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Federal Law Issuing the Civil Aviation Act

The last update on this law was listed on 28 Aug 2024

Issued Date

10 Jun 1991

Effective Date

24 Jul 1991

Official Gazette Date

24 Jun 1991

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Part One: Definitions

Article (1)

In this Law, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings set out opposite unless the context shall require otherwise.
State: United Arab Emirates.
Territory of the State: Land areas, territorial waters adjacent thereto and overlying air space.
State of Registry: Country where the aircraft is registered.
Competent Authority: Ministry of Communications or department of the Ministry entrusted to oversee civil aviation affairs and development.
Concerned Authority: Competent local department in the Emirate.
Chicago Convention: The Convention on International Civil Aviation done at Chicago on 7 December 1944 and addenda thereto.
Aircraft: Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth's surface including all aircraft such as airships that use fixed and rotary wings and other similar craft built for civil applications.
Operator: A natural or juridical person who operates Aircraft himself or for his account or leases Aircraft to third parties and to whom the flight crew reports.
Operator State: Country in which the headquarters of the Operator's business or his permanent domicile are located.
Air Traffic: All Aircraft in flight or operating on the Manoeuvring Area of an Aerodrome. 
Air Traffic Control Unit: A term meaning variously area control centre, approach control unit, or Aerodrome control tower.
Aerodrome: A defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft.
International Airport: Any airport designated by the state in whose territory it is situated as an airport of entry and departure for international air traffic, where the formalities incident to customs, immigration, public health, animal and plant quarantine and similar procedures are carried out.
Manoeuvring Area: That part of the Aerodrome to be used for the take-off and landing of Aircraft and for the movement of Aircraft associated with take-off and landing, but does not include parking space for Aircraft.
Pilot in Command: The pilot responsible for the operation and safety of the Aircraft during flight time.
Flight Crew Member: A licenced crewmember charged with duties essential to the operation of an Aircraft during flight time.
Crewmember: A person assigned by an Operator to duty on an Aircraft during flight time.
Flight Time: The total time from the moment an Aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of taking off until the moment it comes to rest at the end of the flight.
Prohibited Area: A specified area of the airspace of the State which the Competent Authority declares prohibited for Aircraft flight operations.
Restricted Area: An air space of defined dimensions located inside the Territory of the State within which the flight of Aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions.
Danger Area: An airspace of defined dimensions within which activities dangerous to the flight of Aircraft may exist. 
Air Service: Flights that are performed by Aircraft for the public transport of passengers, mail or cargo for a fee or remuneration in such manner that each flight is open to use by members of the public.
Scheduled International Air Service: Flights which originate or terminate in the territory of a state other than the state in which the Aircraft is registered and operate to published schedules with certain regularity or frequency.
Air Carrier: A natural or juridical person who offers or undertakes to use air services to transport passengers, mail or cargo.
International Air Transport Corporation: A corporation enjoying legal personality for the purpose of operating international air services.
Acrobatic Flight: Manoeuvres intentionally performed by an Aircraft involving an abrupt change in its attitude, an abnormal attitude or an abnormal variation in speed.
Aviation Accident: An accident associated with the operation which takes place between the time any person boards the Aircraft with the intention of flight and all such persons having disembarked and in which either or both of the following occurrences take place:
A person suffers a fatal or serious injury as a result of being onboard the Aircraft or coming into direct contact with the Aircraft or any part of the Aircraft.
The Aircraft sustains substantial damage.
Aviation Incident: An occurrence, other than an Aviation Accident, associated with the operation of the Aircraft that affect or is likely to affect the safety of operation of the Aircraft.
Aviation Licence: General approval from the Competent Authority containing detailed provisions that permit an Operator or Air Carrier to engage in air operations in the Territory of the State within a specified time period.
Aviation Permit: Specific approval from the Competent Authority to engage in a specific air operation(s).
Certificate of Airworthiness: A document issued by the Competent Authority in which the Aircraft is declared fit to fly for a specified time period provided that the Operator complies with the terms of the document.

Part Two: General Provisions

Article (2)

The State has complete and absolute sovereignty over the airspace above its territory.

Article (3)

The provisions of this Law shall apply to:
     a.Civil aviation in the Territory of the State.
    b.Civil Aircraft registered in the State wherever they may be, to the extent that they do not contradict the provisions of the laws of the foreign state in which they carry on their activities.
   c.Civil Aerodromes in the State in relation to all technical activities in terms of air traffic control, installation, operation and maintenance of communication equipment, wireless aid, air navigation, meteorological services etc.
   d.Air transportation in general.

