The United Arab Emirates, June 24, 2024: The unified platform for federal legislation in the United Arab Emirates UAE Legislation accessible online at “”, whose launching was revealed by the UAE Cabinet last February, has recorded +1 million visits, from inside and outside the UAE, during the first 5 months of its launch.
Global Interest
During its first five months, the UAE Legislation website has attracted more than one million (1,000,000) visits by more than 170,000 new visitors, of which more than 51,000 are navigating from outside the UAE. The platform’s statistics indicated that more than 30% of the website’s visitors are from outside the UAE and that the number of visitors who used the advanced search engine provided by the platform exceeded 80,000 users. The platform’s statistics showed that the most viewed legislation is the “Civil Procedure Law,” scoring 27,681 visits, followed by the “Crimes and Penalties Law,” with 23,835 visits, then the “Criminal Procedures Law,” around 20,156 visits, and the “Personal Status Law,” around 17,069 visits.
Participatory Platform
The UAE Legislation platform is a participatory and interactive platform that aims to encourage community members to take part in reviewing draft federal laws and decisions through electronic campaigns available on the platform and to spread legal awareness among them. The platform provides users interested in legislation with access to important services. It keeps them constantly informed about the latest legislative updates through sectorial classification of the website content, along with advanced and easy search tools. On the UAE legislation platform, users can download any UAE legislative text, in Arabic and English, thanks to the open data solution. It also provides a feature allowing various community segments to participate in drafting law projects and submit comments using UAE pass.
Integrated Ecosystem
All types of UAE legislation are listed in the platform, on sector-based classification, in 17 groups, to facilitate search and provide a great user experience. The platform also provides various advanced search tools: users can search using the name of the law, its number, the year of its issuance, or keywords from the legislative text. Additionally, the platform includes all legislative amendments and promulgations applied to each legislation and links them to other relevant legislation, including regulatory decisions and related executive regulations.
The UAE Legislation is the official platform for the legislation of the UAE government; It is developed and managed by the General Secretariat of the Cabinet in coordination with relevant authorities, in order to provide audiences, from inside and outside the country, access to the UAE laws.