
Cabinet Resolution Concerning the Training of Graduates of Colleges of Medicine and Medical Professions Other than Physicians and Pharmacists

The last update on this law was listed on 16 Mar 2017

Related legislations

Issued Date

16 Mar 2017

Effective Date

31 Mar 2017

Official Gazette Date

30 Mar 2017

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

For applying the provisions of this law, the following words and phrases shall bear the meanings ascribed thereto herein below, unless the text requires otherwise:
State: United Arab Emirates.
Ministry: Ministry of Health and Prevention.
Minister: Minister of Health and Prevention.
Health Authority: The Ministry or any governmental federal or local body in charge of health affairs in the State.  
College of Medicine: College of Medicine or Dentistry, as the case may be.
Physician: Graduate of the College of Medicine.
Colleges of Medical Professions: Any college that teaches any medical specialty that is permitted to be practiced by non- physicians and non-pharmacists, from among the professions listed in the table attached to Federal Law No. (5) of 1984 Concerning the Practice of Some Medical Professions by Persons other than Physicians & Pharmacist, as amended.
Trainee: Non-UAE Graduate of the College of Medicine or the Colleges of Medical Professions who joins the training program under the provisions hereof.
Internship Training: The training provided to graduates of the College of Medicine for one year, in order to be licensed to practice the profession.
Post Internship Training: Training provided to graduates of the College of Medicine after completing the internship, and the graduates of Colleges of Medical Professions.
Health Establishment: Any governmental or private health establishment in the State and is authorized by the Health Authority to provide training in accordance with this resolution, standards and controls determined by the Ministry in coordination with the other health authorities.  

Article (2) Objectives of the Resolution

This resolution aims to regulate the training provided to non-UAE graduates of the colleges of medicine or medical professions or their equivalents, including internship training and post internship training required for them to be licensed to practice medicine or medical professions in accordance with the relevant legislation.

Article (3) Training Enrolment Mechanism and Duration

Internship training or post internship training required for the purpose of licensing the practice of medicine, or any medical professions may be conducted at the health establishments in the State in accordance with the conditions and regulations specified under a resolution of the Minister.

Article (4) Duration of Post-Training Mandatory Work at the Health Establishment

The trainee shall be required, after completing the post internship training period, to work for the health establishment in which he has received the training, for a period equal to the period of training he has received, if the health establishment desires to appoint him.

Article (5) Training Pay

1. The intern physician shall not be entitled, during the internship period, to receive any cash-for-work.
2. The intern physician shall be entitled, during the post internship training period, to a monthly remuneration of not less than AED 5,000, provided that he has completed the internship training in accordance with the applicable rules.
3. The graduate of the College of Medical Professions shall be entitled, during the post internship training period, to receive a monthly remuneration of not less than AED 3,000.
4. The health establishment in which training takes place shall pay the monthly remuneration payable to the trainee in accordance with the provisions of this article after deducting an amount not exceeding (10%) as an insurance amount against the liability for medical error and the profession’s risks. 

Article (6) Calculation Criteria of Health Establishment’s Absorptive Capacity

1. Within the limits of its scope of competence, the health establishment shall determine the number of trainees admitted to be trained on annual basis, so as to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of training in accordance with its capabilities and specialties, at an average training rate of one trainee for every five beds, in addition to the number of physicians, consulting physicians, specialists, bed occupancy rate, the number of surgical operations done and any other criteria prescribed by the ministry
2. The health establishment shall admit the trainee in proportion to its absorptive capacity, which shall be determined in accordance with Clause (1) of this article, while prioritizing the admission of UAE graduates of the College of Medicine, particularly admitting their enrollment in internship training. 
3. Subject to the priority referred to in Clause (2) of this article, the training applications shall be admitted in accordance with the academic degrees of the graduates.

Article (7) Supervision and Control

The health authority shall, within the limits of its competence, take over the supervision and control of the training to be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this resolution.

Article (8) Standards and Conditions for Licensing and Evaluation

The Ministry, in coordination with the other health authority, shall:
1. Set the standards and conditions for granting a license to the health establishment to provide training in accordance with the provisions hereof.   
2. Set standards and conditions for evaluating the training period spent by the trainee.

Article (9) Transitional Provisions

The provisions of this resolution shall not apply to the contracts that are effective prior to the entry into force of this resolution, unless otherwise agreed between the trainee and the health establishment concerned.

Article (10) Repeals

Any provision that contradicts or conflicts herewith shall hereby be repealed.

Article (11) Publication and Enforcement

This Resolution shall be published in the official gazette and shall enter into force as of the day following the date of its publication.

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