Article (4)

The Ministry of Communications shall oversee all affairs and development of civil aviation in the State as well as oversee the application and follow up the implementation of internationally accepted standards at airports of the State in coordination with local authorities.
The Ministry of Communications shall, in cooperation with the concerned entities, formulate and oversee commercial air transport policy consistent with the present and future requirements of the national economy. To this end the Ministry shall:
1. Negotiate with other states over scheduled and non-scheduled air transport agreements and any agreements related to international air transport.
2. Participate in discussions between national air transport corporations and foreign corporations dealing with agreements or arrangements related to joint investment or other commercial agreements in accordance with such rules and conditions as may be specified in this regard.
3. Oversee the commercial air transport activities of national corporations, issue operating licences and approve the revision or cancellation of any of their Air Services. 
4. Monitor the commercial air transport activities of foreign corporations as well as the proper exercise of the air transport rights granted to them by bilateral agreements or the operating permits issued to them in this regard. 
5. Halt or restrict any commercial air transport activities of national and foreign corporations that are in violation of the conditions laid down in the operating licences granted to them, the provisions of bilateral agreements made with foreign states or any of the provisions of this Law.
6. Authorise national or foreign air transport corporations to operate any unscheduled flight to or from the Territory of the State.
7. Issue appropriate decisions regarding transportation rights requested by foreign states or their agents or companies. 

Article (5)

1. Aircraft are moveable property in relation to the application of the laws, rules and regulations in force in the State.
2. Aircraft registered on the national registry may not be legally transferred to another person by sale, mortgage, lease or otherwise except with the consent of the Competent Authority. The owner of the Aircraft shall, in all cases, remain responsible for the operation of the Aircraft in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

Article (6)

An Aircraft may only operate in the Territory of the State or its overlying airspace under a licence or permit which the Competent Authority shall issue under certain conditions allowing the Operator named in the licence to carry on certain air operations or operations pursuant to a convention to which the State has acceded or current bilateral air agreement regulating air transport between the State and another state.
A granted licence or permit is personal and may not be assigned to another party.

Article (7)

The following conditions must be met by Aircraft operating in the Territory of the State and its overlying airspace:
1. The Aircraft must be registered in the state to which it belongs.
2. The Aircraft's Certificate of Airworthiness must be valid and issued or attested by the state in which the Aircraft is registered.
3. The Aircraft must conspicuously display its nationality and registration marks.
4. The Aircraft must be fitted out with the systems and equipment designated by the State of Registry in addition to those specified by the Competent Authority.
5. The members of the flight crew must carry valid licences issued or attested by the State of Registry and their number must be as shown on the Certificate of Airworthiness. 
6. The Aircraft's crew, passengers and third parties must be insured against ground injury as per the applicable rules.
The Competent Authority may exempt Aircraft flown on technical testing or learning flights from one or more of these conditions.

Article (8)

An Aircraft operating in the Territory of the State or its overlying airspace may only be fitted out with wireless equipment for which it has been issued a licence by the relevant authority in the State of Registry. Such equipment may only be used for purposes related to air navigation in accordance with applicable conditions and by the Aircraft's flight crew.

Article (9)

It shall not be permitted to fly Aircraft equipped with aerial photographic equipment or use such equipment over the Territory of the State except under a prior permit from the Concerned Authority and then only subject to such conditions as the Competent Authority may lay down in this regard.

Article (10)

1. Lighting may be installed only after the Concerned Authority has given its approval after consulting the Competent Authority.
2. The Competent Authority shall, after consulting the Concerned Authority, remove or modify any lighting equipment that would interfere with light specifically provided as an aid to air navigation. The Competent Authority may also impose appropriate restrictions on high rise structures that impair air navigation, smoke emitting structures or anything that may impair vision next to airports or the safety of air navigation.
3. A person who owns or uses fixed or mobile electronic equipment or metal structures that cause interference with wireless equipment or equipment specifically provided as an aid to air navigation shall take the measures prescribed to him by the Competent Authority to eliminate such interference.
4. The Competent Authority may, after consulting the Concerned Authority, request cessation of use of the electronic equipment or removal of the metal structures referred to in the preceding paragraph as necessary.

Article (11)

The Pilot in Command is responsible for the operation of the Aircraft and the safety of the Aircraft and those on board during Flight Time. The Pilot in Command has the authority to take all necessary measures to maintain order on board the Aircraft and must comply with the applicable rules in this regard.

Article (12)

No person may interfere with any Flight Crew Member in the performance of the Crewmember's duties during flight and no person may tamper with any part of the Aircraft or its equipment or perform any act which may jeopardise the safety of the Aircraft, its crew or passengers.

Article (13)

The following articles shall not be carried on board Aircraft except with a prior permit from the Concerned Authority and subject to such conditions as may be specified by the Competent Authority:
1. Explosives and firecrackers except as is necessary to operate the Aircraft or give prescribed signals.
2. Firearms and ammunition.
3. Nuclear substances, radioactive isotopes and all related substances.
4. Poison gas.
5. Germs and hazardous materials.
6. Any other articles which are prohibited from being carried as listed by the Competent Authority. 

