- Article (1) Definitions
- Article (2) Reporting the Communicable Diseases
- Article 3
- Article (4) Procedures Followed in Case an Animal Affected by Communicable Diseases is Detected
- Article (5) Communicable Disease Control Procedures
- Article (6)
- Article (7) Rights and Duties of People Affected by Communicable Diseases
- Article (8)
- Article (9) Isolation and Quarantine Conditions
- Article (10)
- Article (11) Procedures for Handling Deaths Caused by Communicable Diseases
- Article (12)
- Article (13)
- Article (14)
- Article 15
- Article (16) Requirements to be Met by Mummification Centers
- Article (17) Procedures Applicable to Persons Coming to the State who carry or are suspected to carry Communicable Diseases
- Article (18)
- Article (19)
- Article (20) Closing provisions
- Article (21)
- Article (22)
- المادة (23)
Article (1) Definitions
1. Upon applying the provisions hereof, and unless otherwise required by the context, the following terms and expressions shall have the meanings assigned thereto respectively:
State: United Arab Emirates.
Ministry: Ministry of Health and Prevention.
Minister: Minister of Health and Prevention.
Law: Federal Law No. (14) of 2014 On Combating Communicable Diseases.
Health Authority: The Ministry or any federal or local Government body in charge of the health affairs in the State.
Competent Department: The Ministry's Department of Preventive Medicine or its counterpart in other health bodies.
Border Crossing: The place specified under a resolution to be issued by the competent authority in accordance with the relevant legislation through which persons are able to enter or exit from the State by land, sea or air means.
Veterinary Authority: The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment or the competent federal authority in charge of the animal health affairs in any emirate of the United Arab Emirates.
Deceased: The person who dies of a communicable disease or of any other reason and was affected by a communicable disease.
Reporting Form: A document designated by the competent health authority in accordance with the provisions hereof.
Mummification: A process undertaken by professionals for the treatment of the corpse using chemical substances so as to keep such corpse and prevent its getting rotten while transported out of the State.
2. Unless otherwise required by the context, the words and expressions not contained in clause (1) of this Article shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Law.
Article (2) Reporting the Communicable Diseases
1. The categories specified in clause (1) of Article (4) of the Law shall immediately report the injury or death of any person of any of the communicable diseases listed in section (a) of table (1) attached to the Law as soon as they become aware of or suspect such injury or death and no later than (24) hours to the health authority to which they are affiliated according to the following procedures:
a. To provide all the information about the injured person, the reporting person and the medical condition in accordance with the Reporting Form. Such form shall include at least all the information set out in table (1) attached hereto.
b. To submit the Reporting Form containing all the information referred to in paragraph (a) of this clause to the health authority to which the reporting person belongs.
2. The categories set out in clause (2) of Article (4) of the Law shall immediately report, to the nearest health authority, the injury or death of any person of any of the communicable diseases listed in section (a) of table (1) attached to the Law as soon as they become aware of or suspect such injury or death using any reporting method, whether in writing or by telephone, fax or by any other electronic means. Such authority shall obtain the information and data referred to in clause (1) of this Article.
3. The health authority may add any other information or data to those set out in the Reporting Form referred to in clause (1) of this Article.
Article 3
In case any communicable disease from among those listed in section (a) of table (1) attached to the Law is detected, the health authorities and private health institutions shall immediately report the same to the competent department to which it is affiliated. The reporting period shall not exceed (24) hours for the diseases listed in section (a) of the table and (7) days for the diseases listed in section (b) of table (a) referred to in this Article. Reporting may be made by fax or electronic means, by any available written methods or by phone in urgent cases to be confirmed later in writing. The health authority shall immediately take the necessary actions on the written report.
Article (4) Procedures Followed in Case an Animal Affected by Communicable Diseases is Detected
Upon detecting any animal affected by a communicable disease which is likely to be transmitted to humans, the veterinary authority shall abide by the following procedures:
1. To immediately provide the competent department with information about the nature of disease affecting the animal, the information available on those in contact with the animal, the geographic area where the disease appears and any other information that may enable the competent department to take necessary actions.
