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Federal Law Concerning the Protection of Animals

The last update on this law was listed on 01 Nov 2016

Issued Date

04 Sep 2007

Effective Date

16 Sep 2007

Official Gazette Date

16 Sep 2007

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

For the implementation of the provisions of this Law, and unless otherwise required by the context, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned thereto:
The State: United Arab Emirates 
The Ministry: The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment 
The Minister: The Minister of Climate Change and Environment 
The competent department: The competent department in the Ministry 
The competent authority: The local authorities concerned with animals' affairs 
The authorized persons: The veterinary doctors of the Ministry or the competent authority 
The veterinary doctor: The person holding a certified bachelor degree in veterinary medicine and authorized by the Ministry 
The specialist: The person academically qualified in the field of veterinary medicine or laboratories. 
The animals: All the types of strolling and confined animals including birds, reptiles, amphibious animals, fishes, mammals and wild animals. 
Street Animal: The animal strolling freely without restriction or supervision by its possessor even if it knows how to return to its possession place. 
Confined Animals: the owned animal existing in a certain location depending on others and subject to the control and care of the possessor. 
The Establishments: Any place where the animals are kept, retained, reproduced, slaughtered or treated including the public parks, private places, vessels, aircrafts, trucks and other means of transport as well as the scientific research institutions where the animals are kept. 
The Person in charge of the animal care: The animal guard who has actual control over it whether he is the owner or otherwise. 

Article (2)

The owners of animals and those looking after them, as appropriate, shall take all the necessary precautions to avoid causing any harm, damage, pain or suffering to the animals, particularly they shall:
1. Take into account all the types, level of growth, adaptation and needs of the animals according to the scientific knowledge and experience;
2. Not release any animal under their care and the survival of which normally depends on them. In case they desire to abandon the animal, they shall deliver it to the competent department or the competent authority;
3. Provide a sufficient number of experienced, knowledgeable and professional workers efficient in the affairs related to the animals under their supervision and care;
4. Examine the animals under their supervision and care at least once per day and look after them; and
5. Provide healthcare to the animals and refer them to veterinary doctor to examine and treat them and take all the necessary actions in this regard.

Article (3) Authorized Persons

1. The Authorized Persons and the accompanying Specialist may:
   a. Have access to any Facilities for inspection if they believe that the Animals within have been suffering, abused, sick or raised in such a manner contrary to the provisions of this Law and its executing resolutions. The Authorized Person has to identify themselves to the owner or the person in charge of the Animals in these Facilities. If the Facility is a private residence a prior consent should be obtained from Prosecution.
   b. Examine any Animals within Facilities, perform tests or take samples believed to be necessary. A part of the sample or a sample similar thereto must be given to the owner or the person in charge of Animal if they so request.
   c. Mark the Animals in a manner enabling them to identify each Animal individually. Such marks can be removed from Animals only with consent of the Competent Dept. or Competent Authority.
   d. Quarantine any Animals suspected to be ill and transfer them to another place for treatment.
2. Owners or persons in charge of Animals inside any Facility should provide the necessary assistance to Authorized Persons and the accompanying Specialist including the assistance to restrict, whenever possible, the Animal movement for test purposes, for taking samples and presenting any relevant Animal documents requested from them.

Article (4) Animal Movement Liberty

An adequate area must be provided for Animals to fulfill their needs when their mobility is permanently or temporarily is confined according to the relevant regulations and resolutions passed by the Ministry.

Article (5) Buildings and Animal Comfort Means

1. Materials used in building Facilities, especially barns, cages, stables and equipment in contact with Animals should be harmless, free of pollution sources, easily cleaned and thoroughly antisepticised.
2. Animals kept outdoors should be protected from fluctuating weather conditions, predators and any other risks to their health. They should have access to proper sleeping place having a proper residuals disposal means.

Article (5) Bis

The establishments shall be subject to the health and technical conditions set by the Executive Regulations of this Law.

Article (6) Animal Feeding

With observation to the executive regulations of this Law regarding materials allowed to be added to the Animal fodder, Animals should be fed with whole fodder commensurate with their age and species at quantities keeping them in good health and satisfying their nutrition requirements. Also, Animals should have continuous access to proper water sources or be provided with daily adequate quantity of water.