Article (14)

1. It shall not be permitted, without a permit, for any person to carry on board an Aircraft firearms, flammable material or other object that can be used in any act of damage, violence or threat during the flight.
2. Where a situation calls for the transportation of firearms or any object that can be used in an act of damage, violence or threat, the person in possession of the object must surrender it to the Operator's representative prior to boarding the Aircraft. The representative shall then stow the object at a location that is inaccessible to passengers and shall hand it back to the person who surrendered it at the end of the flight.

Article (15)

1. Aircraft shall use listed airports and shall comply with the applicable laws, rules and regulations. Landing at airports other than those airports shall be allowed only in emergencies in accordance with air control tower directives or with a permit from the Concerned Authority. 
2. Any Aircraft entering the airspace above the Territory of the State shall land at a listed International Airport unless permitted to fly over without landing.
3. If an Aircraft entering, leaving or passing through the airspace of the Territory of the State needs to land outside International Airports in the State, the Pilot in Command shall immediately notify the nearest local authority and present the Aircraft's flight log, general declaration or any other document on demand. In this case the Aircraft's cargo shall not be moved nor shall its passengers be allowed to leave the place where it landed before obtaining a permit from the immigration and passport authorities and completing all the necessary customs formalities.

Article (16)

Passengers, Crewmembers and consignors, whether in person or through agents working in their name and for their account, shall abide by the laws, rules and regulations for entering, residing in and leaving the Territory of the State.

Article (17)

The Concerned Authority may, if necessary, inspect Aircraft, prevent Aircraft flying or hold any documents relating to Aircraft in order to monitor compliance with this Law.

Article (18)

Customs, security, health and plant quarantine authorities shall have the right to exercise the powers granted to them by applicable laws to the extent that does not contradict the provisions of this Law.

Article (19)

1. The International Conventions, Protocols, and Agreements – related to the Civil Aviation Sector – shall be enforced in the State and deemed supplementary to the provisions of this Law.
2. In the event any provision of this Law contradicts with any provision stipulated in any of the International Conventions, Protocols, and Agreements related to Civil Aviation Sector and enforced in the State, the priority in implementation shall be for the provisions of the said Conventions, Protocols, and Agreements.

Part Three: Rules of the Air

Article (20)

1. The Competent Authority shall lay down the rules of the air and regulations relating to the flight of Aircraft, air navigation, safety of persons and property on the ground and use of airspace. 
2. The Competent Authority shall determine the air corridors and lanes along which Aircraft must fly when entering, leaving or passing through the airspace above the Territory of the State.

Article (21)

The Competent Authority may, without discrimination as to nationality, ban or restrict Aircraft from flying above the Territory of the State or part thereof and may specify and declare Danger Areas.

Article (22)

1. A Pilot in Command who finds himself over a Prohibited Area shall immediately notify the relevant Air Traffic Control Unit and carefully follow its instructions. Failing this, he shall promptly land at the nearest airport in the State outside the Prohibited Area and furnish the Competent Authority and the Concerned Authority with a report on the event and its justification.
2. An Aircraft that is warned by the Competent Authority that it is flying above a Prohibited Area shall immediately comply with instructions issued to it by the Competent Authority or be forced to land after notification.

Article (23)

The Pilot in Command shall:-
1. Ensure that the Aircraft has been supplied with the quantity of fuel required for the trip.
2. Ensure that the trip can be completed safely in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations including alternate procedures.
3. Pilot the Aircraft in accordance with current rules of the air.
4. Abide by regulations relating to the use of the Aerodrome and air traffic control rules.
5. Abide by all announcements and instructions from air traffic control.

Article (24)

1. An Aircraft shall not be flown at elevations lower than those specified by the Competent Authority.
2. An Aircraft shall not be flown so close to another Aircraft so as to create a danger of collision.
3. An Aircraft shall not be flown negligently or recklessly so as to endanger the life or property or others. 
4. An Aircraft shall not engage in Acrobatic, parade or formation flight above the Territory of the State except with a licence from the Competent Authority and subject to the conditions laid down by the Competent Authority.
5. Nothing shall be thrown or sprayed out of an Aircraft during flight except in emergencies or with a permit from the Competent Authority.
6. No parachuting from Aircraft shall be permitted without a prior permit from the Competent Authority except in emergencies.
7. No person shall pilot an Aircraft or serve as a Crewmember on board Aircraft in a state of inebriation or under the influence of drugs or any other substance that would impair his ability to effectively perform his duties. In all cases, no person shall partake of any such substances whilst on duty.
8. No Aircraft capable of being flown without a Pilot in Command shall operate in the Territory of the State without permission by the Competent Authority.
9. Aircraft that operate above the speed of sound or operate at high noise levels shall be prohibited from flying over the Territory of the State and its overlying airspace and landing at airports of the State. The Competent Authority may allow such type of Aircraft to operate.

