
Federal Law Regulating the Possession of Dangerous Animals

The last update on this law was listed on 12 Dec 2016

Related legislations

Issued Date

12 Dec 2016

Effective Date

15 Dec 2016

Official Gazette Date

15 Dec 2016

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail



Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Regulation of the Ownership, Possession and Trading of Dangerous Animals

Chapter 3: Reports Pertaining to Dangerous Animals

Chapter 4: Detention and Care for Dangerous Animals

Chapter 5: Possession of Dogs

Chapter 6: Penalties

Chapter 7: General Provisions

Chapter 1

Article (1) Definitions

For the implementation of the provisions of this Law, and unless otherwise required by the context, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned thereto:
The State: United Arab Emirates 
The Ministry: The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment 
The Minister: The Minister of Climate Change and Environment 
The competent authority: The competent local authority in every emirate 
Dangerous Animals: The animals causing harm or damage to humans and other animals as specified in the annexes (1) and (2) attached hereto including predators, hybrid and semi dangerous animals. 
Predators: Animals depending in their lives on the hunting and eating of other animals' meat. 
Crossbred Animal: The animal resulting from the mating of two animals of different races or families. 
Semi dangerous Animals: The non dangerous animals with their nature and which change their attitude to become hostile or fierce and may cause harm to humans. 
Stray Animal: The animal which is not owned by any person and which exists in a certain site depending on itself and is not subject to the control or care of any possessor. 
Street Animal: The animal strolling freely without restriction or supervision by its possessor even if it knows how to return to its possession place. 
Animal Possessor: The natural or juridical person owning, possessing, keeping, sheltering, caring for or guarding animals whether permanently or temporarily. 
Trading: All the operations of sale, display, marketing, promotion, transport, import, export, re-export, exchange or borrowing. 
Reproduction: Breeding or any activity to increase the breeding of dangerous animals. 
The Establishment: Any place where the dangerous animals are sheltered, kept, retained, grown, reproduced or treated. 
Zoo: The establishment possessing, keeping and reproducing live animals for display, entertainment, protection of their kinds or for education or research purposes. 
Animal Parks: Parks of immense area providing the animal the freedom of movement, imitating its habitat and enabling the visitors the visit and strolling in specialized vehicles. 
Circus: Any place where animals are kept for entertainment and show. 
Merciful Killing: The process of ending the life of an animal in a quick way and with the least pain and suffering possible. 
Chip: An electronic chip fixed below the animal skin to identify it with certain figures and codes. 

Article (2) Objectives of the Law

The objectives of this Law are as follows:
1. Regulating the ownership, possession, trading and reproduction of dangerous animals.
2. Protecting humans and other animals from the harm of dangerous animals and the transfer of their diseases and pathogens to humans and other animals.
3. Ensuring that such animals receive proper care.

Chapter 2: Regulation of the Ownership, Possession and Trading of Dangerous Animals

Article (3) Prohibition of Dangerous Animals

No natural or juridical person may own, possess, trade in or breed dangerous animals.

Article (4) Establishment License and Exemption

1. Notwithstanding the preceding Article, the establishment license shall be issued only to zoos, animal parks, circus, reproduction centers, specialized care and sheltering centers and scientific and research centers and institutions whose work requires the availability of dangerous animals subject to the terms and conditions set by the Executive Regulations of this Law.
2. The licensing conditions referred to in the preceding Article shall not apply to the security, federal or local government military authorities.

Article (5) Prior Approval

The establishment may not:
1- Organize dangerous animals' exhibitions, competitions or shows without the prior approval of the competent authority and subject to the terms and conditions set by the Executive Regulations of this Law.
2- Transport dangerous animals from one place to another inside the State or across State territories as transit cargo without the prior approval of the competent authority and according to the applicable procedures. Such transport shall be carried out by safe and appropriate means of transport that ensures the animal's safety and comfort and meets the technical conditions set by the Executive Regulations of this Law.

