Evidence in Civil and Commercial Transactions.

Article (24) Public Notary Appointment Requirements

Whoever is appointed as a Public Notary shall satisfy the following requirements:
1.To be a UAE national;
2.To be of full legal capacity and medically fit;
3.To be of good conduct and reputation, and has never been sentenced by a court on the grounds of any felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or breach of trust, even if subsequently rehabilitated;
4.To be holder of an academic degree in Law or Sharia and Law from a recognized university or higher institute in the State, or an equivalent degree thereof;
5.To successfully pass the procedures and tests prescribed by the Ministry; and
6.To satisfy any other requirements described in the executive regulations of this Decree Law.

Article (25) Public Notary Appointment Mechanism

The Public Notary shall be appointed under a resolution of the Minister, and his place of work at the courts or elsewhere shall be determined by the Competent Department.

Article (26) State Consuls' Performance of Public Notary's Duties

Outside the State, the Public Notaries' duties shall be performed by the authorized consuls of the State or their corresponding officers of the diplomatic missions, according to the controls to be described in a cabinet resolution based on the Minister's proposal.

Article (27) Public Notary's Nature-of-work Allowance

Based on a cabinet resolution, the Public Notary may be entitled to a nature of work allowance according to his professional grade.

Article (28) Legislation of Human Resources in the Federal Government

The legislation of human resources in the federal government, as well as the regulations governing the public office affairs, shall apply to whoever is appointed as a Public Notary.

Article (29) Private Notary's License

1. The Private Notary may only practice his duties in the State after being both licensed by the Committee and registered in the Roll, according to the provisions of this Decree Law and its Executive Regulations.
2. The Competent Department shall create a roster for the registration of Private Notaries, and the Executive Regulations of this Decree Law shall indicate the details of such roster and the procedures for registration therein.

Article (30) Private Notary Licensing Requirements

The Private Notary shall satisfy the following requirements as a perquisite for getting licensed:
 a.To be a UAE national;
 b.To be of full legal capacity and medically fit;
 c.To be of good conduct and reputation, and has never been sentenced by a court on the grounds of any felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or breach of trust, even if subsequently rehabilitated;
 d.To be holder of an academic degree in Law or Sharia and Law from a recognized university or higher institute in the State, or an equivalent degree thereof;
 e.To have already engaged in the judicial or legal jobs described in the executive regulations of this Decree Law for a minimum period of three [3] years;
 f.To submit a valid insurance policy against professional liability, issued by an insurer duly licensed to operate in the State, in conformity with the controls determined by the Minister;
 g.His name must not have been removed from the Roster, unless three [3] years have lapsed following the issue date of the decision or judgment;
 h.To successfully pass the procedures and tests prescribed by the Ministry; and
 i.To pay the prescribed fees; and
 j.To satisfy any other requirements set forth in the Executive Regulations of this Decree Law.

Article (31) Lawyer's Performance of Private Notary's Duties

The practicing lawyer may perform the duties of the Private Notary if the Lawyer concerned satisfies the requirements set forth in Article [30] hereof.

Article (32) Private Notary's Performance of Notarial Duties

Private Notary shall perform his notarial duties through a firm duly licensed for this purpose or through a licensed law firm, according to the controls and procedures set forth in the executive regulations of this Decree Law.

Article (33) Composition of Private Notary Admission Committee

The The Minister shall issue a resolution composing a committee to be known as [Private Notary Admission Committee], comprising at least six [6] members, including the chairman and deputy chairman, in addition to the Notary Public. The resolution so issued shall determine the committee's terms of reference.

Article (34) Private Notary Admission Committee's Functions

1. The Committee shall perform the following functions:
 a.Consider and decide on the applications for the licensing and renewal of licensing of the Private Notary, applications of license revocation and abstention from performing Private Notary's duties, as described in the executive regulations of this Decree Law;
 b.Consider and decide on the applications for transfer of the Private Notary from an office to another;
 c.Consider the acts committed by the Private Notary in violation of the provisions of this Decree Law and its executive regulations, and which are referred thereto by the Competent Department;
 d.Consider the complaints filed against the Private Notary or its firm, and shall decide that the same be either disregarded or referred to the Public Prosecution; and
 e.Perform any other functions assigned to the Committee under this Decree Law and its Executive Regulations.
2. The Committee shall issue substantiated resolutions in the event that any of the applications referred to in Clause [1.A] of this Article is rejected.