Part Four: Authorisation & Licence

Article (25)

A Flight Crew Member of an Aircraft in the Territory of the State and its overlying airspace must hold valid authorisation in accordance with the current laws, rules and regulations of the State of Registry. An Aircraft registered in the State must hold valid authorisation issued or approved by the Competent Authority.

Article (26)

1. The Competent Authority shall issue aviation authorisation and other technical authorisation and shall lay down the conditions for their issue, attestation and renewal which in no case should fall below internationally accepted standards. The Competent Authority shall, in this regard, conduct theoretical and practical tests at it sees fit.
2. The Competent Authority has the right to refuse to issue, renew and extend the validity of any authorisation as well as revoke or suspend authorisation that has been issued should it find that the person requesting or holding the authorisation does not meet the required level or is in breach of any of the provisions of this Law.
3. Aviation authorisation shall be suspended if the holder thereof:
     a. Sustains injury that prevents him from performing the duties of the authorisation.
     b. Is ill and therefore unable to perform the duties of the authorisation for 20 days or more.
The holder of the authorisation shall, in such cases, notify the Competent Authority in writing accordingly so that arrangement can be made for him to re-undergo the medical check required for the authorisation he holds.

Article (27)

An institute, club or other party shall not engage in flight, provide flight training, or carry on any other aviation activity except with a licence from the Competent Authority and under the conditions of that licence. The Competent Authority may suspend or revoke the licence in the event of a breach of its conditions or breach of applicable laws, rules and regulations.

Part Five: Requirements for Registration, Validity and Documents

Article (28)

1. The Competent Authority shall specify the marks of nationality of the State and the method of placing them on aircraft;
2. The Competent Authority shall prepare a special registry to register Aircraft in accordance with the conditions and procedures it shall specify and shall issue registration certificates following completion of the necessary procedures.
3. Aircraft registered on the registry referred to in the preceding paragraph shall bear the nationality of the State and must carry its nationality and registration marks.
4. The Competent Authority shall specify the conditions and procedure for registration of Aircraft owned by alien residents of the State. 

Article (29)

An Aircraft shall be struck off the registry in the following cases:
1. If its owner or lessee no longer holds the nationality of the State.
2. If the Aircraft's title passes to a foreigner. 
3. If the Aircraft is destroyed, lost or permanently withdrawn from service.
An Aircraft shall be deemed a loss when a decision so declaring the Aircraft is issued by the Competent Authority. The owner or lessee of the Aircraft shall promptly notify the Competent Authority upon the occurrence of any change under this Article and return the registration certificate.

Article (30)

1. An Aircraft shall not operate in the Territory of the State and its overlying airspace unless it holds a valid Certificate of Airworthiness issued or approved by the Competent Authority in the State of Registry in accordance with its applicable laws, rules and regulations and complies with the conditions and restrictions stated in its Certificate of Airworthiness. This requirement does not apply to domestic flights in respect of which a special permit is issued by the Competent Authority.
2. The Competent Authority may approve a Certificate of Airworthiness issued by another State subject to any additional conditions or restrictions it may decide to lay down in respect of such certificates. 
3. The Competent Authority shall maintain an accredited list of national corporations that maintain and overhaul Aircraft registered in the State.
4. Upon determining that Aircraft registered in the State is unsafe or its type unfit to fly, the Competent Authority shall suspend or withdraw its Certificate of Airworthiness and shall have the right to subject the Aircraft to a technical inspection and to not authorise its flight except after measures have been taken to secure its airworthiness. 

Article (31)

1. Aircraft shall not be operated if not equipped with the systems and equipment necessary for flight and navigation in both normal and emergency circumstances as shown in its Certificate of Airworthiness and the addenda to the Chicago Convention. The Competent Authority may exempt Aircraft it finds to be fitted out with alternate equipment or systems that provide the required data or fulfill the intended objectives.
2. The Competent Authority shall issue regulations and directives in relation to the systems and equipment referred to in this Article and their method of use in order to ensure safe flight and passenger comfort.

Article (32)

1. The Operator of an Aircraft registered in the State shall not operate it in commercial air transport or aerial work unless the Aircraft and its engines and communication systems and equipment have been serviced according to a service manual accredited by the Competent Authority.
2. The Pilot in Command of an Aircraft registered in the State and engaged in commercial air transport or aerial work shall enter the following data on the Aircraft technical log:-
       a. The time of commencement and termination of the flight. 
    b. Information regarding any technical failure, malfunction or defect in any part of the Aircraft or any of its equipment which occurs during the flight. The Pilot in Command shall sign and date such entries.
3. The Operator of an Aircraft shall maintain the Aircraft technical log and a copy of the log's entries at a location other than the aircraft.
4. The Operator of an Aircraft registered in the State shall preserve the maintenance documents for a period of at least 2 years after expiry or longer if requested by the Competent Authority.

