
Cabinet Resolution Concerning Work Injuries and Occupational Diseases

The last update on this law was listed on 11 Apr 2022

Related legislations

Date of enactment of the legislation

11 Apr 2022

Effective date

16 Apr 2022

Publication date in the official gazette

15 Apr 2022

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

The definitions stated in the aforementioned Federal Law No (33) of 2021 shall apply to this Resolution; otherwise, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context required otherwise:
Medical Authority: Any federal or local governmental health facility that provide health affairs in the State or any private health facility licensed to provide health services in the State/
Health Authority: Any federal or local governmental authority concerned with regulating health affairs, each within the limits of its competence.

Article (2) Identification of Work Injuries & Occupational Diseases

1. Occupational diseases shall be determined according to Table No. (1) attached hereto.
2. Work injuries that result in permanent total disability shall be determined in accordance with Table (2) attached hereto.
3. Work injuries that result in permanent partial disability shall be determined in accordance with Table (3) attached hereto.

Article (3) Procedures and Requirements to be Followed in the Event of Work Injuries or Occupational Diseases

If a worker sustained a work injury or an occupational disease as shown in Tables 1, 2, and 3 attached thereto, the employer or his legal representative shall act as follows:
1. Report the incident to the medical authority. 
2. Report the competent police station according to the geographical scope. The report shall be made immediately in the event of a work injury as a result of an accident or any injury other than occupational disease, and the notification shall be from the date of the employer knowledge of the existence of a suspected occupational disease. 
3. Report the Ministry through the channels designated for that within a maximum period of (48) forty-eight hours from the date of his knowledge of the suspected occupational disease or from the time of the occurrence of any other work injury, provided that the notification shall include the name, age, occupation, nationality, work destination, and identity number of the worker and a brief description of the accident or the occupational disease, its circumstances, and the procedures that were taken to aid and treat the worker.

Article (4) Conducting Investigations into Work Injuries & Occupational Diseases

1. The competent investigation authority at the police station shall carry out the necessary inference and investigation procedures according to the procedures followed in this regard, immediately after receiving the report, provided that these procedures shall prove whether the occurrence of the injury was work-related or not, and whether its occurrence was expected or it was the result of any of the following reasons: 

a. If the injury was a deliberate self-injury; 
b. If the injury was a result of a direct consequence of the worker deliberate misconduct; 
c. If the injury occurred under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other psychotropic substances; 
d. If the injury was a direct consequence of a deliberate violation of the precautionary instructions affixed in conspicuous places at the workplace. 

2. An inspector from the Ministry or the relevant authorities (health authorities or municipalities) shall assist the investigation authorities in collecting evidence if necessary. 
3. The statements and information included in the investigation shall be considered mere inferences to be used by the medical authority, and it shall have the final decision regarding the existence of a work injury or not. 
4. The investigation authority shall also provide the Ministry with a copy of the result of the procedures it carried out, along with a copy of the inference record. 

Article (5) Medical Report

1. Upon completion of treatment, the treating medical authority shall prepare a report on the work injury or occupational disease, in which it shall specify the injury, the type of occupational disease, the cause of any of them, the date of its occurrence, its relevance to work, the duration of treatment, the degree of disability, whether it was total or partial, and the extent of the ability of the injured worker to continue to work. 
2. The report of the medical authority shall be approved by the federal or local governmental health authority affiliated to it. The approval shall be based on the recommendation of a specialised medical committee or through any other system followed by the health authority. The report shall be given to the worker and a copy thereof to the employer, and a copy thereof shall be sent to the Ministry.

Article (6) Details of the Work Injuries & Occupational Diseases

1. All medical authorities in the State shall periodically provide the Ministry with data on work injuries and occupational diseases that they receive through approved electronic systems, provided that the data shall include the name of the worker, identification number, nationality, place of injury, date of injury, Emirate, degree of injury, and name of the health authority. 
2. All medical authorities shall record the data referred to in the item (in the national health file of the patient) of this article through the approved systems, and health authorities in the country shall verify this before approving the report. 

Article (7) Employer Obligation for Work Injuries and Occupational Diseases Compensation

In cases of work injuries and occupational diseases, the employer shall pay the due compensation to the worker according to the Tables attached hereto, taking into account the following provisions: 
1. The total disability of the function of any organ or part of the body shall be equivalent to the total loss of that organ or part of the body. 
2. If the injured worker was left-handed, all compensations listed in the attached tables for left-hand injuries shall be considered as if they were for the right-handed. 
3. In cases of corruption, mutilation or abnormal change of any body organ or any part of the body or any of the senses not mentioned in the tables attached hereto, the degree of disability shall be assessed by the competent medical committee.

Article (8) Updating Schedules

The Minister, in coordination with the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, may update Table No. (1) attached hereto regarding occupational diseases if needed. 

Article (9) Publication and Enforcement

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and enter into force as of the day following the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. 

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