
Cabinet Resolution Concerning the Executive Regulations of Federal Law Regulating the Possession of Dangerous Animals

The last update on this law was listed on 12 Feb 2019

Related legislations

Issued Date

12 Feb 2019

Effective Date

12 Feb 2019

Official Gazette Date

14 Feb 2019

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

Definitions provided in the Federal Law No (22) of 2016 mentioned thereof shall apply to this Resolution, otherwise, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context otherwise requires:
Breeding Centre: The facility aiming to reproduce types of dangerous animals and endangered species in order to maintain the offspring and relaunch them in their natural environment or for commercial purposes in an environment under the control of humans subject to specific requirements.
Specialized Care and Harbouring Centres: The facility that possesses and keeps live dangerous animals in order to maintain, lock, rehabilitate, export or trade them subject to applicable legislations.
Licence: The documents issued by the Ministry, by which Zoos, animal parks, circus, breeding centres, specialized care and harbouring centres, scientific centres and institutions, for which their work requires the availability of dangerous animals, posses, trade or reproduce these animals.
Law: Federal Law No. (22) of 2016 Regulating Possession of Dangerous Animals.

Article (2) License of the Facility

License of the facility shall be issued by the Ministry for Zoos, animal parks, circus, breeding centres, specialized care and harbouring centres, research and scientific centres and institutions, for which their work requires the availability of dangerous animals according to the following requirements and controls:
1. Owner of the facility, or his delegate, shall submit an application attached with a technical file with the following documents and details are fulfilled:

a. Approval of the competent authority concerning the establishment of the facility.
b. Objectives of establishing the facility shall be demonstrated, in addition to the methods, ways and techniques that will be used for animal breeding, if this is included in the objectives of the establishment of the facility.
c. A layout approved by the competent authority for the location of the facility and another layout detailing its buildings and utilities, including food warehouses, places where food is prepared, places for animals isolation and the administrative buildings.
d. A list of types of dangerous animals required to be possessed at the facility and the capacity of the breeding centre with respect to mothers, fathers and their offspring.
e. Methods of excrement disposal.
f. Systematic method to dispose dangerous animals.
g. A licensed vet or a veterinary supervision contract with a government veterinary agency or a veterinary facility that licensed by the Ministry shall exist according to the type of the facility.
h. An environmental permit issued by the competent authority subject to Federal Law No. (24) of 1999 on the Protection and Development of Environment.
i. Details and documents of the technical cadres that will work at the facility. Those cadres shall obtain their required licenses.
j. A file for CITES certificates for dangerous animals that are included in the annexes of CITES Convention.
k. A copy of the operation plans, including plans of healthcare, feeding plans and emergency plans.
l. An insurance policy issued by an insurance company licensed by the State against risks or dangerous animals.
m. Forms of records of the facility, which include the following:

1) A record showing details of dangerous animals: (type, species, gender, colour and any other distinctive marks and the details of identification) in addition to the details of purchase and sale movement, including the sources of animals and purchasers, keeping copies of such proofs.
2) A record for births and deaths.
3) A follow-up record for health condition of the dangerous animal inside the facility and its vaccination, provided that such record is used by the supervisory vet.

n. A record for daily activities at the facility, including feeding programs, cleaning, disinfection and rodent control.

2. Conducting a visit to check the details stated in the technical file. This shall be made in coordination between the Ministry, the competent authority and the scientific authority of CITES Convention.
3. License period shall be one renewable year based on the request of the facility owner at least one month prior to expiry date.
4. No amendment may be conducted in the technical file or the installations existing at the facility after license is obtained without getting a prior consent from the Ministry.

Article (3) Advance Approval for Public Exhibitions, Competitions or Dangerous Animals Shows

1. Organizing public exhibitions, competitions or dangerous animals shows for any purpose shall be prohibited, including advertising, unless there is a prior consent from the competent authority based on the request of the facility showing what follows:

a. Type, period and date of the event.
b. A list of animals that will be used in the event and their details.
c. A veterinary supervision contract during the event period or another kind of proof for the existing of a veterinary care for the animals.
d. A plan providing necessary needs of the animal, including its food and water.
e. The consent of the Ministry for the show of animals included in CITES lists in case they exist.
f. A layout for the location and design of the event.