Article (33)

1. The position of equipment provided for emergency use shall be indicated by clear markings in each commercial transport Aircraft registered in the State. In particular, the location of life vests, if any, and instructions as to how they are to be used should be exhibited in a prominent position in every passenger compartment. 
2. Care should be taken to ensure that all devices and equipment installed or carried in an Aircraft would not be a source of danger in themselves or impair the airworthiness of the Aircraft or the proper functioning of any equipment or devices necessary for the safety of the Aircraft.

Article (34)

1. Every Aircraft for which the Competent Authority issues or attests a Certificate of Airworthiness shall be weighed and the position of its centre of gravity determined, at such times and in such manner as the Competent Authority shall determine in the case of that Aircraft. 
2. Upon the Aircraft being weighed, the Operator shall prepare a weight schedule acceptable to the Competent Authority.
3. The weight schedule shall be preserved by the Operator of the Aircraft until the expiry of at least 6 months following the next occasion on which the Aircraft is weighed and its centre of gravity determined.

Article (35)

The Competent Authority shall perform or request the performance of inspection, tests or trial flights as thought fit in order to ensure that the Aircraft or any of its systems, equipment or components are serviceable. The representative of the Competent Authority shall have the right to enter any place at any time in order to carry out any such work. The Operator shall bear all costs associated with such procedures.

Article (36)

No Aircraft registered in the State may commence any flight without the following documents and log books:
1. International Flights:
     a. Certificate of aircraft registration.
     b. Certificate of Airworthiness.
     c. Crewmember authorisations.
     d. Flight log or general declaration for the flight.
     e. Wireless transmission station licence for the Aircraft. 
     f. For commercial air services or activities: operations manuals, maintenance documents and any other document specified by the Competent Authority. 
     g. For Aircraft carrying cargo and mail: cargo and mail list and declaration of all related particulars.
     h. For aircraft engaged in commercial air services: load sheet. 
2. Domestic Flights:
The Competent Authority shall determine which of the documents and log books listed in para (1) of this Article are required on board domestic flights. 
The Competent Authority may exempt Aircraft flown on technical testing or learning flights from the requirement to carry any of these documents and log books.
In all cases, the certificates, authorisations and documents referred to in this Article must be valid.

Article (37)

1. The Operator and the Pilot in Command shall, upon request, provide the Competent Authority with any documents or log books prescribed in this Law.
2. An Operator or owner of Aircraft who ceases to use or operate the Aircraft shall continue to preserve its documents and records and the log books of the flight crew as if he had not ceased to use or operate the Aircraft, provided that if:
    a. Another person becomes the Operator of the Aircraft and it remains registered in the State, the first Operator shall deliver to that other Operator, the Aircraft's maintenance documents, log books and load plan and any record made by the Aircraft's flight data recorder.
    b. An engine or propeller is removed from the Aircraft and installed in another Aircraft operated by another person and registered in the State, the Operator of the first Aircraft shall deliver to the Operator of that other Aircraft the log book relating to that engine or propeller.
   c. A member of the flight crew of an Aircraft registered in the State becomes a member of the flight crew of an Aircraft operated by another person, the first Operator shall deliver to the other Operator the records relating to that member, and in all cases it shall be the duty of that other Operator to deal with those documents and records as if he were the first mentioned Operator.
3. If it is decided to revoke or suspend any certificate, authorisation, approval, permission or any other document issued by the Competent Authority, the person to whom the document was issued or who holds the document shall deliver it to the Competent Authority upon demand.

Article (38)

A person shall not:-
1. Use any certificate, authorisation, approval, permission or other document issued by the Competent Authority which has been revoked, suspended, altered or to which he is not entitled.
2. Lend any certificate, authorisation, approval, permission or other document issued by the Competent Authority or allow it to be used by any other person.
3. Make any false representation for the purpose of procuring for himself or any other person the issue, renewal or variation of any certificate, authorisation, permission or other document. 
4. Destroy or mutilate or assist in destroying or mutilating any record required to be maintained under this Law or alter, obliterate or omit any of the entries made therein or make any false entry from any such record during the period for which it is required to be preserved.
5. Wilfully or negligently make any omission from a load sheet or make, in such a load sheet, any entry which is incorrect.

Part Six: Commercial Air Transport

Article (39)

1. No Operator of Aircraft may permit the Aircraft to fly for the purpose of commercial air transport without first obtaining operating specifications approved by the Competent Authority. The operating specifications shall be regarded as part of the licence granted to the Operator and must be complied with.
The Operator shall provide sufficient copies of the latest revised and approved operating specifications for his operations at each of the offices of his main operations. The Operator shall make his relevant staff aware of the specifications and record their contents in his manuals. 
2. Operating specifications may be revised upon the request of the Operator or as deemed fit by the Competent Authority in order to maintain the required standard of operation or regularity.