2. To coordinate with the competent healthy authorities and other competent authorities to decide whether any actions are required to regulate the entry and exit of person to / from the area where the disease becomes known.
3. To minimize human-animal contact to the utmost possible extent depending on the nature of the communicable disease and the methods of its transmission.
4. To demonstrate the preventive measures to be followed, including hand washing, use of personal preventive equipment, insect control as well as other appropriate actions depending on the nature of the communicable disease and the methods of its transmission.
5. To take the necessary actions regarding the restriction or prohibition of import of the type of affected animal subject to the regulations prescribed in this regard under the relevant legislation.
Article (5) Communicable Disease Control Procedures
Upon establishing health units at the border crossings within its geographic territories, the competent health authority shall observe the following rules:
1. With regard to the border crossing:
a. It should be a border crossing which receives large numbers of travelers and large volume of trade exchange.
b. The health risks at the chosen border crossing should be real, whether confirmed or potential.
c. To provide the necessary resources and trained personnel for the purpose of inspecting and carrying out the applicable procedures at such border crossing.
d. To coordinate with the concerned authorities and lay down conditions and controls to ensure that a safe and healthy environment free from sources of infection and contamination is provided at all the facilities accessed by the travelers at such border crossing; e.g. supply with pure drinking water, restaurants and facilities serving food to travelers, public toilets and appropriate services of safe disposal of wastes.
e. The border crossing must have in place a program for the control of communicable disease transmitters that may transmit the infection which compromises the public health and raise international concerns.
f. The internationally recommended procedures for the extermination of insects, rats and mice, disposal of luggage, loads, containers, means of transport, goods, postal parcels or removal of pollution when necessary upon responding to events which are likely to constitute public health emergencies that raise international concerns must be implemented at the border crossing.
2. With regard to health units set up at the border crossings:
a. To choose an appropriate location for establishing the health units to allow rapid assessment of the conditions of travelers and patients and provide them with the required care.
b. To provide appropriate means for providing appropriate health services by trained and qualified staff and providing appropriate medical equipment and diagnosis facilities.
c. To provide appropriate equipment and trained personnel in order to transport the travelers affected by the communicable disease to an appropriate health facility, if necessary.
d. The health units must be qualified to take the necessary measures to handle the health emergencies through the assessment of the health condition of the traveler affected by the communicable disease, provide him with the health care and take the appropriate preventive measures.
e. The health units should have the appropriate capabilities needed to assess the health condition of travelers suspected to carry communicable diseases and keep them under quarantine in places away from the border crossing if necessary.
f. To put in place a mechanism for making coordination with the competent veterinary authority on handling infested or affected animals or those suspected to carry a communicable disease, particularly the diseases referred to in table (3) attached to the Law.
Article (6)
All federal and local authorities of the State must enable the health authority to access to the information they require for the sake of detecting the communicable disease. The detection procedures shall be as follows:
1. Receiving reports and tracking the news and information in circulation regarding the transmission of or affection by communicable diseases.
2. Organizing the activities, visits, field surveys or any other detection method as they consider appropriate.
3. Analyzing and interpreting available data in terms of the place and time of appearance of communicable diseases in the affected persons, in order to identify whether it is transmitted individually or as epidemic and to set the necessary prevention and control measures.
4. Reporting to the authorities and eligible persons the monitoring findings.
5. Notifying the Ministry of communicable diseases in order to take the measures of regional and international monitoring.
Article (7) Rights and Duties of People Affected by Communicable Diseases
1. A person affected by any of the communicable diseases listed in section (a) of table (1) attached to the Law shall have the right to access to health care and treatment at the Government health facilities according to the procedures set in this Article.
2. The measures prescribed in this Article shall apply to the person affected by any of the communicable diseases listed in section (a) of table (1) attached to the Law. Health care and treatment should be provided free of charge to persons who have no medical insurance coverage.