Article (35) Complaints against Private Notary

1. The Competent Department shall keep the Private Notary notified of any complaint failed against him in order to respond thereto not later than fifteen [15] business days following the date of being notified.
2. The Competent Department shall refer the complaint, together with the Private Notary's response thereto, to the Committee in order for the latter to decide that the same be either disregard or referred to the Public Prosecution for instituting and proceeding with the disciplinary case before the Disciplinary Board.

Article (36) Composition of Private Notary Disciplinary Board

1. The Minister shall issue a resolution composing a board to be known as ["Private Notary Disciplinary Board"], under the chairmanship of a chief justice of the Courts of Appeal, and having two judges of such courts as nominated by the Competent Judicial Body in which they work. The resolution so issued shall determine the board's terms of reference.
2. The Disciplinary Board may designate an employee of the Court of Appeal to assume the secretarial duties of the board.

Article (37) Initiation of Disciplinary Action

1. The disciplinary action shall be initiated by the Public Prosecution before the Disciplinary Board under a petition that contains the violations and supporting evidence.
2. The Public Prosecution shall notify the Private Notary to appear before the Disciplinary Board, at least ten [10] business days prior to the scheduled hearing date, and shall follow up on the disciplinary action until the same is decided on.
3. The Disciplinary Board may conduct any necessary investigations, and may delegate any of its members to perform the same.
4. The Disciplinary Board may proceed with the disciplinary action in the event that the Private Notary concerned fails to attend the Disciplinary Board's hearings without any acceptable excuse.
5. The Disciplinary Board may temporarily suspend the Private Notary from performing his duties until the trial is completed.

Article (38) Disciplinary Board's Hearings and Challenging its Judgments

1. The Disciplinary Board's hearings and deliberations shall take place behind closed doors.
2. The Private Notary shall appear in person before the Disciplinary Board, and may submit his defense in writing or engage a lawyer.
3. If the Private Notary fails to appear before the Disciplinary Board, ab absentia judgment may be rendered against him after verifying that the Private Notary has been duly served.
4. The Disciplinary Board shall issue its decisions by majority based on their supporting grounds, and the decision so issued shall be served upon the Private Notary within ten [10] days following its date of issue.
5. The Public Prosecution and Private Notary may each challenge the judgment rendered by the Disciplinary Board before the competent court of appeal within thirty [30] days following its date of issue in respect of the judgment rendered in presence of the Private Notary, and following the date of being served upon the Private Notary if issued in absentia.
6. The Private Notary shall not suffer any harm on the grounds of his appeal against the judgment issued by the Disciplinary Board.

Article (39) Adjudication on the Disciplinary Action

The judgment rendered in respect of the disciplinary action shall include the grounds relied upon, and such grounds shall be read out when the judgment is being announced at a closed-door hearing.

Article (40) Disciplinary Penalties to be Imposed on Private Notary

1. Any disciplinary penalty may only be imposed on the Private Notary based on a decision of the Disciplinary Board, after a written investigation is conducted and the Private Notary's statements are heard according to the provisions of this Decree Law.
2. The disciplinary penalties to be imposed on the Private Notary shall be as follows:
 b.License suspension for not more than six [6] months; or
 c.License revocation and irrevocable removal of the Private Notary's name from the Roster.
3. The penalties imposed on the Notary Public shall be without prejudice to the civil or criminal accountability, if necessary.

General Provisions

Article (41) Taking the Legal Oath

1. The Notary may only perform his duties after the legal oath is taken.
2. The Notary shall take the following oath before the Minister: ["I swear by Almighty God that I will perform my work with full accuracy, honesty and Faithfulness, and that I will safeguard the confidentiality of my job secrets"].
3. An oath-taking minutes shall be drawn up and kept in the Notary's file with the Competent Department.