Article (40)

1. The Operator shall make available for the use and guidance of pilots and operating staff an operations manual defining their duties and responsibilities. The manual shall not contain any instructions or information contrary to international laws, rules and regulations which are in force in the State or laws, rules and regulations which are issued by the Competent Authority.
2.The Operator shall issue a manual for each type of Aircraft he operates, containing all such information as may be necessary to enable air pilots and flight engineers to perform their duties on that type of Aircraft at the required standard of safety in both normal and emergency circumstances.
3. The Operator shall deliver to the Competent Authority copies of his operations manual and the Aircraft manual for each type of Aircraft he operates and any revisions to those manuals for them to be approved before being put into effect.

Article (41)

1. The Competent Authority may decide that all or certain flights carry in addition to the flight crew composition stated in the Aircraft's Certificate of Airworthiness such additional members as it may deem necessary to ensure flight safety.
2. No member of the Aircraft's flight crew may simultaneously carry out the duties of two or more members of the flight crew.
3. The Competent Authority may decide that a number of cabin crew be present on board the Aircraft to perform duties related to passenger safety and passenger service as it shall specify in directives.

Article (42)

The Competent Authority shall, after consulting the Concerned Authority, adopt regulations and directives regarding flight times, duty periods and rest periods for the crew of the Aircraft.

Article (43)

The Operator shall not permit the Aircraft to be loaded except under the supervision of a trained person whom the Operator has caused to be furnished with adequate written instructions as to the distribution and securing of the load so as to ensure that:
1. The load may safely be carried on the flight.
2. The regulations or instructions issued in this regard, including any conditions stipulated in the Aircraft's Certificate of Airworthiness, are complied with.

Article (44)

The Operator or his representative is responsible for monitoring the flight operations of his Aircraft to ensure that they are carried out in accordance with the specified safety standards and that the relevant laws, rules and regulations are complied with.

Article (45)

1. No person may use an Aircraft's navigation systems during flight unless he is a qualified pilot who has been assigned to such duty by the Operator.
2. No person may enter an Aircraft's cockpit unless he is a member of its crew or an inspector or supervisor appointed by the Competent Authority or someone whom the Operator or the Competent Authority has assigned to a specific duty during the flight.
3. The Operator shall ensure that passengers on board the Aircraft are familiar with the location and use of seat belts, emergency exits and any other emergency equipment provided for individual or collective use.

Article (46)

Authorised representatives of the Competent Authority and the Concerned Authority may enter, at any time, any premises of the Operator to conduct an inspection and monitor compliance with the operating specifications and national and international laws in force in the State. The Competent Authority shall have the right to stop any flight or Air Service if it finds that the operating standards are not up to required standard.

Article (47)

The provisions of the Warsaw Convention Relating to Carriage by Air signed on 12 October 1929 and other agreements relating to air carriage to which the State is party shall apply to the carriage of persons, baggage and cargo by air.

Part Seven: Aircraft Accidents

Article (48)

1.The Competent Authority shall itself or through an independent party designated thereby, investigate Aircraft accidents that occur in the Territory of the State and its overlying airspace and accidents involving national civilian Aircraft on the high seas.
2.The local authority shall immediately report any Aircraft accident within its jurisdiction to the Competent Authority and shall prevent the Aircraft from taking off and shall preserve the Aircraft and its parts, any objects that may be aboard and the wreckage until the arrival of representatives of the Competent Authority.

Article (49)

1. Committees which the Competent Authority sets up in conjunction with the Concerned Authority to investigate Aircraft accidents shall have the right to enter the site of the accident and other places of interest to the investigation in order to search and inspect them and summon persons and question witnesses and instruct them to provide such information, documents or things as the committee shall deem necessary to ascertain the truth and take whatever measures are necessary to preserve the Aircraft and its cargo and parts and move it in whole or in part for the purpose of testing.
It shall not be permissible to move the Aircraft or its wreckage or cargo from the site of the accident without the approval of the committee. 
2. Security authorities and administrative bodies shall, within their respective jurisdictions, take the necessary measures to facilitate the work of said investigation committees and enforce any directives they issue for the purpose of carrying out their duties.

Article (50)

A representative of the State of Registry and state of manufacture of the Aircraft may be allowed to attend the investigation as an observer. The representative may seek the assistance of technical advisors.

Article (51)

The investigation committee shall submit its report on the accident, its causes and surrounding circumstances to the Competent Authority. The report and its conclusions shall be notified in accordance with international rules and regulations to the International Civil Aviation Organisation and the State of Registry of the Aircraft. The manufacturers of the Aircraft and its owner, Operator and insurers and the aggrieved parties shall be entitled to receive a copy of the report.