3. Free health care and treatment referred to in this Article shall be provided to affected persons, those in contact with them, and those suspected to carry any of the communicable diseases referred to above.
4. Free health care and treatment referred to in this Article shall include all the necessary examinations required for diagnosing and treating the communicable disease as well as providing medicine, vaccines and serums required for the treatment of or prevention from the disease or its complications on the affected person's health.
5. As a prerequisite for the free health care referred to in this Article to be provided, the necessary documents must be provided including the affected person's identity card, medical card, health insurance card or any other documents as specified by the health authority in accordance with the applicable controls.
6. By way of exception from the provision of clause (5) of this Article, the health authority may allow the provision of free health care to the person affected or suspected to be affected by the communicable disease without the need for the documents referred to above until the appropriate actions are taken if the authority has good reason to believe that such exception may prevent the spread of the communicable disease in the State.
Article (8)
1. Centers and health institutions subject to a resolution to be issued by the concerned health authority under Article (30) of the Law shall conduct the anonymous tests voluntarily with the aim of detecting infection by HIV or AIDS or any other communicable disease as specified in a resolution to be issued by the Minister.
2. The health institution must conduct the anonymous test referred to in clause (1) of this Article according to the following rules:
a. The examination shall be conducted whether the applicant is a national of the State or an expatriate for the purpose of visit or residence.
b. The examination shall be conducted free of charge for all the persons referred to in paragraph (a) of this Article.
c. The examination shall be conducted upon the written request of the desiring person so or upon their verbal consent.
d. The examination shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures which guarantee the confidentiality of information related to the identity and data of the examination applicant. For this purpose, the applicant shall be dealt with using codes, numbers or any other method which ensures the protection and confidentiality of his data.
e. The data of the applicant for examination may not be circulated during the examination procedures. This includes the taking of primary sample, conduction of necessary examination and the extraction of final results.
f. The results of examinations shall be informed to the applicant in person, and his data may neither be circulated nor disclosed to any third party unless their written consent is obtained beforehand.
g. To provide the necessary advice to the examination applicant before and after any procedure including keeping them aware of the nature of the disease, methods of its transmission and ways of minimizing the infection of others.
h. Those in contact with the examination applicant shall be examined to the extent possible if they are confirmed to be carrying the communicable disease at an early stage. Such examination shall be conducted without disclosing the identity of the person carrying the communicable disease or in contact therewith.
i. The health authority shall be provided with all the relevant information and statistics subject to the rules of confidentiality referred to in this Article, particularly in relation to the names of applicants or any other information that may lead to the disclosure of their identities.
Article (9) Isolation and Quarantine Conditions
Health facilities shall set up isolation rooms in the number defined by the competent health authority and in proportion to the capacity of the health facility and its specialization. All the isolation specifications, standards and levels should be taken into consideration as follows:
1. The isolation administered at hospitals shall meet the following conditions:
a. The levels of isolation rooms shall be commensurate to the nature and ways of transmission of the communicable disease in accordance with table (a) attached herewith.
b. The minimum technical specifications set in table (b) attached herewith shall be provided.
2. The isolation carried out in outpatient clinics, health centers and emergency departments shall observe the following:
a. Persons suspected to carry a communicable disease must be immediately separated from other patients in the places assigned for this purpose.
b. Procedures of examination of persons suspected to carry a communicable disease shall be initiated in the examination rooms upon their arrival, and necessary actions shall be taken to minimize their waiting period in the common waiting area.
Article (10)
1. Quarantine shall be carried out inside or outside the health facilities subject to the following conditions:
a. In case quarantine is administered within the health facilities, it shall be conducted in rooms meeting the standard conditions and specifications that should be met by the isolation rooms referred to in Article (9) hereof.
b. In case quarantine is administered outside the health facilities, it shall be conducted as needed in temporary areas to be set by the health authority. Such areas may include the residential buildings or locations provided that such places must be kept under the supervision of health authorities.
c. Quarantine may be conducted in houses by the isolation of the affected person or the person in contact therewith in a well ventilated room with a private bathroom.