Article (7) Animal Transfer

 Animals should be transferred in a manner ensuring their safety and protecting them from injury or harm. The executive regulations of this Law determine the conditions and specifications to be achieved in Animal loading, transfer and feeding during transfer as well as any other conditions relating to transport means.

Article (8) Animal Treatment

1. If treatment intervention of an Animal causes it to undergo pain, panic or disturbance, then such intervention must be done by a veterinarian or Specialist.
2. All surgical intervention of Animals must be done under general or local anesthesia in a place medically equipped for surgery.

Article (9) Returning Animal Back to its Owner

An Animal quarantined and taken for treatment may be returned back to its owner only after its complete recovery and after either of the following conditions is fulfilled:
1. Ensuring that negligence will not be repeated by owner.
2. In case of repeated negligence, charging the owner with the costs of transfer and treatment.

Article (10) Prohibitions

The following actions are prohibited:
1. Sexual abuse against Animals.
2. Mixing Animals during shows or sales.
3. Showing, selling or trading any Animal that is ill, injured or in a bad physical condition unless it has fully recovered.

Article (11): Organizing Animal Shows

No public Animal displays, contests or shows may be organized for commercial or any other purposes including for advertisements or decorations except by written permission from the Competent Dept. or Competent Authority.

Article (12) Using Animals for Scientific Purposes

1. No Animals may be used for scientific experiments purposes except with permission from the Competent Dept. or Competent Authority.
2. The Ministry shall gather a database regarding using Animals for scientific purposes within the Country.

Article (13) Astray Animals

In case of finding an astray Animal, the Competent Dept. or Competent Authority, as the case may be, may do the following:
1. Seize the Animal if it constitutes danger or is suffering from pain or disturbance.
2. If the owner cannot be identified or contacted, consult a veterinarian immediately upon the Animal's suffering from pain or disturbance and to dispose with the Animal according to the veterinarian's opinion.
3. If the owner is identified, oblige him/her to pay for all expenses incurred.

Article (14) Bis (1)

Whoever uses animals for scientific experiments without authorization from the competent department or the competent authority shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year and / or a fine of not less than AED (50,000) fifty thousand Dirhams and not more than AED (200,000) two hundred thousand Dirhams.

Article (14) Bis (2)

Whoever violates the other obligations set by the provisions of this Law and by the regulations and resolutions issued for the implementation hereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than AED (100,000) one hundred thousand Dirhams.

Article (14) Bis (3)

1. The criminal action in respect of the offenses committed under Article No. (14) bis (2) shall only be instituted by virtue of a written request from the Ministry or the competent authority.
2. Conciliation may be concluded in the offenses committed under Article No. (14) bis (2) before the referral of the action to the competent court against the payment of an amount not exceeding AED (80,000) eighty thousand Dirhams for each offense.
3. The Cabinet shall issue a Resolution setting the controls of conciliation and the financial amount for conciliation in respect of each offense referred to in the present Article.

Article (14) Bis (4)

The Ministry or the competent authority may apply any of the following administrative penalties in case of violation of any of the provisions of this Law or its Executive Regulations:
1. Warning.
2. Closure of the establishment for not more than six months.
3. Final closure of the establishment.
4. Revocation of the license.

Final Rules: Article (15)

 The Minister shall, in coordination with the Competent Authorities, issue resolutions determining the rules for protection of Animal health and safety and banning harmful practices against Animals.

Article (16)

Officials identified by resolution of the Minister of Justice in agreement with the Minister and the Competent Authority shall have judicial control commissioners in controlling crimes and infringements occurring in violation of the provisions hereof and the regulations and resolutions executing this Law. Competent Authorities shall provide the necessary assistance to those officials to enable them perform their tasks.

Article (16) Bis

The Cabinet shall issue a resolution setting the charges applicable under the provisions of this Law.

Article (17)

 The Minister shall issue the necessary regulations and resolutions executing this Law provisions.

Article (18)

Any text that is to the contrary of or in conflict with this Law provisions shall be annulled.

Article (19)

This Law is to be published in the Gazette and shall take effect six months after publishing date.

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