
Federal Law Concerning Sports

The last update on this law was listed on 24 May 2023

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Issued Date

24 May 2023

Effective Date

01 Jun 2023

Official Gazette Date

31 May 2023

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail


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Chapter Five: Management of Registered Sports Entities

Chapter Five: Management of Registered Sports Entities

Article (38) Obligations of Registered Sports Entities

Registered sports organizations shall be committed to the following:
1. Implementing the goals and objectives stipulated in its statute.
2. Refraining from engaging in any political activity or exploiting the sports organization for political reasons.
3. Refraining from provoking religious, sectarian or racial conflicts.
4. Committing to all international sports agreements ratified by the State.
5. Applying governance and accounting standards through auditing the financial statements of revenues and expenditures and approving such statements by the general assembly, and to include the principle of no conflict of interest within its statutes.
6. Notifying the Authority of all decisions issued by international sports organizations and federations.
7. Keep accounting records in accordance with the accounting rules and standards applicable in the State and submitting them upon request.
8. Opening a bank account or accounts in the State.
9. Appointing licensed auditors in the State.
10. To include in its by-laws and regulations a reference to the exclusive competence of the UAE Centre for Sports Arbitration to resolve sports disputes and adjudicate them through arbitration in accordance with the aforementioned Federal Law No. (16) of 2016.
11. Forming independent internal committees to settle sports disputes in accordance with its statute.
12. Setting systems to manage fans in sports facilities during matches or sporting events they supervise its organization in coordination with the competent authority.
13. Raising awareness of the values of civilized encouragement, sportsmanship and respect for others.
14. Preserving sports facilities and public and private property.
15. Publishing and promoting a culture of peace and tolerance.
16. Encouraging studies and research related to the prevention of violence and fans riot in sports facilities.
17. Notifying the Authority of its registered sports trademarks in accordance with the mechanism issued subject to a decision from the Chairman.
18. Implementing the decisions and regulations issued by the Authority.
19. Any other obligations for which a decision is issued by the head of the competent authority.

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