2. The health authorities shall issue the resolutions and set the conditions they consider appropriate for enforcing the provisions of this Article in line with table (2) attached to the Law.
Article (11) Procedures for Handling Deaths Caused by Communicable Diseases
The procedures indicated in this Article shall be followed in case of death of any person affected by unknown communicable disease or in case any person is suspected to die of a communicable disease. For this purpose, the health facility must comply with the following:
1. The deceased person's corpse shall be treated as follows:
a. All the precautions and measures shall be taken to provide prevention and protection to those who come in contact with the corpse from the communicable diseases.
b. Samples shall be urgently taken from the deceased person and transferred to the specialized laboratory.
c. Samples should be kept and the laboratory may not dispose of the remaining samples in whole or part after conducting the analysis unless the case is finally diagnosed according to several systems.
d. The health authority must be notified and provided with information related to the death case.
e. The morgue to which the corpse will be transferred must be notified that the deceased person was carrying or suspected to be carrying, as appropriate, known or unknown communicable disease before transporting the corpse thereto.
2. The following must be complied with for the transportation of the deceased person's corpse:
a. To carry out all the procedures referred to in clause (1) of this Article.
b. To inform all the transportation persons that the deceased person carries or is suspected to carry a communicable disease.
c. The persons in charge of transportation must be trained and qualified to deal with such cases and must take all the necessary preventive measures.
d. To dispose of the used tools and medial accessories used in the treatment of the corpse like the gloves, medical masks, etc. being hazardous medical wastes.
e. To sterilize the components and tools used in the transportation and the places where the corpse is dealt with.
3. The conditions laid down by the health authority regarding washing the corpse of the deceased person carrying a communicable disease must be complied with subject to the following:
a. Not to wash but rather to cleanse the corpse if there is a fear that the communicable disease is transmitted in case of washing.
b. Not to open the box where the corpse of the person who died abroad as a result of a communicable disease unless with the prior written approval of the health authority according to the nature of the disease.
4. The health authority may issue the resolutions it deems appropriate regarding the funeral prayer for the person who died as a result of a communicable disease, including the following:
a. To set certain communicable diseases where no funeral prayer for the person deceased as a result thereof may be offered unless in open places.
b. To set a condition that the funeral prayer should be offered on board of the ambulance car subject to the Sharia regulations.
5. To transport and bury the corpse of the person who died as a result of a communicable disease as referred to in this Article, the health authority in charge of transporting and burying the corpse of the deceased persons should take the necessary preventive measures subject to the rules sets in the Articles (12), (13), (14) and (15) hereof.
Article (12)
The communicable diseases referred to in table (c) attached to this Resolution shall be deemed quickly spread and transmitted to those exposed thereto. Therefore, the corpse of the person died as a result thereof or carrying thereof must be dealt with in accordance with the following:
1. The corpse shall be kept in hermitically closed and impermeable corpse bags.
2. The corpse may not be washed.
3. No person may be in contact with corpse except the specialized medical and technical staff.
4. The corpse shall be transported to cemeteries accompanied by the staff of the health authority who should remain present till the end of the burial process. The corpse shall be transported in the vehicles of the competent authority assigned for the transportation and burial of deceased persons.
5. The corpse may not be transported to the houses, worship places or closed places to carry out any ceremonies.
6. The corpse may not be mummified.
7. The corpse may not be transported outside the State.
8. The corpse shall buried in accordance with the conditions prescribed in Article (13) hereof.
Article (13)
1. For the purposes of burying the corpse of a person who dies of a communicable disease listed in table (c) attached hereto, the following conditions and procedures must be complied with:
a. The cemeteries shall be at least 500 meters far from the residential buildings.
b. The location of such cemeteries should be at least 500 meters far from the sites of pumping groundwater.
c. The depth of groundwater in such area assigned to cemeteries should not be less than 200 feet.
