
Cabinet Resolution Concerning the Executive Regulations of Federal Law Concerning Consumer Protection

The last update on this law was listed on 03 Jul 2023

Related legislations

Issued Date

03 Jul 2023

Effective Date

14 Oct 2023

Official Gazette Date

14 Jul 2023

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail

Article (3) Labelling

The provider shall clearly and legibly display the essential information specified by laws, regulations, technical standards, and approved specifications regarding the packaging or presentation of the product. Such data shall be according to the nature of the product and it shall include, but is not limited to, the following details: 
1. The name, type, nature, components and quantity of the good, whether in relation to weight, measurement, number, measure, capacity, standard, or any other criteria affecting the value thereof; 
2. The country of origin (the name of the country preceded by the phrase: “Made in”); 
3. The country of export (if any); 
4. The name of the producer or importer, accompanied by the commercial address or trademark
5. Production date and shelf life; 
6. Conditions of trade, storage and method of use; 
7. Warning of the dangers that may result from the wrong use of the good, which shall be in a clear and easy-to-read font; and
8. Determination of the categories and ages of consumers who may be exposed to risks when using the product, especially children, disabled, and the elderly.

Article (8) Misleading Advertisement for a Good or Service

A description, advertisement, or offer of a good or service, as case may be, shall be considered deceptive if it includes a misleading statement that may lead, directly or indirectly, to creating an unreal or misleading impression on the consumer, and in particular if it deals with one or more of the following elements: 
1. The nature of the good, composition, essential characteristics, the elements that make up the good, quantity, shape or appearance thereof; 
2. The characteristics of the good, including its origin, nature, method of production, production date, expiration date, conditions of use, usage precautions, weight, size, quantity, measurement, agent, capacity, standard, or any other relevant criteria that shall be specified; 
3. The country of origin, the country of export, or the entity producing the good; 
4. Contract terms and procedures, including after-sales service, warranty, price, and type of payment; 
5. Prizes, certificates or quality marks; 
6. Trademarks, data, or logos; or 
7. The characteristics of the good or service and the expected results from use thereof.

Article (22) Informing the Consumer Upon Discovery of Defect in Goods

1. The consumer shall be notified upon discovery of a defect in the good by the provider or his legal representative, in coordination with the concerned authority, according to the following: 
    a. Announcement in at least two daily local newspapers, one of which shall be in Arabic; 
    b. Announcement on all websites and social media of the provider or the competent authority within (24) twenty-four hours of discovering the defect; 
    c. The area of the announcement shall not be less than (15 cm x 15 cm) in a clear and legible manner, unless the concerned authority specifies other specifications for it; and 
    d. The announcement shall include the following information: 
        1. Name, address, email address and contact number of the provider; 
        2. The trademark of the good; 
        3. Name, description and the country of origin of the good; 
        4. A clear picture of the good; 
        5. The number of the defective goods; 
        6. Description of the defect; 
        7. The model or operational number of the good; 
        8. Instructions that the consumer shall follow in order to avoid any damages that may result from the use of the good; 
        9. Instructions that the consumer shall follow to repair, replace or recover the value of the good; and 
        10.    Communicate with the consumer by all available means, including by phone or via e-mail, and write this down in a special registry. 
2. The concerned authority shall determine the period of time in which the announcement shall be made and the timing thereof, and it shall have the right to determine any other means of announcing. 

Article (40) E-Commerce

1. Subject to the provisions of this Resolution, the provider, who works in E-commerce, shall state in a clear and legible manner, according to the nature of each good, the basic data stipulated in the rules, laws, technical regulations, and approved standards, particularly the following: 
    a. Name of the producer and the importer, along with their respective trade name, address and trademark
    b. Name, type, nature, components, and amount of the goods, whether in relation to weight, size, number, measure, energy, standard, or any other measures that affect the value of the goods, and not displaying it in a manner different from the nature, size, or standards of the product; 
    c. Attach a detailed statement according to the nature of each good that clearly includes the components and standards of the goods in its original language in addition to Arabic language; 
    d. The country of origin (the name of the country preceded by the phrase: “Made in”)and the country of export (if any); 
    e. Production date and shelf life; 
f. Warning of the dangers that may result from the wrong use of the goods; 
    g. Terms and conditions of goods return or exchange; and 
    h. Conditions of trade, storage and method of use. 
2. The provider, who works in E- commerce, shall provide all supporting documents for the conformity of the goods according to the rules, laws, technical regulations and standards, and shall place the conformity badge on the web page; and 
3. The provider shall bear the responsibility for any defect in the goods provided through a third party using its electronic platform for sale.

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