Article (6) Obligations of the Establishment

The establishment shall:
1. Take out insurance by an insurer licensed in the State against dangerous animals' risk.
2. Provide the healthcare, vaccination against diseases and a document in this regard with the medical history of the dangerous animal. The Executive Regulations of this Law shall set the diseases against which the animal should be vaccinated.
3. Provide safe and appropriate sheltering places for the dangerous animals according to the conditions set in the Executive Regulations of this Law.
4. Feed the dangerous animals with the food suitable for their age and type and in sufficient quantities.
5. Provide appropriate training to the establishment staff.

Article (7) The Records

Special records for the licensed establishments shall be created at the Ministry and the competent authority. The Executive Regulations of this Law shall set the types of records and the rules and data of each record.

Chapter 3: Reports Pertaining to Dangerous Animals

Article (8) Reporting Stray or Street Animals

Whoever finds any stray or street animal shall immediately report it to the Ministry or the competent authority or to the nearest police station.

Article (9) Reporting Animal Possession without License

Whoever becomes aware of the existence of a dangerous animal with any possessor unlicensed to own a dangerous animal shall immediately notify the Ministry, the competent authority or the nearest police station.

Article (10) Cases of Reporting by the Establishment

The Establishment shall notify the Ministry or the competent authority of any of the following regarding a dangerous animal:
1.The animal's infection with an infectious or epidemic disease or is suspected to have been infected.
2. The animal's death.
3. Transfer of the animal possession to another establishment.
4. Loss of the animal.
5. A person's injury or death as a result of attack by an animal.
6. The Establishment's desire to abandon its animal or its inability to keep, shelter or look after the animal.

Chapter 4: Detention and Care for Dangerous Animals

Article (11)

1. The Ministry or the competent authority shall detain any stray, street or abandoned dangerous animal or any unlicensed animal and take the necessary measures in this regard according to the provisions of the Executive Regulations of this Law.
2. The competent authority should coordinate with the Ministry to establish sheltering and care centers for the detained animals as specified in the preceding item. The Ministry and the competent authority may dispose of them according to the provisions of the Executive Regulations of this Law.

Chapter 5: Possession of Dogs

Article (12) Licensing and Obligations of the Possession of Dogs

No person may possess a dog without license from the competent authority. The Executive Regulations of this Law shall set the related conditions and obligations.

Article (13) Dogs' Register

The competent authority shall keep a special register for the registration of dogs whose possession is licensed. Such register shall contain all the information related to the dog and its possessor including the following:
1. Name, ID number, address, age, nationally and residential address of the dog possessor.
2. The dog origin, type, color, distinguishing signs, if any, the electronic chip number and the vaccination record.

Article (14) Dealing with Dangerous Dogs

Subject to the Article (4) hereof, no natural or juridical person may possess, trade in or reproduce any dogs classified as dangerous and specified in annex (2) attached to this Law.

Article (15) Leashing Dogs

Dogs shall be leashed during strolling or when they are accompanied outside the borders of their sheltering places using appropriate collars to control them, failing which, they will be seized, detained and disposed of according to the provisions of the Executive Regulations of this Law.

Article (16) Strolling with Dangerous Animals

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article (15) hereof, no person may stroll accompanied by any dangerous animal outside the licensed establishment.

Chapter 6: Penalties

Article (17)

1. Whoever uses a dangerous animal to attack humans shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three years and not more than seven years if such attack causes a permanent injury.
2. The penalty shall be life imprisonment if the attack leads to death.
3. The penalty shall be imprisonment for not more than one year and / or a fine of not less than (10,000) ten thousand Dirham and not more than (400,000) four hundred thousand Dirham if the attack result does not reach the level of seriousness specified in the two preceding items.
4. If the dangerous animal attacks a person without intention from its possessor at the time of attack, he shall be criminally punished with the penalty of involuntary manslaughter or unintentional injury as stated in the Penal Code, as appropriate.
5. In all cases, the animal referred to in this Article shall be detained and the court may issue an order to confiscate the animal depending on the result of medical examination during the detention period and to charge the detention costs to the possessor or the establishment.