2. The burial process shall be carried out at the earliest possible and at the areas assigned for such purposes according to the conditions stated in this Article.
3. In case it is not possible to meet the conditions specified in clause (2) of this Article, the competent authorities shall take the following actions:
a. To isolate the area of cemeteries referred to in this Article from the watercourses and protect them from the drifts resulting from the watercourse of torrents or any other potential reasons.
b. To make a sub-surface isolation for the cemeteries using isolating material impermeable for water or any other liquids and indecomposable to prevent the leakage of water or any other liquids or substances to the groundwater.
4. The cemeteries referred to in this Article shall be prepared as follows:
a. To prepare a hole the width of which is at least 1.70 meters, a length of at least 2.5 meters and a depth of not less than 2.00 meters.
b. To put at least 10 cm thick cement layer on the ground of the cemetery.
c. To build the walls of the grave inside the cemetery with a width of 75 cm a length of 2.10 meters, and a height of 85 cm.
d. To use the cement bricks and cement for the construction of the grave walls.
5. Each corpse shall be buried alone after taking the necessary actions to identify the identity of the deceased person in the massive deaths.
6. To cover the corpse with a layer of the soil the height of which should not be less than one meter.
7. Collective and random burial or burning is prohibited.
8. As an exception of the provisions of clauses (4), (5) and (7) of this Article, organized collective burial may be used in cases of massive deaths resulting from an epidemic of communicable disease and where the corpses could not be buried individually provided that the conditions and controls set by the health authority should be complied with.
9. An area of 1500 meters should be provided for every ten thousand deceased persons.
10. The corpse shall be wrapped in plastic covers to keep it separate from the soil in case of unavailability of shrouds or coffins. Chlorine solution or other medical detergents may be used instead of lime.
11. The corpse arriving to from outside the State should kept in a coffin dedicated for the cases of death referred to in this Article during diagnosis or if is suspected that the death has occurred as a result of a dangerous communicable disease. The coffin should prevent the leakage of the corpse liquids. The corpse shall be buried in the assigned cemetery without opening the coffin.
Article (14)
The communicable diseases listed in table (d) attached to this Resolution shall be deemed dangerous and transmitted through direct contact with the liquids and blood of the deceased person. Therefore, the corpse of the person who dies of such disease shall be treated as follows:
1. The corpse shall be kept inside hermitically closed and impermeable corpse bags.
2. The corpse may be mummified for the purpose of transporting it outside the State subject to the conditions prescribed in clause (5) of this Article.
3. The corpse may be washed subject to the necessary preventive precautions set by the health authorities.
4. The familiars of the deceased person may be allowed to attend the preparation and burial of the corpse and to touch it in accordance with the necessary preventive precautions set by the health authorities.
5. The corpse may not be transported outside the State unless after meeting the following conditions:
a. Submission of an application by the familiars of the deceased person to the health authority
b. The corpse must be mummified in any of the centers referred to in Article (16) hereof.
c. Approval of the health authority
d. Approval of the Embassy of the country where the corpse will be buried and the Embassy of the transit country if necessary.
e. Approval of the operator of the means of transport which will be used for the transportation of the corpse.
Article 15
When dealing with the corpse of a person who dies of a communicable disease or who carries any of communicable disease of medium danger as listed in table (e) attached hereto, the following procedures must be complied with:
1. The corpse may be washed subject to the necessary preventive precautions set by the health authorities.
2. The familiars of the deceased person may be allowed to attend the preparation and burial of the corpse and to touch it in accordance with the necessary preventive precautions set by the health authority.
3. The corpse may not be transported outside the State unless after meeting the conditions set forth in clause (5) of Article (14) hereof.