2. License period shall relate to the period of the event according to the request presented.
3. Dangerous animals show shall be prohibited in case there is an epidemic or contagious disease. Dangerous animals shall also be prohibited to be moved to any place unless upon the approval of the competent authority. Precautionary measures and emergency plans for animal diseases shall be applied.

Article (4) Prior Approval for Moving Dangerous Animals

Dangerous animals shall not be allowed to be moved from one place to another within the State or transport them within the territory of the State as transit before obtaining the consent of the Ministry and the competent authority subject to the following:
1. Transport permission shall show the following:

a. Type, gender, number and identification methods of the animals.
b. Details of the transport vehicle.
c. Itinerary of the transport journey.
d. Timing of transport. weather conditions shall be considered.

2. The consent of the competent authority must be obtained if transport operation will be made inside the Emirate only and the Ministry shall be promptly informed. If transport operation shall be made between different Emirates or crossing the territory of the State, the consent of the Ministry and the competent authority must be taken.

Article (5) Requirements of the Transport Vehicle of Dangerous Animals

1. No transport vehicle shall be allowed to be used for transporting dangerous animals unless a permit to do so is given by the concerned authority and necessary requirements are fulfilled and validity of the vehicle for transporting the dangerous animal is confirmed.
2. Transport vehicle must be insured by one of the insurance companies against any damages that may occur due to transportation of dangerous animals.
3. The vehicle must meet the following technical requirements:

a. General requirements:
The vehicle must consider animal welfare principles through the following:

- The floor must be made of anti-skid material, easy to be cleansed and disinfected.

- The floor must be provided with a system to absorb stools and urine or a straw must be provided for the animal on the floor.

- The vehicle must be shadowy to protect the dangerous animal from the Sun and rain. It must be well-ventilated in all its parts where the danger animal exists.

- The vehicle must be soft from inside (no bumps or sharp edges exist) and with a height that prevents the existence or fall of the dangerous animal.

- Areas designated for dangerous animal must be appropriate.

- The ceiling of the vehicle must be higher than the head of the dangerous animal to ensure that it will not hit the animal and provides good ventilation.

- The vehicle must have a mobile platform for loading and unloading purposes.

- The vehicle must have internal movable barriers to ensure a sufficient space that is appropriate for the type, gender and volume of the dangerous animal.

- The vehicle must be designed in a way that allows inspection and examination of the dangerous animal.

b. Requirements of maritime carriers:
Maritime carriers transporting dangerous animals shall provide, in addition to what is stated in Paragraph (a) of this clause, the following:

- The carrier must be provided with an electrical power source to food ventilation and cooling devices.

- Separate isolation units must exist for isolating infected or injured dangerous animals and for emergency conditions.

- Appropriate fittings must exist to deal with emergency cases and euthanasia when necessary.

- The carrier must be designed in a way that allows inspection of animals.

- There must be a warehouse for water and food that is appropriate for the numbers or dangerous animals.

c. Requirements of Air carriers:
Transporting dangerous animal by air carriers must be subject to IATA standards.

Article (6) Vaccination of Dangerous Animals

Licensed facilities shall provide healthcare and vaccination against diseases for dangerous animals as indicated in Annex No. (1) attached to this Resolution.

Article (7) Requirements of Shelter Places for Dangerous Animals

Shelter places for dangerous animals must meet the following requirements:
1. Materials used in construction, especially the barns and cages, as well as the equipment that can be touched by animals, must be unharmful.
2. The floor of these places must be made of anti-skid material.
3. It must be free from pollution sources, easy to be cleansed and disinfected.
4. It must be safe and sealed.
5. It must be appropriate for the species, type, age, size, weight of the animal, its growth, adaptation and needs according to scientific expertise and knowledge.
6. It must provide necessary protection against weather conditions, abandoned and stray animals.
7. It must be of a sufficient space and well-ventilated.
8. It must be designed in a way that allows providing food, water and healthcare appropriately for the animal, taking into account the conditions of food storing.
9. General safety requirements for humans and animals must be available.
10. It must provide the animals that are not bred in buildings with a protection against weather fluctuating conditions and any risks against the health of such animals. A suitable sleeping place with a good sewerage must be allowed to be accessed.
11. Exits and entrances of these places must be appropriate for the animal.
12. It must contain the effects that create environmental atmosphere for the animal in a way that is consistent with its original environment.

