
Federal Law regarding Scholarships and Student Aids

The last update on this law was listed on 13 Mar 1984

Related legislations

Issued Date

13 Mar 1984

Effective Date

18 Mar 1984

Official Gazette Date

18 Mar 1984

Official Gazette No


Legislation State


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this website/ legislation. However, for the purpose of their interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail



Chapter One: Definitions

Chapter Two: Supervision of Scholarships and Student Aids

Chapter Three: Scholarships Committee and its Competences

Chapter Four: Conditions of Dispatching on Scholarships

Chapter Five: Financial Provisions

Chapter Six: Cultural Offices

Chapter Seven: Cancellation or Termination of Scholarships or Student Aids

Chapter Eight: General Provisions

Chapter Nine: Final and Transitional Provisions

Chapter One: Definitions

Article 1 Definitions

For the purpose of applying the provisions of the Present Law, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned thereto respectively:
The Ministry: The Ministry of Education. 
The Minister: The Minister of Education. 
The Committee: The Scholarships Committee of the Ministry of Education. 
Administrative Authorities: The ministries, government departments, public institutions and public bodies. 
Dispatched Student: Any person dispatched on a scholarship to study and obtain an academic qualification, to obtain training or to acquire knowledge. 

Chapter Two: Supervision of Scholarships and Student Aids

Article 2 Management and Supervision

The Ministry shall manage the affairs of scholarships and student aids inside or outside the State, follow up the affairs of dispatched students with a view to promoting the academic and cultural excellence of the nationals of the State, provide the Administrative Authorities with the academic and technical personnel and provide the skills needed thereby in various specialties and areas.

Chapter Three: Scholarships Committee and its Competences

Article 3 Formation of the Committee

The Committee shall be formed by a resolution of the Minister and shall be chaired by the Undersecretary of the Ministry or his representative. It shall be composed of a number of the Ministry's competent employees. Representatives of the relevant Administrative Authorities shall be called to attend the meetings of the said Committee when discussing the affairs of their scholarships.

Article 4 Competences of the Committee

The Committee shall have the following competences:
A. Proposing the general policy of the scholarships in a manner that achieves the public interest and in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Authorities and development plans;
B. Identifying the requirements of the Administrative Authorities from the scholarships at their request;
C. Estimating the expenditures of scholarships and student aids to take them into consideration when preparing the estimated annual expenditures of the Ministry;
D. Proposing the standards and principles based on which the candidates for scholarships are selected;
E. Proposing the draft Financial Regulations of the Present Law;
F. Considering any matters related to the scholarships, dispatched students and student aids, which are referred to it by the Minister and proposing the necessary solutions; and
G. All other competences that fall within its powers in accordance with the provisions of the Present Law or its Financial Regulations.
The Minister shall issue a resolution determining the rules of the Committee meetings and the method of issuing its decisions.
The Minister shall approve the proposals and decisions of this Committee.

Chapter Four: Conditions of Dispatching on Scholarships

Article 5 Conditions to be met by Dispatched Students

Whoever is dispatched on a scholarship at the expense of the State, or at the expense of any other country according to an agreement concluded with such country, shall meet the following conditions:
A. He shall be a national of the United Arab Emirates.
B. He shall hold the General Certificate of Secondary Education, or at least its equivalent, and this condition may be waived for students dispatched to institutes of applied sciences, religious institutes, and other institutes that do not require holding the General Certificate of Secondary Education, by a resolution of the Minister, or any other Dispatched Students determined by a Cabinet resolution based on a proposal of the Minister.
C. He shall be of good and reputable character.

Article 6 Powers of the Scholarship Department

The Scholarship Department of the Ministry shall undertake the procedural and executive tasks related to scholarships and student aids in accordance with the standards and bases laid down by the Committee. Furthermore, it shall be responsible for carrying out the procedures of faculty members and teaching assistants who are dispatched by the university on scholarships until the university completes its regulations and can independently manage the affairs of its dispatched students.

Chapter Five: Financial Provisions

Article 7 Estimation of Expenses and Costs

The Ministry shall be responsible for estimating the expenses of scholarships and student aids, as well as the costs of cultural offices abroad.
The competent financial departments and divisions of the Ministry shall supervise the disbursement and spending in accordance with the applicable laws, regulations and financial rules.

Article 8 Financial Regulations

The Financial Regulations of the Present Law shall be issued by a Cabinet resolution based on the proposal of the Minister, after consulting the Ministry of Finance. The Financial Regulations shall include the financial matters related to the following:
a. Scholarships at the expense of the State or at the expense of any other country under an agreement concluded with such country;
b. Student aids and funds allocated for each degree and type thereof, including funds allocated to expats provided a place by the Ministry to study in the State schools and universities, and student aids for national external students abroad;
c. Entitlements of employees who are given a study leave in addition to their entitlements under Federal Law No. (8) of 1973 Concerning the Civil Service in the Federal Government, as amended; and
d. All other financial matters related to the implementation of the Present Law.

Article 9 Monthly Salary of Dispatched Students

The monthly salary of any student dispatched on a scholarship shall commence as of the first day of the month during which he travels to study, and such salary shall continue to be paid on a regular basis until the end of the scholarship.

Article 10 Financial Allowances Allocated to Dispatched Students

The Ministry shall provide furnished accommodation for scholarship female students and required means of transport whose expenses shall be covered by the scholarships' budget, and the Financial Regulations shall determine the amounts to be deducted from the monthly allowances for the same.
The Ministry shall provide the national Dispatched Student with tickets for his wife and minor children who accompany him abroad and they shall be provided with the appropriate accommodation by the Ministry in accordance with the provisions contained in the Financial Regulations.

