
Federal Law on Volunteering in Civil Defence

The last update on this law was listed on 24 Apr 2004

Issued Date

24 Apr 2004

Effective Date

27 Apr 2004

Official Gazette Date

27 Apr 2004

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (1)

In applying the provisions of this Law, the following words shall have the meanings ascribed thereto, unless the context requires otherwise:
The State: The United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Ministry: Ministry of Interior.
Minister: Minister of Interior.
Directorate: General Directorate of Civil Defence.
Directorate: Every civil person applying as a volunteer to participate in civil defence works, whether in case of peace, war, disasters or emergencies.
Volunteer: Every civil person applying as a volunteer to participate in civil defence works, whether in case of peace, war, disasters or emergencies.

Article (2)

A volunteer shall fulfil the following requirements:
    1. He shall be of good conduct.
    2. He shall not be less than (16) sixteen years of age.
    3. He shall be medically fit.

Article (3)

Volunteering shall be joined subject to an application to be submitted to Directors of General Directorates of Civil Defence on the template prepared for this purpose and the Minister shall issue a decision concerning such application.

Article (4)

A volunteer shall perform the following tasks and duties:
    1. To help in firefighting.
    2. To participate in rescuing and aiding injured and wounded persons and taking them to the nearest treatment unit.
    3. To participate in sheltering and evacuation operations for the victims and homeless because of wars, disasters or other events, relieving and providing necessary services for them.
    4. To participate in the works of application of preventive requirements, safety and preventive education as well as increasing the morale of society members.
    5. To report any strange and suspicious materials, such as explosives, bombs or any other materials of possible danger.
    6. To supervise and prepare hangers and to guide individuals to its places.
    7. To educate society members with the importance of civil defence and encourage them to join as volunteers.
    8. Any other duties assigned to the volunteer in cases of peace, war, disasters, emergencies or any other events.
    9. The role of the female volunteer shall be confined to any work that fits her nature and does not contradict with the provisions of Islamic Sharia.

Article (5)

Training courses shall be prepared for volunteers, and the Directorate shall determine the type and periods of such courses.

Article (6)

1. A volunteer shall promptly be absent from his original work in cases of peace, war, disasters, emergencies or any other events whenever he is called by the Directorate. Salary or wage the volunteer collects from his original work shall continue to be released if the volunteer is an employee at federal or local government entities or if he works in the private sector.
2. A non-employee shall be granted a remuneration if the period of using his volunteer work exceeds 24 hours for each case he is called for volunteer service. Remuneration shall be determined by the committee stipulated in the aforementioned Federal Law No. (3) of 1979.
3. The Directorate shall provide the needs of the volunteer, including food, clothes and treatment during his volunteer work.
4. The Directorate shall provide an appropriate means of transport for the volunteer when he is called for a duty if he lives outside the operations area.
5. Period of volunteering shall be calculated within the actual service of the volunteer at his original employer.
6. The Directorate may grant the volunteer who achieves heroic, brave and distinguished acts during his volunteer work medals, certificates of appreciation and incentive rewards.

Article (7)

Without prejudice to provisions decided in Islamic Sharia and legislations applicable in the State, a decision shall be issued by the Minister to determine the value of compensation to be given in case of the volunteer's injury or death during or because of the volunteer work.

Article (8)

The volunteer shall abide by the following:
    1. Respond to the call of the Directorate and arrive quickly to the area where the volunteer is called any time he is required to do so.
    2. Not to abandon the work assigned to him or refuse to proceed without an acceptable excuse.
    3. Not to tell any statement to media without a prior permission from the Directorate.
    4.  Not to make any actions that are in odd with public conduct.
    5. Not to disclose any confidential matter due to its nature or subject to regulations and by-laws of Civil Defence.
    6. Keep all tools, equipment and devices the volunteer delivers as a trust and to return the same promptly upon leaving the service, and shall report in case any of these tools, equipment or devices is damaged or lost.
    7. Notify the Directorate with any change that occurs in his details such as his name, nationality, address or phone number and other basic details.
    8. Maintain the confidentiality of secrets and privacy of persons who receive the required help while previewing their privacy peculiarities pursuant to the values, habits and traditions.

Article (9)

A volunteer shall be deemed, subject to this law, a public service person with respect to all works of civil defence assigned to the volunteer.

Article (10)

A volunteer shall be released from his volunteer work for one of the following reasons:
    1. Crippling disease.
    2. Permanent disability.
    3. Residency expiration in the State.
    4. To be punished with a freedom-restricting penalty in a felony or misdemeanour, misdemeanour violating honour, trust or a crime against the external or internal security of the State.
    5. If the volunteer expresses his desire in writing to be exempted and the Directorate accepts such request.

Article (11)

A special item in the budget of the Ministry shall be created to cover the expenses required for the execution of the provisions of this Law.

Article (12)

A volunteer shall be subject to provisions of the Regulation that will be issued by the Minister with respect to discipline and investigation of violations and related penalties.

Article (13)

The Minister shall issue the Regulations and Resolutions necessary to apply the provisions of this Law.

Article (14)

Any provision that violates or contradicts the provisions of this Law shall be repealed.

Article (15)

This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force as of the date of its publication.

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