Article (8) Types of Registers and its Data

1. Registers for licensed facilities shall be created in the Ministry and the competent authority as follows:

a. Facility data register: This contains the name, owner, type and location (geographical coordinates) of the facility, its license and permit data, total area, the built area, number of utilities, capacity and number of dangerous animals existing at the facility.
b. A follow-up register for health condition of the dangerous animal inside the facility and types and numbers of vaccination, provided that such register must be used by the supervisory vet.
c. A data register for the implementation of the supervisory program and periodical observations concerning the facility.
d. A data register for scientific experiments of the scientific research centres and institutions conducted on dangerous animals.

2. The competent authority shall inform the Ministry with semi-annual updates about the register of the facilities.

Article (9) Detention, Care and Disposal Measures for Dangerous Animals

1. The Ministry and the competent authority shall detain any abandoned, stray or unlicensed animal in a suitable healthy place and shall provide animal care and take the following measures:

a. Conduct necessary medical examination to ensure its safety.
b. Conduct vaccinations required for the animal according to Annex No. (1) attached to this Resolution.
c. Provide food and shelter consistent with its nature.
d. Rehabilitate the animal when needed.
e. Euthanasia when required and justified.

2. The competent authority may dispose detained dangerous animals in coordination with the Ministry in case its owner is not known after the lapse of fifteen (15) days. This shall be made by transferring the possession of the animal to one of the qualified and licensed centres in the State to possess the species of the detained dangerous animal, qualify or return such animal to its natural environment, or to release the animal in a reserve within the State.

Article (10) Conditions and Obligations to Possess Dogs

No person may possess a dog unless a license is obtained from the competent authority according to the following conditions:
1. The age of the possession applicant must not be less than eighteen (18) years old.
2. The applicant must have a suitable shelter for the dog in a way that is consistent with the applicable standards and legislations concerning animal welfare.
3. The applicant must have enough knowledge of animal welfare standards and legislations of dogs.
4. Dogs must belong to the types that are not prohibited according to annexes of the Law.
5. Dogs shall not be traded in the age stage where they depend on staying with their mothers to survive. A possessor of a god shall abide by the following:

a. Provide food that is appropriate for the age and type of the dog with sufficient quantities to keep the dog in a good health and fulfils its needs.
b. Conduct vaccinations stated in Annex No. (1) attached to this Resolution as well as periodical examination to ensure safety of the dog.
c. Inform the Vet in case any change in the conduct or health of the dog is observed.
d. Provide a sufficient space to meet the needs of the dog.
e. Not to detain the dog in a narrow place where no light or good ventilation exists or without food in order to train or discipline the dog.
f. Not to leave the dog unleashed and without its ID electronic chip.

Article (11) Leashing Dogs

Dogs allowed to be possessed must be leashed during hiking or when taken outside the boundaries of their shelters with appropriate collars in a manner to control them; otherwise, they shall be detained by the competent authority and shall not be returned to their possessor unless the possessor makes an undertaking to abide by the leashing rules. The competent authority may dispose of the dog in case the possessor does not conclude the undertaking within the period specified by the competent authority or in case or repetition.

Article (12) Identification Label

Dangerous animals shall bear a permanent identification label as prescribed in Annex No. (2) attached to this Resolution. Should they be caught without such label, the competent authority shall detain them and they may not be delivered to their possessor until they prove possession and pay the costs arising from their detention. Should ten (10) days lapse from the date of their detention without being checked by their possessor or without paying the costs, they may be disposed of by the competent authority whether by transferring the possession of the animal to one of the qualified and licensed centres in the State to possess the species of the detained dangerous animal, qualify or return such animal to its natural environment, or to release the animal in a reserve within the State, keeping into account the requirements of animal welfare.

Article (13) Final Provisions

The Minister shall issue the Resolutions necessary to apply the provisions of this Resolution.

Article (14)

Any provision that violates or contradicts the provisions of this Resolution shall be repealed.

Article (15)

This Resolution shall come into effect as of the date of its issuance and shall be published in the Official Gazette.

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