Article 11 Period of Payment of Financial Allowances

The financial allowances allocated to Dispatched Students on a scholarship or those who are granted a student aid abroad shall continue to be paid for a period of three months after the completion of study and obtaining the academic qualification to complete the return arrangements.

Article 12 Financial Burdens to be Borne by the Ministry

The Ministry shall bear the costs of shipping the excess baggage of the Dispatched Student returning from a scholarship, as determined by the Financial Regulations.

Article 13 Compensation to Dispatched Students

In the event of material damage inflicted on the Dispatched Student due to accidents not caused by the Dispatched Student's mistake or negligence or due to public disasters, the Dispatched Student shall be compensated for the damage inflicted thereon. The amount of compensation shall be determined by a resolution of the Minister based upon the report of the cultural office, or the substitute thereof, provided that the report is certified by the relevant UAE Embassy.
The scholarships' budget shall cover the court fees and attorney fees to claim the Dispatched Student's rights, if necessary, at the discretion of the cultural office.

Article 14 Student Aids

The Cabinet may, based upon the proposal of the Minister of Education, grant student aids to the nationals of Arab and Islamic countries and friendly countries who study outside the United Arab Emirates, as well as to the expatriates coming therefrom to study in the State schools and universities in accordance with the limits set out in the Financial Regulations.

Chapter Six: Cultural Offices

Article 15 Employees of Cultural Offices

The attaches shall nominate the cultural offices' heads and all non-local employees thereof under resolutions to be issued by the Minister, while the local employees of such cultural offices shall be appointed by the heads of the cultural offices whose budgets shall cover their employment, under the prior approval of the Minister or whomever he delegates. All such persons shall report to the Ministry of Education in respect of cultural, administrative and financial matters and to the head of the diplomatic mission at the embassy in respect of diplomatic matters.

Article 16 Overseas Cultural Offices

Overseas cultural offices of the State shall supervise the Dispatched Students, including employees on study leave or those who are granted a student aid in academic, financial, social and health terms, in accordance with the provisions contained in the Present Law and the regulations and resolutions issued in implementation hereof and shall provide the required relevant reports to the Scholarship Department of the Ministry.
In the absence of a cultural office, the UAE Embassy shall assign some of its employees to perform such tasks.

Article 17 Branches of Cultural Offices

The Minister may, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, open branches of cultural offices in cities where there is no headquarters of the UAE Embassy in case that there is high student density in such cities.

Article 18 Activities of Cultural Offices and their Branches

Cultural offices and their branches may organize trips, cultural and social festivals and seminars, hold student cultural or art exhibitions, and invite lecturers to such seminars as indicated by the Executive Regulations and within the limits of the financial provisions of scholarships.

Chapter Seven: Cancellation or Termination of Scholarships or Student Aids

Article 19 Cancellation of Scholarships or Student Aids

A scholarship or student aid may be canceled by a resolution of the Minister if he delays to enroll in his study abroad program for a period of three months from the issuance date of the decision of dispatching on scholarship or granting student aid, unless such delay is due to an excuse acceptable to the Ministry.

Article 20 Termination of Scholarships or Student Aids

The Minister may terminate the scholarship or student aid of the Dispatched Student by a resolution issued thereby based upon a proposal of the Committee in the following cases:
A. If he marries a non-Muslim foreigner.
B. If he fails, without an excuse acceptable to the Ministry, to complete a minimum number of credit hours required in three separate semesters during the period of his dispatch in case of applying the semester system, or if he fails, without an excuse acceptable to the Ministry, in two consecutive academic years in case of applying the academic year system. The academic year shall run from 1st October of each year to the end of September of the following calendar year.
C. If he behaves disgracefully or he harms the reputation of the State abroad.
D. If he performs a destructive activity that is inconsistent with the teachings of the true Islamic religion or the State's traditions and values.
E. If he obtains a scholarship or student aid from any other entity without the approval of the Ministry. The financial rewards and prizes granted to the Dispatched Student by the university or institute where he studies because of his academic excellence shall not be regarded as a student aid.
F. If he changes the type of study for which he has been dispatched or changes the country of study without the approval of the Ministry.

Chapter Eight: General Provisions

Article 21 Students with Disabilities

Until a special law on the dispatch of students with disabilities or impairments on a scholarship is issued, the provisions of the Present Law shall apply to the said persons, and the Financial Regulations shall determine the relevant financial allowances.

Chapter Nine: Final and Transitional Provisions

Article 22 Applicability of the Federal Law

The rules of scholarships mentioned in the Present Law shall apply to the university scholarships. The university shall undertake all tasks related to the administrative, financial and technical affairs of its Dispatched Students until it completes its regulations and bodies.

Article 23 Effect of Resolutions contrary to the Provisions of Law No. (10/1972)

The Cabinet resolutions that were issued regarding some financial rules of scholarships and the procedures that were taken by the Ministry without complying with the provisions of Federal Law No. (10) of 1972 on Scholarships, as amended, shall be deemed effective from the entry into force date thereof, and shall remain in force until the Financial Regulations of the Present Law are issued.

Article 24 Law No. (10/1972) Remains in Force

Subject to the provisions of the previous Article, the financial provisions of the scholarships set forth in Federal Law No. (10) of 1972 on Scholarships, as amended, and the Cabinet resolutions issued in implementation of the aforementioned Law shall remain in force until the Financial Regulations of the Present Law are issued.

Article 25 Repeal of Federal Law No. (10) of 1972

Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous Article, Federal Law No. (10) of 1972 on Scholarships is hereby repealed.

Article 26 Enforcement of the Federal Law

The Minister shall issue the necessary resolutions to enforce the Present Law.

Article 27 Publishing in the Official Gazette

The Present Law shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall enter into force as of its publishing date.

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