Article (16) Requirements to be Met by Mummification Centers
The competent authorities must assign and prepare one or more center(s) for the mummification of the person who dies of any of the communicable diseases listed in the tables (d) and (e) attached to this Resolution subject to the following conditions:
1. The location must be separate from other buildings providing health services.
2. The center should be equipped with an independent ventilation system.
3. The center should be operated by low pressure.
4. The center should have a separate sewerage system.
5. All the arrangements, accessories and material required for the mummification, sterilization and transportation should be available.
6. The center should be provided with an independent cooler with a capacity of at least three corpses.
7. The center should be subject to the direct supervision of a physician specialized in forensic medicine who has a practical experience of not less than three years in a mummification center.
8. The center should have mummification technicians holding suitable academic degrees in public health specialties preferably in the field of mummification and a practical experience of not less than five years in the same field.
Article (17) Procedures Applicable to Persons Coming to the State who carry or are suspected to carry Communicable Diseases
Any person coming to the State and who is prohibited under Article (31) of the Law from entering the State unless and until the Ministry or the health authority is notified and their approval is obtained, and who is aware that he carries or is suspected to carry any of the communicable diseases set by the competent authority from those listed in table (1) attached to the Law, must notify the Ministry or the health authority upon his arrival to the State and subject to the following procedures:
1. To inform the crew of the means of the transport about his health condition.
2. To approach the border health control center or the health unit at the border crossing through which he intends to enter the State.
3. To show the documents related to his health conditions and enable the border health control center or the health unit at the corresponding border crossing to review such documents or take copies thereof.
Article (18)
The health authority must ensure that the visitors of the State arriving from any of the countries affected by any of the communicable diseases defined by the Ministry or the health authority from those listed in table (1) attached to the Law undergo the following health procedures:
1. To take the public health measures and any other health measures recommended by the World Health Organization in this field.
2. To take the necessary preventive and health actions, if necessary, after informing the visitor of any risk associated with the action and after getting his prior express consent or the consent of his parent with the least possible amount of disturbance to protect the public health and according to the nationally and internationally approved instructions and standards of health and safety. No medical impediments should be present for this action.
3. All the travelers who undergo such action shall be respected keeping into account the human rights, gender and social, cultural, racial and religious considerations of the travelers.
4. To provide or taking the necessary arrangements to provide sufficient food, water and appropriate accommodation arrangements and to protect the luggage and other properties providing the appropriate medical treatment and necessary means of communication if possible in a language understandable to the traveler. All the possible forms of assistance should be provided to the traveler subject to quarantine or isolation or who undergoes medical examination or other procedures to achieve the purposes of public health.
5. To instruct the traveler to provide sufficient information on his destination to be easily contacted.
6. To instruct the traveler to disclose the information related to his route to verify whether he has travelled to an infested area or has been in contact with the sources of infection or contamination before his arrival to the State and to review his health documents if necessary.
7. To conduct he medical examination which should not include any invasive procedures and with the least amount of disturbance to achieve the purposes of public health.
8. To provide vaccination and other preventive measures suitable to the type of disease. The traveler receiving vaccination and other preventive measures shall be given a certificate on his condition signed by the medical official and sealed by the health center stamp in the form attached to the international vaccination certificate.
9. Any other additional applicable health measures that may control or prevent the spread of the communicable disease including the isolation, quarantine or keeping the traveler under the supervision of the health authorities.
Article (19)
The Ministry shall announce the infested countries under a Statement to be issued for this purpose following the instructions of the World Health Organization and according to the international health regulations. All the health authorities shall be immediately notified of this requirement.
Article (20) Closing provisions
The Minister may amend any of the tables attached to this Resolution whenever necessary subject to coordination with the health authorities. The amendment resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette.
Article (21)
The Minister shall issue the resolutions required for enforcing the provisions hereof.
Article (22)
Any provision conflicting or contradicting with the provisions hereof shall be repealed.
المادة (23)
يُنشر هذا القرار في الجريدة الرسمية، ويُعمل به بعد ستة أشهر من تاريخ نشره.
Translated in cooperation with