
Federal Law by Decree Concerning Anti-Commercial Fraud

The last update on this law was listed on 28 Sep 2023

Issued Date

28 Sep 2023

Effective Date

29 Nov 2023

Official Gazette Date

29 Sep 2023

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail


Article (1) Definitions

In application of the provisions of this Law by Decree, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context otherwise requires:
State: United Arab Emirates.
Ministry: Ministry of Economy.
Minister: Minister of Economy.
Competent Authority: The relevant Emirate's local competent authority responsible for applying the provisions of this Law by Decree.
Competent Court: The Federal or Local Court, as the case may be.
Supreme Committee: Supreme Committee for Anti-Commercial Fraud.
Commercial Fraud: Deceiving customers by any means, whether by replacing or changing the commodities' nature, amount, type, price, fundamental features, origin, source, or validity, or providing false or misleading commercial data on the promoted products, or any other matter related thereto that leads to deceiving the customer.
Goods: Every natural material or animal, agricultural, industrial, transformative or intellectual product, including basic and luxury products, raw materials, manufactured and semi-manufactured materials.
Fraudulent Goods: Any piece of goods that has undergone a change that has caused it to lose some of its material or moral value, whether by addition or decrease, or change in essence, nature, type, properties, shape, elements, measure, size, number, capacity, calibre, origin, or source, or advertising or promoting it in a manner that contradicts its reality, or not conforming to the specifications and standards specified in the State.
Spoilt Goods: Any goods which become not wholly or partially suitable for exploitation, use, or consumption.
Counterfeit Goods: The goods which bear, without permission, a trademark which is identical or similar to a legally registered trademark.
Establishment: Any person carrying out an economic activity, a person associated with it, or any group of such persons, regardless of its legal form, through which economic activity may be carried out in the State.
Provider: Every natural or legal person who imports, exports, re-exports, manufactures, produces, markets, trades, promotes, disposes of, sells, possesses, stores, transports or displays goods for its own account or for the account of others.
Customer Recalling the goods: The natural or legal person that purchases the goods.
Any measure aimed at preventing the introduction of fraudulent, spoilt or counterfeit goods into the State.

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