Article (52)

The Competent Authority may reinvestigate Aircraft accidents pursuant to a reasoned decision if new evidence becomes available to materially affect the outcome of the investigation. The final report of the committee investigating the Aircraft accident shall be deemed to be accurate as to the facts recorded therein until proven otherwise.

Article (53)

If the investigation committee finds that the accident is a crime or suspects that there is a crime involved, the Competent Authority shall refer the matter to the competent judicial authority in the State for necessary steps to be taken in this regard.

Article (54)

If an Aviation Accident occurs in the Territory of the State or its overlying airspace involving a civilian Aircraft and a military Aircraft or more, an investigating committee comprising an equal number of representatives from the Competent Authority and military aviation authorities will be set up. The committee shall submit its report to the Competent Authority for the necessary steps to be taken in accordance with international rules and regulations.

Part Eight: Offences Against Aircraft

Article (55)

Any person commits an offence against Aircraft if he intentionally and unlawfully commits, attempts to commit or is an accomplice of a person who commits or attempts to commit any of the following acts:
1. Performs an act of violence against a person on board an Aircraft in flight if that act is likely to endanger the safety of that Aircraft.
2. Seizes or destroys an Aircraft in service or causes damage to such an Aircraft which renders it incapable of flight or is likely to endanger its safety in flight.
3. Places or causes to be placed on an Aircraft in service, by any means whatsoever, a device or object which is likely to destroy that aircraft, or to cause damage to it which renders it incapable of flight, or to cause damage to it which is likely to endanger its safety in flight.
4. Destroys or damages air navigation facilities or interferes with their operation, if any such act is likely to endanger the safety of Aircraft in flight.
5. By force or threat thereof, or any other form of intimidation, seizes or exercises control of an Aircraft in flight.
6. Communicates information which he knows to be false, thereby endangering the safety of an Aircraft in flight.

Article (56)

1. An Aircraft is considered to be in flight at any time from the moment when all its external doors are closed following embarkation until the moment when any such door is opened for disembarkation.
2. An Aircraft is considered to be in service from the beginning of the preflight preparation of the Aircraft by ground personnel or by the crew for a specific flight until twenty-four hours after any landing. 

Article (57)

The State shall take such measures as may be necessary to establish its jurisdiction over the offences listed in Article 55 in the following cases:
1. When the offence is committed in the Territory of the State.
2. When the offence is committed on board an Aircraft registered in the State.
3. When the Aircraft on board which the offence is committed lands in the Territory of the State with the alleged offender still on board.
4. When the offence is committed on board an Aircraft leased to a lessee who has his principal place of business or, if the lessee has no such place of business, his permanent residence, in the State.
5- Where the alleged offender is present in the Territory of the State and it does not extradite him to any of the states concerned.
6. In any other case in which the State exercises criminal jurisdiction in accordance with national law. 

Part Nine: Search and Rescue

Article (58)

Search and rescue means any assistance provided, even if only by notification, to Aircraft in distress or experiencing danger or difficulties or in whose case there is doubt or fear for its safety including assistance provided to persons on board the Aircraft.

Article (59)

No person shall refrain from providing assistance to search and rescue operations within his abilities whenever the nature of his work would enable him to render such assistance if so requested by the Competent Authority or the Concerned Authority.

Article (60)

1. The Competent Authority shall, in conjunction with the concerned authorities, determine the search and rescue areas that fall within its responsibility. The Competent Authority shall designate centres to coordinate search and rescue operations within their jurisdiction according to the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organisation.
2. The Competent Authority shall, in conjunction with the concerned entities, organise rescue units in the State so that they are always ready to act according to plan.
3. The Competent Authority shall take necessary steps to coordinate and cooperate with other States, especially neighbouring States, in relation to search and rescue operations.

Article (61)

The concerned entities shall allow persons and Aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations to enter any Prohibited Area if there is compelling reason to believe that the Aircraft is present in that area or that the accident took place therein provided that the operations are carried out under the supervision of the Competent Authority.

Article (62)

The Operator of a salvaged Aircraft shall reimburse all costs incurred for the purpose of assistance, search and rescue operations and pay compensation for the damages that occurred during those operations or resulted directly therefrom in addition to any associated rewards.

Article (63)

The Court having jurisdiction over the place of occurrence of the accident shall be competent to entertain suits concerning search and rescue operations. The courts of the State shall be so competent whenever an accident occurs on the high seas or at any location that is not under the sovereignty of any State, in the following cases:-
1. Where the Aircraft which was searched for or rescued is registered in the State.
2. Where the plaintiff is a national of the State.
3. Where the Aircraft which was searched for was located after the accident in the Territory of the State.

Article (64)

Suits concerning search and rescue operations shall be time barred after 2 years from the date of completion of search and rescue.
In the case of cessation or interruption of the running of the limitation period, such suits will not be entertained after 3 years from the date of completion of search or rescue.