Article (42) Competent Department's Supervision of Notary's Work

The Competent Department shall supervise, and conduct administrative and technical inspection on, the Notary's work, as described in the executive regulations of this Decree Law.

Article (43) Obtaining Copies of the Instruments kept in The Notary's Files

The Persons Concerned may obtain a copy of any paper of their own instruments kept in the Notary's files or recorded in the Register, as described in the executive regulation of this Decree Law.

Article (44) Instrument Correction

1. Any typographical or arithmetic errors in the instrument, which are committed in the course of the Notary's performance of his duties, shall not affect the validity of the same. In which case, however, the Notary shall correct any such error.
2. If any error is committed by the persons concerned in relation to any of the information and data recorded in the instrument, the Notary may, at their request, correct the same.
3. The executive regulations of this Decree Law shall determine the controls and procedures for implementing this Article.

Article (45) Official Seals and Writ of Execution Seals

The Ministry shall approve the official seals of the Notary, as well as the seals of the writs of execution for the transactions carried out by him, according to the provisions set forth in the executive regulations of this Decree Law.

Article (46) Arrest and Investigation

The Notary may undergo arrest and investigation, and his office may be inspected in relation to matters associated with his notarial duties, only based on an order of the Public Prosecution.

Article (47) Notary Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

The Minister shall issue a code that outlines the ethical principles for the notary professions, as well as the guidelines and controls to be observed by the Notary. Violation of any provision of the Code shall entail proportional disciplinary penalties.

Crimes and Penalties

Article (48) Penalty for Performing Notarial Duties without License

Whoever performs the professional duties of a notary without holding a relevant license shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of not less than six [6] months and / or a fine of not less than AED [30,000] thirty thousand dirhams and not exceeding one hundred thousand dirhams [AED 100,000].

Article (49) Penalty for Disclosure of Work Secrets

Any Notary who discloses any secret that comes to his knowledge ex officio shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of not less than six [6] months and / or a fine of not less than AED [30,000] thirty thousand dirhams and not exceeding one hundred thousand dirhams [AED 100,000].

Article (50) Imposing Harsher Penalty Prescribed by Other Law

Imposing the penalties set forth herein shall be without prejudice to harsher penalty provided for in any other law.

Article (51) Capacity of Judicial Officers

Employees of the Competent Department, who are named in a resolution of the Minister, shall, within their respective areas of competence, have the capacity of judicial officers in respect of the crimes committed in violation of the provisions of this decree law and its executive regulations as well as the decisions issued in implementation hereof.

Article (52) Administrative Penalty Regulations

The Cabinet shall issue administrative penalty regulations based upon the Minister's proposal in respect of the acts committed in violation of the provisions of this Decree Law and its Executive Regulations.

Article (53) Government Bodies' Exemption from Fees

Federal and local government bodies shall be exempted from the fees in respect of all transactions carried out by the Notary.

Article (54) Fees

The Cabinet shall, based upon the Minister's proposal and presentation of the Minister of Finance, issue a resolution determining the fees of transactions carried out by the Public Notary and the fees of the Private Notary.

Article (55) The Executive Regulations

The Cabinet shall, based upon the Minister's proposal, issue the Executive Regulations of this Decree Law, within six [6] months following the date of being published in the official gazette.

Article (56) The Executive Resolutions

The Minister shall issue the resolutions required for implementing the provisions of this Decree Law and its Executive Regulations.

Article (57) Repeals

1. The Federal Law No. [4] of 2013 Regulating the Notary Profession, as amended, as well as any provision that goes against or conflicts with the provisions hereof, shall all be repealed.
2. The Executive Regulations and resolutions that are in force when this Decree Law is issued shall continue in full force and effect insofar as they do not conflict with the provisions hereof, until the Executive Regulations of this Decree Law and decisions issued in implementation hereof are issued.

Article (58) Publication & Entry into Force

This Decree Law shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall enter into force three [3] months following the date of its publication.

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