
Federal Law for Producing, Importing and Handling Fertilizers and Agriculture Treatment Materials

The last update on this law was listed on 28 Sep 1992

Issued Date

28 Sep 1992

Effective Date

12 Oct 1992

Official Gazette Date

01 Jan 1992

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1)

The following wards and terms shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them unless otherwise required:
Country: The United Arab Emirates
Ministry: The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
Minister: The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries
Deputy Minister: The deputy minister of agriculture and fisheries 
Concerned Department: The Agricultural Affairs in the ministry or any other organizational unit there on
Competent Authority: The competent Authority for organizing production, importing and circulating fertilizers and agricultural conditioners in each Emirate
Circulation: Displaying on purpose of selling, selling, storing or transporting by any means of transportation

Article (2)

The provisions of this law shall be applied to the following:
First: Fertilizers:
They are the materials that provide plants with their necessary elements while preserving the fertility and productivity of soil like:
1. Chemical Fertilizers:
2. They are manufacturing chemical components contain feeding elements for plants. They are dividing into two types:
Simple fertilizers: They contain single fertilizer element.
   A. Compound: They contain number of mixed elements.
   B. Organic fertilizers: They are residuals of plant or animal or a mixture of them and contain feeding elements for plants and organic materials, which are necessary to improve the characteristics of soil and nature.
Second: Agricultural conditioners
They are the materials, which act for improving or reclaiming the characteristics of soil, and Beneficial Micro Organisms, which helps increasing the production of crops. They include the following:
1. Soil conditioners: They are added to soil and acting for improving its nature and characteristics, and accordingly will increase the production.
2. Beneficial Micro Organisms: They are added to the agricultural soil and help the roots fixing Nitrogen in the knots of the roots or through analyzing the elements of soil, which will improve the characteristics of plant.

Article (3)

The concerned Directorate or Department shall coordinate with the competent Authority to determine kinds of allowed fertilizers and agricultural conditioners Their specifications, terms, and conditions of manufacturing, utilization, importation, and circulation.
The following shall be specified as:
1. Conditions and procedures should be taken to announce for fertilizers.
2. The specifications of pots of fertilizers, agricultural conditioners, stickers and table of contents.
3. Rules, conditions, and procedures to be applied for fertilizers, and agricultural conditioners contravene to the provisions of this law and the executed decisions thereof.
4. The rules, conditions, and procedures should be taken concerning testing and analysis of fertilizers and agricultural conditioners, evaluating their validity and methods of objection against their results and how to be determined.

Article (4)

Producing, manufacturing, importing, circulation of fertilizers and agricultural conditioners stated in Article (3) should not be allowed unless prior approval is obtained from the competent authorities, except for:
1. Fertilizers and agricultural conditioners belonging to universities and research centers and allocated for scientific research in condition that these parties shall take the necessary precautions to avoid their circulation in the local market.
2. The imported fertilizers and agricultural conditioners for re-export purposes in condition that they shall not cross the inlets of the country and might be moved from one terminal to another after taking the necessary precautions in coordination with the customs authorities and the agricultural quarantine.

Article (5)

The minister shall ban production, manufacturing, exporting, importing, and circulation any kind of fertilizers or agricultural conditioners on temporary or permanent bases according to the recommendation of the concerned authority as the public interest may arise.

Article (6)

The persons working in this country and whose activities or part thereof fall under the provisions of this law shall adapt their status to its provisions and decisions being made in execution thereof during six months period as from the date of its enforcement; otherwise, they shall be liable for the prescribed punishment. 

Article (7)

The employees assigned to follow up the implementation of the provisions of this law and the decisions issued in amendment thereof, and who have been selected through a decision issued by the minister of justice in agreement with the minister of agriculture and fisheries and the competent authority, shall be deemed to be as judicial detection inspectors. They are entitled to have accession to the places, which activities are under the provisions of this law, except for the residential places, in purpose to ensure the implementation of its provisions and the decisions being stated in execution thereof, and controlling the violating cases, and the local authorities of the Emirates shall provide the necessary facilities for those inspectors to carry out their work.

Article (8)

Any one violating the provisions of this law shall be imprisoned for a period not exceeding six months and shall be l levied a fine not less than dirham (20000) twenty thousand dirham and not more than dirham (100000) one hundred thousand dirham or one of each penalties.
In case that violation caused death or hurt the health of human being, the violator shall accordingly punished according to penalties stated in Articles (342) and (343) of the punitive law.
Besides that, the material under violation shall be confiscated.

Article (9)

The payable fees according to the provisions of this law shall be determined by a decision of the cabinet.

Article (10)

The minister shall issue the necessary bylaws and decisions for the execution of this law.

Article (11)

This law shall be published in the official Gazette, and come into effect from the date of its publishing.

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