
Federal Law on The Administrative Violations and Penalties in the Federal Government

The last update on this law was listed on 16 Oct 2016

Related legislations

Issued Date

16 Oct 2016

Effective Date

31 Oct 2016

Official Gazette Date

30 Oct 2016

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

For enforcing the provisions hereof, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned thereto respectively, unless the context requires otherwise:
State/ UAE:The United Arab Emirates. 
Federal Agencies:The ministries and other public organizations, authorities and federal government bodies. 
Administrative Regulations:The executive resolutions and regulations, codes and administrative control regulations issued by the Cabinet. 
Administrative Violation:Any act or omission that may constitute a violation of the federal legislation applicable in the State. 
Administrative Penalties:Any administrative penalty prescribed under the provisions of Article (3) hereof. 
Establishment:Any enterprise or company which engages in any business, service, professional, labor, agriculture or other activity as well as the cooperative associations and civil society associations and organizations of public utility. 

Article (2) Scope of Application

The provisions hereof shall apply to the administrative violations, with the exception of administrative violations relevant to human resources in the federal government.

Article (3) Administrative Penalties

The Cabinet may impose, within the provisions of the administrative regulations, one or more of the following administrative penalties on the persons or establishments committing the administrative violations:
1.Serving a notice;
2.Administrative fine of not less than (AED 100) UAE Dirhams One Hundred and not exceeding (AED 1,000,000) UAE Dirhams One Million;
3.Imposing twice the value of the administrative fine in case of a repeated violation, provided that the fine does not exceed (AED 2,000,000) UAE Dirhams Two Million;
4.Imposing the administrative attachment on the establishments and movable and immovable property of the violator which are the subject of the administrative violation, provided that the term of attachment does not exceed six months and renewable only once;
5.Administrative closure of the administratively violating establishments for a term not exceeding six months and may be renewed for a further term. The unlicensed establishments may be permanently closed down;
6.Revoking the licenses and approvals issued by the federal agencies to the persons or establishments committing the administrative violations or those responsible for same;
7.Administrative banishment of the foreigner who commits the administrative violation; or
8.The violator shall incur the expenses and costs of removing and rectifying the damage arising out of the violation if the violator fails to remove or remedy the same.

Article (4) Administrative Penalties Approval Controls

The Cabinet shall approve the administrative penalties in accordance with the following controls:
1.The administrative regulations shall include an express provision concerning the administrative violations and the administrative penalties thereof;
2.The administrative regulations shall determine the federal agencies in charge of applying the administrative penalties and the procedures for the execution thereof;
3.Such penalties shall be proportionate to the seriousness of the administrative violations;
4.The administrative regulations shall determine the dates, procedures and conditions of complaints about the administrative penalties; and
5.The administrative regulations that include the administrative violations and penalties shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Article (5) General Provisions

The application of administrative penalties shall not prejudice any more severe administrative penalty provided for in any other legislation or the criminal, civil or disciplinary liability of the persons and establishments committing the administrative violations or being responsible for the same.

Article (6) Repeals

Federal Law No. (19) of 1978 on the Provisions of the Administrative Control Regulations is hereby repealed. Moreover, any provision conflicting with or repugnant to the provisions hereof is hereby repealed.

Article (7) Publication and Entry into Force

This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force as of the day following the publication date hereof.

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