Part Ten: Fees for Air Navigation Services

Article (65)

The Cabinet shall by decision based on the proposal of the Minister of Communications specify the fees payable for the registration of Aircraft and the fees payable for the issue, approval, renewal and replacement of lost and damaged authorisations, certificates and licences, subject to no single fee exceeding AED 400,000 (UAE Dirhams Four Hundred Thousand).
The Cabinet shall by decision assess fees on users of air navigation services and any other services that fall under the jurisdiction of the executive branch of the Federation.

Article (66)

The following Aircraft are exempted from fees for the use of air navigation facilities:
     a. Aircraft of the State.
     b. Government Aircraft that are not engaged in providing any commercial activity for a fee.
     c.  Aircraft of the United Nations Organisation and its specialised agencies.
    d.  Aircraft of the Arab League and its specialised agencies.
   e.  Aircraft used, free of charge, in ambulance, search and rescue operations as well as Red Crescent and Red Cross Aircraft. 
    f. Any other Aircraft the Cabinet decides to exempt.

Article (67)

Employees of the Competent Authority appointed by decision of the Minister of Communications, after consulting the Minister of Justice, shall have law enforcement powers in relation to offences which are committed in violation of this Law or its implementing rules, regulations or decisions.

Article (68)

In the event of any breach of this Law or its implementing rules, regulations and decisions, the Competent Authority shall have the power to take any of the following measures:-
1. Suspend (for a specific period) or cancel the licence or permit it has issued the Operator or the Aircraft.
2. Suspend (for a specific period) or permanently revoke the Aircraft's Certificate of Airworthiness.
3. Suspend (for a specific period) or permanently revoke the aviation authorisation or any other authorisation.
4. Ban the Aircraft from flying for a specific period or force it to land after giving warning. 
5. Ban the Pilot in Command from flying in the Territory of the State for a specific period or permanently.

Article (69)

The penalty of jail for a period of up to 1 year and a fine of up to AED 50,000 or either shall be imposed on:
1. Any owner or Operator of Aircraft who allows his Aircraft to fly without a licence or permit from the Competent Authority or prior to obtaining its registration certificate or Certificate of Airworthiness or after the expiry or revocation of either. 
2. A person who unlawfully pilots an Aircraft or pilots and Aircraft during flight without holding certificates, authorisations or licences in accordance with this Law. 
3. A person who pilots an Aircraft in a state of inebriation that impairs his ability to fly the Aircraft.
4. A person who causes damage to communications facilities pertaining to aviation or navigational aids on the ground or fails to maintain them in good condition when under obligation to do so. 
5. A Pilot in Command of Aircraft who does not enter the particulars required to be entered in the documents or records of the Aircraft or alters such particulars.

Article (70)

The penalty of jail for a period of up to 3 years and a fine of up to AED 100,000 or either shall be imposed on:
1. A person who pilots an Aircraft or allows an Aircraft to fly without carrying the marks of nationality or registration or with incorrect or unclear marks.
2. A person who pilots an Aircraft over a Prohibited Area or unintentionally penetrates any such area without obeying the orders given to him.
3. A person who disobeys an order to land whilst flying over the territory of the State.
4. A person who lands or takes off outside aerodromes or designated areas or flies outside specified areas without a special permit from the Competent Authority or the Concerned Authority.
5. A Pilot in Command who flies above the Territory of the State without a permit carrying on board:
     a. Firearms, ammunition or any objects whose transport is prohibited by national laws.
   b. Persons with the intention of carrying out smuggling operations or a criminal offence even if not actually committed. 
6. A person who refrains without justification from responding to a request by the Competent Authority to use means available to him to rescue an Aircraft or person in distress due to an Aviation Accident. 

Part Eleven: Penalties and Offences

Article (71)

The penalty of jail for a period of up to 5 years shall be imposed on:
1. A person who steals equipment pertaining to air navigation facilities/ services or any devices or wiring necessary for or incidental to ensuring aviation safety.
2. A person who intentionally endangers facilities, buildings, devices or equipment necessary for or incidental to ensuring aviation safety.

Article (72)

The penalty of life imprisonment or a jail term shall be imposed on any person who intentionally commits or conspires or attempts to commit any of the offences listed in Article 55.


Article (73)

The provisions of this Law shall apply without prejudice to the application of any severer penalty provided for in any other law.

Article (74)

The courts of the State shall have jurisdiction to deal with all offences committed in violation of this Law and decisions, rules and regulations issued in implementation thereof within the Territory of the State or its overlying airspace or on board of national Aircraft on the high seas or at any location that is not under the sovereignty of any State.

Article (75)

An Aircraft may be ordered confiscated in the following circumstances:
1. If it carries incorrect marks of nationality or registration or no such marks whatsoever.
2. If the owner or Operator of the Aircraft carries firearms or ammunition for the purpose of smuggling or committing an offence against the security of the State.

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