
Cabinet Resolution Concerning the Executive Regulations of Federal Law Concerning Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

The last update on this law was listed on 31 Aug 2016

Related legislations

Issued Date

31 Aug 2016

Effective Date

30 Sep 2016

Official Gazette Date

29 Sep 2016

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1) Definitions

For the purposes of this Resolution, the following words and phrases bear the meanings ascribed to each, unless the context requires otherwise:
State: The United Arab Emirates.
Ministry: The Ministry of Economy.
Minister: The Minister of Economy.
Law: Federal Law No. (2) of 2014 Concerning Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.
SMEs: Any sole proprietorship engaged in an economic activity, and of small, medium, or micro size.
Council: The Council of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.
Program: The National Program for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

Article (2) Participation in International Fairs

For the purposes of allocating an adequate space for owners of the SMEs that are members of the Program to showcase the national products in international fairs in which the State participates, the following conditions shall be met:
1. A proof that these SMEs are wholly owned by nationals of the State shall be provided;
2. The owner of the SME registered as a member of the local funds, associations or programs concerned with SMEs, or any other entity approved by the Council, shall obtain a letter of nomination to participate in the fair;
3. The SME shall have engaged in its business for at least six months;
4. Any other conditions as prescribed by the Council.

Article (3) Provision of Information on International Fairs

The necessary information on foreign markets shall be provided to the owners of SMEs that are members of the Program according to the following:
1. Every Ministry, Departments of Economic Development, Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the State, and funds and institutions concerned with local SMEs shall make available the information referred to in this Article.
2. The Ministry shall submit the recommendations and periodical reports on foreign markets as well as the necessary information to the Council to create a database of SMEs in coordination and partnership with concerned entities.
3. The Ministry shall take the necessary measures to circulate the information mentioned in Paragraph (2) of this Article to owners of the concerned SMEs.
4. The Council and competent entities, including the Ministry, shall always put in place the advanced technology to make available the necessary information on foreign markets for owners of the SMEs.

Article (4) Additional Facilities to SMEs

Every person who obtains any information related to the SMEs database pursuant to Article (3) of this Resolution shall not use such information for any purposes in contravention of the legislation in force in the State or in detriment to third parties.

Article (5) Additional Facilities to SMEs

The additional facilities granted to SMEs that have divisions specialized in research, development and innovation, that realized an economic success, include:
1. The priority to receive the facilities and incentives stipulated in the Law;
2. The priority to have a space in the local and foreign fairs organized by the State to showcase the national products.

Article (6)

The additional facilities granted to inventors and patent proprietors in the State include:
1. The priority to receive the facilities and incentives stipulated in the Law;
2. The priority to receive financial facilities to complete the research and development stages towards innovation and invention, to serve the commercial marketing as defined by the Council;
3. Invitation to participate in training and research programs in which the concerned entities participate outside the State in order to acquire the skills, expertise and best practices necessary for their work;
4. The priority to participate in the local fairs organized by the relevant entities concerned with innovation and invention.

Article (7) Insurance on SME

For the owners of SMEs to obtain the facilities and incentives provided for in the Law and this Resolution, insurance contracts shall be taken out for SMEs with an approved insurer in the State. Such insurance contracts shall include the following types:
1. Insurance against fire and accidents
2. Insurance for equipment and machinery

Article (8) Final Provisions

The Minister shall issue necessary decisions for the execution of the provisions hereof.

Article (9)

Every provision contradicting or contravening the provisions of the present Resolution is repealed.Every provision contradicting or contravening the provisions of the present Resolution is repealed.

Article (10)

This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force from the following day of its publication.

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