Article (18)

Whoever uses a dangerous animal to terrorize people shall be punished by imprisonment and / or a fine of not less than (100,000) one hundred thousand Dirham and not more than (700,000) seven hundred thousand Dirham.

Article (19)

Whoever possesses a dangerous animal for the purpose of trade shall be punished by imprisonment and / or a fine of not less than (50,000) fifty thousand Dirham and not more than (500,000) five hundred thousand Dirham.

Article (20)

Whoever violates any of the provisions of Articles (3), (5), (10), (14) and (16) shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than six months and / or a fine of not less than (10,000) ten thousand Dirham and not more than (500,000) five hundred thousand Dirham.

Article (21)

Whoever violates any of the provisions of Article (6), shall be punished by a fine of not less than (10,000) ten thousand Dirham and not more than (500,000) five hundred thousand Dirham.

Article (22)

Whoever violates any of the provisions of Articles (12) and (15), shall be punished by a fine of not less than (10,000) ten thousand Dirham and not more than (100,000) one hundred thousand Dirham.

Article (23) No Prejudice to More Severe Penalties

The application of the penalties prescribed in this Law shall be without prejudice to any more severe penalty prescribed in any other law.

Article (24) Judicial Seizure

The officers nominated by a resolution from the Minister of Justice in coordination with the Minister or the head of the competent authority shall have the capacity of judicial officers for reporting the offences committed in violation of the provisions of this Law, its Executive Regulations and the resolutions issued for the implementation hereof, each in his respective area of competence.

Chapter 7: General Provisions

Article (25) Identification Marks

The dangerous animals shall have a permanent identification mark as set by the Executive Regulations of this Law. If dangerous animals not bearing such mark were caught, the competent authority shall detain them and they may not be delivered to their possessors except after the payment of detention costs. In case (10) days elapse from the detention date and the possessor fails to attend or refuses to pay the costs, the animal may be disposed of according to the procedures set in the Executive Regulations of this Law and the possessor shall not have any right to claim compensation.

Article (26) Regulation of Status

Whoever possesses any dangerous animals shall adjust his affairs according to the provisions of this Law and its Executive Regulations within no more than six months from the date of entry into force of this Law.

Article (27) Registration

The owner or possessor of dangerous animals shall register them at the competent authority within a period of no more than thirty days from the date of entry into force of this Law.

Article (28) Information Regarding the Existing Establishments

The competent authorities shall provide the Ministry with the information of the establishments existing on the date of entry into force of this Law.

Article (29) Amendment of the Two Attached Tables

In coordination with the competent authority, the Ministry may amend the two tables attached to this Law by adding or removing any type of animals specified therein.

Article (30) Administrative Measures Regulations

The Cabinet shall issue, by virtue of a Resolution based on the Minister's proposal, the Administrative Measures Regulations to be applied by the Ministry or the competent authority in case of violation of the provisions of this Law and its Executive Regulations.

Article (31) Offenses where Conciliation may be Concluded

1. The penal action in respect of the offenses specified in this Law and punishable only by a fine may not be filed except by virtue of a written request from the Ministry or the competent authority.
2. Conciliation may be concluded in the offenses referred to in the preceding item before the referral of the action to the competent court against the payment of an amount not exceeding half the maximum fine established for each offense.
3. The Cabinet shall issue a Resolution setting the controls of conciliation and the financial amount for conciliation in respect of each offense referred to in item (2) of the present Article.

Article (32) Charges Setting Resolution

The Cabinet shall issue a Resolution setting the charges proposed for the implementation of the provisions of this Law and its Executive Regulations.

Article (33) Executive Regulations of this Law

Upon the Minister's proposal, the Cabinet shall issue the Executive Regulations of this Law within six months from the date of publishing the Law in the Official Gazette.

Article (34) Repeal of Conflicting and Contradicting Provisions

Any provision contradicting or conflicting with the provisions of this Law shall be repealed.

Article (35) Publishing and Coming into Force

This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into force from the day following the publishing date.

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