
Federal Decree by Law Concerning Promulgating the Commercial Transactions Law

The last update on this law was listed on 03 Oct 2022

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Issued Date

03 Oct 2022

Effective Date

02 Jan 2023

Official Gazette Date

10 Oct 2022

Official Gazette No

737 (ملحق1)

Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail


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Book One: Trade in General

Part Two: Business Assets, Trade Name, Unfair Competition, Trademarks and Commercial Data

Book Two: Commercial Obligations and Contracts

Part Two: Commercial Sale

Part Six: Commercial Agency

Book One: Trade in General

Part Two: Business Assets, Trade Name, Unfair Competition, Trademarks and Commercial Data

Chapter Two: Trademarks and Commercial Data: Article (68)

Trademarks and commercial data shall be regulated by specific laws to be enacted in this regard.

Book Two: Commercial Obligations and Contracts

Part Two: Commercial Sale

Article (109)

1. Where the item sold is a commodity protected by a registered trademark, it is permissible to agree that the buyer may not sell at a price less than a certain price.
2. The court may decide the non-compliance with this condition if it considers that the item sold is a necessary commodity.
3. The buyer's successors shall not be bound to comply with the above condition, except if they came to know or they could have known about it.

Part Six: Commercial Agency

Chapter Two: Certain Types of Commercial Agencies: 1- Contract Agency: Article (215)

1. A contract agency is a contract whereby an agent undertakes to carry out, continuously and in a specific area of activity, instigation and negotiation in order to conclude transactions for the benefit of the principal in return for a remuneration. The contracts agent's task may include the conclusion and implementation of such transactions in the name of the principal and for his account.
2. A contract agency shall be in writing and shall indicate in particular the scope of agency, remuneration of the agent, area of activity, contract term, in case of a fixed-term contract, and the trademark (if any) of the commodity subject of the agency.

Article (233)

1. A commission agent may not change trademarks affixed to the goods received by him from the principal or for the principal's account.
2. Where the commission agent has possession of a whole bunch of goods of the same kind which were dispatched to him by different principals, he shall distinctively label each batch of goods.

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